Best cycle to get shredded reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


Anthony Gallo Image

All good in the hood. Exercise. Don't leave it to the last minute. PPL+core (40 lbs dumbbells mostly, small bench for dumbbell press) 175g protein daily, 35/25/40 macros of F/C/P, 2000 calories. Aug 13, 2020 · A 5-day training and diet guide to help you get shredded - not in 5 days, but it's a start to get you on the right foot. Jun 13, 2020 · 2. Wondering if you fine folks have any favorite body weight exercise routines to supplement your cycling? Yeah. Assuming your self-assessment is correct (Most people underestimate their BF%) to get to 20% BF, losing 1% BW loss per week (2Lbs), it will still take you 19 weeks at about a 1000 cal deficit. I wasnt doing all of the other stuff to stack. Excuse me It’s not the best thing for shredding no such thing earlier you asked for advise on shredding and my advise was a bike it’s easy on joints. Add Brutal Finishers at the End of Your Big-Muscle Workouts. when you do get on the bike, try 20-30min HIIT type activities tracking macros Doing something like Power zone training will get you stronger, and better cardio, but certainly not ripped. Please think long term about your health and do not do that to yourself. My advice to you is to get some pre-cycle bloods and see where you’re at. This, in turn, elevates your heart rate and burns more total calories. 5'10 171 lbs at ~12-13% bf. This has always been effective for me to get to 10% BF or slightly below and easy to manage. By extending your sets, you make your muscles work harder with longer times under tension. I'd like to accomplish both fat loss and extreme muscle mass gain. It made my cutting phase easy, helping me burn fat and get ripped without losing muscle mass or strength. To get shredded with CrossFit, combine high-intensity workouts with a well-structured diet and possibly some additional accessory exercises. You'll lose adipose tissue and build muscle tissue. Use Portion Control. Strength train to build muscle. 1. Once gyms reopen, aim for 2-3 days a week then eventually work up to 4. Just train hard and eat in a slight deficit. Rad140 cardarine +sr9011. You will probably keep all your gains, and you will also probably not look joocy levels of impressive afterwards, probably just look like a decent natty Apr 16, 2023 · How to get shredded. While you definitely need to adopt a lifestyle change, the maintenance is a lot more sustainable than the effort needed to get there (unless you want it to take forever). I'd recommend going the gym consistently (3x a week) and lifting, focusing on your areas of concern. Full body is known to provide the best growth stimulus in general which is why its best for begjnners at least. Absolutely no need to use tren for this purpose alone. That worked out every time. Eat Enough Protein. Chode. Science based discussion on harm… Having muscle helps you look shredded. Sure you can make progress doing this however getting ripped is a product is a low body fat and average/good musculature. This is a 3-month non-liver-toxic cycle that has 2 distinct phases, mass and lean mass/cutting. depends on how quick you want to lose it and how small you want your dick to get. Eat 800 grams (raw weight) chicken breast a day and you'll be under 1000cal and 180g protein. This does not exclude people in the 18-30% range, but those over that should consider other weight loss techniques in order to get to a healthier body fat level as quickly as possible to reduce risk of cardiovascular problems Based on your weekly average weight loss you can add or subtract calories to make sure you're making your 1-1. Compare that to a common 3x touring setup: 48/36/26 cranks, and an 11-36 cassette. If such extended time is not on your side, I recommend at minimum six weeks for any cutting program. That said, it works in a totally different way than the strength-building programs and is a good compliment. If you are currently 15% bodyfat or over (google images) you will make progress doing the exercises however you won't necessarily get ripped or make fast progress. sort of push, pull, legs , shoulders at the minute. There are a bunch of right answers when it comes to Macro distribution. . but I've been dieting for a long time for my upcoming show, so I understand it is gonna be a damn near religious experience to have that first cheat meal bite anavar 100mg: Hardly notice that I am on anything, but it still has some of that tren/mtren magic. Grow baby grow Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Have an exit strategy for both diet and drugs. Very happy to just get 50mi in per week, and I’ve lost almost 20 lbs. Also, what diet you follow isn’t as important as your overall calories and macros. According to OP in an other comment they uses an e-bike because they don’t have access to a car. I finished my first cycle/PCT a while ago, had zero sides during the PCT. Haha why. Been cruising for 9 weeks. 7. if u cant get that ripped look u simply havent lost enough bodyfat. Cycle Log. 4. Look at the ratios. Time to get big/bigger. Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your bodybuilding journey. Since 75Hard is over, I’ll combine strength and cardio into one workout most days. Stay well clear. It’s non-suppressive, but it’s better to do on cycle to retain muscle mass. 3x+ a week make sure to grab a piece of fresh fish, skinless chicken breast, turkey, eggs or try to keep the beef/pork lean cuts. If it is, most likely the pulley needs to be carefully aligned. Keep all total carbs under 40g a day and the fat will melt off. Step one: buy a Costco rotisserie chicken Step two: allow to cool Step three: pull the meat off the frame with your fingers & you’re set I freeze my carcasses & “elderly” veg along with them, & when you’re feeling productive, toss all into a big pot & make stock. 2 subscribers in the FitnessForFoodies community. Best Supplement Stack for Cutting: Transparent Labs Fat Burning Essentials. T3 – 20 mcg, gradually increased according to individual needs. Bulk up, but with the best foods you can afford and train like a maniac. Design and implement your cycle based on what you find. The whole cut/bulk thing that perpetuates in this sub is garbage bro-science. Good point. Try Carb Cycling. ago. Chest: bench press (bar or dumbbell), chest fly (dumbbell preferred). Here is my full diet from that Time Kcals: 2,600 Protein: 320g Carbs: 225g Fats: 40g M1 - 60g Whey ISO, 45g oats, 1 tspn almond butter M2 - 170g beef mince, spinach, 1 tsp avo oil Thanks! I just finished 75Hard last week but continuing most of my routine. I doubt your maintenance is that low as a guy. 5'8" low 200s-215, no problem. True to an extent, but in my own experience, the constant use of the abdominals in BJJ makes the ab muscles bigger, thus you don't need to be as lean, to see the abs. Also bought steroid test kits to make sure all my test was real! Monday Feb-14 First injection - 150mg Thursday Feb-17 150mg Felt increased I took up cycling in late May after years of not exercising and overeating. Side effects you experienced, physically or mentally (good or bad) Details of the cycle you included the drug in. No Broscience, No misinformation. Aerobic exercise will help with the deficit but strength training and high intensity training will boost fat burning and muscle building. As pointed out by several already, steroids don't help to burn fat, they help to retain muscle when you're in a strong calorie deficit. I don't want to be bulky but to have a nice tone body, what is the best program, routine, or diet to achieve that. That's what I've been doing during Covid to maintain my gains). therico. Jun 11, 2024 · The 6 Best Supplement Stacks of 2024. A 4 week minicut, with a daily deficit of 1000 calories, should place you at 8/8. proviron: I had shitty stomach fat clingy on to me while still emaciated. You can bulk or cut on any sarm pretty much. Bulking And Cutting Cycles 101 – The Ultimate Body Recomposition Strategy. Pin it every other day with a 23-25g 1. A good stack would be 20mg Cardarine every day, sr9009 preworkout and a clean diet while in a caloric deficit of 500 calories , just to start. If you want to rip, four weeks of Getting Started. In the morning, perform 20 mins of HIIT on stationary bike. . However its way easier to motivate yourself to stuff your face and lift every weight in the gym for eight weeks compared to sixteen. I’ve recently started weight training instead of strict cardio so right now I do 90 minutes on the recumbent bike every morning, followed by abs, then weights. This might include exercises focusing on specific muscle groups You might not like lifting, and if you don't just don't waste your time and go find something that you liek to do and get good at that instead. Does anyone have any good workout routine or program that can share it to me. Just eat a whole-food plant based diet and train. While CrossFit workouts are effective for building strength and endurance, adding targeted accessory work can help sculpt and define muscles. After it’s over and PCT is complete etc, they would most likely look exactly the same I’ve got a question for you what do you think of eq and test at 300. Lastly try to increase insoluable fiber with things like lentils, flax, seeds, oats etc. Decide if using testosterone is right for your specific goal. You can be “shredded” without it, it just requires more patience, discipline with cardio and diet. Click Join now to receive May 23, 2016 · Masteron Propionate – 100 mg everyday. Sep 9, 2023 · Increase Food Quality to Preserve Muscle Mass. The first 6 weeks of training and diet are focused on mass building. No significant cardio beyond cycling and walking. 3 years of training, you are unlikely at your genetic max. Four Phases of My Cutting Diet. You cannot skimp on water to get ripped and Lets assume youre 200lbs @ 12% Body fat. Test at 300mg is a solid cycle even now after blasting and cruising for years i very rare go above there is no need. Shredding demands a calorie deficit so controlling your intake is important but traing will help. When volume is equal (even through added water) fat and carbs are equally filling. Anyone who recommends anything else is to you as a first timer is retarded. This sub, while having a similar pretext to /r/loseit, losing fat, strives to do so while minimizing muscle loss and attaining a sculpted physique. Almost all foods contain all 3 macros or at least 2. Follow the recommended routine on r/bodyweightfitness. Each ester you have used and if your experience varied (if applicable) This week’s Compound/PED is: Bulking Cycles/Stacks. Rows. Best Supplement Stack for Muscle Gain: Jacked Factory Build 24/7 Stack. Yes, for some reason many people seem to develop cold intolerance, energy level issues, libido issues, even after recovering their former body fat percentage. This changed the way my body holds fat, but it takes about 3 months of var to equal 1 month of tren as far as that shred magic goes. 5 inch needle. Another bulk starts tomorrow. 5% bf at 167lbs and 6 ft. 8 up to 1g / lbs for protein (especially when cutting) is a good idea. Try l-carnatine injectable. 0. Post workout perform 10 mins of HIIT on a rower. Diet tracking + PZ will get you part of the way there. Getting down to a trim waistline was about relearning how to eat healthy and not smash food in my face, and I lost 40lbs that way without a consistent exercise routine, but the actual cut to "shredded" meant many hours in the gym each week, and very meticulous diet planning, which also takes time. desertgemintherough. Lets say you have a very common 2x road setup: 50/34 cranks in the front and 11-32 cassette in the back. It has always helped me get shredded when in a deficit (usually slowly lower my kcals). You must be a woman. Low Sugar Diet Benefits. Never really committed to one road as far as bulk or cut, so spun my wheels back and forth between 160 and 170lbs. Ill eat a large dinner around 7pm or 8pm at 1,200 calories, high in protein, and then not eat until ~2pm the next day in which Ill eat a small, lean meal at no more than 400 calories. But the catch here is sticking to the THE BEST FOR RECOMPING (3) The best sarms for recomping. Carbs are acutely the most filling but make you hungrier than not eating eating at all (after 3 hours) While fats are the least acutely satiating but keep ghrelin depressed for upwards of 12 hours. So eat high protein, high fiber. So if you took 2 identical people, and gave one of them RAD and the other LGD, and put them on the same calories, the RAD guy would appear leaner during the cycle due to the drying effect. Androsterone, Deca Durobolin, etc. It also covers common side effects and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing health and safety above all else. •. Test e 500 mg. Food Tastes Better when on a Cutting Diet. For him, i think it was a bit unacceptable because he cheated so hard like twice in peak week so how can you cry if you literally cheated a week before, HARD. Eat a Moderate Amount of Healthy Fats. Some is tougher on my digestion and some is harsher on my blood pressure, but nothing that isnt expected. Otherwise, youll just get big and strong, but without the muscle definition. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. 54). The cycle was 12 weeks of testosterone enanthate at 500mg/wk. Barbell Preacher Curls. 5. Pre-cycle E2 level: 38 (All other blood markers in range, nothing of note) Lifting History: Been lifting for roughly 10 years. Elevates metabolic rate. The more cycles, the more you will keep- To a certain extent. Some people do 5 or even 7 but that's not for me. Losing fat is one of the most important aspects of getting ripped. Too low for EQ and your first cycle should be Test only. 120mcg max. Cut out all refined sugars and refined carbs. This is based on a 45% carbs, 35% protein, and 20% fat, and is designed for a 215 lb male. Sugar is a Drug and Cheap Filler. Best In 4 or 5 months, I went from 140 up to 175 or 180. But my most effective combination so has been with strength and HIIT. Add 1-2 weeks for any major foreseeable obstacles. 9. Each time, I arrived early and got out of the car to talk and evaluate the individual [before taking out the bike]. Meal planning is important. Sitting at 88kg after a very successful first cycle of test & mast. Getting down from 25% bodyfat to 10% is a shitload harder than keeping it at 10%. Cutting Diet Step 1: Zero Sugar. They don’t require nearly as much effort thus op is able to ride that long distance to work. We do this because sticking to the same exercises helps you create that growth stimulus in those exercises. The worst side is I get is a little shaky, but one time I got a cramp in my abs (during ab work) and it sucked. I’ve found that jumping rope in bursts 45 sec to 1 min with a 1/4 or 1/2 pound rope have given me the best results. 5% Body fat. High protein, moderate carb, lower fat. Plan harder. This is a measure of how many calories you Same advice as on r/keto. Sugar is Empty Calories. Cycle was 1g test-e for 20 weeks, ~750iu of HCG/wk, ran HCG for two weeks after last test-e injection, PCT was 20mg nolva for 8 weeks. That, swimming and jumping rope will burn the most calories. So I like to let my junk mail pile up for a bit for several reasons, the biggest being I can’t be bothered to shred 1 or 2 pieces of paper at a time (I am trying to work on this to keep a tidier home) but when my shredder is full, I don’t always have an empty box lying around to dump the shreds into. Tren, Dbol, Halo, Sdrol, Mtren, NPP, Winstrol, Anavar, Test suspension, Tren suspension. 5 Best Steroids to Get Ripped 1. This is where our Shredded Supplements Guide helps so many guys choose the right supplements and avoids the nasty and ineffective products. Make healthy choices, cut the BS (snacks, soda and alcohol. Some SARMs have a cosmetic effect during the cycle. Don't actually eat 800g chicken breast, You'll get tired real quick, I was just making a point. 8-12. I didn't feel like shit or anything like that. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. I was -500 cal deficit at the start but after losing 30+ lbs (and going from 42 waist to 36 waist) it seems like 2000 is my maintenance now. If occasionally you want a drink, go for spirits as they're low in calories). That brand isn’t legit I hope you can get your money back do NOT take that stuff from that company dude. Build muscle mass. Cardio will help speed things up. Having around 8-10 % body fat for men and 15-17 % for women is the best place to start at, both when it comes to maximizing muscle growth, and also for staying healthy. Apr 28, 2016 · Forget walking at a snails crawl on a treadmill for 2 hours, you want to take that 30 minutes to kill it! What I do is hit it really hard the first 10 minutes, back the pace down from 10 – 12 minutes to get a breather, then ramp back up from 12 – 20 minutes, back down again from 20 – 22 minutes, then 23 – 30 minutes finish out strong! Thanks Maddy - I hadn't seen a doctor between being 130kg and 75 kgs and when I seen him he told me it was the best thing I could've done (after being stunned for a few moments) Reply reply More replies for someone who is in their 20s weight130lbs and 5'6lbs, what is the best way too get shredded. For 20 pounds or more, start cutting 4-5 months ahead. I am starting an Anavar + test e cycle soon should I bulk or cut. Tried carb cycling, is also effective but is harder to manage and would say for the I always taper by 20mcg. Pre-cycle Test level: 550. I’ve seen results with my muscles but still have a belly. [Cycle Report] 1st test cycle, thoughts & opinions? Cycle. Cycle, Diet, Training: I wasn't extremely strict, started a new job involving a substantial amount of physical work a few weeks into my cut, so I gave up trying to cut at 2200. WATCH YOUR HYDRATION. TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure. • 2 yr. That means your easiest gear is 34/32 (1. 06), and your hardest gear is 50/11 (4. try harder, dont opt for more drugs to do something as easy as eating less and moving more. I know some people use it because of the nootropic properties, as a bronchial dilator and to raise blood pressure. easy. Compound exercises are not only time-efficient (they target multiple muscle groups, so less exercises are needed to get a full-body workout), they are also better for getting ripped. No Sugar Diet Health Benefits. Cardarine is a good thing to add on when cutting. are all very VERY harmful. I’ve tried a bunch of different SARMs for cutting, and none come close to the power and effectiveness of C-Dine 501516. Weight: 170lbs. 45 minute strength training in the AM, 45 minute cardio PM. 8. Decreasing carbs when weight plateaus. Also the less alcohol the better (not assuming you drink, just saying) and no carbs or oil/greese foods. I have abs, but only when I wake up or haven't eaten a large meal or am flexing and posing. This content aims to provide valuable information on cutting steroid cycles, including the best steroids to use, how to create a cycle, and tips for maximizing results. EQ/Bold is a terrible terrible compound. Reply reply. Fat loss requires a calorie reduction through diet and through Red meat is great to have in your diet, but in moderation. If you need a good full body routine feel free to shoot me a dm. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. Sprinting will build more power. If there's enough vigorous movement to rip a pair of shorts, you'd think it's enough to get the sweat glands pumping. It’s like the difference between jogging and sprinting. [deleted] Taking anabolic steroids is a huge sacrifice that is not worth it for anyone IMO, and especially not worth it for the average person. This is no sciency mumbo jumbo - this is what to eat and how to train. The benefits include: Increase calorie burn. I have always followed a basic cut macro, ~500-1000 cal deficit , depending on cardio. Eat a good serving of protein at every meal too. Benefits of a No Sugar Diet. Stop the refeeds, consistent reasonable deficit, adequate protein, good lifting program --> shredded. Add High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Get Some Sleep. Check out /bodyweighttraining’s recommended routine. You know, of all things I could relate to this the most I think. 5'8" is pretty ok. ADMIN MOD. Nah it’s definitely one of the best things to do for shredding. Height: 5' 10". Whether you liked the compound or not and whether you’d use it again. Age: 34 years old. Jogging will burn calories but wind get you much stronger and more ripped. The funny thing with weight training is that you both gain muscle and lose fat at roughly the same rate no matter what height you're at, but it shows a LOT more if you're a bit shorter. My stomach bulges out over my waistline if I'm trying to keep myself well hydrated. 6K subscribers in the rad140 community. Some days I would also take 25mgs of Steriods aren't some magical weight loss tool. Nolvade – 20 mg everyday. 501K subscribers in the gymgirls community. Here’s Why C-Dine 501516 Is the best SARM for Cutting. Macros - An abbreviation of Macronutrients, when people talk about their 'Macros' they are referring to the amount, or balance, of their diet that comes from the three main macronutrient types - Carbohydrates, Fat and Protein. A horizontal push, pull Vertical push pull Hinge and squat movements. I think the only reasons I will ever be taking it is if either I have plateaued in BF% loss or wish to reach a particularly low BF%. Body-building =/= fitness. It all really depends on what your goals are and if your health can sustain it. Let me know. Sorry to break it to you that stuff is bunk it’s fake brother. As we previously mentioned LGD-4033 is an excellent compound for bulking, whilst Andarine (S4) gives you additional strength and cuts. 12. So when I finished a cycle it really fucked me up emotionally. Feb 22, 2021 · For 10 pounds or less, start cutting 2-3 months ahead. The home of all our favourite gym-going girls. I have no idea how a maintainable shredded look is supposed to look while one is not posing and just walking around. I boils down to lift weights 3-6 times per week and eat less than your body needs. Then adjust as your goals change. Where gastronomy and gym life intersect I dropped to around 11-13% before using it to get into single figures. Background. Clenbuterol – 20 mcg, increased according to individual needs. Reply. Winstrolor Anavar – 50 mg/day for six weeks. I want to lose more fat to become more shredded but I want to gain muscle too. Without even knowing what bike The majority of getting shredded is going to be a lean clean diet while just maintaining the lifts you’re doing already. Apr 19, 2023 · You will feel the effects of steroids to get ripped after about a week and a half. Around week 4 or 5 I also started doing dbol at 30mg/day but only did that for a bit under 3 weeks total cause I felt it was messing with my appetite (I didn't use tudca) although I think the appetite suppression may have been all in my head. Repeat 3-4x a week full body. 5lb per week loss. 95kg is the goal. I also felt great using it. Cut out the animal products. Share your best fitness flex from your gym session or show… TLDR: Longer cycles are worth it if when have enough experience (or can pay for it) to dial in everything required to progress and continue to make gains. There are 3 macronutrients ("macros") that you want to keep tabs on: proteins, fats, and carbs. It really doesn't take much to be more ripped than 95% of the population. Cut Calories to Lose Fat. I am 11. 2. Final Stats: 178-180 lbs at ~9% bf. Olavodog. No average person non professional athlete needs a 3 day refeed, you're spinning your meals. If you'd like to train abs on this day, superset swiss ball crunches with hanging leg raise for 3 sets of 20-30 reps. You can blast and cruise after that if you're willing to make the sacrifices necessary. Tridentuk91. insoluable fiber will help to lower LDL and aid the healthy fats in 3. How safe is this clean stuff. If you want to get "shredded", you need to cut the fat before you bulk. Maintenance Calories = See "TDEE". (yay!) But, I’d like to squeeze in some workouts on the days I don’t go for bike rides. No steroids are safe. It is quite hard to gain muscle whilst Time to get shredded for summer! Hell yeah!!! Stack some Anavar and Test Cyp with that. Feb 1, 2019 · Deadlifts. As many of the rest of your calories from carbs is probably best for performance. I ended up cutting at 2200 cals/day, but would throw in a cheat meal where I saw fit. 4WFL is anything but easy and is probably the hardest program on Tonal. Lower carb in take, eat slightly above maintenance. Benefits/gains you experienced. Counting calories in and calories out, lose more than you eat. Some days I take it pretty easy on the cardio but try to go hard most days. You still have to do the work. The combination of LGD-4033 and S-4 can give drastic results in a short period of time. I did 2 cycles and stopped for good. 40-60g of fat minimum is a good idea for health and hormones, and feeling good. Let do this 🦾🦾 cycle 2 - test, mast, npp. Safest Steroid for Bodybuilding: Anavar. If you can't afford a gym membership, do a home workout (get a pull up bar, push ups close & wide grip, crunches. Subreddit for discussion about Rad140. Leave that shit alone. That's not 100% true. Growth Hormone – 4 IU, first thing in the morning, 45 minutes before food. Jul 18, 2022 · Testosterone, Primobolan & Equipoise (12 Week Cutting Cycle) This cycle is one the favourite cutting steroid cycles among bodybuilders. It seems that prolonged restriction and/or maintainance of overly low levels of body fat can somehow "imprint" on the nervous system and consequences linger on. Just keep a high protein diet of 2grams of protein for everyone pound of body weight no more that 40grams a serving. Mar 8, 2021 · Such techniques include rest-pause, dropsets, and supersets. Previous PED Was looking for a used road bike on craigslist/facebook, whenever I check the BBB price versus what these sellers are offering it seems we are off by a ton, was looking at a stock Fuji bike and they are selling it for $1200 (2015 MSRP was $2099), BBB says $637, I realize its a sellers market, but this seems crazy. Get lean first – This is the foundation, which is very important. Supps I add with clen are taurine, potassium, and magnesium. Caloric deficit/surplus is way way more important to focus on when cutting/bulking. 6 day cycle on my lifting consists of leg I’d say start at a 200-400 calorie deficit if you want to cut now, or for the best long term results eat at maintenance for 3-4 months then a slow cut (200-400 cal deficit) after that. Over a six week cycle, you should expect to drop 2-3 body fat percentage points. Then I took out my bike first, and said we go for that test ride together. I go between thinking I'm doing well and thinking I'm Firstly this sub is the LAST place to go looking for health and fitness advice. Oct 8, 2023 · A good cutting cycle is one you can stick to for the entire length (remember: cutting is intense!), and one that does not send you into a catabolic state where you’re not only losing fat, but losing muscle too. Depending on your goals, you're going to divide your calories into these 3 groups. It's really not that hard, just bulk up for a good year when you have built up decent muscle mass for your size then eat under 2-300 calories under maintenance and slowly lower it to get ripped. Testosterone E 250mg/ML Week 1 Started with 300mg/week in mind until I got convinced by rude redditAors to up to 500mg/week. Bench press. Check out my recommended cutting cycle stacks above for some of the most effective ways of getting shredded. Depriving yourself of such nutrients won’t help you in the quest to getting shredded anytime soon, so supplement wisely for gains. ITT: People upvoting someone telling OP to use steroids for no particular reason. So yes, whatever your goal is, test alone will likely be able to accomplish it, unless you're going for physique competition. 5'8" 240, not as likely, as an example. Have tried most things out there. Within 2 months I was back down to original weight. To achieve the same effect, cut 6 weeks, maintenance week, repeat. Generally, potential buyers were happy to chat and talk bike fit and get recommendations for good local rides. The problem was cycling. Look carefully where it passes under the tensioning pulley, and where it wraps around the flywheel pulley. The benefit of 5'8" is that you can look more muscular with less muscle. While looking carefully at the tensioning pulley and pedaling slowly by hand, look to see if the belt is 'walking' off the pulley. Just plan better and use protein powder (~20g protein per 100 cals). Just eat less, train hard, and SLEEP!!! People underestimate the importance of that last one. And none of them touched my hair. Deep fried abs. Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates. mr xm ws za ao vj mr cj xb id