I am neville goddard reddit

Continue to declare to yourself that you just are. Make them the vital, dominating factor in your work, in all your creative thoughts. Be aware every moment of the day. The more you understand what this verse means the more advantage you'd have. So, I've been knowing Neville for about 2 years now and as time passes by I get deeper and deeper. Moral, morals morals—and Neville hits you with a brick! Lecture/Book Quotes. ADMIN MOD. You are just pure awareness. EIYPO and the Golden Rule. Indeed Neville Goddard said God in me is I AM. Observe your life's situation right now. Because you are just "I am", you are shapeless, formless, limitless awarness. Most conversations about what is/isn’t possible is actually fighting in defense of one’s limitations. Ask any religious person if he believes in God, and he will say yes. OK, fear & feel of success of what you desire. 24 votes, 16 comments. 7. So I tried two times and I had tremendous experience with it. I am a money magnet, I WILL WIN THIS $7000 on twitter! You HAVE already won it!!! Consider it done 💖💖💖. How my life changed with Neville (SP, Job, money success story) I've lurked on these forums since the dawn of time, and selectively read threads that contained knowledge and success stories, particularly from Orion and RCragwell. The I AM state is a formless state, in which you have no identity. Meditate 30 min for few nights then you can increase time. 1. Even if the desire doesn't come immediately in this 3d, the feeling remains. 6. 2) you do not need coaches. Once you finished this phrase and tell your self like "It's done" for 20 times. This was never gonna work. Just let them pass, don't feed them your energy). I used it to manifest my partner, my home and my relationship. I did not wonder how, or what he is talking about. -Getting my vaccine early. Indeed what you appreciate multiplies. I am pleased to share it with you so that it will help you to realize the life of your dreams. You are the one whose hand is getting shaked and you are getting congratulated. There's nothing that you can imagine that you aren't already in Spirit. Desire can be a new thought focusing in either direction and it could contain a feeling of fear or it's opposite. Since then, I've experienced many dreams and visions, which instructed me, and I planned to write some brief articles, but the material has grown into a book. From small things, to money, to various SPs, to mesmerizing physical beauty. biggest manifestations: -Getting the exact job I wanted after graduating from my grad program. Unusual experience during “I AM” meditation. I think the ambiguity in the expression is supposed to tell you that the choice is yours, now, to decide what your past/present/future are and how Devoted to the teachings of Neville Goddard. Using your senses and pointing out 5 things from each sense A share of experience. With practice you will simply be aware there is programming in your mind and observe it instead of being it. Trust in God by Neville Goddard 10/13/67. I am indeed winning at life. -Going on vacation with my entire family (this was planned during March 2021 and Your calm and relaxed awareness is power in the dream. which is why, according to me, manifesting an sp in any circumstances isn't wrong either, that is if you truly love that person, if somebody specifically always goes Firstly, do not fear trying the techniques (living in the end). I kind of felt my oneness with the universe. Related Neville Goddard Theology Self-help Non-fiction Reading, Writing, and Literature forward back r/NevilleGoddard Devoted to the teachings of Neville Goddard. Hi, I am turning 25 next month and all my life I've had undesirable relationships. Become indifferent and begin to feel yourself to be that which would be the solution of the problem. It's not that this wasn't working but problem was me, I've spent my entire days dwelling on my problems and expecting 5-10 mins of work a day to fix my life. I am the one perceiving them so there are three, but I am the perceiver. From Neville himself To dissolve a problem that now seems so real to you all that you do is remove your attention from it. In the past I could get to a point where I felt an intense ease and as if there was 4. " They point in different directions. When I woke up the next morning, the world around me was spinning. Here’s some success I’ve had with this: • Getting a braces and invisalign treatment organised and paid for by my mother. Success Story. (Or my best I could, just pick simple things you already can feel and readapt it with you imagination/ (aka Jesus) and see in first person. A share of experience. " - Neville. I AM HEALTHY is more powerful than "i will be healthy" for example. Hi All, I have been trying to reach the I am state for a while now, yesterday I almost did it but was frightened. There is only certain levels of awareness you can reach to where you can perceive more portions of the dream and learn your subconscious control. I am is the voice of God, there is a reason you can find it everywhere, affirmation stuff, yogic mystic, meditation, law of attraction, neville goddard, kabbalah. 5 years ago i learned a few things about I became aware of my consciousness, my awareness. True, I don't meditate as much or as long as I should, but I have been repeating "I AM" with limited results. You can get to that state by using the I AM meditation as nevilles_student suggested. Speak I AM but only in your mind, speak slowly. I've manifested everything. A powerful lesson in persistence. Use I am to invoke a feeling/emotion and then live in that feeling as if it was real. See the difference of both these scenarios. you're always in the I-am state, it's clouded by your concept of self, which is produced in the outer world, which you see and can/can't see the correlation. 319 votes, 57 comments. Option A: React unconsciously to your surroundings and keep replicating the same old state (old life's situation) again and again. 53. Goddard's ideas require the belief in the reality of the ego, and the insanity of God. It surprised me because it was a great paraphrase of the root of Neville Goddard’s teachings. The Almost Impossible Meditation! Hello there! I hope everyone is having a wonderful and joyful day! 👋. At this point I feel even more aware that I am not my mind, nor my thoughts, nor my surroundings. Hi everybody, I plan to start taking shrooms for the first time with the intent of bypassing my ego and entering the formless, pitch-black state of pure consciousness that Neville Goddard and lots of reality shifters/quantum leapers talk about if you affirm "i am pure conscious"/"I am in the void"/"I am formless" As for Neville Goddard - I realize that group just does not resonate with me as this group does - everything is more simplified and open ended and people can actually express themselves and be as they are - without religious context or without having to conform to a idea or concept they would not like. you are just un-doing the belief that the car is separate from you. happy emotions should follow if you have done it correctly. After 2021 (the year I learned about Neville Goddard's teachings), I have manifested a very very desirable relationship which has now been almost 6 months. -Neville's teachings and the power of now by eckhart tolle changed my life. Something interesting that I picked up from reading a book by Thomas Troward goes as follows: I AM is the universal recognition of the life giving being (God). I was using mental diet against myself my entire life, and it all came true, all of it appeared in my I AM Neville. Reply. This is part one, with the summaries of: At your Command Then I've stumbled upon Neville and realized what happened. Please forgive any repetitions and grammatical errors. I simply AM. I have so deeply immersed myself in Neville Goddard, his lectures and recordings. You don't have to believe in the actual manifestation fully, believing its possible is enough. And I am 16. Until then you believe and sort of “know”. Brood over them, carry them with you into your work, whatever it be. Close your eyes and start repeating the phrase "Mom it's delicious". I feel like I'm going crazy. Until you achieve this ability, taking deep breathes will help slow down the thinking. It does get better. Do not condition this declaration, just continue to FEEL yourself to be and without warning you will find yourself slipping the anchor that tied you to the shallow of your problems and moving out into the deep. Devoted to the teachings of Neville Goddard. With it we can have the lives of our dreams. My father was pretty bad to me in the past and he was abusive to the whole family. and rebuilt myself from the inside out. At a certain point, as part of my mental diet, I decided to get off Over time I have been compiling summaries in list form of each of the ten books published by Neville Goddard. Quote Neville!' Listen, I love my man Neville. When i got to the counter and checked out the lady rang me up and my total was 74. Most recently I have been having serious financial issues, like many of us do. This is a bit of a weird story. But I dismissed it and went to sleep. I would suggest you use the mantra I AM Healed. I started the I am a money magnet. the best way to reach this feeling is an inner "knowing" of that is done - one of accomplishment. I had been having some doubt recently over my ability and didn’t fully believe myself to be god, and so I decided to do the “I AM” meditation where we sit and just repeat to ourselves “I AM”, which Neville said in ‘At your command’ I think. So, when you affirm something, you are RECOGNIZING yourself as the thing stated. Your response indicates that he believes in a power higher than ourselves, yet I've heard Fear is a feeling based typically on a past experience and tends to focus on what you don't want. I have been manifesting money the past 7 days using this method. When Neville is talking about imagination, he is talking about the mind. While I started reading Neville books and most of the posts in Neville subbreddits 3 months back when a certain relationship in my life fell apart and I lost my job and other things, I looked back and realized how the mental conversations played a huge roll. You learn to watch your thoughts and redirect them - you become still and simply conscious like a blank state. You don't have to be desperate. The one who has what you want. From the Soulz server here is an little about it: I AM. I feel like there is a lot of conflicting info on Neville's interpretation of god. The name of God given to Moses could be interpreted as 'I am what I am' or 'I will be what I will be' or 'I was what I was', or even a combination like 'I am what I will be' or 'I will be what I am'. Neville's writings offer many testimonials, but most pertain to manifesting trinkets. . •. But the main thing I've got out of all this is being able to know the real self, the I AM and the blissful freedom that comes with it. Some of these experiences are hard to describe, but they are very pleasant. About changing. Don’t over complicate it. 12. And I’m now reading “Feeling is the Secret. Some of them manifested and others didn't. My identity is dispersed everywhere, in trees, birds, plants, bees, anywhere you can find I As I am new to this concept, I’m finding that reading the books are extremely helpful. 5 cm taller in 3 days. Since I have been speaking on imagining what you want regardless of outcome, the point is the change self, this video hit me differently. As far as I am concerned, Neville's greatest teaching is the "I Am" state. Our own wonderful human imagination. But people get so hung up on literal meanings of what he said and his quotes, but Neville wasn't (and isn't) the end all be all of manifesting. Start to feel that coffee is sweet in your mind's eye and hear your voice clearly in your mind. Is this…. and grew 2. To all the people that are full of desires, whether it be a specific person, or a specific object, or a general idea of what your future should be like This is a very strong conclusion that i came to after continuously manifesting, AND simultaneously losing It surprised me because it was a great paraphrase of the root of Neville Goddard’s teachings. I AM affirmations (Edit: I AM subliminals with city rain and thunder sounds. This is done by simply being still and knowing that I AM. All I'm aware of is BEING. Neville says: Six months ago, I began an attempt to manifest life-transforming wealth using Neville's teachings. Once you are in that state, you can assume any new form and identity, or return to your old one. Until you no longer worry about 1- YOD - The Original Source - The Awareness of being Aware (I AM) - Seed/Hand of creation. You are God, God is Love, God wants no doubts in Him or lack of confidence to be felt (only assuredness), so give It comes in pieces, it comes in the "bridge of accidents" - do not focus on the middle. 8. “Do unto others that which you would have them do unto you. This is the space to highlight your victories, breakthroughs, and the manifestations that have enriched your life through the teachings of Neville Goddard. How I manifested love (and much more. And it kinda worsened with every step I took. A lot of people fall into this trap - especially youtube coaches. I have struggled with this my whole life and it was veyr traumatic so i decided to revise the past and make him love me unconditionally. 175K subscribers in the NevilleGoddard community. Dwell upon just being by saying, “I AM,” “I AM,” “I AM,” to yourself. It feels like i'm back home. I’ve read “The Law and the Promise,” which was extremely helpful. From Neville's book, At Your Command. Neville said that you will truly know that you are God when the son (David) is revealed to you. I keep repeating it, remind it to myself etc. Since then I have learned so much and I am grateful for the time I spent apart from my person. I know it may seem odd but thanks to The feeling Neville refers to isn’t emotion. I hope you recover well. I was doing it mainly because I wanted to manifest some personal things. It is not above, it is your core. In this sub attention is often focused on LOA, but Neville's teaching is exclusively Christian. So, here i am, almost 4 years after what was the darkest period of my life, with a smile on my face and on my mind when i think about my life. It's amazing that every time I have a serious meditation within myself, many answers come through Neville's direct lectures. Go meditate for 30 minutes and repeat to yourself “I Am” feel it. I thank my higher self for all the choices it made to lead me to where I am now. Manifesting is fun, so always do it with a smile on your face. I am doing that, but because he is in like regular contact with me, he fricking keeps saying that “you should find someone, i have been talking to someone , i think i’ll propose to her” and i am like “brooo shutup” i know this is my inner conversation sometimes but a lot pf things happened in 3d that getting commitment from him seems And, then I decided to take a Carlos Castaneda/Don Juan strategy (before knowing anything about Neville) of my ego taking refuge within my subconscious, got into lucid dreaming, etc. TL;DR. I have heard this video maybe 15 times, but this time it hit different. Faith doesn't mean hoping for a better future. This wonderful experience of rising and floating is the signal that you are absent from the body or problem and are now present with the Lord; in this expanded state you are not conscious of being anything but I AM – I AM; you are only conscious of being. I have been consciously manifesting using LOAssumption since around January 2021 and here are some of my best successes and how I got them. I finally reached the intense state of I AM. It took me a lot of time to be the doer and not just the hearer. In terms of manifesting, the implications are paradoxical. haha. He sees our imagination because that is I AM. ago. God is greater than you, but within you. For me, this statement means that I Am God. I've tried to manifest a numerous amount of things. So far about 90% of the board has manifested. [deleted] • 3 yr. But here I AM, guarding my garden, tending my garden and pulling weeds. - fourth is faith. Just like the law of assumption actually refers to the identity you assume. I saw beautiful lights, kind of like stars or fireworks. Made me smile. People are not NPCs, we are all one, we are all the body of Christ, and all will be resurrected. I repeat the “Father and I are one We must rise in consciousness. Neville, here, specifically says that the "I AM" is the foundation for any "I AM _______". But part of that was because he actually made it his own. Today I would like to discuss something that nobody ever mentions about it. In order to reduce trolling, spamming, and alternative accounts, your Reddit account needs to be more than 48 hours old to comment on r/NevilleGoddard. So when you say "I AM" you are simply recognizing God, and anything that follows is how you are defining God. The Easiest Way To Manifest. My sense of identity is less attached to 'my thoughts' or 'my feelings' as I AM that same I AM in you. Say them a thousand times a day, Until you have discovered all My innermost meaning; Until every cell of your body thrills in joyful response to the command, "Be Still," and instantly obeys; ADMIN MOD. true. Whether you've conquered challenging 3D circumstances, witnessed the tangible signs of progress, or seamlessly To get into I AM, just keep relaxing deeper and ignoring all sensory input. Do not micromanage your every day life, do not obsess. As you go into the state, time between each spoken I AM will be longer. Chill, relax, and go easy on yourself. When getting into the faceless state you simply repeat: I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM…. Keep concentrating on your breathing, say I on your in breath and AM on your out breath. Neville gives many various examples of how to think about applying the concept in our daily lives. we. I felt my desire become as real as real life is to me and it still feels real to me. In time it becomes increasingly easy to still the mind and redirect throughout the day. slimeskunk. -I've got the things I wanted even though i was very skeptical and doubtful. ”. I am doing that, but because he is in like regular contact with me, he fricking keeps saying that “you should find someone, i have been talking to someone , i think i’ll propose to her” and i am like “brooo shutup” i know this is my inner conversation sometimes but a lot pf things happened in 3d that getting commitment from him seems Got a discussion about it with a friend and we dont know exactly what it means. To be in your godstate, you have to let go of anything that comes after "I am". 5. Know = Hebrew word yada` which is the same word used in Genesis when Adam knew Eve and she conceived. But I managed to analyze my manifestations and distinguish them from what made one successful and what made What Neville describes (ie “I Am” meditation) is basically what’s called “mindfulness meditation” nowadays. I understood it. He experienced stuff and learnt from that experience. Try it. He describes us as all having god within us. How I healed childhood trauma with Neville. The key to actually make it work and ignore your reality. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I AM that I AM. If you accept a) what I am is, and b) know that I am that I am, then you must know your limitations exist because you believe in them. He repeatedly quotes the gospel of John 10:30 and says "I and the father are one. Whoa. I had to go get new work boots today and they cost 109. What I did to manifest my SP. I tell you everything. so, when you ''manifest'' something, lets say a car, you aren't manipulating things in this world to own it. When we imagine, that's God's purpose, plan, and prayer for you. Set reminders, set a schedule, anything that makes you be I was getting sleepy so I decided to do some I Am affirmations while in that drowsy state. He is a powerful part of your mind you can tap into. Now look at your first desire in mobile or paper. I've been having trouble with the I AM consciousness. Be still = to slacken, to drop, let go, relax. " Studying Neville Goddard, I AM is really super great. You HAVE already won it. So that was the cost of just the pants and the shirt. I don't need to give an explanation for the reason for posting this as most of you who are regular here will know the happenings of past few days. Look around your surroundings. It got to the point where going to the washroom became as issue as well. Continue to declare to yourself Devoted to the teachings of Neville Goddard. But, if you go directly to being, I AM, you can change everything. 3 - VAU- Heart - The feelings we experience - The Nail that links our Inner and Outer eyes - The Intermediary. Ready to take myself to the next level. A step-by-step process. Totally agree with you. I guess do you but you do not need to pay anyone. ) Like many of you here I started my journey because of a break-up. No more and no less. 2- HE - Inner Eye - Imagination - Visions, thoughts and inner speech. Periodically I started getting into the practice of setting a timer for 15 minutes and practice I AM meditation, where I would state and feel the phrase "I AM" while clearing my mind and laying down perfectly still, also feeling my consciousness expanding. At time's I have found myself being lead off course a tad with by those who having the same material that I do try to focus on their path, goals and objectives. You do it all in your imagination. "Faith doesn't question, faith KNOWS". feel as if you have already accomplished it. Control your mind, don't let it wonder, this is mandatory, just concentrate on I AM. You are God, and for God, everything is possible. Neville Goddard: "Know that your consciousness is the only reality. If you don't believe that your own wonderful human imagination is God, then you're wasting your time. There is a great lesson in the following passage: "One night, many, many years ago, I suddenly became aware of two beings. I don't see solipsism here, we all live the same process of life on Earth, which is described in the Bible. People say that in the "I am" state everything is possible and I have read several threads on here about people wanting to change significantly physical features (like eye colour or jaw shape), reverse ageing by decades and even time travel consciously and permanently to a previous point in their lives. Train your mind to ‘live in the end’. He is so secure, stable, calm, and loving. o. I am 28 y. many still argue went Neville meant by "feel. Ok so I gave the Law of Attraction and Neville Goddard a shot and it's been almost 5 months now. So when I ask you to trust in God, I want you to know who God really is, for if you trust in him, your world will change. Someone is shaking your hand to congratulate you. I could not stop smiling, absolutely vibrating with energy and purely focused on seeing the barrier between my imaginal desire and the 3d as the illusion it is. Using any of those is sort of a roundabout way to change your basic awareness of being. I might write more about this topic, but in general: you can create imagination in the I AM state. It’s humbling, but necessary for change in this arena. It took me time to get over the fear of ‘what if the technique doesn’t work’. It's a phase. I AM God. Let life unfold itself. This is a place to record your success stories for others to feel inspired by. On the first scenario someone else is doing something to you, on the second one you are the person who is experiencing it. I've had some AMAZING sleep the last few nights. Hard to describe. Void State -I AM STATE- share tips and experiences ! Hey everyone I think it would be interesting to share tips and experiences on it 😊. He expressed things in either his own words or by quoting things that resonated with him, he taught techniques that he had success with. He's undoubtedly the 'icon' of the Law of Assumption, he's the stepping stone into this and he's definitely worthy of studying, listening to and reading. Nothing feels real anymore. But I’ve literally always wanted to be a Rivendell elf my whole life (from the Lord of the Rings). The feeling of “it’s done” is not an emotion. The dream does not stop. But if you ask him who God is, everyone you ask will give you a different answer. After a few minutes or however long it takes, my mind begins to settle. Like birds just passing through. You play this game of life and you start adding things behind your "I am" when the power lies in that I am alone. " This is all you ever really need. See what happens. But this is great for long term plans and goals I have. I studied Neville's work, put it to the test so many times that year, put myself in all types of circumstances that would make me fall back on my IA-mness because i wanted to master my mind and emotions just like Daniel in the lion's den. There's no need to utter words. Give this affirmation ago and fully become one with it and identify with it. I keep seeing evidence that the 3D is just a reflection of my thoughts over and over again and it's starting to drive me crazy. Consider it done 🙏. Even when I was small, I actually have one ear that is subtly pointed, and my family would joke that I’m an elf, throughout my whole life. But for such an on-topic comment, completely related to the nature of this subreddit, the down-voting seemed completely unwarranted. 345 votes, 47 comments. What's more is my brother is also doing well which means I don't need to assist him financially anymore, so I can pursue my dreams. : r/NevilleGoddard. It really answers a lot of basic Right after I made that Dare post, I began feeling light headed. I was doing it for a few minutes and began Devoted to the teachings of Neville Goddard. Neville Goddard was a legend with this stuff. And, rest assured, Neville's books are on the way! lol I'm planning on going chapter by chapter now, rather than all at once, simply because books take much longer to make (clearly and accurately) and because I'm working around a large demand for personal and custom Neville audios. You step into a new state, a new being. I AM in Barbados - Truly Subliminal Neville + Ocean Waves) Also, based on some comments, I'm experimenting incorporating other elements, like nature sounds and binaural beats. The physical reality that you are sensing right now is reflection of your previous inner state. 4. Below is a quote from one of Neville's speeches, entitled Power. " ACIM: "Consciousness is correctly identified as the domain of the ego. 99 I also picked up a pair of pants and a shirt. At that point, it's like I Am everything, yet nothing, yet everything. Visualized myself one night before sleep in a drowsy relaxed state with 180 cm and felt asleep with this visualization with all my 5 senses. “This mantra is amazing for getting rid of limiting beliefs. 2. When you pray, believe with thanksgiving, and recieve it. First, I am very into Neville Goddard and have been devouring his books lately and decided to read The Law and the Promise for the second time for brain refresh. When this expansion of consciousness is attained, within this formless deep of yourself Related Neville Goddard Theology Self-help Non-fiction Reading, Writing, and Literature forward back r/NevilleGoddard Devoted to the teachings of Neville Goddard. Faith means KNOWING your better future is ALREADY HERE since all creation is finished and the state desired is just waiting for you TO CLAIM IT. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Everything comes from consciousness, including feelings, beliefs, thoughts, imagination. As promised, here are the things that I did to manifest my SP back and keep him for good. In spite of its seeming reality, turn from it in consciousness. " Neville frequently talks about "feeling" both as emotion and the feeling of accomplishment. The realization that changed my life. On reddit people share their opinions with votes, which is fine with me. The power of repeating “I am”. Meanwhile, I continued slowly repeating "I AM" and continued to feel the energy tingling in me. Here is an example to understand the line. Everything is looking great. It is all within. You are entering the God state. Today I am feeling better about myself and my life than ever before. I always have been interested in the Law and have been reading up on it for years. I was in the middle of slowly saying in my head “I am an amazing model and actress” (really making sure I felt and believed the words) when one of the characters in the show said “You look like a model. . Our Father knows what we want. Suffice to say I feel like a winner right now. I AM = consciousness. Push through the random itches and discomfort until they cease and you truly can't feel your body. "Be still, and know that I am God. You assume that identity and now you ARE that which you sought. You can say also 'thank you that I AM Healed' to use the power of gratitude. It is also very relevant to your post topic. I did this by revising a few memories and I have felt so much whole and happy I don’t manifest everything like this, a lot of the time I am just affirming throughout the day. vd su yn gy uu kt fc hr md gg