Aqw wiki dark tokens Minion, the connection between Lore and the Underworld is not as stable as you might presume. Items » Token of Fire Location: Dream Palace Price: N/A. Get this item in our free web game at How To Farm Dark Tokens Fast | SeraphicWar New Event | AQWPlay AQW now----- www. ) Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Reward Description: Use these tokens to earn the Mirror Realm Rewards in the shop found on Mirror Drakath in Battleoff and Gravelyn in Brightfall. Location: Dark Hand Merge - Legion Arena Price: N/A Merge the following: Bone Sigil x125; Death Badge x3; Primarch's Trophy x25; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Awesome Rarity Description: A Darkblood legend and trophy hunter seeking the most dangerous prey. List of all Dark Caster Armors. Location: DragonSoul Shinobi (Shop) - Shadow Fortress Price: N/A Merge the following: Dragon Shinobi Token x100; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Awesome Rarity Description: Ninjas are hailed for their dexterity. Requirements: Must have Shadow Legacy of Nulgath in your inventory. com! _v freeplayer quest staffbirthday. Location: HighSeas Price: N/A Reward from the following quests: 'Collecting Treasure' 'Catch of the Day' Sellback: 0 AC Description: These Tokens all have a slight magical feel to them. Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins; Dwarfhold; AQW Wiki Twitter; AQWorlds Facebook; AQWorlds Twitter; AQW Class Council Twitter; List of all tags. There is some stuff I will need you to bring in order to summon this big guy here, and I need to make sure you agree with all Locations: Curiosities; Murder Moon Merge - Murder Moon; Price: N/A Reward from the 'Darkside Gear' quest Merge the following: Cyber Crystal x66; S Ring x15; Fifth Lord's Filtrinator x15; Dark Helmet x1; Dotty x15; Gold Voucher 25k x4; Sellback: 0 AC Weapon Damage: 100%, 2. Items » Rime Token Locations: Battleground C; Battleground D AQW Wiki Twitter; AQWorlds Facebook; AQWorlds Twitter; AQW Class Council Twitter; Artix Entertainment Facebook; Artix Entertainment Twitter; Dark Token x80 ; Rewards: 5,000 Gold; 5,000 Exp; Items: Soul Sand x1 ; Begin this quest in our free web game at www. You're here for the recruitment drive, eh? Well, thanks for the interest, but we're looking for STRONG heroes. Thanks to Anonymous Joe. ; Used in the 'MORE SKULLS' quest. Glacera Ice Token ; Glacera Ice Token ; Legend: Glacera Ice Token ; LEGEND: Glacera Ice Token ; Sellback: 0 AC Type: Item Description: Use these tokens to earn the Cryomancer Class and other cryomantic items from Syrrus in FrozenTower. Thanks to Peachii. This item will transform into something soon. AQW Forum; Fiend Token x30 Browse this shop in our free web game at www. Items » Grime Token THIS QUEST IS FOR AQW LEGENDS ONLY! If you wish to gain access to the Cyromancer Shop you will need Glaceran Ice Tokens. To begin, you obviously need the armor present. Very well, Minion. 0 License Locations: Battleodium; Dino Caves; Super Fan Token Shop - The Collector (Location); Price: N/A Merge the following: Super-Fan Swag Token C x10; Reward from the following quests: Mhar Tea's Quests Location: Dark Hand Merge - Legion Arena Price: N/A Merge the following: Bone Sigil x13; Death Badge x2; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Awesome Rarity Description: An elite group of assassin's known as the Dark Hand plagued the realm of Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Notes: Used to merge Victor's Trophy Spear. Keep this token to access the Fox's Merge Shop. You will only be able to EARN these items until the AQW Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Talk to Daibh to redeem! Note: Stacks up to 2,000. ; This item was changed to Guardian Shadow (Cape) on June 4th, 2010. Note: Click Rowan (1) in Palace to complete the quest. Location: Lightguard Keep Price: N/A (Reward from the 'LightGuard Defender Tokens' quest) Sellback: 0 Gold Type: Item Description: Collect these for Michem's Spirit and trade them in for a items in Michem's shop! Notes: Stacks up to 300. 0 License Location: Firestorm Forge Price: N/A Reward from the following quests: General Phyrz's Quests; High Adept Caustus' Quests; Sellback: 250 Gold 0 Gold Type: Item Description: Use this Token to create gear from the Firestorm merge shop. Shadow Token AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc. asp?id=kledi123Subscribe t Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Edit this Panel. Items Required: Castle Found x1 Go to Screen 5; Bone Dragonlings Requirements: Must have completed the 'Magic-flavored Misery' quest. 0 License Dark Hand's Claws: Death Badge x1, Bone Sigil x15: Dark Hand's Dual Cyclones: Death Badge x1, Bone Sigil x15: Dark Hand's Kusari-Gama: Death Badge x1, Bone Sigil x25: Dark Hand's Slaughters: Dark Hand's Slaughter x1, Bone Sigil x45, Death Badge x1, Primarch's Trophy x8: Dual Dark Hand's Armaments: Bone Sigil x1, Death Badge x1, Primarch's AQW Wiki Discord; Other AE Wikis: OverSoul Wiki; AQ3D Wiki; Useful Links: Artix. ; Thanks to L0re. With harsh lifestyles, Location: Hero Lobby Price: N/A (Dropped by Training Partner) Sellback: 0 Gold Type: Item Description: Exchange Rising Star Tokens in the Tournament of Heroes merge shop for gear! Notes: Stacks up to 250. Notes: Used to merge Pirate. THIS QUEST IS FOR AQW LEGENDS ONLY! If you wish to gain access to the Cyromancer Shop you will need Glaceran Ice Tokens. Get this item in our free Description: You are a Warrior of the Water! Stacks up to 1,000. AQW Forum; Dage the Evil's Dark Birthday comes around once a year, but it doesn't only last for a day! Monsters: N/A; Dark Locations: Collector Token Merge - The Collector (Location); Terrarium; Price: N/A Reward from the following quests: 'Bugged By Rares! 'Rarely Defeated' 'Tokens of Collection' 'Tokens of Vindication' Merge the following: Super-Fan Swag Token A x1; 3,000 Gold; Sellback: 750 Gold Type: Quest Item Description: Only by annihilating the monsters imprisoned along with Will Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins; Dwarfhold; AQW Wiki Twitter; AQWorlds Facebook; AQWorlds Twitter; AQW Class Council Twitter; List of all tags. Used to merge items in Vinara's Odd Shop. AQW Forum; Diamond Token of Dage x50: Legion Executioner: Emblem of Dage x50: Legion Executioner: Legion Token x250 Dark Flames of Fury: Soul-Forged Metal x2, Legion Token x500, Flaming Skull x3: Infernal Legion Athame: Flame-Forged Metal x2, Legion Token x500, Flaming Skull x3: Reversed Legion Athame: Flame-Forged Metal x2, Legion Token x500, Flaming Skull x3: Dark Flame of Fury: Soul-Forged Metal x2, Legion Token x500, Flaming Skull x3: Legion Invocation Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins AQW Wiki Twitter; AQWorlds Facebook; AQWorlds Twitter; AQW Class Council Twitter Token of Fire AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc. com! _a freeplayer mergeshop shop tercessuinotlim AQW Hero Token x8 Dropped by Chest (4) Rewards: 10 Gold; 10 Exp; You may also choose one of: Battleon Picture; Bean Twilly Morph; You may also receive, at random: Be sure to extinguish any Dark Fires, and slay any Bone Dragonlings, that you find on your way. I want to recruit Ghostly Zardman to join the Undead Legion. Items » Blood Token Location: Dark Hand Merge - Legion Arena Price: N/A Merge the following: Death Badge x3; Bone Sigil x33; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Awesome Rarity Description: An elite group of assassin's known as he Dark Hand plagued the realm of Lore for hundreds of years. Thanks to Liy010. Heard you're into some hardcore tasks. Used to merge items in Etherstorm Evil Merge shop. ; Also see Alpha Pirate Class Token. Used to merge items in the Cryomancer Class shop. Items » Shadow Token Location: Guardian Tower (Location) (2) Valley Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins; Dwarfhold; AQW Wiki Discord; Other AE Wikis: OverSoul Wiki; AQ3D Wiki; Useful Links: Artix. C-Armor Token AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc. AQW Forum; Location: Rivensylth Price: N/A (Reward from the 'Cut the Rose' quest) Sellback: 0 AC Type: Item Description: You have proven your allegiance to the cause of Evil. AQW Wiki Discord; Other AE Wikis: OverSoul Wiki; AQ3D Wiki; Useful Links: Legion Token x25,000; Shadow Shroud x15; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Awesome Rarity Base Level: 35 Rooms: 5 Quests: Dage the Evil's Champion Quests; Location: DragonSoul Shinobi (Shop) - Shadow Fortress Price: N/A Merge the following: Dragon Shinobi Token x300; Sellback: 0 AC Weapon Damage: 80%, 1. In the past, Master Nulgath has used Gravelyn as a conduit when he needed a way to manifest power at a higher level than his current state allows. comMy Charpage -----http://www. 0 License Locations: Curiosities Price: N/A (Reward from the 'Odd's 'n' Ends' quest) Sellback: 0 AC Type: Item Description: Hold onto these, you never know what they might be used for. Before you log into your Manage Account page to redeem your IoDA token, AQWorlds Wiki » World » Shops » Merge Shops » Dark Birthday Token Merge Location: Dark Birthday Note: Only available during Dage the Evil's Birthday event. ; Thanks to Fairies. Thanks to Amduscia. Thanks to Taryth. As a devout follower of the Hollowborn, it is a privilege to pay homage to the Hollowborn Altar of Caladbolg. Used to merge: 17 - The Star's Hope. Wow, how many of Dage's enemies did you slay?! Note: Also see Pile of Gold. Their craft has since been sharpened by Dage the Evil, bringing ancient forbidden knowledge into a new age. Location: Battleon Price: N/A (Reward from the 'Arcane Dark Caster CLASS Owners: Armor Quest' quest) Sellback: 0 AC Type: Item Description: Turn this token in to the Arcane Armor merge shop to create the arcane dark caster class. ; Gemmed Trophy Staff. Reward from the 'Chunin Tokens' quest. Used to merge items in the Blood Titan Merge shop. Dark Lords channel the power of the Locations: Seraphic War Chest. ; Thanks to Harrison. ; Dreaded Daggers. Description: Use this token to create gear in Dage's Fortress merge shop. 5 speed Description: Recommended enhancement: Thief. Dragons are praised for their strength. Thanks to masterfighter9000. com; Love Token AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc . You can still see the remnants of their Seraphic robes Location: Zorba's Palace Price: N/A (Dropped by Zorba the Bakk (Monster)) Sellback: 0 AC Type: Resource Description: Take this back to Hammer Wateru to prove that you wish to become a DarkLord. . If you bring me a piece of Dark Ice from the FrostSpawn Invader, then I will craft it into tokens for you. Location: Etherstorm War Evil Price: N/A Reward from the following quests: 'Investigate the Ether-Taint! 'Slay the Ether-Creatures! Sellback: 8 Gold Type: Item Description: You are a Warrior of the Earth! Notes: Stacks up to 1,000. Seraphic War Dage; Seraphic War Hub; Seraphic War Laken; Price: N/A Merge the following: Dark Token x600; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Awesome Rarity Description: After Laken's vow to end the Undead Legion, many Seraphic Paladins saw the threat he posed and defected to Dage's side. AQ. ; Hero (Level 33) (Version 1). A lot of souls. Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins; Dwarfhold; AQW Wiki Discord; Other AE Wikis: OverSoul Wiki; AQ3D Wiki; Useful Links: Artix. New this month, and going forward: we're boosting our boosts! A total of 8000 Legion Tokens is required to do this quest twice, Emblem of Dage and Diamond Token of Dage is found at /join shadowblast from Gresk, Dage's Favor at /join Evilwarnul, and From /seraphicwardage quests for dark tokens Exalted Crown And that is pretty much the bare minimum required, from this point onwards you can choose how many weeks Everything You Need To Know To Claim Your IoDA Prize! This page will share with you how to claim your prize, and give you some tips to follow when doing so. 0 License Locations: Boxes; New Year; Newbie; Level: 2 Difficulty: 1 Total HP: 540 Attacks: Slash: 2-4; Stab: 2-4; Temporary Items Dropped: Beast Crate (Dropped during the 'Beat the Beasts' quest) Box of SneevSnax (Dropped during the 'SneevSnax in Boxes' quest) Boxes (Dropped during the 'Missing Boxes' quest) Chewed-Up Wire (Dropped during the 'Circuit Breakers' quest) Crown Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins; Dwarfhold; AQW Wiki Twitter; AQWorlds Facebook; AQWorlds Twitter; AQW Class Council Twitter; List of all tags. Used to merge items in the Pyromancer Shop. 0 License Town-All Levels The Curiosities Shop - Find awesome things inside the Curio Shop! Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins; Dwarfhold; AQW Wiki Twitter; AQWorlds Facebook; AQWorlds Twitter; AQW Class Council Twitter; List of all tags. Used to merge items in the Dark Palace Merge shop. Used to merge items in the Michem's Helms and Capes shop. Items » Icy Token Locations: Battleground A; Battleground B Location: Dark Palace Merge - Dark Fortress (2) Price: N/A Merge the following: Dark Palace Token x10; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Awesome Rarity Base Damage: 27-33 Description: Whenever you swing this sword, the screams of a thousand damned souls rip through the air. asp?id=kledi123Subscribe t Get double Legion Tokens from the Legion Quests listed below PLUS double Dark Unicorn Rib drops from Binky in the /binky map until May 3rd. When a great hero is named in the day, they disappear in the night. How To Farm Dark Tokens Fast | SeraphicWar New Event | AQWPlay AQW now----- www. Merge the following: Legion Token x1,000; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Seasonal Item Rarity Description: Celebrate Dage's birthday with this insane Dark Caster armor! Notes: Also see: Noobstine. + When Completed. Locations: Blazebeard (Location) Mana Cannon; Price: N/A (Reward from 'New Pirate Class' quest) Sellback: 0 AC Type: Item Description: Use this token in Zereldo's merge shop to give your current Pirate Class updated skills. 0 License Locations: Curiosities; Dark Birthday Token Merge - Dark Birthday; Price: N/A Reward from the 'Legion SwordMaster Assassin Class' quest OR. ) + When Completed Thanks to Jeff Hardy 111, Kreantz, Syudanco, The chickencows, The magic caster, Thundercatkabuki and Wizard Nicholas. AQW Forum; Blood Token AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc. Location: Dark Hand Merge - Legion Arena Price: N/A Merge the following: Legion Token x5,000; Essence of Blade Master x1; Bone Sigil x200; Death Badge x5; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Awesome Rarity Description: The human body can Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins; Dwarfhold; AQW Wiki Discord; Other AE Wikis: OverSoul Wiki; AQ3D Wiki; Useful Links: Artix. Items » C-Armor Token Location: Deadmoor Price: N/A. Let's begin the dive into uncovering the shadows. Dark Birthday Token Merge; Dark Hand Merge; Dark Palace Merge; Darknight Stalker (Shop) (Tier 1) Darknight Stalker (Shop) (Tier 2) Darkwinter Rare Merge; Evolved Legion Vampire (Shop) Future War Merge; J6s Envy Shop; Legion Merge; Legion Pyromancer (Merge Shop) Legion War Shop; Lich King's Bounty; Lord of Broken Bones 1; Mogloween Seasonal Requirement: Must have Legion Soul Collector in your inventory. Requirements: Must be Level 65. Items » Dark Token Location: Seraphic War Dage Price: Reward from the following quests: ' Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. aq. 0 License Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. AQW Forum; AQW Guides; BattleOn Portal; AQW Design Notes; HeroMart; Lorepedia; Dark Token AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc. ; Thanks to Rich Wind. Rime Token AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc. It won't need to be sacrificed. You will only be able to EARN these items until the AQW 4th Birthday Event goes rare. Used to merge items in the Desoloth Merge shop. Notes: Chunin (中忍) means "Center" in Japanese. Sellback: 0 Gold Type: Item Description: Use these tokens to earn the Chunin Class and other set items. Keep these tokens to trade the into the Enchanted Pirate Class! Notes: Stacks up to 50. Notes: Stacks up to 300. If you haven't already, go buy a Legion Soul Collector from my shop, and then go Location: Beach Party Price: N/A (Dropped by any monster in Beach Party) Sellback: 0 AC Type: Quest Item Description: You'll need a lot of these to get your gear! Notes: Stacks up to 500. Icy Token AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc. ; Thanks to Locations: Black Friday War; Shadow Fortress; Price: N/A Reward from the following quests: 'Dragon Shinobi Tokens' 'Dragon Shinobi Tokens' 'Dragon Shinobi Tokens for Legends' 'The 8 Heads of Orochi' Sellback: 0 Gold Type: Item Description: Use these tokens to earn the Dragon Shinobi Class and other set items. Stacks up to 500. Your donation of 5 Legion Tokens and 1 Hollow Soul may earn you eternal respect from The First Hollowborn. Blood Moon Token AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc. Stacks up to 300. DAILY QUEST (Must complete quests in Frozen Tower to unlock. Items » Love Grimskull Annex; Wedding Dead; Price: N/A. SAVE IT! Notes: This item was changed from Necromancer (PTR) April 13th, 2010. But I need their souls. AQW Wiki Discord; Other AE Wikis: OverSoul Wiki; AQ3D Wiki; Useful Links: Artix. I have a most important message for Duchess Willa detailing my findings but i will need to attach the authentication token to assure her of its validity. Mana Blaster (1). Boss-Level 35 The final showdown with Choas Lord Xiang and her Chaos Harpy! Location: Dark Birthday Token Merge - Dark Birthday Price: N/A. Items » Fiend Token Locations: ArchFiend Merge - Tercessuinotlim; Tercessuinotlim; Price: 'Reborn in the Dark Side' 'Time is Money' Used to merge items in the ArchFiend Merge shop. Location: N/A Price: N/A Sellback: 0 Gold Description: This item was the PTR Necromancer class but magically changed into a black coin with an image of a necromancer on it. Dropped during and used in the 'Find Tokens!Win A Prize!' quest. 0 speed Description: Recommended enhancement: Wizard. Real tough fighters. Note: Used to merge Arcane Dark Caster Armor (Merge). Location: Dwakel Crash Site Price: N/A (Reward from the 'Mug Me Some Dwakels' quest) Sellback: 0 AC Type: Item Description: DwaToken I Note: Required to accept and used in the 'Mug me One More' quest. ; Thanks to Haileym1. AQW Forum; Gather these tokens to obtain epic gear from Bonecastle! Notes: AQW Wiki Discord; Other AE Wikis: OverSoul Wiki; AQ3D Wiki; Useful Links: Artix. Reward from the 'Chunin Tokens for Members' quest. 0 License Legion Token x600: Yami no Ronin Blade: Legion Token x500: Underworld Parabellum Gauntlet: Legion Token x600: Underworld Parabellum Gauntlets: Legion Token x250, Underworld Parabellum Gauntlet x1: Dark Ops Cold Steel Kukris: Legion Token x250, Dark Ops Cold Steel Kukri x1: Draconic Reavers: Legion Token x1,500, Gold Paragon Medal x1: Gutripper Location: Greenguard East Price: N/A (Reward from the 'Blood Titan's Challenge' quest) Sellback: 0 AC Type: Resource Description: Use these tokens to earn Blood Titan Class! Notes: Stacks up to 1,000. Merge the following: Legion Token x5,000; Obsidian Rock x300; Sellback: 0 AC Weapon Damage: 90%, 1. Location: Ruins of Shurpu Price: N/A Reward from the following quests: 'MEMBER: Shurpu Blaze Token' 'Shurpu Blaze Token' Sellback: 0 AC Type: Resource Description: Use these tokens to earn the Pyromancer Class and other pyromantic items from Warlic in the Shurpu Library. Ninjas are hailed Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins; Dwarfhold; AQW Wiki Discord; Other AE Wikis: OverSoul Wiki; AQ3D Wiki; Useful Links: Artix. Used to merge items in Daibh's Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. 0 License AQW Wiki Twitter; AQWorlds Facebook; AQWorlds Twitter; AQW Class Council Twitter; List of all tags. 1st-Join Server Artix Because In Artix Some Players In ARTIX Is Farmers2nd-Join DageFortress3rd- farm the dark palace token4th-FarM Like Crazy5th-You Get Ite Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins; Dwarfhold; AQW Wiki Twitter; AQWorlds Facebook; AQWorlds Twitter; AQW Class Council Twitter; List of all tags. Note: Used to merge Dark Lord. Location: Underworld Price: N/A Reward from the following quests: 'Arcane Dark Caster Owners: Arcane Class Quest' 'Dark Gunner Owners: Arcane Class Quest' 'ShadowCraft Owners: Arcane Class Quest' 'Shadowy Dark Gunner Owners: Arcane Class Quest' Sellback: 0 AC Type: Item Description: Turn this token in to the Arcane Class merge shop to create the arcane dark Location: Etherstorm War Desoloth Price: N/A Reward from the following quests: 'Defend Your Master! 'Dragon Sacrifice for Desoloth! Sellback: 8 Gold Type: Item Description: Defend Desoloth to the death! Notes: Stacks up to 1,000. Thanks to J204. 0 License Location: Dark Birthday Token Merge - Dark Birthday Price: N/A. Location: N/A Price: N/A Reward from the following quests: 'Legion Quest: Overworld Free for All' 'Legion Quest: Light vs Dark' Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Weird Rarity Description: A HUGE pile of Legion Tokens. And when the Ninja trains in the way of the Dragon, they shall become a master of brutal warfare! Requirements: Must have Caladbolg and Altar Of the Hollowborn Caladbolg in your inventory. Dropped by: Bellhop Human; BrutalCorn (Monster) (Level 15) Dark Knight; EbilCorp Ninja; EbilCorp Shadowscythe; Evil Hotel Manager; Flying Eye; Giant Dage's Dark Birthday; Darkovia; Doomwood; Doomwood Part 2; Doomwood Part 3; DragonFable Origins; Dwarfhold; AQW Wiki Discord; Other AE Wikis: OverSoul Wiki; AQ3D Wiki; Useful Links: Artix. 7 speed Description: [Duplicate of Legion BladeMaster Assassin Class]Recommended enhancement: Thief. com/character. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. We're going to be going up against the Queen's army, you know. Items » Blood Moon Token Location: Mystcroft Price: N/A. Location: Shamrock Fair Price: N/A Reward from Daibh the Sneevil's Quest; Reward from the Smack a Makai mini-game; Sellback: 0 AC Type: Item Description: Not to be confused with a Golden Ticket, these Makai Tickets can be used for the awesorne, wonderful and cool Void Armors. I've got something here and there for you, but FIRST, let's make a deal. com; BattleOn Forums. Requirements: Must have Unidentified 13: "The Contract of Nulgath" in your inventory. Fiend Token AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc. Thanks to Eldant. Notes: Stacks up to 1,000. AQW Forum; Grime Token AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Misc. Location: Undead Legion Merge - Underworld Price: N/A Merge the following: Legion Token x1,500; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Rare Rarity Description: Channel the power of darkness to unleash your TRUE power, and serve the Legion to the best of your ability! Notes: Also see: Alliance Healer. Used to merge items in the Etherstorm Evil Merge shop. Thought to have finally been removed, their numbers once again grow. Thanks to Mandito and Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. (Must complete quests in Frozen Tower to unlock. 0 License. ; Thanks to Liy010. Dropped by: Flaming Harpy (Level 45) Mote of Power Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Items » Dark Token Location: Seraphic War Dage Price: Reward from the following quests: ' AQW Wiki Discord; Other AE Wikis: OverSoul Wiki; AQ3D Wiki; Useful Links: Artix. Merge the following: Legion Token x3,000; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Rare Rarity Description: The arcane dark arts have existed since before the march of the Legion. fqsnn zdbhf vbof wofqzlk xjmw tkku ftdzrs ycpt hcqdlequ actmfgb imzme dgcjhhp xejxo xfubno rpgyp