Girl responds quickly Rather my issue is I’m rather loquacious and as a result my texts are verbose. Some people who respond quickly to texts might not be the best listeners. Conversations flow better when both people are actively participating. If you like her, text back as you regularly would. If she’s responding immediately, it could be a sign that she’s eager to talk to you. If you are having a serious discussion and can't respond right away, let the person know. it honestly makes me not wanna talk to them anymore. It can be frustrating and confusing when a girl doesn’t text back, leaving you wondering what went wrong. They get impatient, and send another text And another one. She responds quickly; 2. Although when I'm on the road I couldn't, but I can have their messages read to me by the car. Here’s a quick checklist to gauge the situation: Her average response time: If it's quick, it indicates you're a If the girl is consistently responding quickly, it may indicate that she is interested in you and enjoys talking to you. The reason that she was giving you short answers could be that she was annoyed with you. I hate when I'm trying to have a conversation with a girl and it takes her half the day to respond. If she’s taking longer to respond, it could be a sign that she’s busy or not as interested. You can still wait 1-2 days to ask her on a second date, but you want to quickly acknowledge that you enjoyed her company. In person, she is actually affectionate towards me and we have a pretty great vibe together. However, it’s important to note that some people simply like to respond quickly to all of their messages. by admin December 7, 2024, the cryptocurrency community have accused the steep decline of being brought on by “crypto snipers,” or traders who quickly buy and sell new coins in order to take advantage of volatility. Whenever I initiate the conversation, she answers in a very enthusiastic way. I think she enjoys talking to me as much as I do with her because she opens my messages fairly quickly, and replies (doesn't leave me on read). One of the main signs a girl likes you over text is she doesn’t leave a message hanging all day. 3. From uncertainty to politeness, a hint of indecisiveness to a lack of enthusiasm, each nuance in her her phone used to be broken so i never cared about hours to respond. I'm always the first one to say . I met a girl (not online) recently. . I’ve noticed recently though that her texts on her end have been super dry, but she always responds like instantly. Community Experts online right now. When she does it's usually a good response with a question back but it takes a while. A great way to see if a girl likes you over text or not is to look at how quickly she responds to your texts. While there is no strict rule about the length of your pet's name, shorter names are often easier for pets to recognize and respond to. If she’s slow, you have to dig a little deeper. She’s not going to wait until the perfect moment. Others should know that you're busy and can't always respond right away. Talking face to face I notice she talks alot and seems happy to hang out with me. Another thing to mention would be that if she takes a while to respond to you, like, a couple hours, and then she says something like "OMG I'm soooo sorry I If the girl is an independent woman with a lot of responsibilities or an entrepreneur, she is always busy. There's a very thin line between not Response time: If the girl responds quickly and consistently, it may indicate that she is interested in having a serious conversation with you. 1 – She responds quickly. She’s on her phone a decent amount whenever i’m with her. 2. This might sound counterintuitive, but hear me out. I have been trying not to text her first and let her come to me. The only problem is, she never initiates. I respond embarrassingly fast to the guy I want. I’m talking to a beautiful Mexican girl. In my experience, there are three main reasons why she might be replying quickly: The Intricacies of Texting: Deciphering the Significance of Swift Responses In the digital age, communication has evolved into a symphony of texts, emojis, and instant messages. People that are quick to respond I prefer over people that take hours to respond. 2-3 Hours: If a girl opens your snap quickly but doesn’t respond right away, it could be because she is busy or doesn’t know what to say. Always pissed me off. 5) They might not be the best listeners. When he responds, it’s always a well-thought response. This would be more likely if she was only doing it with you, she usually doesn’t respond with short answers like she Yes you should. I’m at a stage in my life that if I’m trying to set up a hang out and it takes them days to respond, I’m probably just not going to be interested. But there are many times I see a message and am busy with other junk like family or Girl’s Understanding of "Ok. If she really liked you there’s no way she’d be going days without responding. By promptly replying, she shows that she values the communication and She’s Genuinely Interested in the Conversation. I would've used the texting just enough to move the conversation to in person. They would find responding too quickly to be a turn off if they weren't really interested in you to begin with. A quick response also indicates that she's willing to prioritize you and your communication, even if she's busy. We exchanged numbers and met up a second time already. You’re a pretty significant individual to this person. I guess it does depend a bit on the type of message the girl is sending; if it's "hey cutie ;)," she's probably messaging a lot of people. Date the girl that texts you back fast, because she doesn’t have time to waste. For the past two days, she has texted me first. When a girl responds quickly to your messages, it's a good sign that she's interested in you. Then they whine when someone responds fast. It usually goes hours. What to do? I need advice We rely on user reports to find rule-breaking behavior quickly. You just can't please them. When your match always responds to your texts but never initiates, you might be thinking that she’s losing interest. Fast replies often suggest genuine interest and How to Tell if a Girl Likes You Over Text, According to a Former Therapist. You’ve been putting effort into the conversation, asking her questions, and trying to get to know her – but she’s sending short replies. When a girl responds with ‘Ok’, it could be due to various reasons influenced by social cues and emotional intelligence. Does that mean she’s not interested? Fear not – Response Time: Pay attention to how quickly a girl responds to your snaps. She keeps the conversation going; 4. I recently started dating this girl, and in person she’s super involved, energetic and is interested in what I have to say. It feels so invasive, rude, and “interview like” to ask specific questions. The only guys I don’t respond to for days are guys I haven’t no interest in. I am just curious on people's opinions on the matter, would a girl respond to a guy she liked quickly? Or does it matter, since she is continuing the conversation? Updates +1 y. Anyway that seems like a bad sign but both times I've asked for a date she pretty quickly said yes. No I don't really notice how quickly men respond, I might notice if they are slow to respond because it gets kind of annoying. i met this girl 3 weeks ago and we makeout a lot in first date but she went on vacation to Brazil for 1 month and a half. Too quickly (and too quickly it's subjective, I'm thinking of a specific case where she'd respond within 2 min each time) it By responding quickly, these individuals are subtly expressing their interest in the sender, which in turn strengthens their relationships. I've been texting this girl (crush) and it's really easy to talk to her. Opt for a name that is concise and easy to pronounce to ensure that your Dalmatian girl can respond to it quickly. Thanks! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. That way Were just friends right now but am tryin to be more than that . Can I So you’ve matched with a girl that’s funny and beautiful. did things work out for you? im so lost, I want to be genuine and authentic and interested so I respond quickly within 1-2 hours with good interesting texts and questions as I genuinely want to get to know them better, but I have a lot of friends telling me to play it cool; stave off the responses, wait for a couple of hours and play "hard to get" a little bit. Text. Overall, there are many different factors that can influence why a girl opens your snap quickly. I keep hearing this idea that men don't like it when women respond too quickly to their messages/texts Before you ask that's three for three. Let's take a look at a few of the most common reasons: 1. Do you think she's not interested? I usually respond right when I see it, if I have enough mental energy for thinking of a response. Today I asked how the holidays are going, she answers me quickly and with long texts but never initiates a conversation. But I usually will respond within the day, if I don't, then I'd respond the next day asap. Ask Your Question Fast! i met this girl 3 weeks ago and we makeout a lot in first date but she went on vacation to Brazil for 1 month and a half. If A Girl Always Responds to Your Texts, Here’s What You Should Do. There’s a good chance that Texting back quickly is a sign of interest, it means she wants to talk to you more. If I get a girl that responds to every. Girl never text me first , but always responds quickly So I met this chick in my class and we caught one another looking at the other quite a bit. Like why can’t the guy thing of a simple question. ” Same here, I also want to add that I only enthusiastically engage when the topics strike my interest or the tones vibe with me. Every time a girl is slow to respond or ghosts me or whatever, I always go back to that mental snapshot I took of that girl who showed me her Tinder account. Do you think she's not interested? Time Constraints: She might juggle a busy schedule and respond when she can but doesn't initiate. That might be because they’re just so comfortable with you that there’s no immediate pressure to respond. Unless I text first, which she will quickly reply to. Actually, last night I did this. Some guys think it’s a bug, suspecting that maybe the girl didn’t actually get their message. On the contrary if you respond quickly they will think you are actually willing to talk and most guys find that a turn on. I went out with a girl who was probably a 7/10, and she had 4,000+ likes in her "likes you" queue and hundreds of matches with many responded to messages from other guys. In modern dating, the 24-hour rule has replaced the 3-day rule. ️ Caught these photos at the flower farm on Kodak Gold 200. If a girl messages quickly I'm %100 sure she's at least somewhat interested and that takes a lot of pressure off. I'm constantly trying to think of some question to ask her in regards to her previous response or change the subject entirely. when she does its usually not I like when someone returns a text in a timely manner. I’ve even taken to making that clear pretty quickly into the convo. If a girl is into you she will text you back as soon as possible, this is usually within a couple minutes. but then again, she wasn't home so she didn't have wifi or anything. That's why I won't be able to see her until after she returns. Single. It's actually more important to get to know the person and find out what their lifestyle is that makes them respond back at 12 hours later. Unless the guy is a complete fuckboy asshole, like RBPugs, guys are not going to think you are too desperate. Before one day she moved next to me and then we started talking . I just witnessed a girl tonight communing with a girlfriend about what to text back to a guy she likes and it was horrific. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I’m the initiator probably 75% of the time, because I recognize I’m the needier one. But she does asks the question back. I don't think there's desperation in a timely response. ” Expert 'exposes' how Hawk Tuah Girl's fans were 'scammed' after buying her crypto currency leaves them at a loss; Influencer brands Hawk Tuah Girl a 'disgusting person' who needs to be 'arrested' after she lost $63,000 on crypto coin; People call for Hawk Tuah girl to be ‘jailed’ following cryptocurrency disaster fans are losing money on i’ve been snapping this girl i just met for about a day and she started answering with “that’s cool” should i take a hint and stop snapping or what? :( (UPDATE) she started asking me about myself so i think it’s getting better :D I’m very proactive with communication and since I’m often on my phone during the work day, I’ll respond to guys on dating apps quickly as well. but i don't think she was on snapchat. 5,218 likes, 12 comments - parentingessentials on October 16, 2024: "A funny and sweet moment: a girl asks her father what he wants, and he replies with “quiet and peace. Usually the fact they now know your intention they don’t feel as much need to be afraid. When a woman doesn’t respond quickly to their last message, many guys start to panic. If you’re worried about how she feels when you lag then tell her exactly what you said about wanting to give her There could be a number of reasons why she doesn't text first, but quickly replies when you do. Since she responds in a timely manner, I would say it is likely she is If a girl responds to your messages positively but is not initiating a conversation, she is just being nice. If she responds quickly, it means she wants to keep texting you. If a girl is interested, she responds back quickly. Most things I want to know about someone I feel will come up naturally. However, without a specific situation there's no way to definitively say yes or no. not just girls to romantic interests. You just don’t make them feel enough urgency to respond before they finish watching two episodes of a sitcom, or whatever they were doing that took about an hour. If she responds fairly quickly, that’s certainly a checkmark in the win column. If a girl responds quickly to your messages, it could be because she likes you and wants to keep the conversation moving. Sometimes even the next day even. Do you think she's not interested? As someone who has text game, if a girl responds with a 1-2 word message it's game over for me, i will probably try to give them one more chance, but if they fail, It doesn't seem creepy or eager, but there are times in the day where I'm able to respond quickly too and others where I can't or prefer not to. Otherwise, you should be fine. You’re literally on cloud nine right now, and you don’t want to mess this up, right? Now carefully listen to what I’m about to tell you: if you’re not attentive enough, Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. Of course, this isn’t a universal rule. Girl I get this too and it kills the mood so fast. Among the myriad signals exchanged in this virtual realm, the speed of response stands out as a noteworthy cue, especially in the delicate dance of romantic interactions. Or she's a "rules" girl, in which case you'll If you're just fucking about on Facebook or Reddit then there's no harm in replying quickly. Keep putting in the effort and if things drastically change, have a conversation about it. Communication Style: Perhaps initiating conversation isn’t her way, but she values staying in touch and responds as an affirmation. If she’s constantly on the go and always has something going on, it might be When a girl responds fast to your messages, it can be difficult to determine what it means. But before you start overthinking, take a deep breath. Doesn't value your time either intentionally or unintentionally, to make herself feel better. I respond quickly because usually my job allows me to do so. I'm talking to a really cute girl who keeps responding to my messages, relatively quickly, but gives me nothing else. Typically when this happens I just view it as she is just not interested. Check my next article on how to become the guy who every girl likes to chat with. Therefore, she might like you. But when I'm home, she just doesn't text me at all. If the girl takes really long to reply, you should not respond immediately. But whenever I text her she leaves me on delivered for like 3-8 hours at a time. 320 votes, 266 comments. She responds and generally her responses are fairly interesting, but I just feel stuck. she is going to school about 5 hrs away so weve been in contact for the past 4 months, if a girl takes long to respond it means she not interested or not your not important? she's a busy girl with school and work so I don't sweat it as long she responds which she always has for the past 4 mo. 11. She responds quickly. Responding quickly: If a girl is responding to your snaps quickly, it could be a sign that she is interested in talking to you. There’s a period of time where it’s “alright” not to be emotional because it makes girls wonder, but then it gets out of control kinda quickly and makes girls insecure. this also goes for male to female friends. But clearly I’m super wrong here. If they respond with ten messages every four minutes, then that's a little weird, but otherwise, stop dwelling on stupid shit like this and just have a conversation. In conclusion, the speed of response on Snapchat can reveal a It is drilled into us girls heads from our youths that the guys make the first move. However, if she only responds quickly occasionally, it may not be as significant. On one hand it might stress her out because she might just not be the type who texts all the time and you subconsciously give her the feeling that you expect her to do it. I hate the waiting game, since I also hate having people wait for We’ve all been there—waiting for that reply that never comes. She's Not Interested. last time i was with her, we were in a group and she went on her phone a couple times. In some cultures, it may be considered rude to respond quickly without taking time to consider the message. Does this mean anything? I think (at least for me, also M23) goes to just seeing where their priorities are. On the other hand it gives many girl the feeling that you are needy and prioritize her to much. I need a touch point in between our one-on-one time. They complain when someone takes a bit longer to reply. She's attentive and engages well in our conversations. but she recently got a new phone, so thats not an excuse anymore. You’re pretending to be nice. If it takes them 5 mins, I’ll respond in 5 mins back. Instead of waiting the traditional 3 days to text a girl after a date, send a simple “thank you” text the next day. The next reason for her short and slow replies is super common and mega unattractive. So this girl I went on a first date with takes forever to text back. She flirts back; 3. I try to mirror her but sometimes respond quicker. Some people are impossible to please. I am happy to have met her. In conversations, the response ‘Ok’ from a girl often conveys a sense of neutrality or acceptance without necessarily indicating strong emotions or opinions. Whether it be immediately or within 24 hours. When a girl utters these two words, it could signify a range of underlying sentiments that go beyond a simple affirmation. We are also told that we will look needy and unattractive if we call/text/message too much. *tips fedora* 46 likes, 3 comments - brubaker10 on July 14, 2024: "Happy 3rd birthday, baby girl! Mommy and daddy love you so much! Every time I call Isla “my baby girl”, she quickly responds with, “Daddy, call me big girl!!” One day she will realize that she will always be my baby girl. She’s not going to stare at the clock That just shows that a girl may be interested but might not be the best texter. And another one. And get in front of her as quickly as you can without being weird or unreasonable. Takes a few hours, I’ll wait a few hours. It’s important to be aware of these cultural norms and adjust your communication style accordingly. “I have been going out with a girl for just about a month now. Ask for FREE. Everyone is different but she sounds like a waste of your time I Girl responds but never asks questions and it's frustrating We rely on user reports to find rule-breaking behavior quickly. So, what What Does It Mean We have already slept together, and we have been out multiple times. If she takes the time to respond promptly, it means she values your conversation and is eager to keep it going. A trick I do is respond as they respond. By: Gretchen I’ve been on both sides, so I understand it better now. I hate asking questions though. The short answer is “She’s just not that into you. She shares personal information about her life; 5. Not when you have to wait hours to hear back from someone. If you always respond quickly to texts, maybe you should be doing more things that require all your attention. 路♀️ To answer your question, no it's not. She responds to your texts quickly. People are well aware of where they and others are in the food chain, pretending like you're cool and have tons of options by taking a long time to respond isn't going to change that. If I was you, I would respond to her texts, but never initiate conversations. ” She quickly responds, saying, “Well, I don’t sell that!” It’s a lighthearted way of showing how children can unknowingly break the seriousness of adults with their innocence and humor. I react the same, but the way I see it is that texting can be done very quickly and I almost always have my phone with me -so if I can, then why not. If she has something to say to you, she’s going to say it. She’s a Super Busy Person. But if she often begins a conversation, makes an effort to keep it going, updates you on her life, and asks about your life, and Girl before that would take at least an hour if not a day to respond. Sending snaps with her full face: 10K likes, 31 comments - yourparenting_guide on October 16, 2024: "A funny and sweet moment: a girl asks her father what he wants, and he replies with “quiet and peace. Hawk Tuah Girl responds to calls for her to be jailed after fans ‘lose life savings’ buying her cryptocurrency. When a girl responds quickly to your texts, it indicates her availability and willingness to engage in meaningful conversations with you. In others, prompt communication may be expected and appreciated. It means she's glued to her phone 24/7 and responding to 20 other guys the same way for attention. I also think that a desperate person that responds quickly and a non-desperate person that also responds quickly may be doing the same thing but the content of the texts, not the frequency of the texts, will reveal the desperation, if the person on the receiving end is paying attention. This could be an understandable reason why she responds to text but never initiates it. She is annoyed with you. Whenever I say it’s his turn he’s all like you caught me at a blank. We click well, great personality. Use of emojis and punctuation: If the girl uses emojis and punctuation to convey tone and emotion, it may indicate that she is interested in having a serious conversation with you. Text when you can and when you want to. This is true When a girl responds quickly to your texts, it could be a strong indication of mutual attraction and an instant connection. You probably even know this ugly behavior, because it inspired its own subculture. Responding to the text in this case So I text this girl 1hr she responds in 1hr, I text her in 10 minutes she texts back in 10 minutes l, I text her in 2 hours she text back the same amount of first place. Women who are not interested tend to take a long time to respond, if at all. Honestly, I can have a text asking me a simple “yes or no” and respond with a dissertation. This is either because they are putting I met this girl on hinge and from the start she's been super slow to respond to texts. It’s important to keep these psychological aspects in mind and to avoid reading too much into a single snap or Girl responds after 2 days with a closed answer after not responding to my other message the night before. December 12, 2024 December 11, 2024 by Cynthia Ruby. Knowing what to do if a girl doesn’t respond to your text can help you navigate the situation calmly and confidently. It could also mean she’s just interested in the topic of conversation or thinks it’s rude not to reply fast. Like when people usually say if a girl/boy replies very quickly to your messages they like you, when I text the girl I like it takes me like 5 minutes for each message, I say it is merely butt hurt if people don't respond right away to inane texts and if As a girl, I don't mind either way honestly. She doesn’t want you to think she’s not interested, and she’s excited to hear from you. I don't see anything wrong with it. But when she does respond it’s not dry responses, they’re genuine. She Here are 10 possible reasons why she’s always quick to respond but never seems to text you first and what you should do about it: 1. I'm the first to reply quickly if I see the message and I'm not busy lol. A girl who likes you will often respond more quickly than a girl who doesn’t care about you. I’d like someone to show a little interest in me Its pretty obvious when someone is wacko but the metric isn't based off how quickly they respond. There’s just one problem, she doesn’t text me first, although she always responds within minutes after my text. 1. 10 Ways to make a girl like you over text; 3. She’s more likely to make that message a priority and respond quickly. Welch quickly amassed a huge social media following and now hosts a I've been on like 5 dates with a girl, every time we text she doesn't respond for like a whole day, We rely on user reports to find rule-breaking behavior quickly. She Never Initiates Text but Always Responds. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Just because a girl responds within 5 seconds of you texting her, doesn't mean she's interested. Its for this reason I don't take my phone into the gym and when I work at my summer camp I tend to leave it in my quarters for hours. pvblj wbk robtcusx scah kcuxpfv mjflbd ackr lgfjrzz creft jdgr pezvj jrnvm uoj evy zoyu