Octoprint runout sensor plugin I have gotten everything running great and tested a couple different filament runout sensor plugins before settling on the most recommended "Reloaded" one. If you are unsure about your BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when the filament is moving it sends pulses. Attempt to reconnect. You may print a small piece and manually initiate a runout event (e. The sensor So it's seems like the plugin is not affceting Octoprint until I enable the pin. Thanks for posting this. pi_support. smartfilamentsensor - DEBUG I also am in this same boat. The actual response is that Octoprint pauses any attempt to print as soon as the command is given. I have no confidence they will do. Guide to get Stock filament runout sensor to work with octoprint on Artillery Sidewinder X2 Once on the right side, the lower connector will plug directly in to the open plug on the lower right side (black connector that went to the original Z stop for the X1) I can load a version of Marlin on my Ender 3 V2 that supports filament runout detection with the sensor connected to the printer motherboard. I was following this conversation Need Plugin for Smart Filament runout sensor but it doesn' t quite Enable HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS and HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT and OctoPrint will know when the sensor is triggered because the firmware will tell it. 16, octoprint 1. 2 and the BTT Smart Runout Sensor. It is simple to set marlin to monitor the sensor. but it doesn't quite answer the question I have. rwillett1 July 4, 2024, 7:38pm 3. But maybe I've gotten this Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. where XX represent the GPIO pin where your sensor is connected. Octoprint apparently doesnโ€™t recognize action: startNot one of the ones it lists and doesnโ€™t appear to work. The only way to actually start a print is to disable the plugin. BUT After it goes to pause position a big message appear and says SERVER IS OFFLINE. Octoprint do not stop printing when filament runs out (factory run-out sensor of Ender 5 Plus) What did you already try to solve it? env. yaml: The idea is to use the cheap sensor (actually a stop switch/micro-switch) plug on a Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint and then grab the status with an OctoPrint plugin - Easy! I can load a version of Marlin on my Ender 3 V2 that supports filament runout detection with the sensor connected to the printer motherboard. smartfilamentsensor - DEBUG Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. But others said, they tried and it didn't work either. I have tested the same setup (raspberry pi zero W, octopi 0. But maybe I've gotten this OctoPrint Filament sensor simplified plugin repository - LuckyX182/Filament_sensor_simplified. ~~` In this one we connect a filament run out sensor to our Octoprint server. test button so you know if your See more I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. All: Working on a filament out script for a sensor, and what is the appropriate "gcode" to make this work? I have looked at a few plugins that already do this and they move the head around and what not. And yet, I see that the connector Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. You will have to modify configuration. It Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. 15. Designed as an overhaul and upgrade of the Filament Sensor plugin by MoonshineSG, this plugin is simpler to use and configure. I believe the right place for bed leveling is in the firmware on the printer. - Royrdan/Octoprint-Smart-Filament-Sensor. 0, printer: Creality Ender 5 Pro, OctoPrint plugin that lets integrate Smart Filament Sensors like BigTreeTechs SmartFilamentSensor directly to RaspberryPi GPIO pins. Maybe it you could use the BTT Filament break sensor connected to a GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi watching for the pulses coming from the sensor. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ We stand with Ukraine! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ OctoPrint Community Forum Hi, Can I ask how you got on with this please? I have a BIGTREETECH 3. scoopaholic1911 November 5 Im trying to get a filament runout sensor working on my E3Pro SKR Mini E3V3, TFT35 E3V3, Raspberry Pi 4b and newest release of Octoprint. I get notifications when @charely6 I am happy to try to help. I also see the plugin 'Pushover' to send notifications. Prusa Filament Runout This universal filament runout sensor is designed to work with any printer powered by a Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint. I just want to ask if the stock filament runout sensor isn't recognized by octoprint while it is connected to the mainboard of the printer itself. also setting #define HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS I am using a Formbot T-Rex 3. (Also could do with installing a plugin to count filament used off the reel but that's a separate question) krikey November 15, 2023, . On the other hand, the serial log starts at line 393466, the change is that the runout occurred before. On the positive side, Octoprint Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. 00:00 Intro00:35 Hardware01:49 OctoPrint Plugin 04:27 Referring to the serial log, there is no information from the printer to OctoPrint that a filament change is needed and therefore OctoPrint has to pause. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Search the file for the following and set as below. ) are made for RBI i run octoprint on docker in my server. 0k 2 08 Jun 2024 0. 18. yaml. Prusa is not making any attempt to fix this issue, despite it been raised as a defect. Plugins. For the latter case, the printer firmware has to inform OctoPrint about a runout by an action command. Pause printing when the 3D printer runs out of filament. I used part of this guide, and then hooked up the 3 wires from the switch to GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint instead of the actual printer itself, using the Filament Sensor Simplified plugin. And yet, I see that the connector side of Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have but the filament sensor plugins do not pause the print even though they are set up "correctly" no matter what. It would be great if octoprint detects the filament out from the board and issues the M600 code. baby baby step baby stepping live z m290 Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have double che Probably the original plugin authors were inundated by issues with people who'd purchased the many types of strange runout switches out there and Filament jam or runout sensor using a photodiode or a smart sensor connected directly to Raspberry pi. ). Cannot for the life of me get filament sensors to work. It pauses and The code is out there. r/BIGTREETECH. The official OctoPrint Plugin Repository. octoprint. But, I read a post that says that won't work if using Octoprint, since Octoprint will have no way to know the runout event occurred and will just keep sending GCode. Is there a way to invert the pause signal from the sensor in octoprint so it does the oposite? Soo stop when it should go and vice versa. 0 has filament runout sensors built in, and I was wondering if they would work with octoprint to pause the print. When I run out of filament the printer pause. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. So I did what you said and i have disconnected the 3. Maybe it s the pi itself. octopi_version: Your firmware needs to tell OctoPrint to pause on filament runout. h file in Marlin before the smart sensor will be able to be used. If you find you have something that works, let me know I can take a look at it and see if I can pull it into the main project. I bought the TriangleLab runout sensor, thinking that for some reason, I was going to be able to protect from both. The sensor uses the Filament Sensor Simplified plugin to send a pause to Octoprint to replace filament spool. The sensor simply checks if filament is present at a certain point in the space between the filament roll and your extruder filament input. The Prusa Mk3 does and its really helpful on long prints. I get notifications when Hey guys, I just want to ask if the stock filament runout sensor isn't recognized by octoprint while it is connected to the mainboard of the printer itself. g. 10 on raspberry pi zero W. Artillery Genius' Pre-installed filament run out sensor is not stopping prints if the filament runs out octoprint. 0 installed and everything is working Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when There may be some way to incorporate Action Commands so that your firmware is indicating what's going on back to OctoPrint. I've tried like 4 different plugins, even enclosure plugin, nothing seems to work. Octoprint-Filament-Motion-Sensor. But maybe I've gotten this I don't use a Raspberry Pi to run OctoPrint, as i had an extra banged up 2 in 1 laptop that i Installed Ubuntu onto. 4 env. (Also could do with installing a plugin to count filament used off the reel but that's a separate question) krikey November 15, 2023, OctoPrint plugin that integrates with 1 or 2 filament sensors hooked up to a Raspberry Pi GPIO pin and allows the filament spool to be changed during a print if the filament runs out or is jammed. smartfilamentsensor - DEBUG - GPIO pin: 24 2020 Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. I have tried researching these issues before posting this, but with not much luck. The sensor I As I said in my topic the plugin that i m using is "Filament Sensor Reloaded" ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ We stand with Ukraine! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ OctoPrint Community Forum Im trying to get a filament runout sensor working on my E3Pro SKR Mini E3V3, TFT35 E3V3, Raspberry Pi 4b and newest release of Octoprint. filament jam motion sensor. When the SIO Control integration detects the expected state change, it will pause the print (same as a filament runout sensor would). If you already have a Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint this guide will quickly and Turns out that if running sensor wires along motor wires, it was enough to interfere with sensor reading. But, I read a post that says that won't work if using Octoprint, since Octoprint Hello @Tamas_Molnar!. What about using the M600 command in Marlin to do this? Anyone have any experience with this? Another questions, obviously I want to inject and pause the Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. These plugins are meant to connect the sensor to the Pi. First, a PSA: To anybody who has a printer with integrated filament runout detection and prints via OctoPrint, then your sensor may not work or you may get unwanted/confusing behavior from the printer and Octoprint if they both try to address the runout. Skip to content. I tried all plugins i could find but all are for the rb. Also, I couldn't find any options in the OctoPrint configuration about what actions it takes when it receives a Filament Runout message; only found plugins that required the filament sensor to be plugged into the Pi itself. Again, there are no standards for doing this either. When using the SIO Control, the filament run out is detected through an IO point changing state. plugins. 0 sensor and received an upgraded version with 2 modes. Use a filament sensor to pause printing when filament runs out. They can not detect a runout from a sensor that is connected to the printer. 10 on raspberry pi zero W . I'm monitoring the leads at the switch and they are going high / low as I expect (its not plugged into the filament sensor anymore, now I just have dangling leads that I short when I want to change the state). Never throw out a print due to filament take the probe measurements in Octoprint instead of importing the mesh from the printer. smartfilamentsensor - DEBUG - GPIO pin: 24 2020 I'm still waiting on my touch screen from BIGTREETECH (it's on the slow boat) and the filament sensor but am already running the SKR 1. The BTT one seems to be the smartest looking forward to test it out. 17. 1 (12 Aug 2024) Filament jam or runout sensor using a photodiode or a smart sensor connected directly to Raspberry pi. 0 (08 Jun 2024) Plugin simply adds Baby Stepping section to the control tab for live z adjust while printing to get that perfect first layer. I have a BTT smart runout sensor and due to bricking a control board in the past I don't want to reflash the firmware right now to try and get it running on the printer itself, There is another plugin called Octoprint-Smart-Filament-Sensor that checks it and compares it to time (like filament hasn't moved in awhile oh no) What is the problem? I really need to have a filament sensor connected to my UMO+ but after some reading here I got the impression, many filament-sensor plugins for Octoprint do not work any more! Ist that true and if s Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. Correct on everything there I think. pop-up notification when printer runs out of filament 2. 1. If you already have a Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint this guide will quickly and easily add a filament sensor to your printer. 0, OctoPi version 0. I'm running otopi 0. But maybe I've gotten this I've tried like 4 different plugins, even enclosure plugin, nothing seems to work. I just wanted to know if there was a plugin for Octoprint to detect a filament runout sensor attached to the printer, and not GPIO pins on the device running OctoPrint. However, I would like to get notified when the filament runs out. As far as I know, the Prusa Mk4 does not report back to Octoprint that the filament has run out and it needs changing. 09 Jun 2024 AGPLv3 1. model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1. Something with comunication timeout or something. The sensor I'm using is this one: And we still need to know which of the filament runout plugins you are using. This behavior is independent of if the filament is inserted or not. All because of a bad wire. Its expecting an input that would be Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. The T-Rex 3. Why do you want to add the filament sensor to Octoprint? I am using the BTT smart Sensor on my Ender 3 v2 plugged directly to the main board of the printer. I don't have GPIO on the laptop. (jammed or runout) Detection based on timeout; The code is out there. I was Hi, I have a filament runout switch connected to my printer board andconfigured on marlin latest release version. log. The sensor I I'm pretty sure there's more than one filament runout plugin so it would be better to know which one you chose. Letโ€™s check some features: 1. 0 (08 Jun 2024) Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. 10 on seeing for the connectors (noting that I can't see the hidden one): And we still need to know which of the filament runout plugins you are using. So I started thinking about what the options are here: I could try and update the I have a BTT smart runout sensor and due to bricking a control board in the past I don't want to reflash the firmware right now to try and get it running on the printer itself, There is another plugin called Octoprint-Smart-Filament-Sensor that checks it and compares it to time (like filament hasn't moved in awhile oh no) Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR FILAMENT_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM Then Go to line 1430 (if it is not an empty line, go to line 1429 and hit enter/return once) It seems like "meatpack" plugin for octoprint was breaking the propmt responses! Now That I Im trying to get a filament runout sensor working on my E3Pro SKR Mini E3V3, TFT35 E3V3, Raspberry Pi 4b and newest release of Octoprint. BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when True 2020-11-28 13:43:04,043 - octoprint. An API is available to check the filament sensor status via a GET method to /plugin/filament/status which returns a JSON {status: "-1"} if the sensor is not BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when True 2020-11-28 13:43:04,043 - octoprint. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have double che Thanks for your replys so far. But op states "Factory fitted filament sensor doesn't work with octoprint, but works ok when printing from SD card. The pin state changes as it should. And then I Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. An OctoPrint plugin for filament motion sensor connected directly to The PluggedIn3d Runout Filament Sensor is designed to work with the Filament Sensor Simplified plugin for OctoPrint running on a Raspberry Pi. I started with the BTT Smart Runout Sensor in both the Touch screen and motherboard and nothing happened when triggered. When the filament sensor detects that the filament has run out or has The PluggedIn3d Runout Filament Sensor is designed to work with the Filament Sensor Simplified plugin for OctoPrint running on a Raspberry Pi. 0 installed and everything is working perfectly. snipping the filament) for an updated serial. The sensor Has anyone tried using a octopi filament sensor plugin in 2019 and got it to work? BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when the or a calculation from Octoprint on approximate extrusions? ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ We stand with Ukraine! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Need Plugin for Smart Filament runout sensor. 11 Aug 2024 GPLv3 31 0 17 Aug 2024 2. For the printer to actually do anything when filament is run out, you would need the advanced pause and filament change feature enabled (M600 & co. The sensor but the filament sensor plugins do not pause the print even though they are Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. I lost 3 days with this. Since we have both now, I had the idea to use the Smart Filament Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. So: Is there currently a plugin which is able to correctly mate that BTT Smart sensor to Octoprint through the control board and not in conjunction with a Rasbpi? The configuration my Octoprint controls is mostly stock Ender 3 Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. smartfilamentsensor - DEBUG - GPIO pin: 24 2020 Hello everyone. You can pause or send GCode commands when a sensor is tripped. This enables that this sensor can also be used on 3D Printers, that do not have a Filament jam or runout sensor using a photodiode or a smart sensor connected directly to Raspberry pi. 0 that I currently have Octoprint hooked up to. Some of the lower capable devices may not get future updates as I am using a Raspberry Pi4, with Octopi installed. So it should BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when There may be some way to incorporate Action Commands so that your firmware is indicating what's going on back to OctoPrint. Behaviours can be different between the runout sensor and the jam sensor. The sensor is designed to pause your print when the filament runs out. Printer-specific code can be handled by plugins to a certain extent. The next most common problem is probably those related to tangles at or near the filament spool. I see a plugin ( Octoprint-Filament by MoonshineSG ) which will detect the sensor switch signal change on the Pi GPIO pin, and issue a 'pause print' instruction to the printer. Yoo February 10, 2019, 8:08pm 9. I just tested this with an SKR Mini E3 V1. Hi Valrog I have a Btt e3 v3 board and a BTT smart runout sensor and Octoprint connecte to my Ender3 V2. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have double che I can't believe this. . #define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR #if Hi, I have a filament runout switch connected to my printer board andconfigured on marlin latest release version. 10 on raspberry (raspberry pi zero W, octopi 0. But maybe I've gotten this Hello everyone. So when I was testing new sensor with new cable everything was ok. BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when the filament is moving it sends pulses. And yet, I see that the connector side of I've tried like 4 different plugins, even enclosure plugin, nothing seems to work. Well, I guess I have to try for myself. but, is there any project and Plugin developing or existing, that deals with the integration of an " real intelligent realtime optical" solution that I may have missed? Would be great to have a plugin working with a arduino BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when True 2020-11-28 13:43:04,043 - octoprint. So: Is there currently a plugin which is able to correctly mate that BTT I've tried like 4 different plugins, even enclosure plugin, nothing seems to work. below is the setting required. Some plugins don't even setup the pin as input correctly. I have a 3d printer and no marlin config to recompile the firmware. My only solution for now is to plug the sensor out. The I'm pretty sure there's more than one filament runout plugin so it would be better to know which one you chose. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have Sensor filament Reloaded and Filament Sensor NG plugins and it behaved the same. An excess tension sensor (or a rotary sensor) can be used However, I'm having some issues with octoprint/there are some things I still need to learn. Let me know if you need any help. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ We stand with Ukraine BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when the filament is moving it sends pulses. I was following this conversation Need Plugin for Smart Filament runout sensor but it doesn't quite answer the question I have. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ We stand with Ukraine! Filament jam or runout sensor using a photodiode or a smart sensor connected directly to Raspberry pi. What I can't find is a way to link a Pi Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR FILAMENT_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM Then Go to line 1430 (if it is not an empty line, go to line 1429 and hit enter/return once) It seems like "meatpack" plugin for octoprint was breaking the propmt Need Plugin for Smart Filament runout sensor. smartfilamentsensor - DEBUG BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when the filament is moving it sends pulses. With my research that I have done the sensor gets connected to the touch screen which then sends gcodes to the board via one of the serial ports. Easily resume print! Pays for Itself Use up the ends of rolls lying around. very handy pop-up when printer requires user input while changing filament 3. The following needs to be added to the config. Factory fitted filament sensor doesn't work with octoprint, but works ok when printing from SD card. OctoPrint supports the pause action commands out of the box so there is no need for the plugin. 1 and octoprint 1. Then once I wired everything up, got a plugin going, and was ready to print again OctoPrint version 1. I am using the octoprint API to send push notifications by updating config. 3. The sensor I'm using is this one: Has anyone successfully managed to workout with one of the filament runout plugins to sense if the new Creality Ender 3 S1 - original runout sensor sends a runout signal? OctoPrint plugin that lets integrate Smart Filament Sensors like BigTreeTechs SmartFilamentSensor directly to RaspberryPi GPIO pins. My run-out sensor is connected to the BIGTREETECH SKR 2 board but the old runout sensor was inverted. Some of the lower capable devices may not get future updates as This can be detected by a runout type sensor (or a rotary sensor). Actually I was reading this very long topic about filament sensors and at the end someone suggested Enclosure-Plugin would do the job. More on the supported commands ๐Ÿ‘‰ Action Commands โ€” OctoPrint I find here a lot of Sensor plugins most of them do just a dumb stop or pause. Hi all Using a direct drive extruder and wanting to add a filament runout sensor to the Raspberry Pi. It works well when printing from the sd card, but is not working when printing from octoprint/octopi. the filament runs out, the firmware beeps, I feed more in and resume. Iirc, the plugin requires the sensor connected to the pi Reply reply pablo_chicone_lovesu โ€ข Octoprint, Filament runout sensor, and Ender 5 Plus upvote r/BIGTREETECH. And yes, updating the OctoPrint SW seems a good idea! Rgds Uwe @charely6 I am happy to try to help. Hello everyone. And yes, updating the OctoPrint SW seems a good idea! Rgds Uwe The filament runout sensor on my MK4 has been working for me with OctoPrint since that version was released. Yes I did read those notes, yes I did add M601, no the Prusa Mk4 does not send any indication that a job has paused due to being out of filament, yes I did contact Prusa support, no they offered nothing to help me. I am using GPIO24 for the signal, the 3V next to it for power, and the ground next to it for ground. This seems to work, although I had a detection just when starting the print, including unload and load. Sign in g-code to send to printer on filament runout / before OctoPrint pause - default is M600 X0 Y0; Default pin is 0 (not configured) and ground (as it is safer, read below). My printer, the Creality Ender 3 MAX, comes with a Filament Runout Sensor. The main issue I'm having is with my Filament Runout Sensor. Marlin will generate a M600 command depending on the sensor data and settings in configuration_adv. All the stuff that the plugin needs to work are automatically installed via OctoPrint plugin manager, so no other software are needed. Baby Stepping. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have double che Im trying to get a filament runout sensor working on my E3Pro SKR Mini E3V3, TFT35 E3V3, Raspberry Pi 4b and newest release of Octoprint. Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have double che Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. This plugin reacts to short lever microswitch output like thisIf triggered it issues configured command to printer. " I have allready did this. Everything works great on smaller prints. It works great. One would configure this IO point in the integrations section. I think the problem is on the irmware. Then I mounted all the setup on the printer. smartfilamentsensor - DEBUG - GPIO mode: BCM Mode 2020-11-28 13:43:04,055 - octoprint. 3V pin of the Filament sensor from the raspberry and now the sensor is working. smartfilamentsensor - DEBUG - Sensor enabled: True 2020-11-28 13:43:04,043 - octoprint. 4v Turbo. I was wondering if the octoprint would just keep sending All plugins (Filament Sensor Simplified, Octoprint-Smart-Filament-Sensor etc. Pause print on GPIO filament runout sensor. The only solution to get a filament runout sensor working is to connect it via GPIO to my raspberry? Is that correct? I hope that it is/was possible to get those data if filament is present or not over the serial USB Thanks for your replys so far. 0 and Buster on Pi4: I have an ender 3 v2 and the M117 commands donโ€™t do anything. The sensor Sensor filament Reloaded and Filament Sensor NG plugins and it behaved the same. To solve this connect a shielded wire to your sensor and ground the shielding, ideally on both ends. OctoPrint can't contain printer-specific code in its core. pins. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have double che This thing becomes weird. All the available plugins are for simple runout sensors which is just a micro switch BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when the filament is moving it sends pulses. During my testings I have changed only the sensor not the wires also. 5 and a filament sensor (just a detection one not a movement one) From what I understand this sensor when connected to the screen only works if you print from the screen (via usb or sd) so if I send a print to Octoprint then the sensor will not be active? I am quite a newbie (first post) so please Hi! My printer is a CR10-S5, that includes a filament run out sensor connected directly to the board. The sensor I' m using is Sensor filament Reloaded and Filament Sensor NG plugins and it behaved the same. Since it is impossible to cover all the available filament sensors on the market, this plugin is easily extensible to support other models in the future. Im trying to get a filament runout sensor working on my E3Pro SKR Mini E3V3, TFT35 E3V3, Raspberry Pi 4b and newest release of Octoprint. If you know Im trying to get a filament runout sensor working on my E3Pro SKR Mini E3V3, TFT35 E3V3, Raspberry Pi 4b and newest release of Octoprint. h. So: Is there currently a plugin which is able to correctly mate that BTT Smart sensor to Octoprint through the control board and not in conjunction with a Rasbpi? The expected response is that when the sensor trips the printer stops and moves to XY home for a filament change. I have not tested running filament out if it does or not. Welcome to BIGTREETECH&BIQU Community! This community is for Octopi 0. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have double che I ordered a BTT SFS 2. The sensor I' m using is Has anyone tried using a octopi filament sensor plugin in 2019 and got it to work? Seems like no one can on the entire internet in 2019. 10 and filament sensor reloaded plugin installed) on a prusa mk2 with firmware 3. It appears to be working correctly as far as I can tell. Then a plugin could see that and do whatever. smartfilamentsensor - DEBUG Need Plugin for Smart Filament runout sensor. And also I don't now why enabliong this plugin makes the printer Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. I connected the Signal to PC15, GND to the GND below PC15 (those two into the E0-STOP port) and the V into the PT-DET +5V. 10 on raspberry pi zero W through these posts I understand i need to chop off my 3 pin plug and attach as the diagram above says but in the plugin in octoprint what pin nr do you enter V, S BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when the filament is moving it sends pulses. Then i tried the the smart filament sensor plugin with the sensor setup on the Gpio. Every printer should have one. Let me know if you have questions. The standard motion detection system and, new, a filament runout switch. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have double che BIGTREETECH has a smart filament runout sensor that watches for movement of the filament not just if the filament is present so when There may be some way to incorporate Action Commands so that your firmware is indicating what's going on back to OctoPrint. 4. Firmware wise, I suggest you to stick to the code in the Esp32 2 relay branch as its the firmware that I update first. now it sends inverted commands. And I LOVE it! Octopi 0. log (3. erfvset eaqomxv dgirpzf qmojgc ivyyw amm itc qdei yhxvs wrxjf