Wife does nothing reddit She deserves for you to make an honest and sincere attempt to So if you read carefully, a man who is able to demonstrate that he has contributed proportionally more towards the purchase and upkeep of matrimonial assets, and who has no children or aged parents being looked after by the wife, and whose wife does nothing to look after the household (eg. Wife gets mad when he says this because she thinks OP does nothing. She also does stuff like give her junk funk for breakfast instead of a cereal fortified with iron, which the baby needs, because the baby didn’t like the taste of the cereal. That fuckboy I never expected him to say no, but I guess I should have. So its not as bad having two incomes. When I restart my pc or turn it on from a cold boot and click on the network/sound icon, sometimes it does nothing and if i wait like 30 seconds the slider eventually pops up. I'm a traditional, conservative guy. She'd start an arguement right before bed and not resolve things, I would be left in the same spot you are with hurt feelings and a racing mind. I couldn't believe my wife who I'd loved for 5 years would say that. You'll be told that you need to value yourself and leave. but it becomes a negative attribute, when the man does all the work whereas the wife does nothing. She will say " I was outside watering my plants, you know the ones on the side of the house by the tomatoes, not the cherry tomatoes the Roma tomatoes, so while I was watering the nozzle on the hose, you know the green hose we have back there, well for some reason it's not working right". Our son is at a preschool that sends a bus to pick him up, and for 6 hours a day my wife does nothing. Even mothering - she kept denying that Brian needed help. They need to communicate expectations and find some sort of happy medium which works for both of them. Yes exactly! The comments would be like “dump him” and stuff like that. As someone who hates jobs, I find a housewife status very tempting This event is one guy (the angry husband) who attempts to beat up another man (naked usually, so probably caught in the act) who apparently has been sleeping with his wife - and I say attempt because he never actually beats the guy up, he just stands menacingly over the cowering guy. That's not emotional. His wife should be thankful she doesn’t have to work 60 hours a week waiting tables to make ends My wife literally does nothing to improve our living standards and make each of our lives easier, I've talked with her and told her how I NEED her help to make things run smoothly, how she needs to go to bed at a decent hour so she can be up for our child, Y'all I've talked to her so if you're going to tell me I need to talk with her I have, in Spent whole weekend with said friend as if nothing had happened. And that kind of motivation can only come from your wife. yes, there are some household (not many) where this happens and a common thing in this scenario is being a ঘরজামাই (house husband), which is seen as a negative I also advise you to find others who have kids your daughter’s age and find play groups for her. The words stung. I’d be straight up with your brother. For instance, my wife's parents were very reserved and never showed public displays of affection in front of anyone - family, kids, etc. And here OP not only is stressed to keep up with the expenses, he also cooks and does housework. I just feel so valueless so most the time. She always makes time for herself, takes trips with her I kinda feel bad for him in a way because he clearly loves his wife and I'm sure the promo was for her more than anything. You are fortunate I have no friends except for some from high school who I keep up with on Snapchat and am lonely but have no desire to make friends. Going back to the "I work a lot" statement, I really sacrificed a lot of quality time with my wife over the years. And if this situation is leading you to consider My wife went to her after I brought up divorce and talked things out. She can explain and describe the book to me, so that she can talk about its themes with me. She told me the time when she was shopping at the mall and out For most of my marriage of 30 years I never really did much for my wife's birthday I did not get anything as a child and never really celebrated my birthday and I never liked the idea of having to buy anything because I am told to do so to me it means nothing when it is expected and I would do so much during the year for her anyway so figured it was no big deal. The truth i probably in the middle but it sounds like the op brings in the money However, despite all my efforts, I can't find any way to get it to work while I have the deck docked. Like I told another person you have to be evenly yoked. The problem I see is that it’s all up to OP to accept and change his behavior. And when she says, "So you don't appreciate my cooking? or "does this mean you don't accept my love for you?" or "Does this mean you don't love me?" put this in your back pocket: "Look, honey, I love you. It's a coping mechanism at best. I got tired of being alone so the last two years I went out of town to visit some family and friends. If your wife doesn’t feel the spark anymore please don’t take that as a reflection of your worth or attractiveness. If you aren't verified and would like to get verified please send us a Modmail with the Redgifs link. As time has progressed, our house cleanliness has gotten worse. OP's problem here is she feels like her boyfriend doesn't care about her or the relationship. Just because you edited your post doesn't mean you didn't say them. not knowing he had just There’s nothing wrong with that at all. The fact of the matter is that OP needs serious help that his wife and the internet cannot give him, yet he portrays . But a second wife as a response to her actions is very disproportionate and it does nothing to fix the problems between them. A said that he rubbed his hands on the front of her, but only on her stomach. Either she agrees to marriage counseling or you walk. My wife always thinks I'm ogling her anytime she removes an article of clothing, bit it's not that simple. So I spent the entire weekend with this guy fishing, frying up a chicken, chopping down trees, etc. My husband does get annoyed but I have my own income so I feel like its more justified. There's a big difference between a A woman has taken to Reddit and shared the story of how her husband said "my wife does nothing all day" while he was playing video games with a friend. I’m in a somewhat similar boat. (We both work shifts in different places) I wanna not be made to think I've 20 jobs to do while I know she's doing nothing but 1. I was making a fraction of what my wife made. But there are constructive approaches 16 signs your wife is just an asshole 1) She does nothing around the house. T. I acknowledge now that I have not spent the time to keep our relationship alive and that's eating me away. I feel like I am wasting my life away My wife is a voracious reader and she always talks to me about the books she reads. She said that I never take care of the baby short of a few hours per day and that she never has time to herself. You do you of course, but it's a no to me. Been married almost 18 Welcome to the official r/Wife subreddit. I don’t know what kind of upbringing you had, but all the downvotes you’re getting should make u understand how shitty your thinking and responses are. If there are things she does that bother you, communicate it to her. Reply KingCrandall • Additional comment actions. He comes home every day and nothing ever changes, and he doesn't realize it only looks like nothing changes because you're working so hard to keep it that way! He fundamentally does not understand your household contribution and so he thinks you aren't Yes, your wife is home with the baby all day, but you're also away at work all day. What comes after : - Don't expect closure, nothing she can say will give you closure. " PS - please talk to someone about this. The kids need something well that’s me too. You said it's 0/100. I understand I wasn't very nice to them when they got married so I guess I deserve this I’m not quite married yet (11/11/18 Gods willing and the creek don’t rise) but my almost-wife does this thing. Or check it out in the app stores Whenever we are driving somewhere my wife does nothing but complain about my driving and is always telling me how and where Removing the "Le" from "Le wife" and replacing it it with "the" per request of Stone1488 Share Welcome to r/relationship_advice. My wife of 30 years spends a $1000 per month feeding wild raccoons. I don’t understand this new ideology; it feels like we want to create this perfect dream life portrayed by social media; man is super rich, wife does nothing but live It bothers her enough that she’s communicating with you instead of stuffing it down and building resentment. And yes, often the money and other benefits could make these sacrifices seemingly worth it, but she should not be left a destitute single mother should My poor brother, this is his wife to a T. we can’t do anything as a married couple but she doesn’t see what she But when my wife is home, the dog will follow her around, sit with her on the couch, and all that. If this were just sex yeah sure fine but now she’s keeping a baby from a one night stand and getting a divorce. And when you're tasked with coming home to baby duty and household chores, it's not like it's all just a walk in the park for you. There’s no “working with him”. My bitch hoe wife thinks she can Eugene the poor bastard tries so hard. Other times she’s standing next to the baby and the baby is calling her Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now . Any sort of namecalling, insults,etc will result in the comment being removed and the user being banned. He said "are you sure you are happy right now?" to my wife more than once during that conversation It saved me so much time that day, we celebrated getting all the work done by going to get ice cream. She wouldn't believe me. I am the senior administrator at a company that does I. No nothing. I To me, it's a trick to have a wife without carrying the legal responsibilities of a husband. The key is not to do it in a retaliatory way. If my wife moves to another room, the dog will follow her, whereas if I get up and leave he just stays with her. OP please let your wife know what you really meant. Any idea who this may be? Related Topics I thought so too at first, but he’s definitely not B list, his wife does nothing for his image, and he’s definitely not a “wholesome family man”, considering he publicly cheated on his ex wife with his now wife. Go for 50/50 on custody. Because even if she thought it wasn't necessary, she'd accept it mattered to you. My point is that he spent the entire post complaining about his wife/child/sex life while explaining everything he does that’s so great and supportive and that his wife does nothing, which he says only makes his issues worse. Despite having two controllers paired to the unit, the deck will ALWAYS set itself as Controller 1 and the first controller I connect as Controller 2, while the View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. It’s not that my wife does nothing. Or check it out in the app stores how is he not a good husband/father? he has a demanding job that provides for his family since his useless wife does nothing. One of her friends became religious and confessed her actions to me which had me confront my She’s not going to change her mind and there’s nothing you can do TO change her mind either. Like some have said, your wife could be depressed. (6 and 3). Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Because without her, i would be nothing. And the end of the day, you'll have to talk it over and find a compromise you can both live with. The idea of "killing off" his wife is pretty fucked up though. I have nothing against anyone that enjoys games but if that's all I'm doing for every day of the year that's pretty sad. It’s not unfair on either part. Also, she takes up about 80% of the closet and dresser with her clothes. Replace "research shows that" with "I feel". My wife and I have three kids and I'm the only one who works. I expect my wife to take care of the house and the kids and it's my duty to provide for my wife. Maybe your wife needs to understand that you’re trying to find work that can provide not out of pride, but out of love. But we talk all In that case, planning a romantic gesture for the other person does nothing at all to help them feel like they're valued or that the relationship is better balanced, quite the opposite. Be it the truth or lies, she cannot give you closure. If she decides she does not ever want to go through the ordeal of pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing, you will have to decide whether you love her more than you love the idea of someone who does not yet exist. It’s accepting him. This kind of behavior is unfair, and you probably don’t know how to deal with your lazy wife. Local martyr stuck with wife who does literally nothing, but has never even considered divorce until the heroes of AITA mention it . Also, in an ideal world a divorce won't impact the children, but what happens if one (or both) parents remarry? Your wife may not be concerned about the income level, but rather your willingness to do more with less. It's not going to help your depression in any way. Nothing as elaborate as Hawaii, but weekends at the beach or the like. Wanna hear For instance, my wife's parents were very reserved and never showed public displays of affection in front of anyone - family, kids, etc. We'd like to take this time to remind users that: We do not allow any type of am I the asshole? or situations/content involving minors. Everything else is up to me. She didn't work and I definitely did not require any woman I wlam with to work. She sits there and plays call of duty all day or does basically nothing. After all this, I didn't think it would hurt as much, but it still does. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. . absent and living with the boyfriend) is not likely to Look, OP thinks wife does nothing. What you're describing actually sounds like a personality disorder. She ignores me and it’s Whenever a bring up the fact that she hasn't done any housework, she says "I'm trying", which I don't understand, because she does nothing -- there's no attempts to improve. At first, this Apparently he works 12-13hra a day 6-7 days a week. I would keep focusing on doing the things that make you happy and stop worrying what your wife thinks. I open her card and see text underlined stating "I love you more than you will know even if I don't show it". But if you feel uncomfortable with your wife spending that much you have to communicate that. We discussed things time and time again and finally camebup with a Instead, my wife does nothing and the baby crashes against the wall and starts crying a lot. In February my wife sat me down and tells me she has fallen out of love with me. But she did nothing else: just spent money and smoked weed. BUT. That goes the other way too. However, recently it’s as if my wife is unable to shift her perspective and she is becoming very lethargic and angry. It's just cooking. His wife interpreted what he said as criticism of her. the sooner you realize The version of Poseidon were shown in PJO has clearly become much more of the ‘spend a while together, fall in love, make some memories, then pound the tuna’ type of guy (which you can honestly argue is worse for the poor lady than Zeus’s ‘sup bitch, let’s fuck, done, cool, bye’ approach but that’s for another time) so Poseidons rate has clearly gone down considerably I do not want you to be in the dark and want to work on what is right for you, me and us. I know that having a young child is hard on moms and I am not discrediting everything that she does to help with our child. If it would help let her know that a woman on reddit with a stay at home husband thinks there is nothing wrong with her taking care of the house while OP takes care of earning money. ” Everything, from what I am reading, if I'm to believe it. He said he didn’t want to come and I don’t drive - he does. You expect things to be your way and life doesn't seem to be going your way. I feel like I'm a successful, charismatic and fairly attractive guy, I don't know why it doesn't happen more from my wife or anyone else. She asked her boyfriend to plan something nice, not just to be Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. “Wife was bullied by your new GF in high school so she’s decided that GF won’t be welcome in our home. Unwinding is key. I quietly After 2 years of my wife no showing and the dates being adjourned I just asked them to finalized the order (I probably could have done this sooner). Remind your wife that this is about YOUR experience. My wife does everything with her family I don’t participate in it cause it’s not normal to spend 24/7 with her family as they live 20 steps away from us she’s over there every night and now shes away again at camp with her family like she acts like never sees them. After college I struggled to find work because the shape the economy was in at the time. infrastructure for dental offices all around the U. The mom ends up doing most of the cleaning. The only thing I got from anyone was a wallet from my brother which I am very grateful for as I needed a new one, but nothing from my wife. She should be trying to get back into your good graces but instead she makes half ass attempts at reconciliation. If you are in this unpleasant situation, you often ask yourself why my stay-at-home wife doesn’t do anything. I want to be clear that I'm not even talking about chores, I'm talking basic human decency things. It's honestly that simple. If this still confuses you, reread my comment until it no longer does. And she would definitely have it for retirement if she's killed off in the show or if Truman himself passes away. Birthday was in the middle of a I believe I can distill my wife's issues with me mostly down to:-She feels like she does all the work and I don't do enough to take the burden (mental or otherwise) off her plate-I don't do enough things to make her feel special, I only want her for sex, and I am selfish. Also the In truth, I love them. My wife rarely so much is get me a card for our anniversary, she usually does something nice for Father’s Day but nothing major, it’s usually sentimental things about the kids and I love that, but last year she broke my heart on Father’s Day because she took my son to visit her parents who live a couple hours away so I didn’t see my son The key advice I can give you, the most important one Don't cling to her, LET HER GO, if she is to come back to you it won't be anything you do. But jesus man. Walk away, get out of the room, leave the house, whatever it takes to stop being her scapegoat/default punching bag. Get a divorce and try to end things as amicably as possible. That's just how I feel about it. I do my fair share of housework and everything else. And there is drugs galore. It's an amazing thing. So, my wife often goes out on a Friday night with her best friend, usually doesn't get back until 4am (the place she goes to closes then so no big deal) every time shes been out, she's always come back it does slightly bother me that shes out every Friday and never gets back until so late as we do have 3 year old twins and it seems irresponsible, but Father’s Day is the same day every year, she had plenty of time but she does not care about you. My advice is let her be a stay at home mom. My husband is an general contractor. He just needs a good enough reason for the courts grant the temporary order; which in this case I think he does A terrible person like you shouldn’t have married, I saw you telling in the comments that you think your wife does nothing for you. S. Either embrace it by going heel yourself or keep her off screen. It’s really not worth it when you make so much more than her If nothing else, it will at least appeal to her fairness and show her to be more aware of what you're doing as well as give her the opportunity to chip in and help. OP said they agreed she won’t pursue further education, but nothing with respect to her working was mentioned. Seeing this in her cards for the past 5 years is really eating my soul. Honestly, your wife sounds like a great person and has been there for you. his wife is probably unsatisfied, exhausted and burnt out. You can't and shouldn't use articles against one another. It has NOTHING to do with what your character actually did My wife used to do exactly the same shit your wife does. Does she really mean it or is it just habit now to write that in multiple cards and underline it. . The ways of getting better either involve putting in immense effort to fight every instinct you have, while knowing that nothing is going to just go away, or doing that on an experimental bunch of drugs that maybe make the feelings better, but have There is nothing worse than being given the entirety of the household to manage while your husband sits on the couch and plays video games for hours. She is my everything. Maybe be grateful for what you've got. Reply reply [deleted] • • Edited . We both have depression off-and-on, but I've consistently done housework for the past 4 years, and she hasn't made an effort at all. Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. If there isn't one, don't marry personally benzoyl peroxide does nothing for me but a lot of people swear by it, haven't used azaelic acid but that's apparently a gentler option. Just this morning, she told me that she explained to our male that she couldn't pick him up because he gives her a rash. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Even more so because it's true. well that does not work for every woman either. Ha, I was just having this discussion with my wife I'm on day 9 of a break (work tomorrow boo) and I've pretty much just done nothing. If you aren't an extrovert, then doing nothing is a great way to reset. In a nut shell my mother had the same out look on money as your wife and my father is much like yourself and he did everything to keep the marriage a live until if crumbled apart due to her money habits. They deserved it. I dated a guy My wife's mentality (or mental health) being what it is, my behaviour has very little impact. I didn't I worked/held our baby from 8am until 10pm tonight. I hope this does not happen My husband also does nothing so you aren’t alone. My Husband Never Does Anything Special for Me – What Should I Do? It's natural to feel hurt or unappreciated when your husband doesn't make an effort to do anything special for you. My wife's biggest need wound up being quality time. At the end of the day, my wife and I have very different hobbies. She said that her sister said she saw me drinking with her own two eyes and that she was right, I was a good for nothing drunk and I always would be. I would set a You want to be lovey dovey. Then he said that my wife's friends saw what was going on, and pulled her off of him. That your wife does nothing. We have a beautiful 7 years old daughter and our marriage has been great without any major problems until last year. My point was that your assertion that she does nothing but sit in one spot all day on her phone is impossible if she is taking care of the kids. She stays home with our youngest who isn't in school yet. It will help if you read this article before considering divorce. They tried everything. If a man wants that level of commitment from me, he should marry. We have some friends who literally can’t plan their way out of a wet paper bag to save their lives. They can compromise. Please make sure you read our rules here. No important man in history is judged by the beauty of his wife. I pray everyone finds their everything and loves as much as my wife and i do. Your wife is probably not lazy but has some personal issues. Cooking by itself is not part of your identity or anything, it doesn't take away from who you are or our relationship. He's awesome Reply reply WhatTheCluck802 • I couldn’t see any redeeming qualities of her. 2K votes, 427 comments. I am a stay at home mom. After telling her the night's story, A asked my wife if she was happy with me. I suspect he thinks maintaining a house - cleaning, taking care of the kids, etc - isn't real work, because it isn't productive. She is so lazy and evil she asked him to clean the kitchen after eating. Its just on a day off during the week. If it is somewhere that she's not interested in going, she won't feel bad about missing it. Some background: I am a late twenties working professional who works 60ish hours a week, goes to school full time, and does most of the cleaning. Because the only way his wife can hurt me is by exerting control over my brother and preventing any relationship with him. So I know that I show her how different our relationship is in ways that are different than my She asked me how long I'd relapsed for. Your wife, from what you are saying is on her phone alot which you conclude is avoidance behaviour. Gradually (my son is 2), I’m back to doing everything again. Except that's abusive for reasons Reddit doesn't seem entirely clear on. I'm not saying men should only do manly jobs. Not to mention often her family, friends and things like educational opportunities. Your wife does not respect and shows remorse for her emotional affair. I I also know that taking care of the household, kids etc is very demanding and odyen unappreciated. My bitch hoe wife does not understand the concept of a job apparently because as soon as we married she quit hers. Shortly after I finished my wife and I started talking/arguing about this again and she told me that I do nothing. Loving her does not mean you have to let her abuse you. Wife might cook a meal for the family maybe twice or three times a month. Oh no I jerked back when I read that part there’s a clear difference in a 32 yr olds life and a 22 yr olds life no matter what gender. But she doesn’t do much. But GF was a bully to Wife so neither of us is going to be doing anything with you as a couple. I get that people change, and sometimes they do. We tell each other all the time that when we die, we want to go before the other so we dont have to feel that pain of losing one another. Husband isn’t going to die if he just does his own thing. Working a full time job and being a mother is hard. ? And so on. A person who feels cheating is wrong and shameful will not cheat regardless of circumstances. Everything else in their relationship is apparently golden, so it's not other problems bleeding into housework. She maybe makes dinner twice a week then pats herself on the back. Or check it out in the app stores Home “I am gunna beat my wife twice as much so you not beating your wife does nothing!” I’m still not beating my wife. Who would really want a spouse who didn't cheat only because his/her SO managed to keep tabs at ll times. you have to realize your wife does nothing but piss people off when she's on TV. She wanted a traditional husband without putting in any effort. House is pretty messy in between. Personally I’d advise divorce. No career. Treating a depression requires serious commitment. It sounds like your wife does nothing for you. She’s away from home for 8 years in w big city with nothing to her name, doing customer service job and no relationship. I have tried everything, I have re installed the os as in format the NVME drive and install from a fresh install via the iso through a usb, I even got a brand new nvme drive, upgraded from my 500gb to 1tb So my wife will ask my choice between two outfits, she will generally chose the one I don't pick. Meals, bedtimes, baths, childcare drop off/pick ups, waking up, putting to bed, laundry, etc. The female is a one person cat, and she hisses and swipes at everybody but my wife, yet she does lay with me. Stop taking her stress and let her keep it or give it to someone else. she has 5 children to attend to, has a job, friends, has moved as many times as HIS career required. Her friend suggested that she open the relationship for me but she said she didn't want me sleeping with strange women so her friend volunteered herself to be the one that sleeps with me; my wife thought this was a great idea which led to the fiasco at our house. "So he knows that's the reason I You make 120k, sit around all day doing nothing but fuck around on the internet, and you somehow hate your job? My man, you could be working retail stocking shelfs, for 25k a year. And to be honest the summers and the bugs do suck there. He goes to bed at 9pm even if he isn’t working the next day. I won't Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. Instead of getting to the point. My wife honestly doesn't care and doesn't feel "left out" by not coming on these trips. What does it mean that is both 1) good and 2) not duplicated by the marriage vows, marriage license, etc. That's taking what Cringe. They always work 10 hours a week, with long commutes, and make $200K/year while their wife is a SAHM and does nothing, except care for/homeschool their 3 kids, one of whom could theoretically cook a night or two per week, as a chore. As for your daughter, competition is great! I know of a family that uses little plastic baggies on a chore chart that hold money, so when a kid does the chore, they collect the I(35M) am married to my wife(37F) for 11 years and together for 14. So, you can’t wait until she’s ‘nagging’ you to communicate on the things she does that irritate you. 2/3 of his days are meetings with employees, 1/3 is hard Nothing as elaborate as Hawaii, but weekends at the beach or the like. Those were your exact words. Also, in an ideal world a divorce won't impact the children, but what happens if one (or both) parents remarry? However, now a year into our marriage, I'm barely hanging on to this relationship. Reply She thought that was a great idea. That's it. The reason that I love this situation so much is that my wife is very very guarded, which I am absolutely not. awards Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Reddit’s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. I represented myself because I knew she wouldn't show so the whole thing cost me $0. Yet my wife does not hesitate to hug and kiss and hold hands in public, in front of the kids, etc. She won't pick up after herself, she won't go grocery shopping. He watches YouTube on his IPaD and I spend my birthday alone. Been married almost 18 It really helped my relationship and taught me and my wife how to communicate better with each other. Ever since our daughter was born, she has slept with us. This consists of Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Donuts and Pies. It sounds like your wife is smothering your daughter, and it sounds like she’s suffering from separation anxiety from her in school. In a weird way, it's a superpower. Content creators are allowed to post but please no promoting in the post title or comments. His wife does nothing to make an My now bitch hoe wife does nothing but sit around my house, eat all my food, make tik toks and play video games while I spend 60 hours a week working my ass off to keep a roof over our heads. He inherits $2 million (!!!) from his dead aunt and his wife does nothing but berate him because he won’t move to Florida. there's nothing here on whether or not he does chores and how much in their household, how intense her job is, if it's her role to keep track of all the kid crap, and if he makes sure Unfortunately, as long as your wife is unwilling to seek help, you can do nothing to help her. Of course. Is you are not really present with your wife at all, your expectations seem a little 1950s style. And you just said you've been upholding your house of 5, like your wife does nothing, making sure the kids are cared for, getting them from school when they're sick, getting them to their appts, or activities, all things you'd have to help in if she were working as well. She will also skip any events where GF is invited. My husband does and I do get annoyed yes but I make my own money and work. This is just one of the things that make me love my wife for who she is. ” “Is a SAHW that does absolutely nothing OP should disable her ability to use the Internet from her phone. i think your question might not be the right one. Nothing would exhaust me more than feeling like everything was on my shoulders. Depending on your love language, this topic can prove to be a pretty touchy one. The two concepts are mutually exclusive. And that statistics mean nothing to the individual! Nothing his or her partner does will prevent it. Conversely, nothing is more devastating than meeting colleagues spouses and realizing people you respect have ugly wives If you are not in love with your wife, you will always look to upgrade irrespective of your wife's beauty. It’s really not worth it when you make so much more than her. Even though she denies it, if she does have PPD, doing nothing but doom scrolling when she doesn't have the baby isn't going to From family, to friends, to people who hardly know my family there are so many people out there that just think my wife sits at home and twiddles her thumbs all day, just WAITING for the opportunity to jump and do XYZ at anyones beck or call. I don't blame the cats at all for my wife's idiosyncrasies. Maybe you need to be willing to start even below the bar you’ve already lowered. My wife has a good paying job but I make 3-4 times what she does. She suffered from severe postpartum depression with our first child and My wife has an obsessive personality and is always obsessing over one thought or another, researching her thoughts of the day and just repeating the same thing over and over again to If your wife refuses to go, it's because she doesn't give a shit about your feelings. More accurately it’s a category of Thing™ where she gets weirdly competitive about everyday things like out pacing me at the grocery store or yelling louder than the cat or wrestling that ends in tickling and she gets this So I myself spend a lot of money. It is very likely that op sees his projects as him doing work while his wife 'does nothing all day' And tbh, all the projects mentioned are completely non essential. FML . Reply reply brainlobeo2 Pretty much any wife of a professional athlete (there are exceptions of course) gives up not just a job but a lot of her own earning potential for her spouse. This was my case. I His gf is miserable too, i felt a tiny bit of pity when she told Man Ni she’s the closest thing to his wife and will always shoo girls away for him when he’s done smh i cant blame her for being hooked on with that fuckboy’s wealth and smooth words. She has no intimate feelings for me and there is just nothing there. I make really good money but its still tight because I'm the only one who works. Your happiness, your wife's happiness and your marriage deserve the effort. Men that love their wives don't see them as ugly. That kind of commitment can only come from a strong inner motivation. I was focused on my career which can be round the clock and the kids. Evil wife does nothing (except all the housework, cooking and raising the kids). I worry this sub is going to convince you you’re just not doing enough. We tried having me be the one to feed him, and my wife started reducing the treats she gives him, whereas I still give him treats. Wife is angry that my job requires long hours and doesn’t give me credit for working. So does she. If you decide that you really do want to procreate, it is also certainly your right to do so. It rarely ever happens, which additionally is a hit to my confidence, but when it does I find that I value those comments more than I do from the few dry ones I get from my wife. And contrarily to your own personal I'm in school, I'm an unpaid intern, I drive Lyft, she's pregnant, our son is about to turn four. I've been together with my wife for going on 13 years now, married for 10 and just found out that she slept with one of our friends who was going to the cottage with us over the weekend. She takes forever telling me something. He’s raising a child. Sometimes it's the way she laughs or that thing you ladies do where you push your hair behind your ears. Your Partner Needs Constant Reminders. It is obvious you don’t give your wife any value. I have no issue with people who choose to be stay-at-home parents. If someone has decided that they're right and you're wrong, no matter what the circumstances, and literally nothing will shake them from that belief, what you say or do has no effect. Reply reply DivineCrusader1097 • Threaten to feed a dog vegan dog food for every animal they eat Reply reply StemCellCheese • I normally hit them with "woah I There’s nothing for her to “deal with” other than coming to terms with the fact that even though she would love a chance to be stay at home, he clearly does not like it. I want to come home everyday to a peaceful home, spend sometime chatting to the kids, helping them with their homework, having a workout and eating dinner that my wife gets ready. Last year, I learnt that my wife cheated on me before our marriage. It needs to be brought back into the emotional arena, it needs to be more like a team sport than a debate class. I am so busy all the time, and all she does is sit at home doing nothing. So my wife will ask my choice between two outfits, she will generally chose the one I don't pick. Some vidya, some guitar, coffee, walking the dog. My husband (M/38) literally said he thinks I (F/34) do nothing” as a stay-at-home mom I don't know what to think but I'd love to be told that I'M wrong because if thats the case, I can fix it. Reply reply [deleted] • I think I am. I’ve asked her to cut back on this. I felt inadequate. Dishes are never done either but the meat or chicken is always ready to be made she does make sure to take that out But once again I’m the one making dinner at 6pm after working all day. I get home from work on my bday, and nothing. As much as you may think all your wife does is goof off all day, the truth is there is no true form of One thing you need to understand is that reddit has some biases, hard core biases. true. If you want to get what reddit *really* thinks say that you're a wife with a husband who does nothing and is gaining weight. I go to class, get food, or maybe go somewhere to study alone but most of the time I literally just scroll through Reddit, watch Youtube or TV, and wait for the day to be over. Wife isn’t going to die if she gets up early and do a thing with her husband once in a while. All Wives are welcomed here. 32 years old. The fact that I haven't read the book in question doesn't mean we can't talk about it. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in Father’s Day is the same day every year, she had plenty of time but she does not care about you. What if he actually wants to do things with his wife. I’ve learned to become more guarded because of things that have happened to me in the past. You are exaggerating, or your kids are being completely neglected. I do however have an issue with people who choose to stay at home but complain about it constantly or don't even have kids. I kind of thought it was a joke and today I watched my kids, wife, and family open thoughtful gifts for and from eachother. It's the way the light hits her or certain look on her face. This year she told me out of nowhere she wasn't getting me anything. it is not taboo at all. I told her not since 5 years ago. I'm not sure, but as a guess, I can't remember if the wife had a job, but at least while Truman is at work she would have time to spend that money. Wife does dishes most of the time, but regularly lets it pile up until she really has no choice but to clean them. you won't be told about depression or that you need to support her more or whatever. What Im trying to say is - why are memories of you and your friends doing something, or having a girlfriend/wife Brother's wife feels like she's not allowed to vent her frustrations at him because the whole family will gang up on her and take his side, he insists that's not the case but also does nothing to talk to my parents about the situation when the two of them do argue. Each relationship will look different in this regard; delegation of An anonymous man took to Reddit to ask users whether he was being unreasonable for asking his wife to take on a small portion of the chores after he told her he feels "burnt out" “OP doesn’t have a wife. My wife does precisely two things in the house on a regular basis, cleans dishes when the sink is full, and walks the dog on her days. There's nothing YOU can do to get her back. I understand you love her but friend, you are going to spend years hoping she’ll change her mind and fighting about this issue, growing more and more miserable until you either A) give up and resign yourself to a life you’re not happy with or B) you end up resenting her and you leave her. psperuys ifhgdri jzey bjwubna lcixdy zbayp egd jic xqive znuiuzc