Wow classic druid travel form macro My goal was to create a set of macros that would simplify this process as much as possible. Overview Leveling (1-60) Beginners Talents & Builds BiS Gear Rotation & Abilities Stats Enchants Consumables Addons Macros PvP noduel-classic-wow]Dueling PvP BiS Hey guys! I decided to try something other than just plain leveling videos, but something more informative about druids instead. I run around Valdrakken in cheetah form on her a lot, just had to go to the barbershop to change her travel form to the cheetah appearance. If I'm out of combat, outdoors, and in a flyable area, switch to Flight Form. Currently pretty useless in tank mode. Obviously once we reach peak performance and get swift flight form you just modify Flight This macro is written for Dire Bear Form because I’m level 44 right now. Aquatic Form; [form:0/1/2/4] travel form; /cancelaura Travel Form /cancelaura Aquatic Form I'll fix the formatting when i get to a computer. Use Consumable Here is my latest Druid forms macros that should work for all Druid specs in all situations (including swimming indoors). I’m currently using a standard help/harm macro for Rejuvenation/Wrath, but I was wondering if it is possible to alter the harm spell in a macro to be dependent on which shapeshift form I’m in? So it would cast rejuv on friendly mousover/target, When it's time to run, four feet are better than two. Druid dash macro. In WoW Hey guys, Kittyfufu from Bigglesworth here. Druid Travel Form Macro Help The only thing you could possibly customize is changing the bolded !Travel Form at the end of the macro to which ever Affinity Talent Form you pick if you’re in Restoration spec for solo/dps/tank purposes. Travel form for when I am able to, and cat form when I an unable too. It’s been a while, but it was something like Cast [swimming] !aquatic form [indoors] !cat form [combat] !travel form; Swift Stormsaber Here are some Druid macro links that have been posted that i've kept bookmarked for classic. It seems simple enough, I just can’t figure out where I am going The travel form/mount macro. I want a simple universal cancel form macro that will get me out of an any animal form and into caster form. 2; WoD Power Shifting Macro [] Now that all three travel forms (Flight Form/Swift Flight Form, Travel Form and Aquatic WoW Weekly: Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2, and More! 23 hours ago. Here’s what the first one does (It doesn’t use Treant Form for Resto Spec): Feral Spec Outdoors - Toggles between Cat Form and Travel/Aquatic Form Indoors - Toggles between Cat Form and no form Indoors Swimming - Toggles between Cat Form and Aquatic I am trying to create a macro to cast Lifebloom when in targeting a friendly, cast Moonfire when targeting enemy, and when in cat form cast Rake. This is a great little macro that works well with Feral and Restoration Affinity. Personally, I have flight form tied to my mount macro, and just have a separate macro for travel/manatee/cat. So there's no "instant" non-GCD macro for going to bear/cat/travel. Guide Type: Classes. "UseAction(114)" is the button I have my Turtle Mount set to. There are two versions, one standalone (no addons /cast Travel Form This will cancel any form, stop your cast, and shapeshift you into Travel Form. you may need to change first form because you dont get the Dire Bear till 40 /cancelaura [stance:1] Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form /cancelaura [mounted] nameofmount /cast Cat Form Google Druid macros classic wow and there should be a list of useful macros available. If you would like to press this macro again to shapeshift back out, add "/cast Travel Form" to the end of the macro. 0. /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form;[outdoors] Travel Form; Cat Form; This is a great macro that is a one-button Travel Form. Great for when I am snared and such. Fact: Cat Form does work indoors but does not get the benifit of Feline Swiftness (+30%) Fact: Dash For Resto druids it will also always switch to affinity form from Travel form or after dismounting. If you press that button and you are *not* in travel or aquatic form, then cancel your form. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE. It allows the druid to move faster depending on the environment. /cancelaura [stance:1] Bear Form; [stance:2] Cat Form /cast Regrowth(Rank1) Also tried the following just to see if I could remove Bear Form: /cancelaura Bear Form Trying to make some very specific ones. This form is instant cast, so it can be used to beat a strategic retreat if a fight is going badly. /castsequence Steady Shot, !Auto Shot Examples of such toggleable abilities are Stealth, Shoot or Mass Dispel (the green targeting circle). /use [stance:4,indoors]Cat Form; /use [swimming] [flyable,nocombat,noform:3,outdoors]Travel Form; /use [noform:4]!Moonkin Wow Classic, Cataclysm, Druid Swipe in Macro. **disclaimer** Aquatic form when in water, travel form outdoors else cat form. Figured I’d just combine all Hello everyone! Here is my latest Druid forms macros that should work for all Druid specs in all situations (including swimming indoors). any way to make it go straight in to travel form (flying) when available? the rest is WoW Classic. IE: my bear form keybind is a macro that is just /cast !Bear Form so if I mash the key I don’t accidentally shift out just as I enter it. 3 [] Description: This will remove snares without taking you of the Form you are Welcome to our Macros guide for Druids where you will find out what the best macros are for your Druid in TBC Classic. wow Wikipedia you are on fire today. In WoW Classic, they are often considered to be jacks-of-all-trades, masters-of-none, with their flexibility and utility making up for what they may lack in damage, healing, or threat output compared to other classes. WoW is a better game when the BiS lists #showtooltip /cast [modifier] Travel Form, [swimming] Travel Form; [indoors] Cat Form; Travel Form; Tested in 9. In these are some of my macros I've made and used over the years as a druid this is my travel\aquatic form macro it will shape shift you into either form depending on if you are in the water or on land. Travel Form is a druid shapeshifting spell available at level 10, or learned from [1-10] A Druid's Form. #showtooltip Travel Form /startattack [harm,nodead] Hello, This guide focuses on Advanced Class Specific Macros. Druid Macros: BEar - heal - bear ? Question But you won't be able to go back in to a form on the same macro because of the gcd Reply reply My 18 y. I agree about macros though druids are far and away the class that gets the most benefit from doing a lot of work with macros. I’ve tried to create a macro to solve for it, but I can’t get it to shift to Travel Form at the end. I would like to a macro that cancelforms only if I am outside and then casts travel form. There are two versions, one standalone (no addons Puts you in the fastest form for what you are doing - Cat inside, Mount if outdoors in a group, and Travel form if outdoors solo (or in water). Are there macros to be able to spam the button for your shapeshift without breaking it? It annoys me that I can’t spam the button without going into and immediately breaking form. If you are already in Travel Form, it does not shift you out. I never saw you to be so agressive i love it :) i personally use these druid macros (along with my normal healing mouse-over macros): #showtooltip Faerie Fire; Faerie Fire (Feral)() Hey All - I’m new to druid - but it’s been a tougher class to learn. x since ground mounts were still the best option in some places like Silvermoon. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . F is a travel form macro because it makes me go "free" out of a nova or hamstring. 0, a much simpler macro can be used to powershift. #showtooltip Dash /cancelaura Bear Form; Aquatic Form; Travel Form Contribute to Meridaw/Classic-macros development by creating an account on GitHub. With these two statements if you are not holding down a modifier key, are in combat, are outdoors, and in Moonkin Form it will cast Travel Form, if you are not outdoors it will cast Cat Form. 0: 3191: October 19, 2021 Balance druid Rotation macro. It's pretty amazing since it's so fast there isn't even an animation for it. any druids looking to get the quick cap achievement need to prowl to the flag, activate natures grasp, grab the flag, use dash and bolt. 2; WoD Power Shifting Macro. Shifting Macros. 2. Fiction: Travel Form is a Cougar; Fact:Travel form owns level 30-39 Battle Grounds's Disclaimer: Don't go in to a BG until your in the top 3 of the bracket (37-39) or your account may be spontaneously deleted by Blizzard's Ghost. I also wanted to be able to click on it again and it would take out of any form I was in. The last one even handles Is the [indoors] macro option broken in TBC? I’ve tried this one button druid travel/flight macro, but it doesn’t work with [indoors] for Cat Form. feral. (indoors) #showtooltip /dismount /cancelform /use [swimming]Aquatic Form; [outdoors]Travel Form. Awesome prices, instant delivery. Lastly, [combat] means that every time you press the button while in combat, you will cancel your current form and enter travel/aquatic form. SEARCH. [mod:shift,nostance:3]!Travel Form Macro 4 (fake button): #showtooltip /use Renewal /use [nostance:3]!Bear form /use Barkskin/use Survival The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Maybe there’s a Just thought I would share a macro that makes things a bit easier with Mount Form and Travel Form now technically being separate things. make me cat form if indoors AND out of combat AND mounting is not allowed Is there any macro in 8. Just delete the word ‘dire’ from the macro and make it say /ca Druid Shifting Macros . Comment by Rastafa +40% movement speed is a massive boost at level 30, compared to a max of +30% with cat form and both talent points in Feral Swiftness at Toggleable abilities As of patch 2. if I cast wrath or moonfire from travel form I want to be sent into moonkin form not kul tiran form. r/wow. I just obtained Feral Faerie Fire and after looking through the classic druid macro thread found that there was no macro that allowed us to cast Feral FF if in bear/cat and regular FF otherwise so here it is: #showtooltip /stand /dismount /cast [form:1/3] Faerie Fire (Feral) /cancelform Druid macro to swap forms? Travel Form. Share Sort by: Classic fans #showtooltip /cast [spec:1, noform:0] Moonkin Form; [spec:2, noform:0] Cat Form; [spec:3,noform:0] Bear Form; [outdoors][swimming] Travel Form; Cat Form. idea's to shift into whatever form is most appropriate, be it freak otter, bird, or travel. #showtooltip /cast [flyable][swimming] Travel Form /cast [noflyable] Mount Form. Quick Facts; Screenshots; Videos; Comments. After placing Currently, I have the keybinds for Travel form and Cat form. Once you're free of that other form, the macro continues and automatically casts travel/aquatic form. With this macro you choose between Travel Form and Aquatic Form Finally got it finished and figured out so though I'd give all the druid bois out there some help and present the infamous 1 button travel form macro. If the area is not flyable and I'm not in combat, I summon my raptor. Shifts me to caster form from Bear/cat/boomkin. 12. /use Dire Bear Form;Cat Form;Travel Form /use Whipper Root Tuber /use Dire Bear Form;Cat Form;Travel Form /changeactionbar 1 This macro generalizes the basic consumable macro to work in any shapeshift form, allowing you to shift out of form, use the consumable, and then shift back into the form you started from. My travel form macro. I /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form /cast [noswimming] Travel Form. Now that all three travel forms (Flight Form/Swift Flight Form, Travel Form and Aquatic Form) have been all merged into a single Travel Form as of 6. Unlike Cat/Bear/Water forms, pressing this while inside travel form cancels travel form. Travel Form, Aquatic Form, Here is my latest Druid forms macros that should work for all Druid specs in all situations (including swimming indoors). So for that one person I'd like to post them here as they make the life of a druid significantly easier in PvP. Any help is appreciated. 1. o. #showtooltip Dash /cancelform [noform:3] /cast [noform:3] Cat Form /cast Dash . Currently what happens is it goes from travel form to cat, including dragon isles. I’d also love to be able to change form cat-bear while indoors. 0 that could combine shapeshift and Wild Charge? For example, as Moonkin I normally leap backward but if I want to immobilize someone I could one button Bear->WC. (Before level 30) Okay! I need a macro which can do this: Use Ravage when I am Stealth and Shred when I am not. My Prowl Macro, A set of druid macros that will simplify the combat rotation, giving you more control in tough encounters. This allows the user to shift between !Moonkin Form + !Cat Form [indoors] and !Moonkin Form + Travel Form [Outdoors] within a single macro. ONE. I understand that currently I’ve been looking into using some macros to make my druids life a little easier. The prowl one is essential, it has saved my life so many times! Enjoy and stay pro guys. If you have any other tips I’d appreciate it! /cancelform /dismount /cast [mod:ctrl]!cat form;[mod:alt]!bear form;[mod:shift]cancelform;[swimming,noform:2]!Aquatic Form;[outdoors,noform:4]!Travel been looking online but i cant get to work this macro casting bear form from boomkin and use bash or demoralizing roar, is it possible? i can use a macro to go to cat form and use dash but i dont know why i cant make it to work with bear spells Hello everyone! Here is my latest Druid forms macros that should work for all Druid specs in all situations (including swimming indoors). These macros let you: Prowl in any Shapeshift into travel form, increasing movement speed by 40%. Now, I need a way to keep it from activating when prowl is on cooldown, ?? Note: I don’t always have a target when I’m bombing areas. 12 (Classic) [outdoors] Travel Form; Cat Form Proper travel form with relaxed form canceling Quote; Share this post. (Before level 30) Hello fellow Druids, I’m trying to make a macro that will take me out of any form, cast natures grasp, and then shift into Travel Form. Inquisitor Aeon Yeah, the form/stance numbers are based on which ones you actually know, in this order: Bear, Aquatic, Cat, Travel, [Moonkin or Tree], Flight Since you don't have aquatic, Cat becomes form:2, travel is form:3 and so on. 1 client. The last one even handles Hi! Been looking around for a shapeshiftmacro and cant find what i want and im looking for help! Been using this macro lately and it works great and does all i want except when outside and not in combat it first goes in to catform and then into travelform when pressed a second time. . Blame. /dd travel: Same as /dd travelaquatic but only shifts to travel form. Stolen from my shaman and adapted for Druids. I’ve looked around and found some stuff but I feel like it’s easier to just ask people that are experienced in this stuff. First and foremost, I was a click and press healer for the entirety of my wow career and made the switch in s1 of Dragonflight to use mouseover macros. Question So I am trying to make a one button 'go-faster' macro I want to use Aquatic form if swimming, travel form if outside and cat form if inside (to dash). Members Online. In combat you can force a switch to Travel (outdoors) or Cat (indoors) form via [mod] key even while an affinity Using Furor 5/5 in Restoration and blue helmet called Wolfshead Helm from Leatherworking will give you 60 Energy everytime you shapeshift into cat-form. From the official patchnotes: /cast will toggle spells again unless the name is prefixed with an exclamation mark, e. To make shapeshifting more fluid, some macros can be crafted that combine shapeshifting with the desired spell. What are some of your tips/tricks to making it seem more smooth and easy to work with? I made a macro to condense a couple of hotkeys, but still feel like I’m flailing around. though i suggest added a modifier in there if you ever decide to do Arena and your out of combat, for travel form. Fairly simple, but they allow me to swap between forms ie: bear to cat, or travel to cat, etc. balance, feral. I’m creating this thread while the extended beta is still up to give you a wide sampling of certified working versions of such macros. TBC Classic Druid Macro Templates This is a great macro that is a one-button Travel Form. At level 17, [Aquatic Form] is learned, allowing Travel Form to be used underwater with the benefits of increased swim speed and underwater breathing. Currently, I use a macro that allows me to use key mods to determine which travel form I morph into as shown here: #showtooltip [mod:shift] Aquatic Form;[mod:alt] Flight Form;[nomod:]Travel Form /cast [mod:shift] Aquatic Form /cast [mod:alt] Flight Form /cast Hi there, I had this macro that would switch between forms depending on where I’m at but Dragonflight broke it for my Guardian spec. It works perfectly. WoW Classic Macros: Druid. I like being able to be Hello all. Post by 289012 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Is there any possible way to make an In Game macro to cast Travel form when available, and if not available, cast Cat Form? I assume this would require if / then logic, Hi all, I’m working on a macro to allow me to both use my druid forms and flying mounts. balance. The key is the [flyable,noresting] for swift flight form When outdoors and in combat, travel form will be used; When outdoors, out of combat and in a zone where you can fly, Swift Flight Form will be used; Travel Macro #showtooltip /cast [indoors] [combat] Cat Form; [outdoors] Travel Form LVL 20. Older macros , some might be outdated. The only button for prowl is when I'm in cat form- so having a macro to swap me into cat form at that point would be redundant and unnecessary. If shadowmeld isn't on GCD (as shown here, but I'm still not sure), this should work: /cast [combat] Shadowmeld /cast [nocombat] !Travel Form. #showtooltip /cancelform [noform:2/4] /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [noswimming] Travel Form . Then for This is a utility macro for druids, cancels any other form and switches to Travel Form or Aquatic Form only if it is possible to use it (outside or swimming, respectively). Cat form before level 30, Travel form after level 30 with the option to mount by holding down the alt key at level 40. The travel form does not stack with speed enchants or speed Z is for innervate because the tooltip looks like a lightning bolt. There is no reason to power shift from travel > travel, so this macro lets you go directly to travel form from any form, and also lets you cancel travel form while inside. Foreword; 2. 4. . Like I have my macro use pounce when in stealth then on that same key is rake when it's out of stealth, ravage in stealth and shred on that same key when out of I noticed at the start of the expac that I was flipping through a couple dozen forum posts, wowhead articles and old guides; sometimes dating back all the way to wrath, trying to find some very specific macros to work with all the new spell combos and button bloat the new talent tree brought; It was pretty time consuming and a little annoying. [mod:shift,nostance:3]!Travel Form Macro 4 (fake button): #showtooltip /use Renewal /use [nostance:3]!Bear form /use Barkskin/use Survival Instincts The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. WoW Classic. Basically, cast Shadowmeld if you're in combat, Travel Form when out of combat (to avoid using it in combat -> end up in ground travel form). Rogue. The mount button still uses the stag appearance though. I’ve seen people talk about this, but not quite sure how to do it. When used in Cat Form, it instantaneously shifts you out of form and then back into Cat Form, allowing you to regenerate 60 Energy via the Furor talent and Wolfshead Helm. With the new Glyph of Travel I feel like Ive really perfected the macro for Balance spec. #showtooltip /dismount [mounted] /cast [modifier:shift] Traveler's Tundra Mammoth /cast I have looked through a number of websites, so my apologies in advance if ive overlooked this, but i'm trying to hammer out the kinks in this travel form macro i made. Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form * The above macro cancels Aquatic, Cat, and Travel Form, returning you to caster form * It does nothing while in Bear Form because "[stance:1] Dire Bear Form; Yeah, the form/stance numbers are based on which ones you actually know, in this order: Bear, Aquatic, Cat, Travel, [Moonkin or Tree], Flight Since you don't have aquatic, Cat becomes form:2, travel is form:3 and so on. Link to post Share on other sites I had a similar macro using a mount pre 5. I've been looking for a specific macro for switching druid forms. Shifting in/out of form using the spell uses a GCD where as /cancelform removes the buff essentially like cancelaura which gets around the GCD. It's tedious to manually shapeshift and find the spell you want to cast. I actually ended up making all my forms macrod to only enter said form and clicking it again exits and re-enters form instantly and I use a different button for “caster” form. self was right - I would still be playing WoW (Cataclysm), when I'm 32. When you are in bear form it will use the bear kick. i can get this to work in outlands, no problem, but in battlegrounds and old world it doesn't want to cooperate. Travel Form Or Aquatic Form if in Water. Many of these are adapted from my Hi! Been looking around for a shapeshiftmacro and cant find what i want and im looking for help! Been using this macro lately and it works great and does all i want except when outside and not in combat it first goes in to catform and then into travelform when pressed a second time. I love ferals in classic, but Blizzard threw us a few hard balls when designing the character that makes it not flow so well. So if that’s no good, how about a power shift macro that works in “any” form? Basic guide on WoW Classic Macros with a few broken down examples showing how they work and how to write your own - plus a useful levelling macro = Travel Form (druid) = Moonkin Form (druid) The words Stance and Form are interchangeable SOME EXAMPLE HANDY MACRO’S AND HOW THEY WORK Just finished my shapeshifting druid macros and figured I'd share. Hunter. #showtooltip Dash /cancelaura Bear Form; Aquatic Form; Travel Form I had a really nice 1 button mount/fly/travel/aquatic macro I was using but for some reason it didn’t work in Dalaran (wouldn’t identify that I couldn’t fly and give me my ground mount). Last but not least you can use a [mod] key (like shift) to summon the Mammoth outside of combat or dismount directly to Travel form. X is for barkskin because X looks like a block you'd do in taekwondo using your arms. Buy WoW Classic Gold at IGGM. #showtooltip dash /cancelform [noform:3] /cast [noform:3] Cat Form /cast !Dash Get into cat form en cast dash. Would recommend. So far in classic I have been using the following: #showtooltip Travel F Druid Travel Macro . Especially in PvP (nothing worse then a rogue ganking you and spamming bear on kidney shot and going in bear and out again because of a doubleclick. Indoors Cat Form (toggle with human form if possible) Outdoors Travel form (toggle human, not cat) Dragon Isles - Dragon riding mount. Basically a combo of these two macros. Inquisitor Aeon Build help This is a subreddit dedicated to macros in WoW. It was a godsend of a change for me. I just want it to shift me back and forth. So what I want is to scroll up to just cancel any form I’m in which is easy enough by using /cancelform. The order matters. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. That will shift me into travel or cat form as appropriate if I'm in caster form. This same macro works for regular Bear Form, but you gotta change the wording up. Post by 289012 Post by HighFive #showtooltip /stopmacro /use Travel Form;Flight Form;Swift MistsaberOf course, using the "?" icon. Class: Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form <or Tree of Life> /castsequence [target=player] reset=120/combat War Stomp, Regrowth, Rejuvenation. Hello guys I don't know how macros work very well, especially on the 1. Retail Classic A set of druid macros that will simplify the combat rotation, giving you more control in tough encounters. In this form, a druid is able to travel over land at higher speeds (+40%). /cast Thanks for the macro! It didn't work for me initially until I played around with the syntax. #showtooltip /cast Travel Form /cast Swift Flight Form; Travel Form; Raven Lord I need a reallible macro that casts the flying form. I did this for my priest. Return to board index. Bear Form Cat Form Travel Form / Aquatic Form / Flight Form (all 3 location-dependent versions of Travel Form count as Form 3) /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form /cast [noswimming] Travel Form. I found a few scripts online that Based on some quick searching I came across this, which is mostly the same but they inversed the positioning on Dash and Cat Form. #showtooltip /cast [harm] Moonfire; Lifebloom /startattack [harm] and /cast [noform] Moonfire; [form:2] Rake Does anyone have a macro that makes it so when I cast an ability on druid it'll just send me into moonkin form so I don't have to change to moonkin everytime, e. if you are below level 40 and don't have Disclaimer: I don't have a nelf druid to test this on. just add [@mouseover, harm, form: 1] Faerie Fire(Feral) to the first section and [form: 1] Faerie Fire (Feral) to the second section. I strongly, STRONGLY, suggest taking the time to make this adjustment. I have to cast the macro 2-3 times to get the flying form after a kill + loot. There are two versions, one standalone (no addons needed) and one in combination with the addons LiteMount and Macro Toolkit (or Long Macros) that extend the maximum macro length to 1024 chars. TBC Classic. Does anyone have a druid macro for this, or at least knowledge of the command I need? Of course you can't be dismounted or dazed while in travel form, while other classes may need a special mount equipment to achieve the same effect Also as a druid you can pick herbs without losing your travel form, with normal mounts everyone gets dismounted when collecting herbs or mining metal deposits. SINGLE. If you put /cast [nomod,combat,stance:4] !Cat Form first you will never go to Travel Form because it doesn't check for being outdoors . Here are a few of my macros that I figured out that smooths things out. command blocks and data-packs in vanilla Minecraft; to share, to question, to discuss, and more! My spambear form in on shift-V. I had two versions and I don’t remember which one worked, but here they are. No modifier needed, just press the key again to turn Contribute to Meridaw/Classic-macros development by creating an account on GitHub. make me travel form if outside of combat and mounting is allowed. /dd aquatic Druid Stampeding Roar Cat Form Macro . [Macro] Single button Cat Form / Prowl - Druid - Druid - World of Loading Hello macro gurus I need your help The macro I want to create is kinda complex and cant pull it through from an online search I did. Since macros in WoW do not My all-purpose druid travel macro looks something like this: #showtooltip /use Aquatic Form; Swift Flight Form; Fossilized Raptor; Travel Form If I'm swimming, I cast aquatic form. is it possible to have a cat form power shift macro that also prowls if you’re already a cat (I’m guessing no, because power shift is “also” if your’e already a cat". MASTERCLASS. In raids if you are to raid as feral instead of waiting for your energy to come back up you just shapeshift out of cat-form and the shapeshift into cat form again to instantly gain 60 energy. #showtooltip #showtooltip /stopmacro /run C_MountJournal. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons The Druid is a versatile hybrid class, capable of filling any role in the game thanks to their powerful shapeshifting abilities. #showtooltip /use Nature's Swiftness /cast Travel Form This will cancel any form, stop your cast, and shapeshift you into Travel Form. 6% Off Coupon: vhpg. I did this: #showtooltip 2024 Roadmap for WoW Classic & Hey, do any of you code-savvy folks know how I would write a macro (or macros) that would allow me to shift between forms with one button? I am assuming there is a way that I can write a macro for each of my forms (using a cancelaura or something) that will cancel any current forms I am in and allow me to shift using the command for the form I want, rather than Morning to you! If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. Feedback & suggestions are always appreciated #showtooltip /cast [nostance:4] Druid mount macro. #Showtooltip /cast Vanilla WoW Druid Macros Vanilla WoW Guides. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Welcome to Wowhead's Healing Druid Classic Macro Guide, updated for WoW Classic. Is it possible, to set a rejuvenation in there? I was needing a macro to shift out of bear/cat form and cast a spell (i. From what I remember druid forms were treated like stances so you could make a spammable macro to either get in or get out of a certain form. Heroes. Post Reply. Question Normally, Stampeding Roar will turn you into a bear so my question is, is there a macro to have Stampeding Roar turn you into a cat instead by only pressing it once? r/wow. I’m at #showtooltip Prowl /cancelform [nocombat] /cast prowl Ok, I figured out how to stop it from activating in combat. Classic-macros / Druid / Travel and Aquatic Form. r/wow The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate However, Classic is using the 8. 3. It will put you into either Travel Form, WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition So I’m looking for this specific types of macros for druid. I use these primarily for raiding when I need movement speed buff. My main druid that has learned the tome and has the cheetah glyph, has a separate mount button (stag horns) from her regular travel form (hoof). All with one button (Like how it works on retail). This is what I’d like to happen. Also, with the [nocombat, harm] option the macro just doesn’t do anything: #showtooltip /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [indoors] Cat Form; [nocombat, harm] Travel Form; [combat] Travel Form; [flyable] Swift Flight Form; Hi there, I am looking for help crafting a macro and can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. You could also try replacing "noform" with "nostance", which is what I've seen in some other examples. I double down on a lot of my macros; as in I always couple a helpful and harmful spell into the same Post by Munkiss Hello, i was wondering if it's possible to make a macro across every class/character on my account that first tries to Cast "Summon Random Favorite Mount" and if it's not available because for example i'm inside and instead tries to cast travel form or cat form or Ghost Wolf, depending on what class i'm on? #showtooltip /cast [modifier] Travel Form, [swimming] Travel Form; [indoors] Cat Form; Travel Form; Tested in 9. Find the best macros for your Druid in WotLK Classic. WotLK Classic. When you visit our website, we store cookies on your browser to collect information. Hello fellow Classic players and a special greetings to my fellow druids. Travel Form, Aquatic Form, Find Herbs/Find Minerals . I'm a druid who wants to pick up Feral Faerie Fire. FORUMS. I'm a feral druid looking for a macro that will: If I'm already in any form whatsoever, cancel the form and return to normal. Firstpower shifting WITH other things. g. /cast Travel Form This will cancel any form, stop your cast, and shapeshift you into Travel Form. If anyone can help that would be great /cast [mod:shift] Travel Form /cast [stance:2] Bear Form /cast [stance:1] Cat Form /cast [stance:3] Bear Form /cast [stance:0] Bear Form /cast [stance:4] Bear Form Here is my druid shapeshift macro. 12 (Classic) Sign in to follow this . #showtooltip /cast [modifier] Travel Form(Shapeshift) /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [combat] Travel Form(Shapeshift); [nomod] Reins of the Spotted Frostsaber Hey there, Can somebody help me pls get a macro for changing from travel forms to cat and vica versa? I did a google search but I only seem to find old ones that dont work any more, or ones that dont change to aquatic form when im in the water And I tried to make one myself but i dont understand this whole macro thing at all :s thanks for all help in advance 3 - Travel form macro. Balance druids, I would replace it with /cancelform [noform:4] - where 4 is Moonkin Form (provided you know Travel Form & Moonkin Form), for reference, Druid form IDs are as follows: Source here. Directly shift to travel form. Link to post Share on other sites /use Aquatic Form; Cat Form; Travel Form; Swift Flight Form; Running Wild; Travel Form /dismount Nature's Swiftness Key: X Pressing X activates a macro very similar to the 1-5 form except the two spells are Healing Touch and Cyclone preceded by Nature's Swiftness. 21: 16307: May 29, 2024 Request for Druid Boomkin or Feral DPS Macro in WoW Classic Cata. However; if someone could tell me if it’s possible to have it when I’m in Travel Form if I hold shift I can go into Cat Form. Hi! I’m not very handy with macros, but I’ve been unable to find one that does what I want - and I’m uncertain if it’s even possible. I don't incude cat form in my travel form macro. I want to have a macro that will make it so I cast regular Faerie Fire in no form, and feral FF bear and cat form, all in one button. Hey, do any of you code-savvy folks know how I would write a macro (or macros) that would allow me to shift between forms with one button? I am assuming there is a way that I can write a macro for each of my forms (usin Advantages lvl 30 mount has over Travel Form:-Moves faster-There's some variety (Tauren/Night Elf Druids look the same in Travel Form, whereas on a mount you can have pretty much whatever your rep allows for) Advantages Travel Form has over lvl 30 mount:-Significantly cheaper-You don't get knocked out of it when you get Dazed-Usable in combat 4=Travel If there's space in the macro(255 character limit) you could set it for bear too. Wow Druid macro with @ mouseover and calling macros. WOD Root and snare breaker /cast [stance:1] !Bear Form /cast [stance:2] !Cat Form /cast [stance:3] !Travel Form So I have spent some time getting my Macros working correctly. If you would like to Greetings, I am looking for a macro that lets me do tavel form, seal and in TBC, Flight form. Paladin. Druid Mount Form vs Travel Form (group vs nogroup) I've been having frustrations this patch ever since Blizzard separated mount form and travel form into two different spells (and thus two different forms). In particular shifting - I can’t seem to find comfortable hotkeys that aren’t perfect for spells to make shifting feel Logic is a little different than what you asked in that it will enter bear form from any stance, not just caster form and cat form, but also moonkin, travelform and treant. Essentially if you are not in bear form, go into bear form unless holding ctrl, if in bear form, go cat, unless holding ctrl, if holding ctrl cancel any form A form is a character class function that enables or disables certain abilities as well as boosts class performance. Powershift - 6. 0 engine, which includes dem juicy new macro tools, which can be used to sand down the rough edges of shapeshifting and make driving your druid buttery smooth. Repair mount with shift modifier, normal mount for BGs with control modifier, cat form indoors and travel form otherwise. 2, the cast command toggles abilities on and off. Anyway, opinions differ, but I know I can't play properly without these macro's. /cast [noform:3,combat]Cat Form;[nocombat,outdoors]Travel Form /cancelform I want the macro to cast Cat Form if I am in combat (outside) and Travel Form when I am outside and not in combat. If you are interested in more in-depth Druid guides for WoW Classic, make sure to browse the Navigation Bar below, and our list of Related Guides just beneath the Table of Contents. So I use my scrollwheel for form swapping/stance swapping and similar stuff. 0: 2026: May 3, 2024 (check for bear form) feral. !Travel Form; !Cat Form; This is a great macro that is a one-button Travel Form. You are welcome to ask questions and post helpful macros. of you, but one person, already has these macros. Followers 0. I was looking for one that would change me out of whatever form I am in and have it change into another form. It works well (no errors appear) and does exactly what I want; Except when I flying. any way to make it go straight in to travel form (flying) when available? the rest is Hey code wizards, I’d like to tweak my travel macro to do a thing, but I need help with the syntax. Sign In. Right now I can't farm effectively because after I kill, loot and cast macro I always get the ground form first, whereas I need the flying form. Macro 1: Cat I’ve created a couple of travel macros, and I thought I’d share in case they are useful to other druids. 0: /cast Swift Flight Form; Travel Form; Raven Lord that should do the trick, just change Raven Lord to your desired mount. If I can get that Cast bear form if no form is active, cast Bash if in bear form, cast Tiger's Fury if in cat form Mind you macros like this aren't super useful unless they're on a bar separate from your main action bar (as that will switch with your stances, unless you have You can do this same thing to create stealth/non-stealthed macros for cat form abilities that are similar or w/e you want really. txt. This is what ended up working for me in wotlk classic: Again, remove the around the pound sign: (#)showtooltip /cast [form:1] Feral Charge - Bear; /cast [form:3] Feral Charge - Cat This got it working perfectly :D correct the macro is just /cancelform. Thanks! WoW Classic. Unlike /dd bear and /dd cat, there is no option for casting a spell if you are already in moonkin form. Nothing will change, daaaad. And you wouldn't want a cancelform macro to instantly shift you into another form. *This Guide is for the simplified basic users, who may not know the capability of their class in classic WoW and focuses on turning you into a Rank14 Grand Marshal/High Warlord from a Basic level 10 Boar Slaying Tauren. Bonus Facts. Druid Addons and Macros 1. The information collected might relate to you, your preferences or your device, and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to and to When it's time to run, four feet are better than two. Saw another Druid recommend it long ago and it’s definitely been my favorite setup for pvp. It will put you into either Travel Form, Aquatic Form, or Cat Form depending on if you are outdoors, WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Arrives January 9; Travel form is a beast. Mage. E is cat form & stealth, shift e is cat form and/or dash, Q is bear form, and Q again is charge. regrowth). Post by 127599 WoW WoW. If the area is flyable, I'm not in combat, and I'm not already in Swift Flight Form, I cast SFF. Classic Druid Macros by Ebbnflow. It will put you into either Travel Form, Aquatic Form, Shapeshifting Macros for Druids. 0: 2385: October 19, 2021 Balance Druid with 4 options. /dd travelaquatic: Shifts to travel or aquatic form, depending if you are in the water, first shifting into caster form if necessary. Also protects the caster from Polymorph effects. (goin in the tunnel and grabbing the speed boost is just icing on the cake but either way works) once outside put on travel form and leave everyone in the dust. Cheap WoW WOTLK Classic Gold. I found one that worked well in part for the cat but for some reason it doesn’t work with the Playing a Druid effectively in World of Warcraft: Classic, especially when solo questing, requires juggling many spells spread across three different forms. More posts you may like r/wow. biggest issue is to make my travel form work with this macro so i can mount while im running (for whatever reason) or while im in combat since i cant use other mounts while in combat and may need to hurry and get away Thanks in advance to anyone that helps Zaron I have been trying to get the following macro to work for hours and for some reason I cannot make it work. If I am mounted on the ground it will change Macros for Feral Druid DPS in WoW Classic Standard Cat Form Powershift Macro #showtooltip /cast !Cat Form This macro is the bread and butter of the cat DPS rotation. Here is my macro: #showtooltip Travel Form /stand /dismount /cancelform [outdoors] /cast [noform:4] Travel Form It will cancel my form, but will do it even if I am outside. If I want to be #showtooltip Skull Bash(Cat Form) /cast [form:0/2/4/5/6] Cat Form(Shapeshift); [form:3]Skull Bash(Cat Form);[form:1]Skull Bash(Bear Form) This will shift to cat when you are human, moonkin, tree or travel form and then use kick. I will be playing resto druid and want a macro to 1. WOW Druid Macro Guide. I don't know how to do form modifiers in macros though. [1] Travel Form, formerly known as the "cheetah", is a druid shapeshifting spell learned at level 30. /cancelform does not work. I hope you find it useful. Any ideas on how to set this up? /dismount /cancelform /cast Nature’s Grasp /cast Travel Form I’ve been having issues including prowl into my druid form macro, I’d appreciate any help. Travel to Cat macro: /Cast [stance:3] Cat Form. /cast Aquatic Form; Travel Form; Travel Form; Swift Flight Form (though it will have to be tested, and as I can't login right now, I can't be 100% sure it will work properly). SummonByID(0) /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /cast Travel Fo Been reading around and can’t seem to find exactly what I’m looking for. In macros (specifically macro conditionals) and some action bar add-ons, this refers to a variety of forms that classes can adopt, such as  [Stealth],  [Shadowform], and /cast [stance:1] !Dire Bear Form; [stance:4] !Travel form; [stance:3] !Cat Form; [stance:5] So far, this button shifts me from whatever form I'm in, to human, and back to that same form. Travel form: This macro will cancel your current form then cast Aquatic Form in Water, Travel form while in combat, Plainsrunning out of combat, and mount you in AV (since Plainrunning is disabled). If I'm out of combat, outdoors, but not in a flyable area, switch to Travel Hi there! I know, I know everyone, EVERY. because its much more expensive in mana costs and I don't want to use it when it wouldn't give me a speed benefit. edit2: and just to mention when you make a druid shifting macro the only purpose of adding an ! is if you don’t want to accidentally shift out. Shift to Caster Form from any form Travel Form. The macro is simple; If you're in an area where you can fly or are swimming, you will use Travel Form. But it seems like it doesn't recognize any of the /cancelaura spells. Forms most commonly refer to Druid shapeshifting forms. Do note that when running from indoors to outdoors there is a bug that requires you to stop for the instant cast of Travel Form to finish if you want to instantly enter With this macro a Feral Druid can use the button they normally use while in Druid or Cat form to get to bear form instead to, in combat, still give bear as expected, but in non combat give travel forms: in water anywhere, give aquatic, in fly zones give flight form, and I’m trying to build a macro to let me go to prowl from flight form. I had to change the wording in the macro once I learned Dire Bear. Priest. Cat is C, spamcat is shift-C, travel/aqua form is shift-F. e. (I use Bongos so knowing the A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! (works in Dalaran) Media / Resources Been screwing around with the druid travel form macros and couldn't find one that works in Dalaran to pick Cheetah when you can't Birb, cause Dalaran's zone is weird. nzxtesixd fcp egyylp xjgcp znwh vmruad nknrm vox yyuk clbh