How to cut coke with inositol reddit. Seventh, mind your social stuff.
How to cut coke with inositol reddit Fill a water bottle w water and 1:4 acetone. Try it - give it 2 weeks. It’s a miracle. I do get tar tho, so. Or My guess; Coke is water soluble so find a cut that also dissolves in water and mix blow+cut+water then evap the water under a heat lamp Inositol ftw. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Fuckin idiot kids man. I haven't seen anything about inositol that helps me understand why Monster would include it. Though, of the myriad of common crap, I'd prefer benzocaine. Your better off just taking smaller bumps if that works for you. I actually cut mine just a bit with lido and benzo mixture as I like the tooth numbing and they play well with eachother. It's most likely from cuts in the coke and its tearing your nasal passage up. Anything under 60% purity is already cut to fuck and cutting further makes it too weak. And it depends. we all hear the baking soda from the re rock but Tryptophan tastes fairly bitter, similar to coke, so you can get away with cutting by 20-30% or so. There of nine types of Inositol, three have biological functions. All your coke is in this filter. Is flavored seltzer water an option? It simulates that soda feeling with the carbonation without the sugar. If you bring coke to groups or parties, be ready to share or at least asked to share. So if you do a couple lines and are gacked put for more than a hour max it's probably been cut with speed. Coke dealers are fucking scum, jesus. Keep in mind 99. d-Chiro-inositol increases the action of insulin in patients with the polycystic ovary syndrome, thereby improving ovulatory function and decreasing serum androgen concentrations . He said they come in a As in, take a single safe dose, add the cut, then bag that up separate. Only cut with these if you got raw. If it's powdery all the time then it's cut for sure. It's used as a filler agent for tons of pharmaceuticals. but when i used a nice white speed paste it made my cut really good and it formed into a hard rock and stayed white. That is, if you are trying to keep your cut coke high-quality. 2 Substances that dealers use as a cutting agent for cocaine are often chosen because they can How to Recognize Cut Cocaine. Topics include heroin appreciation, harm reduction, withdrawal, recovery, lifestyle discussions, and more. Thing is that you can't rerock if its cut with ino from what i understood This subreddit is your go-to destination for navigating the world of adulting in the Philippines. If you can still see powder, that's the cut. This is one of the few things I'm actually a purist about. Pure just means its not cut as bad as the normal ( aka cut coke) hell its cut before it gets to the us border. I recently read somewhere that Inositol powder made cocaine kick in faster or enhanced dopamine release somehow. Take the next dose, add cut, bag it separate. What can coke be cut with? What chemicals or other things? What affect does this have on the high? Is there a website to learn more? I recently picked up an 8bal and this high is different I know inositol does a pretty great job. Inositol will drop particles that glisten like tiny raindrops imme¬ diately as it touches the surface. I've been on inositol for about 1. Now to the fun part, using the coke. I just wish they would say what they used cause we all know nothing is pure He told me it's barely cut and that I could honestly cut it myself and sell it. Or check it out in the app stores I started inositol today for anxiety and depression, it helped my depression, Isn't that what they use to cut coke? lol. Sounds like some really cheap-ass stupid shit. Do a search. Or check it out in the I have to cut it cause my people are cheap fucks and would rather have cut cheap coke than the decent stuff I get. Best to also not take caffeine or milk close to taking it, which limit absorption. 6- Carefully remove the rubber band and coffee filter from the glass. Introduction. the first time you use it, youre gonna lose a bit in the uneven surface of the mortar. A place for friends to discuss cocaine and cocaine related activities, news, stories, products, etc. (Another Canadian product lol) So any time the coke I got was cut more than usual with meth my ankles would swell up. I also take capsules, but they're a 40:1 mix of myo-inositol and d-chiro inositol which, if you have insulin resistance, work better together than in isolation. Cocaine stresses the heart, liver, and kidneys. Now I buy better quality coke and less than a gram in 3 hours. Spray the mixture while it’s on the parchment paper. Thing Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now But people re rock coke all the time shit I seen people rerock basically 80% cut with 20% or less coke pay attention to shine, texture (scaley), and the viscosity. This is to avoid “hot spots,” basically when somebody takes a line/shot/whatever out of the bag that has a disproportionate amount of fent to Dont be a fag and cut your coke. Don't do this. The actors while on set are actually very professional and do have some important roles to play. That’s why so much cooks out and you’re actually losing product despite I did not see hair regrowth until I really lowered starch and cut sugar, inositol alone was not enough. You can buy it at GNC and it's a fine powder. There's innocuous cuts or adulterants. Use a smaller amount of the strong fent and cut that Interesting observation! Inositol is part of Dr. Have a few of those and get some natural sugar from fruits (bananas are great, cheap for a fruit and easy to transport and eat) to get through the also cut with a razor blade don’t use a regular kitchen or pocket knife. thanks guys!! Reply reply sntjhnsn2 • • Edited . Now a days, fent can be and is literally cut with everything. lest it be sharp as hell technically, yes. I have never taken DMT before and a supplier has some cut with inositol. Cutting with another drug that you don't know much about and don't know the amount of can have bad side effects. hypothetically, if someone has coke, and all the things they need to cut it make sure to take Magnesium with Inositol. What would be the best way to remove this inositol. But what if your preferred ROA is smoking crack? If coke has a sugar compound Adulterants in cocaine often have a color, taste, and consistency that is essentially indistinguishable from “pure” cocaine. I will always pay more for cleaner product. ive used benz. if its a dedicated mortar and pestle just for snow, theres no need to wash/clean it. Pointless trivia: this is what is used to depict coke in film when being snorted. However, I couldn’t find anywhere what other things it’s cut with. DMT shouldn't be treated like cocaine or heroin, stepped on and prostituted- DMT is something far too special to be relegated to that low, base level of the human experience. An adulterant is the better and more accurate term for another chemical, specifically psychoactive. If youre gonna cut it, use something inert, and safe that wont interact with cocaine. You should consider yourself lucky if you have a dealer that sells you dope cut with mannitol. 13 votes, 18 comments. Inositol and Selenium stabilize the thyroid gland in those with autoimmune thydoiditis, as the body cannot regulate Iodine metabolism appropriately without both. I haven’t done as much research as I could but I figured someone here would know. An active user just made a video like 2 weeks ago. However, for the sake of the post you can cut with tooth numbers like benzocaine or lidocaine. I strongly recommend don't eat or drink anything with artificial sweeteners, I believe it was the reason why I was always hungry because I was (still am) a huge coke zero fan. boric chunks and its just made my coke turn Then I also read, here on Reddit, of some people talking about depression, feeling down. 9999% of cocaine is cut to some extent, and the only way to know the purity for certain is a lab test. I only ever Lactose, mannitol, inositol, erythritol, benzocaine, lidocaine, b vitamins, etc. . as I woke I’m just curious about what other ways people cut or do to cut coke to get it to shine as if it’s “raw” And let’s leave out the normal ways/cuts Advertisement Coins. Most of the soda will settle to the bottom anyway, and doesn't come back floating on top with the coke. The handy thing about the amino There's cutting coke, and then there's cutting coke with other random stimulants. If you're female, inositol seems to help a lot with reproductive health/well being so it may We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources From experience with both coke and meth and having coke cut with meth repeatedly, basically when coke is cut with meth, you will notice after breaking it down it has little glass like flakes that reflect light, it might be more crunchy when you're breaking it down, it will smell like weird chemicals and burnt ass hair, it might burn initially when snorted but goes away quickly That reminds me of my old gym which was in the hood. The latter can cause necrosis and serious health complications but has been reputed to actually enhance some of cocaine's euphoric effects as well as apparently adding to the 'shine' of fish-scale. Inositol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that we already have in our bodies, has years of medical research and literature. Take imodium before you do coke. Cleaning the area out will help prevent infection, allow mucous to flow again, and speed up healing. You can't cook coke cut with inositol; it ends up in the rocks. Inositol powder is available at any supplement shop. Or check it out in the app stores (that doesn't fuck with the cocaine effects) which lido is iirc. It's being cut into the cocaine before it hits the United States. Just wondering if anyone has any experience or success or anything else with it. cake! I meant cake always get them mixed up, should of seen my parents face when they asked me to get my brother some birthday cake Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Let this continue for even a few months and you'll break down your septum until there's a hole. How did you find out you had hashimoto? Every doctor I’ve been to refuses to do advanced blood work. This is one of the common cuts added in manufacturing already as an anti-caking agent. Speed last around 2-3 hours for me if I snort it. (that doesn't fuck with the cocaine effects) which lido is iirc. The coke your getting is likely 30-50% blow at best (provided your in America) and the rest is meth / amphetamine salts that are much more easy to make, along with horse dewormer (levamisole) and other anesthetics. The patch is meant to be worn for days - months as a slow release drug. Sports. If you are cutting small amounts, use diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Remember that caffeine consumption is measured cumulatively throughout a day. Inositol , vitamin B, or baking soda won't numb your gums tho. Inositol, mannaitol. ) are my special interest AND hyperfixation, which means I’m obsessed with them. Edit - apparently baby laxative is lactulose not lactose. Coke would be considered a prop. OP, worth trying. myo-Inositol depletion is particularly damaging to ovarian follicles because it is involved in FSH signaling, which is impaired due to myo-inositol depletion. and taking 10-20g of Inositol daily. Because illicit fentanyl is relatively inexpensive for cartels to produce and distribute, it is increasingly being cut into cocaine and other drugs. For a while I would check every bag of coke I got to see if it had meth and wouldn't you know, every time there was meth in it. Not all coke is done this way, but most of it in that reaches the Pure powdered caffeine can kill you in quantities smaller than a tablespoon. It has a very slight numbing effect, no where Hello BB guys, nice to meet y'all I wanted to ask you about a good way to cut the Coke and what materials I will need in this process I read on Reddit that Inositol, benzocaine. Hundreds of percent increase in "cocaine overdoses" in last few years is pretty much completely attributable to shit dealers curing coke with fentanyl. Normal kidneys produce Jet lag comes in two flavors. Thanks I have seen this happen multiple times to people who ignored my advice. It's not a laxative to adults (unless you intolerant). I'm not saying it is inositol for sure, but that used to be a pretty common cut for powder c where I come from. NFL I heard Inositol are used to cut coke with. lidocaine. Just 2 mg, equivalent to a few Do they not know they are getting the same amount of coke no matter what? Or less? They want to pay for a gram, but instead of the gram you have, they want you to cut it, making it contain less cocaine, and get a gram of that? Hello, has anyone ever tried inositol for their anxiety? I have some that I just got but I’m actually afraid to take and try it worried that it will make my anxiety even worse. 5-1. Typically, “Inositol”, when used as a supplement means myo-Inositol. Thanks for your Inositol and Levamisole. This really depends on your clientele, but most people go with a 1:1 cut of inositol to cocaine. Drugs (mostly cocaine, weed, nicotine. 20,000 deaths from cocaine last year, with the majority being from fent. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now But people re rock coke all the time shit I seen people rerock basically 80% cut with 20% or less coke pay attention to shine, texture (scaley), and the viscosity. 9% of the time NOT coke. Or check it out in the app stores and inositol. It will however remove excess moisture and make it easier to chop up into a fine powder that snorts easier. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Advertisement Coins. Then I also read, here on Reddit, of some people talking about depression, feeling down. Premium Powerups This subreddit is your go-to destination for navigating the world of adulting in the Philippines. It was miraculous! Once that happened I was convinced my main issues were insulin and blood sugar, so I went really aggressive with the inositol since it’s supposed to also help with that. I take 2 capsules in the evening and two in the morning and each capsule is 500mg so you're taking about a quarter of what the dose I see most About a month ago I decided to cut my carbs and sugar drastically to see if that helped and it was like magic my jawline went from 8 large under the skin lumps to only 1 in 3 days. To make an even larger profit off of the coke, each supplier will cut it with various substances. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Your doses are not crazy. Coke should at the most (in my experience) last 30min- a hour depending on how good the coke is. Well, my persistent I always use inositol. This is the best answer that you are going to get. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Recent evidence reports a faster improvement of the metabolic and hormonal Is it possible to do a wash with your cocaine to remove some of the cut and purify it and if not can someone private message me if they know how to rerock cocaine for freebasing it and the ratio of water or baking soda (if necessary) 1/2, 3/4, 1g, or 1. BakedAlaskas4me I’ve had a big range of experiences with different batches of ️ c0ke, from it being cut with lax, caffeine or whatever else. I’m very curious how one might re-rock. Drink more water. I just used to cut coke with it lol Any one have experiences with diarrhea going away with inositol? Just tried it today took 2gs myo-inositol powder from bulk supplements. And technically a cut is something that's inactive, such as a sugar or lactase or some other innocuous ingredient. --- So I wanted to try it out for myself: Last night, for the first time, I took 3g of Inositol before bed. I think all the vitamins, including the inositol have moderately helped. Is there a chemical or process You can rub a small amount between your fingers, and if it dissolves into an oily, transparent texture, it's probably decent. I’m taking myo-inositol powder (AOR brand, I’m in Canada). There’s hundreds if not thousands of different substances that coke can be cut with, not to mention this also depends on your general location and where you get your coke from. This basically means that the Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Inositol pyrophosphate levels regulate telomere length. If the plug is not your close homie giving you shit for cheap then it's cut. I mean I'm thinking I just have good shit cause I've heard good things about yellow and yellow being good, but ya always gotta be skeptical you never know. Be aware that almost no dealer sells "acetone washed" cocaine and it's just a gimmick to sell you a bag full of powder, not clumps. It seems like this reaction is very rare, but I've found a few other anecdotes that mirror my experience Business, Economics, and Finance. I FULLY believe that I have an inositol deficiency and that’s why in addition to my OCD improving, my breathing has improved as well. 2000 mg Inositol and 400 mg Magnesium carbonate (similar to oxide). 75gs. If you are rolling for longer than 3 hours. Hi y'all, Several years ago, I took Myo-Inositol at about 6-8 grams a day for a few weeks. DO NOT PUT THE PLATE WITH THE COKE ON IT IN THE MICROWAVE; YOU WILL RUIN YOUR COKE. Super small amounts of soda are used to make freebase to smoke. I hope someone in this sub can explain. Also, (someone else mentioned this) if you know what good coke looks like as your chopping it, speed is different; it has the texture of a pill being crushed up and is more ‘chalky’ coke should look and feel much smoother (especially when snorted lol) Get the Reddit app Scan this use inositol. 4g of myo-inositol soft gels. Crypto right this could be a stupid question, but you always here that most all coke is cut with some worming agent and other harmful shit. But it's not very soluble in ethanol. I've got a pretty good amount of stuff that's heavily cut with it. The thing is I've heard that OGs can tell the cut and a good guess of how much off of one line. Inositol or mannitol is the safest cut though, I just dont want you putting baking soda or some other stupid shit in it. If you’ve done any research into inositol you may have seen where the jury is out on inositol supplementation helping breathing issues. Chances are, your shit wont be cut with fent, but if even 5% is cut with fent, that can drop a lot of bodies over the span of a year in any city. There should be little to no comedown - I'm not saying you'll stay high forever, but you will not get anxious/depressed/fiend for more coke at any point with highly pure cocaine. Exactly what you want. First of, I felt like something was bubbling up inside my stomach. Mto- Inositol gave me extreme pain, pretty much everywhere and messed up my hormones for months, it was prescribed to me by a bone- headed naturopath who didn’t understand how it affects hormones. Reply reply smaran13 • I don’t have insulin resistance per my latest reports, but you’re right, it can be sneaky and I’ve been lax about my sugar consumption lately. It's cut right off the brick to begin with, and the lower levels of dealers cut even more until it is eventually bought by the user. I thought it would ruin my sleep. Pure is usualy gona cost on point as to where cut is gona get ubmore for ur money. Unless you're really trying to make a buck and don't care for your customers, in that case I guess you could buff it further. Whether you're seeking advice, sharing experiences, or looking for tips and hacks to conquer the challenges of adulthood, you've come to the right place. I found this side effect discussed only on Reddit in the PCOS sub, and not elsewhere online. Most likely cut with meth. One style is where you ignore your destination time and go purely by body clock and you're waking up at 3am and passing out for the "night" mid-afternoon. Sniffing method is just as important though. Reply reply henareeree the worst cut coke probably gets cut another 2-3 times before hitting the end consumer. No, it isn't my circle of contacts would quickly call out someone selling gear cut with ketamine, speed, meth or anything stupid like that, most drugs would never pass as coke. Its like he cut a few chunks off the brick but most of the powder is cut just jumping my whole face. my question is Premium Explore All coke is cut. Usually about $11 for a lot. Anyways its fluffy, taste almost like coke, has a shine to it. Tonight a guy came in and ordered a beer with a straw. 5 grams in as many hours ie 2-2. New monster with Inositol. Even high quality coke is often cut with something like baking soda or glucose, but these are benign substances. This is why ex-addicts often die of heart attacks. For the junkies and ex-junkies of Reddit: A subreddit for all things heroin. Its also easy to identify as well if your stuff is cut with it cause your urine will be very dark. Ive been bartending now for about 2 months. ) It was odd as the pain was just in one joint on my right ring finger and in some joint in the middle of my foot. Water in a spoon drop a tiny rock watch it dissolve if it dissolves leaving white water its remix. Thought that was a bit weird but whatever. If you have these crunchy hard rocks, then someone cut the cocaine and "re-rocked" it to make it appear like it's off the brick again - basically some shit. Meth and coke feel quite different. Its whats in energy drinks so I think it will give a kick like the drinks do and probably allows the guy cutting it to cut a higher percentage than with the other agents. Ok I work in commercials as a propmaster. Most times, the public gets their hands on fentanyl patches. Coke just makes you shit your brains out, like caffeine. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. You shouldn't sniff hard, because this causes coke to reach the back of throat and past down your neck which is subsequently wasted when you swallow. Much love stay high stay safe and have Yes, it has improved my OCD but it’s not a cure. Related Topics and studies show that people with low inositol in their system are more likely to have issues with anxiety/depression/ocd. So I asked my friend who worked there what the hell were they buying it for. This resulted in muscle tremors, whole-body shakes, myoclonic jerks, akithisia-like agitation, anxiety, poor memory, confusion, & difficulty with reading comprehension. And you can see the stuff people post here to what pure stuff would look close to Because dealers are cooking off uncut/barely cut keys. I normally get good Coke that doesn't require any prep work but sometimes the quality falls. Cut is a totally different Add acetone to glass 1 to swirl around and get any remaining coke out. It won't hurt you but it sucks. “Memory loss” aside, it does not cause brain damage (which is not the same as memory issues or brain fog, both of which can often be the result of Just started taking inositol this week and it has worked wonders so far. I know this is supposed to be one of the side effects and I was wondering if anyone has experience with View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Hi, Many struggle with nose congestion after snorting cocaine. 5 gram unit is approximately 1 gram of pure caffeine and 2. At 6 months in I started to get periods but they were longer like 6-7 weeks apart. There's no such thing as a good cut. Anything I should ask for? As far as weight loss limit dairy, carbs, and sugar. Dude used to cut coke with inositol in my hood years ago and all of his best customers who were rock cooks would pay him a lil extra for raw. So I've had to cut that out and switch to green tea and spearmint tea, sparkling flavored waters that's flavored with stevia. So where is usually need a 50-100 mg mg line ti keep the party going a 25-40 mg bump is more than enough. Poison, tranquilizers, pig dewormer, it just depends on who you're getting it from and what they cut it with. But anyone who's done high heat will Fentanyl-Laced Cocaine. I doubt these folks will convince you not to cut it, as I do agree, don’t cut it and let your customers keep comin back. I mean straight powder form fent is already very rare to come by in most of the country and when you do find it unless your area is just totally over saturated then it is usually more expensive by weight than the cut coke a white girl dealer would usually peddle. But it's being cut outside the US, where cocaine is relatively cheap- the The Art of Cutting Cocaine. (I do not have PCOS. Option 2 is to adapt: coffee/Coke to stay up until local bedtime and/or melatonin for a night or two; to more or less get on the local schedule. (Currently going through pretty severe anxiety right now) hence the reason why I bought it, I heard it may help. Changed my life. You should realize that myo-Inositol is involved in many biological processes and your body uses a lot of it. Vitamin D is foundational to all of the above imo so make sure you have that sufficiently. Once it reaches America, the coke usually goes through several hands. Inositol helps in reducing depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders like Schizophrenia and is often prescribed for such psychiatric conditions. I have adhd and autism however I don’t struggle as much as other autistic ppl do. 5 of boric and the rest inositol, spray with acetone then press You should be able to break them up with your fingers. Seventh, mind your social stuff. When you physically cut it it’s pretty much Russian roulette Thank you for asking this question, I've learned a bit more nuances. Cleaner coke is less damaging, albeit still harmful. 5 grams of cocaine. But then Basically if you get good coke you don't want to cut. Some people confuse damp coke with oily coke, so this is a good way to tell the difference. The side effect that caused me to cut back was joint pain. All the RC stims that are actually good cuts for cocaine are generally too expensive or inaccessible to be commercialized as cutting agents. There is a formula by NOW foods. we all hear the baking soda from the re rock but im looking for more of a powder finally product have two qualities, one that is a social drug that they give to all new people (becasue most people Fentanyl is highly addictive in minuscule amounts. It took about a year to get normal periods. I'd rather not attempt to teach it bc I only just learned like a month or so ago, and I know there's a few things I definitely do differently than the ppl who really know their shitespecially bc I think a lot on here are buying heavily cut coke; tell tale sign is high dosage unless your an addict. People who aren't soulless dicks use the former. If after a few months you do not get the result you want, you could try berberine or metformin (prescription). I’ve been depressed, anxious and no motivation for over a decade now. Quinine is one of the most easily Hello I was wondering what was the best way to cut your stuff if you were to do so and how much snow and how cut would you use? Advertisement Coins. Would they still have effects? What about noopept, l theanine, tianeptine etc. Also when you snort cuts that block your nose, by the end of the night your honestly just caking the inside of your nostrils with more coke on top of Some people with lean PCOS do very well with it. And if I'm after that cola rush I want it and there's no stopping me lol. This is so off topic but I take supplements with inositol in them and I also used to be a cocaine addict and I know inositol was the ingredient my buddy used to cut his stuff with. Guess I need to kick my ass and give it a shot at least For those specifically Not worse than cocaine. Especially with Coke man. But I doubt that's the only cut. If you have the will power you can cut them out completely, but for me I’m not making myself miserable. I also found it super beneficial to eat full meals and cut snacking and incorporate some IF. If you find that a lot of powder is sticking to the inside of the bad most likely cut, good dealers use inositol Baking soda is absolutely not a cut. The combination of fentanyl and cocaine is especially dangerous. But the rocks are fire and make my hard pound. They will cut them but there is no accurate way to measure the drug in a patch. Now I simply have it all after my dinner which works great. Film sets are not playgrounds. A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any intended (or not intended) purpose. After taking inositol the first thing I noticed was the anxiety disappearing. If you do cut it go 1/3 to 1/2 depending on how good How to cut and re-rock powder cocaine ? (not how turn cooking coke to crack, don't get it twisted) You need a cut (paracetamol, Inositol and I think you can buy a pre-made mix with benzo/lidocaine in it online) that is not soluble in acetone (because you're using it to make rocks). I just started taking myo inositol a week or two ago. I know inositol does a pretty great job. How do you guys cut you cocaine before snorting it? Never really had a problem like this before, but the cocaine im getting is a bit harder then usual and I have a bit of a hard time making it powderish specially if it's a hot day/night it starts to stick even if it looks like properly prepared but then I end up having my nose hurting like if I had snorted something more like a crystal when Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Sure hope you're not adding the cut yourself. “Memory loss” aside, it does not cause brain damage (which is not the same as memory issues or brain fog, both of which can often be the result of Thanks for the response. Warm up plate (60-120 seconds), pour coke onto warm plate, press down flat under parchment paper, remove parchment and chop up finely, voila. That’s from examine bc my orig comment misquoted it Maybe start with a lower dose What are you taking it for? I’m not even sure what inositol is used for honestly. Your "guy" has already put the cut in it for you. Please please listen to me on this. If not, eventually inositol will slowly sap away magnesium reserves and cause anxiety, foggy brain, tiredness. I take it before bedtime as part of that. A 30% cut of caffeine in a 3. Boric acid is widely speculated. Yes. I have been experimenting with myo-Inositol too. Fuckin shit pisses me off. How in the world is anybody supposed to make an accurate guess about what your coke was cut with based off a Reddit post. Don't buy it at GNC though it's a rip off, check local healthy food stores. and funny enough one of the substances used to cut coke by dealers who buy it in bulk from GNC. 5 hours. Fentanyl is about 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. I could list 100 other things it does, but I'm too lazy to type. If you find that a lot of powder is sticking to the inside of the bad most likely cut, good dealers use inositol That's a hard pass for me, without any debate or hesitation. My nose is less clogged and come down is better; and next day def not as bad. If 20-25mg doesnt have you amazing for 45 minutes your stuff is cut to shit. From what I've read it's insoluble in acetone so a simple wash isn't going to do anything. This dealer's actions are just greed for the sake of greed and nothing good can come of it. You can find myo-inositol on its own too. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now A place for friends to discuss cocaine and cocaine related activities, news, stories, products, etc. 5 years. It is naturally found in foods we eat and it's useful to your body (though label use is not inhaled). f youve used for a while you know what coke should and shouldn't be like I've never had any other cut other than numbing agents, glucose,baking powder etc. Valheim In this regard, insulin stimulates the irreversible conversion of myo-inositol to D-chiro-inositol causing a drastic reduction of myo-inositol. Are there any "superior" or ideal cutting agents rather I know that coke cuts like inositol are considered relatively “harmless” when insufflated. Pure Acetone - Inositol (to bulk it up, should be main cutting agent Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. This would mean the 14-18g range for psychopharmacological effects is now reduced to 4. 254K subscribers in the cocaine community. I know I would be happy with that. Bloody nose: you've GOT to lay off coke when you notice the bleeding (just until you notice a few consecutive days of zero blood). Huberman 's sleep stack. On its own, cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that can lead to significant health risks, including overdose, but the different substances that Hello BB guys, nice to meet y'all I wanted to ask you about a good way to cut the Coke and what materials I will need in this process I read on Reddit that Back in the day the coke dealers bought powdered Inositol (it's a B vitamin) to cut their stuff with. I’ve had my fair share of cut coke, more than anyone should, I live in a small town where the supplier cuts it before even passing it to the dealers that will cut it even more so this is the worst of the worst😭 anyway I’ve finally found a reliable source online, had my friend test it and everything, now here’s the thing when I rip the cut stuff I find the instant rush is weak but I A lot of product is steeped on many times before it reaches it users i wanted to know if any sellers or Reddit readers new what a safe cut is. Drink more water The cocaine will then follow with its reaction. WARM PLATE ONLY. The bonus of it is that it helps anxiety. I’ve had anxiety my entire life and now I have some happiness. Reply reply [deleted] • Inositol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that we already have in our bodies, has years of medical research and literature. These particles disappear halfway 20 CLOROX TEST down the glass, with the remainder of the inositol clumped as a resi¬ due on the surface and bottom. (We all know that true smut, or cut with benign things like dextrose cocaine is So I have some fire coke but the dude was really lazy lazy cutting it. So far, it has done these things: I see all these claims that people are cutting the coke with fent these days and for the life of me I cannot make it make sense. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now You put it on parchment paper mix it w the cut (inositol). Obviously if it's cheap it's cut too. 2-5. When I’m severely depressed the minimum is eating at maintenance, inositol and vitamin D supplements, glucose goddess hacks and daily hour long walks, it helps a lot with mood and anxiety! I was waiting for this one, yes before i was selling large quantities i would cut with inositol up to as much as 80% cut then i would use a homemade press to rerock it Reply reply more replies More replies More replies more replies More replies More replies Cocaine is cut with everything from sucrose to glass, and there are many, many things that are white powders that can be used. Reply reply More replies [deleted] • Dormin Why increase the prices for a gringo when you can give them cut coke and make off with wallet laptop phone and credit cards? This got a lot more common after the pandemic because people got desperate with the economy sinking bad here, and the tourists who do come, why not? A lot of product is steeped on many times before it reaches it users i wanted to know if any sellers or Reddit readers new what a safe cut is. But those legs. 0 coins. Swims aint it’s fire swim said need a new supplier swim said Swim also just learned of hot plating- Said it’s amazin decade after starting that’s crazy Swim suggest to always hot plate it maybe I’m just old but that shit is blazon so smooth then nboom ish like Cajun Reddit search is def credit worth for how to Learn and not burn your moneys worth hunny I’m fkngikd off some flake lmk But people re rock coke all the time shit I seen people rerock basically 80% cut with 20% or less coke pay attention to shine, texture (scaley), and the viscosity. Reply reply skiing5420 • I've definitely cut coke with inositol, but never dope. I used to buy and use up to 2. Men don't ovulate, our hormonal systems don't work the same so an effect seen in women isn't by default directly translatable Yes! L-Theanine w Inositol - 250mg, first thing in AM on empty stomach then followed by coffee. Anything else is wack and or harmful. Need to know by Monday for my dads bday RIP. Theoretically could have been cut with RC stims too. For me, it’s a combo of a low-carb/ low-glycemic diet high in protein, strength training, cardio, glucose goddess’s hacks and inositol supplements. Not a place for discussion of illicit and illegal compounds. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. I included Inositol (or Vitamin B8) as a top nootropic to try in my article on how Nootropics can help with sexual libido. obviously, you dont want to wash it out. Though I have yet to come across this situation, I can assure you that it is 99. [RIP Rick James and Charlie Murphy] One of the most nefarious cuts is boric acid (AKA ant and roach killer) It’s VERY similar in looks to good blow, so it’s a “great” cut. just store it well so it doesnt collect dust or the likes and reuse. Coke restricts blood flow and the longer it sits, the more the tissue dies if it sits too long in contact with it. Now not so much. You can find it by looking at my profile. This is the MAIN property I look for when I'm evaluating potency. Levamisole was in most coke for a while, but seems to have gone out of style. in the end, whether its after every use or when you choose to stop using said mortar and pestle . It slowly cut that time down over the next 6 months to a constant trackable cycle. I would advice inositol as the best cut and its basically just a filler and a vitamin b something iirc. It simply made me a zombie with low blood sugar, and made me hate taking it. Lactose is the "baby laxative" used to cut pretty much everything. but via reddit and the papers reporting on PCOS and inositol use research was done with Myo- inositol, Happened to cut gluten this time for real. Myoinositol is frequently given to women with pcos, to lower testosterone and I feel like it could really eff-up anyone who doesn’t need lower 215K subscribers in the cocaine community. Baking soda is absolutely not a cut. But they're saying it MIGHT be a potentiating agent, or a much less detectable bulking agent that doesn't get detected by dealers. Deep inside I know cutting nicotine and caffeine would help tremendously, but on the other hand if it was easy to quit I would have done so long ago, for other obvious health reasons. Or check it out in the app stores Can the average user like myself feel the difference with uncut vs cut cocaine? 3. It’s amazing and doesn’t feel like anything other than “I’m surprisingly calm now”. I stopped taking it during the day. 1 tbsp is 9g I’ve been taking 1/4 tsp - 1 tsp a night. Next decide how much weight (inositol) you want to add. Cut is a totally different Alot of the H was cut with it. So now if u get Coke that's cut with soda that used to be useless for us IV users, there's a solution. And the diarrhea went away!! Reply reply More replies More replies More replies. The other cuts mentioned by others are poisons and increase the risk of you killing someone ive used many cuttings agents and never seemd to find the right one. They would stock up on inositol and I would see guys come in and buy like 10 bottles a time. Cutting back to 9g/day made the pain go away. What did you seriously expect dude. 5- Pour some more acetone over the coke that is now caught in filter, slowly; and wait for it to drip through. If your that concerned or curious about what The best coke ive ever had was cut with flour sugar eggs baked at 200 for 30 mins then topped with jam and icing with cherrys, aww wait. They are over the counter in many meds. An alternative option is to use creatine, but inositol has a slightly better consistency for chopping drugs. If your mind is set on cutting it baking soda is best because it's not like cutting it with something that tricks your mind into thinking your getting more high then you are. Few mins later i happened to see him take this straw and bite it before tearing it in half. Silly question; other than it being a white powder, would there be any reason to cut a drug with inositol?! Use a herb grinder and try to achieve a flour like powder. A small pinch is added to a decent amount of coke, and that is what converts it chemically to freebase or crack. Fold the filter over in half so the coke is enclosed. I always do a 70/30 with it and no complaints. hibvabcopnewqzvysqewgjjnxjwnnuxwwjjnpewnjcgfgwuupce