The impossible quiz 2 question 119 As such, it has a red button, a yellow one, a green one and a blue one. Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor characters: Power-ups: Skip | Fusestopper: Categories Categories: Questions; The Question 87 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains 12 fried eggs positioned like the numbers of an analogue clock, briefly spinning clockwise as a task on screen that says "Watch carefully!" appears. The possible questions are some of the Demo questions which had not been implemented in either of the complete Quizzes. While no one really knows what's inside of a black hole, since all there is to know about black holes is theoretical Question 54 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the third "Put the mouse on here" question of the game. Skips have been present since the full release of The Impossible Quiz, but are functionally useless in the first Do not ask about question 104. You're presented with a picture of a Muscovy duck taken from Rabid-Coot's (Etinogard's) deviantArt page, with no tasks on screen. When you complete Question 100, Chris, beaten up but still on his feet, slowly walks in and waves with a smile on his face. In these questions, you must spell whatever Frank tells you to, using your keyboard (unlike the spelling questions Question 25 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks you "When is a door not a door?", 118 | 119 | 120. You're presented with a total of 186 slightly rectangular pixels, Question 36 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "Why did the Mexican throw his wife off a cliff?", 118 | 119 | 120. Instead, you must type what's in their thought bubble in order to defuse them. You're located behind the first row of the crowd, where there are eight people. Explore. Question 68 of The Impossible Quiz 2 makes an interesting offer to you, considering you just came out of arguably the hardest question of the entire series. The answer to this question Question 81 of The Impossible Quiz 2 tells you to "Click the anser!". There is no other message on sight. The Impossible Quiz 2 provides one of the hardest trivia quiz games online, with more than 120 quirky humour tests for your knowledge and memory. You're inside of a delimited grassy area, on which there is, as described by the warning sign next to it, a "Big fat Tesla coil". The second and maybe-not-so-final Impossible Quiz! It’s actually been out since Thursday, but the file was 11mb and I couldn’t upload it here. Excluding the question number (which was written to look as if it was taken from the Question 112 from the Impossible Quiz 2 is the twelfth question of Chris's Incredible 20. The options you're given are "NEVAR!", "On the morrow", "It's already out in Japan" and "32nd Splapptember 3497". The possible answers are "Rain", "Urine", "Ears" and "Lederhosen". Fan Central BETA Games Anime Movies TV Video Wikis Question 119 (The Impossible Quiz 2) Question 12 (The Impossible Quiz Book) Question 120 (The Impossible Quiz 2) Question 114 of the Impossible Quiz Book is the fourteenth question of Chapter 3, and the second one to bring you back to the era of the first Impossible Quiz, in 2007. It is a 10-second bomb question. The questions written in Question 100 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the final one of the main questions. There's a completely yellow background, with the task "Search!" written in big letters on the top part of the screen, as well as an open faucet with water coming off of it. You are warned in one of the "Tips of the Day" of the Quiz's loading screen that this question "is a bit hard", but you won't truly understand the difficulty of this maze until you get here. if you find an apk or ipa of the impossible quiz (the offical one), please give it to me so i can rip it: toniophx. You're presented with the space, with a lot of stars on sight, as well as some occasional shooting stars. The Question 40 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "Which Impossible Quiz can help you see hidden meanings?". Question 16 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "What is the name of the Impossible Quiz cat?", referring to the light brown-ish cat you had to stroke in Question 68 from the first Quiz. The question, however, does NOT want you to choose the nose drawing; Question 72 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains a picture of an angry-looking strawberry with muscular arms, wearing pants and boots. Questions even got more tricky than in the first quiz, which makes this game officially the hardest one available. There's a 15-second bomb on the top right corner of the screen, which is not ticking down. That’s where our answers come in! We have compiled a list of the This is a Walkthrough for The Impossible Quiz 2. What the question is telling Question 5 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the first "Frank says" question of the game, as well as the first safe question. Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor characters: Power-ups: Skip | Fusestopper: Categories Categories: Questions; The Impossible Quiz 2; Community content Question 120 is the final question in The Impossible Quiz 2, and the last of Chris's Incredible 20. Simply click on each of them and they'll get cut immediately. In addition, the "Frank Says" message on the top part Chapter 1: Close Encounters of the Furred Kind; Chapter 2: The Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy; Chapter 3: Spatula Future Question 99 of The Impossible Quiz 2 features differently coloured balloons flying upwards through the screen. Seemingly, there is no arrow on sight, so it could really be any of the options, especially the third one, since it says exactly what the question tells you to click. The upper part of the screen reads "Chris says", while below you'll see Chris's angry-looking face (much like Frank A similar question appears in The Impossible Quiz 2, namely Question 95, except with a handful of graphical differences, and the given task was "Ascending!" rather than descending, and there is a sadder scenario (it shows a rabbit's corpse invaded by Question 102 from the Impossible Quiz 2 is the second question in Chris's Incredible 20. There are two oddly-drawn worms on screen, namely Horse-Worm Chapter 1: Close Encounters of the Furred Kind; Chapter 2: The Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy; Chapter 3: Spatula Future Chapter 1: Close Encounters of the Furred Kind; Chapter 2: The Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy; Chapter 3: Spatula Future Question 108 from the Impossible Quiz 2 is the eighth question of Chris's Incredible 20, and the fourth and final maze question of the game. There's a small red circle in the top right corner of the screen that starts at zero. It's a 10-second bomb question, and the options are "3", "12", "A right mess" and "Error!". There are less of these questions in The Impossible Quiz Book. There is no task on screen at all. It's obviously not Question 109 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the ninth question in Chris's Incredible 20, and the fifth picture question of the game. It even shows the same horse silhouette used in this question. This question is referring to Question 70 of this game, where you Question 20 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the first bomb question of the game. *An answer written like this means you must do exactly what I tell you to do. The task simply says "Evolve!", with the background of the screen being light blue in the upper part, transitioning into a darker blue in the lower part. As soon as this message fades away, you'll then get different images made out of geometric figures of different kinds, sizes and colours. A question from Giucob's impossible quiz. You have to move your mouse around looking for something, not knowing what it is at all. The possible answers are "and order some drinks", "I'd have thought that at least one of them would have ducked", "You The final Grade is a gameplay element which shows how well you performed in the respective Quiz or Chapter. * !An The questions start off a little bit easier this time round, but gradually get harder. The option boxes below say "Dirty boy!", "Walnuts", "Britney Spears' forehead" and "Norway". Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor characters: Power-ups: Skip | Fusestopper: Categories Categories: Questions; The Impossible Quiz 2; Community content is available under Question 82 of The Impossible Quiz is an unskippable 6-second bomb question that displays a pair of feet with large toenails. . You are presented with Spidermonkey, the character from Splapp-me-do's The Impossible Quiz Wiki. Chapter 1: Close Encounters of the Furred Kind; Chapter 2: The Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy; Chapter 3: Spatula Future Question 28 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "What is this?", just like a typical picture question. You're presented with the typical "Put your mouse on here" speech bubble that points Question 89 of The Impossible Quiz 2 says "An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar". You just have to repeatedly click on the bush 40 times so Question 97 from the Impossible Quiz asks the player "How many times have you had to restart?". All you have to do is to spot the only red square in each of Question 79 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains a rather weird task for you to complete, which says: "Dragon here, please", with a red arrow that comes out of the message pointing an empty circle right above the second Skip (or its Question 80 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "Where's the best place to look for blue tits?". These Question 75 of The Impossible Quiz Book is the twenty-fifth question in Chapter 2, and the fifth one that belongs in the section of the game inspired by the Retro era of video games. A few steps away from it, there's a pole with half the size of the Tesla coil, on The Impossible Quiz 2 is the second installment of the hardest trivia quiz on the word wide web. The question says "Can a match box?" with the possible answers saying "Yes", "No", "No The Impossible Quiz Wiki. type 'horse' then 'peanut' then 'chihuahua' Question 59 from The Impossible Quiz Book is the ninth question of Chapter 2, as well as the ninth and penultimate question themed after the Monochrome era of video games. type "horse", then "peanut" then "chihuahua Question 38 of The Impossible Quiz 2 simply tells you to "Mash!". It consists of two segments, each of them having a separate bomb. Next to it, there's a question mark with a long horizontal red line below it, and under that the words "the strawberry". The potential answers include "Crested duck", "Ring-tailed lemur","Obese wasp" Question 2 of The Impossible Quiz is taken from The Impossible Quiz Demo (where it was also the second one). Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Recent Blog Posts; Main Games. The typical four purple option boxes have been replaced with twelve light brown cat-shaped buttons, all of them numbered from 1 to 6 in the top row, and from 10 to 15 in the bottom one. It features map of Greece and parts of surrounding countries, rather than a drawing of something. There is not an actual question or specific task on screen, but rather the wall of a building, with seven dirty/stained windows on screen. The answer is Four . It's the 16th of August, so I'm speaking to YOU playing Question 67 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the third maze question of the game, and perhaps the hardest one in the entire series. You have to approximately cut one Question 96 from the Impossible Quiz contains the question: "What do you get if you put a number 1 into your calculator and then add a number 2?". Questions [106, 3 hidden] or the mobile version at all. Try to answer all of the questions without DYING! Question 116 from the Impossible Quiz 2 is the sixteenth one of Chris's Incredible 20. Which came last?". This "something" you're looking for is actually a green Question 49 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the second "Frank Says" question of the game. So, it’s the same idea as before. To complete this question, all you have to do is to click the question number and drag it away, revealing a light switch underneath The Impossible Quiz 2 is the second installment of the hardest trivia quiz on the word wide web. He is a light-brown, slightly schizophrenic cat that originally appeared only once during the The Impossible Quiz without being given an actual name, before getting a more prominent In the iOS version of The Impossible Quiz 2, this question and the correct option remain almost exactly the same, with the difference that "Pink clouds" was replaced by "Cotton candy" to make more sense; it's still the correct answer. So, it's the same idea as before. Your task here is to pop 99 red balloons only Question 114 from the Impossible Quiz 2 is the fourteenth question of Chris's Incredible 20, and it's a 12-second bomb question. Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor characters: Power-ups: Skip | Fusestopper: Categories Categories: Questions Question 105 of The Impossible Quiz is the fifth one of The Epic 10 questions, and the eighth of nine questions originated as an idea by Rabid-Coot. It's really important that, no matter what happens, you should not click "Yes". Upon getting here, you find yourself in a kitchen, with a table in front of you. In fact, if you take a good look to the game's screen, you Question 94 of The Impossible Quiz Book is the forty-fourth question in Chapter 2, and the fourteenth question whose inspiration comes from the Modern era of video games. This time, however, you're given the four usual option boxes instead of differently sized dots. After correctly answering the previous question, the Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy will once again change the channel like it was a TV, going back to the Retro-styled graphics that represent Question 76 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "If you have £40 in one hand and £20 in the other, what have you got?" (the £ symbol means "pound", which is the unit of currency of some territories, including the UK, where Splapp lives). Even if you were to think that any of the four choices are sensible ways to answer, the truth is that none of them are correct. May 5, 2024, 9:44 PM lets go i did the math and theres only 8 SHEETS LEFT for the questions including the Question 105 from the Impossible Quiz 2 is the fifth one of Chris's Incredible 20. 8 kbps Modem". 99mb (WHOAOA). You're presented with a completely black screen, with the task "Search!" on big letters on the upper part of the screen. The Impossible Quiz Wiki. But after some MORE compression, i've managed to get it to 9. The creator Splapp-me-do has done everything to make sure you won’t succeed in completing this quiz. The four options are "This is London", "This Question 24 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks you "Which of the following can be found under the sea?", with possible answers 118 | 119 | 120. It simply asks "What is this?", with an arrow pointing to a jolly-looking can wearing a Santa hat, next to another can which seems more upset. Doing so will reveal what appear to be the hind feet and the tail of an animal of Chapter 1: Close Encounters of the Furred Kind; Chapter 2: The Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy; Chapter 3: Spatula Future Question 115 of the Impossible Quiz Book is the fifteenth question of the Book's third chapter, and the second one to take place during an ice age in history. This one somewhat requires that you've played the previous impossible quiz. Below it, there are 5 drawings, in the following order: an eye with eyelashes, a hairy nose, the back of a finger, fuchsia-coloured lips with a few teeth, and a small snot ball. But in reality, Bombs are a common gameplay element present in the The Impossible Quiz series. The question asks "Your system is bloody infected! Run In the iOS version of The Impossible Quiz 2, this question had easily the greatest displacement in the new question order, becoming a 10-second bomb question located on number 98. Five of these are Question 119 (The Impossible Quiz 2) Question 133 (The Impossible Quiz Book) Question 141 (The Impossible Quiz Book) Question 144 (The Impossible Quiz Book) Question 146 (The Impossible Quiz Book) Question 17 (The Impossible Question 115 from the Impossible Quiz 2 is the fifteenth question of Chris's Incredible 20. The picture takes up Question 44 of The Impossible Quiz 2 makes an allusion to the "All your base are belong to us" meme, originated towards the end of the 90's as a spoof of the intro cutscene of the Sega Mega Drive game "Zero Wing" (port of the original Question 12 of The Impossible Quiz 2 says "¡uʍop ǝpᴉsdn uoᴉʇsǝnb sᴉɥʇ ɹǝʍsu∀" ("Answer this question upside down!" - rotated 180 degrees). For the most time you won't see anything happening, though occasionally you might see a sleeping Mars flying by, or the Question 30 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is a similar question to the very first question of the first Impossible Quiz, which is also the first one of the Demo (and of the series as a whole). On the right side of the screen there's the open back of a Fusestopper, with little holes of different shapes, and next to it Question 51 of The Impossible Quiz 2 describes the following situation: "Five animals took part in a yacht race around the world. Have fun and enjoy the Question 93 of The Impossible Quiz 2 shows loads and loads of tomatoes with faces surrounding Dennis the Square Tomato, who is located in the middle of the screen with a really long face. click the numbers in ascending order 96. Just like in Question 7 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains a task that says "Use the right key!". Here, you will be randomly presented with one out of seven possible questions. The possible options are "Modelling Question 85 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks you "When is The Impossible Quiz 3 coming out?". Among Articles about or related to The Impossible Quiz 2. He'll lift a sign with a message in red letters that says "It's time for", before the logo for "Chris's Incredible 20" fades in behind him. Doing so will make the rather simple maze appear on screen, consisting of a white pathway that branches into a short Question 23 of The Impossible Quiz 2 only contains the command "Win!", along with a game of Tic-tac-toe which seems to be about to end, since the second row contains two X's in a row with the third column space being empty, though the bottom row also has two O's on each of the sides and an empty space between them. Question 37 of The Impossible Quiz 2 tells you that "You require one elephant", with no option boxes or any kind of clickable object on screen. This scene is taken from Splapp-Me-Do's animation "Sonic Breaks his Neck", Logo for "Chris's Incredible 20" Chris's Incredible 20 are the final twenty questions of The Impossible Quiz 2. a random question from the impossible quiz demo 118. It's a 15-second bomb question that gives you a very simple command: "Click the red square!". Doing so, like the question tells you, will actually make you exit sending you right back to the Question 119 in The Impossible Quiz 2 features the Frank Bomb, which requires you to spell stuff in order to diffuse it. The only two clickable objects in this question are the word "this" in the task and the "Death" button below the task. You're presented with the typical red speech balloon pointing at the green button below, as well as a 6-second bomb that starts ticking down as soon as you get here, giving you little to no time to react. The available options are "Fine" (unmodified), "Ɐг𐑊ᴉმμϝ" ("Alright" mirrored vertically), "ꓘ" ("K" mirrored horizontally), and "ɹǝqɯnɔnƆ" ("Cucumber" rotated 180 degrees). Next Question 95 of The Impossible Quiz 2 has a scenario set in front of a stage with blue curtains, along with the task "Ascending!" written in red letters on it, plus a 15-second bomb. There is no bomb on screen, and there's nothing in this question that could make you lose a life. The player presented with a close-up of Chris's face, showing off his teeth (which somehow look darker Question 119: The Frank Bombs cannot be defused with Fusestoppers. The possible answers to this question are "Yes", "No", "Cancel" and "Exit". The question says "What's Chris's favourite day of the week?", and the Question 47 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the fourth picture question in the game, with said picture consisting of a double-decker bus flying in space, completely filled with cereal and milk. Even though "12" or “3” would be a good answer, in this Question 84 of The Impossible Quiz 2 once again puts you in front of a small pad with four coloured buttons on it, just like the one in Question 27. However, none of Question 88 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains an enormous panel with 78 buttons of 4 different colours. Not as I'm typing this anyway. 120 questions are waiting . The scenario is set in the middle of a pitch black screen, with the message "Uh-Oh!" briefly appearing, pointing at the 12-second bomb located on the top right corner of the screen. Main Page; Discuss; All Since the order of some questions was changed around for the iOS release of The Impossible Quiz 2, and this question was moved to number 67 (And 'Artois' being removed from the third option), a new question had to fill this one's spot. There's a sign next to the traffic light that says "Next Question 14 2½", which is a clickable object. It has a 15-second bomb in the PC version, and a 20-second bomb in the iOS version. A 10-second bomb is on the top right corner, as usual. The buttons are coloured red, blue, yellow and green in different amounts, following no specific pattern it seems (though the pattern will be completely different depending on if you Oh, dude, the impossible quiz 2? That thing is like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded while juggling flaming torches. There is no task or bomb on screen, and there are no other interactive objects on the screen, so you don't have to worry about losing lives Skips are green little arrow-shaped Power-Ups which allow you skip one question, except when skipping is disabled. silence 95. The Impossible Quiz 2 was made by Splapp-Me-Do in 30 August 2007 in Flash. Enjoy! 😀 Jul 17, 2022: Confirmed (in 2022) The answer for The Impossible Quiz 2: Level 119 How do you get holy water? is Question 27 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the second bomb question in the quiz, which presents you a 5-second bomb and a small pad, on which there are 4 buttons: a red one, a yellow one, a green one and a blue one. On the left side of the table there's a can of "Cheesy Fish Mush" and Chris's bowl behind it, and on the right side you'll see a can opener. As soon as you put your cursor on the button just like you've been doing in the previous In Question 119 from The Impossible Quiz 2, you're given three Frank Bombs to defuse, which requires spelling what they're thinking with your real keyboard. The task claims that "This isn't as hard as it looks", as a 15-second bomb starts ticking down. Similarly to the previous Quiz, upon getting here, a red speech balloon will tell you to put your mouse on the green button it's pointing at with an arrow, located below the balloon. Bombs have a countdown on them, with a range of 1-20 seconds throughout the series. It is the final picture question in the game, featuring a 10-second bomb and asking "What is this?". Just wait until the bomb has 1 second left. The possible options are "Cheese", "Crab sticks", "Fly sandwiches" and "Horse". There are five of them in the top row and the other five in the bottom row. Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor characters: Power-ups: Skip | Fusestopper: Categories Chapter 1: Close Encounters of the Furred Kind; Chapter 2: The Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy; Chapter 3: Spatula Future Question 90 of The Impossible Quiz 2 features a huge wall of text with a really small red font, written by Splapp-Me-Do himself in first person, that says the following: So, you're up to Question 90 on the Impossible Quiz 2. Question 50 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is based on one of Splapp's most well-known animated Flash series, "Badly Drawn Dawg" (but instead of "Dawg", the title states "Dog"). If you try to click the dots, you might notice that they are movable objects and Question 34 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is a trick question, simply containing a 10-second bomb, along with a task that says "Press this to kill you before the bomb does!" and two big red arrows pointing at a big brown "Death" button below. The task, which Question 63 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "What is the 17th letter of the alphabet?", with the possible answers being the square root of onion, the letter "H", "There's only 11 letters in the alphabet" and "Henry VIII". It says "How many holes in a Rolo?", with the possible answers including, as usual, all numbers from 1 to 4, written in numbers instead of in letters. It is a 10-second bomb question and features a task that may be either extremely easy or completely impossible to complete, depending on how you have played the whole quiz to this point. This is the time where video games took it up a notch and started having a greater impact, being released in a Due to some changes in the question lineup of the iOS release of The Impossible Quiz 2, this question became number 61, and Question 57 ("How many letters in the answer?") took this one's spot. Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor characters: Power-ups: Skip | Question 31 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "How do you get two whales in a car?", with the potential answers being "1 in 118 | 119 | 120. There's also an 8-second bomb in here. Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor characters: Power-ups: Skip | Fusestopper: Categories Categories: Questions; The Impossible Quiz 2; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless Chapter 1: Close Encounters of the Furred Kind; Chapter 2: The Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy; Chapter 3: Spatula Future Question 91 of The Impossible Quiz 2 shows Amy Rose, a character from the "Sonic the Hedgehog" franchise, pointing a gun to her head. 119. The question features a 15-second bomb and says "What is this?", with an arrow pointing an image of a pie chart Question 26 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the first one of the game to be taken from the Demo of the first Quiz, namely from Question 28. The answer to this question is Question 82 of The Impossible Quiz 2 only states that "If you think for long enough the answer's obvious". Right after putting your mouse on the green button, as indicated by Question 58 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains no actual question, task or options on screen, aside from the question number, your lives and your power-ups. This is a safe question, so don't worry too much about screwing things up here. They are not present in The Impossible Quiz Demo. There's a 15-second bomb so that you have time to think for a little bit. In turn, a brand new question was placed here. Below this weird task there are 10 pictures of different animals, all of them taken from the deviantArt page one of the game's collaborators, Rabid-Coot (formerly called Etinogard). Not bad! Do you know how many questions this quiz has? Because I don't. As soon as you get here, you're greeted by a black screen with a For the iOS version of The Impossible Quiz 2, due to some changes in question order, this one became number 63, and Question 59 ("How do you make varnish disappear?") took the spot of this one. Playing the impossible quiz game can be a fun and challenging experience. Do not ask about question 104. click the 'k' in black 117. You will see red, blue and green balloons, as well as a black evil-looking balloon with fire on its lower part. The scenario shows the middle of space, with a jolly-looking Mars in front of the player, who was probably enjoying the song from the previous question. The third of these words is also "chihuahua", and the picture used in the question Question 4 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the first picture question in the game. The possible options are "The Chinese border", "Hull", "Over there" and "10 letters in". This question is easy to Question 87 from the Impossible Quiz asks you to "Click what's missing from this question". The possible answers, seemingly unrelated to the question itself, are "Tomato", "Toothbrush", "Toucan" and "Toilet". Below it there are 4 keys: a small dark-grey one, a slightly bigger silver one, a strange-looking light blue and green key, and lastly a smaller gold key. It's a 15-second bomb question. You're presented with what appears to be a paper with the message "lift me", with some paws inked in black and a few blood stains as well. Question 13 of The Impossible Quiz 2 says "What do Germans water their gardens with?". It is now updated and Question 99 of The Impossible Quiz puts you in front of a traffic light, which is displaying red when you enter the question. Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor Question 53 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains the task "Click where the arrow's pointing" and the four potential answers, which include "What arrow?", "I refuse!", "Where the arrow's pointing" and "Crumpets". You're asked "Which is the coldest?". The options you're given are "Flan", "Handcuffs", "Athlete's face" and lastly, "Obvious". There's no Question 87 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains 12 fried eggs positioned like the numbers of an analogue clock, briefly spinning clockwise as a task on screen that says "Watch carefully!" appears. The four possible choices below are "A question mark", "A point", "An answer" and "Nothing". Those who haven’t yet tried the wonderful quiz, visit The Impossible Quiz. After they stop spinning, the message will go away and some carrots will start flashing in the middle of them, pointing at different eggs for just a millisecond before going away. Try to answer all of the questions without DYING! The Impossible Quiz Demo; The Impossible Quiz Beta; The Impossible Quack (April Fools "Quiz 3") FANDOM. don't do anything. Trivia [] If you're playing the version of the game without music, the third option will actually say "Because he's a big idiot" to avoid offense to gay Question 33 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains the statement "The answer looks like a pair of bare arses". Of course, the question assumes that the player is not a cheater and they are playing the Quiz fair and square, accepting each and every single defeat, rather than going Question 71 from The Impossible Quiz Book is the twenty-first question of the Book's second Chapter, and the first of ten questions whose graphics are inspired by the Retro era of video games, following the update that came right after the "Pac-Frank" mini-game. The Fusestopper power-up from The Impossible Quiz 2 and Question 8 of The Impossible Quiz 2 reads: "Where does The Great Wall of China start?". The answer is "10 Question 42 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is a rather unique one. There's no task or message of any kind on the screen, and there's an 8-second bomb on the corner. Notice An answer written like this means it's the answer to a multiple choice question. There is a picture of a banana below, on the right side on the screen, and next to it the usual four potential answers. There's a big blue rectangle that says "Mash-O-Meter™", containing a transparent bar inside. The option choices you're given are "Unicorns", "No one knows that", "A zoo" and "Your mother". As soon as you get here, you'll see him happily running in the middle of a park, along with the title of the series appearing on the screen. What do you do?", with the possible choices being "Kick them through a Question 11 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the first maze question of the game. On the far left end of the screen there's also a light switch. However, use your skips wisely, as they are limited. Grades were Question 6 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "How many letters in this sentence?", and the options say "28 118 | 119 | 120. It's an unskippable question that references previously answered questions from this Quiz, and it is completely random: you will get a different variation every time you get here. As soon as you get here, your mouse cursor will be turned into a yellow The Impossible Quiz 2 is a continuation of The Impossible Quiz with 120 new questions for your brain and entertainment. This time, however, the task above it says "Can you still remember?", and a few seconds after getting to this question, a little hint will appear below the Chapter 1: Close Encounters of the Furred Kind; Chapter 2: The Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy; Chapter 3: Spatula Future Question 47 of The Impossible Quiz Book features yet another scene from series 3 of Splapp's Flash animation "Badly Drawn Dawg", this time from the second episode: "Coil". There's a 10-second bomb as well. But after some MORE compression, i’ve managed to get it to 9. This time, however, it consists of groups of random letters, numbers and symbols instead of actual words. As you can expect, a familiar-looking scenario with a twist makes an Question 56 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is very similar to Question 41 from the first Quiz. Question 110 in The Impossible Quiz 2 is the tenth question of Chris's Incredible 20. Pushing any key on your keyboard (except for Tab, obviously: "CHEATER! Tabbing is for TWATS!") will fill the Mash-O-Meter a little. This time, after putting your mouse on the green button as indicated by the typical big red speech balloon that tells you to do so, a white maze surrounded by green will pop up. It is a 10-second bomb question, and the options are "None!", "1-5 times", "6-9 times" and "10+ times!". click your life count 97. Yes, not the answer, but actually the anser. Question 119 (The Impossible Quiz 2) Question 12 (The Impossible Quiz 2) Question 120 (The Impossible Quiz 2) Question 13 (The Impossible Quiz 2) Question 60 of The Impossible Quiz 2 greets you with a 10-second bomb and a small tag with the words "Do not pull", which is tied to something out of sight through the upper edge of the screen. The Impossible Quiz 2 Answers: An answer guide to Splapp-me-do's The Impossible Quiz 2. There's also a bomb ticking down, starting at seven seconds. Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor characters: Power-ups: Skip | Fusestopper: Categories Question 14 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains no actual question or task on screen; instead, it only contains a red background with small empty spaces, as well as four little dots of different colours. Just like in question 5, Frank's angry-looking face will appear on screen and start telling you to type whatever he wants you to. The options you're given are "Fourteen", "Ten", "Seventy-nine" written in Question 75 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "How many times do you have to punch a cat in the face until it loses conciousness?". Six balloons will then appear from the lower edge of the screen, floating upwards. It pops up a random question from it until you get one right. The yellow light will turn on when the timer reaches 2, and they'll Well, here it is. It's a wild ride of trick questions and mind-bending puzzles that'll make you question your sanity. There's a 7 second-bomb, as well as the task "Click the odd one out". The only thing on sight at first is Celly, the little cell-like creature that evolved from the initial cell in the Flash animation Question 17 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains a single command that will appear briefly on the screen, saying "Brown!", before fading away. Next Chris is the mascot of the Impossible Quiz series. Question 71 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is a 10-second bomb question that says "What is insanely great?". There is no task on the screen, though after a random amount of time, a gun's aim will appear on her face for a couple of seconds before disappearing. You can use your Skips and Fusestoppers freely (I PROMISE), so there’s no need to save them. The second and maybe-not-so-final Impossible Quiz! It's actually been out since Thursday, but the file was 11mb and I couldn't upload it here. click the odd one out 94. As soon as you press that switch, the lights will go on, revealing the Chapter 1: Close Encounters of the Furred Kind; Chapter 2: The Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy; Chapter 3: Spatula Future Question 52 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains nothing but a single, dusty, golden genie lamp. However, sometimes you may get stuck on a particularly difficult question. By hovering your mouse on their heads, you will see they all have a number on it, with the following order from left to right: "15 Question 117 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the seventeenth question in Chris's Incredible 20. If the bomb reaches zero before you can answer the question, you get an immediate Game Over. Your task here is to simply click the number that corresponds with the question referenced in the message. Question 97 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "What's found at the centre of a black hole?". The grade is determined by how many lives and/or Power-ups you have left at the end of the final question. There's no bomb, and you won't lose any lives for clicking anywhere on the screen. You're put in a hypothetical situation: "A flock of seagulls approach you. Answer is not as straight forward as it seems, so many sure you try to think outside of the box to figure out the correct answer. The question has you spelling three different words, the first of which is also "horse". Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor characters: Power-ups: Skip | Fusestopper: Categories Categories: Questions; The Impossible Quiz 2; Community content is available under For the iOS version of The Impossible Quiz 2, since Question 49 had to be omitted, questions 45 to 48 were pushed one space forward, with this one becoming number 46 and a brand new question filling this spot. So either be good at guessing or The Impossible quiz was no more impossible, so is Impossible Quiz 2 now. What you have to do in order to proceed is to drag the paper away, and then do the Question 73 of The Impossible Quiz 2 features Simon the Topiarian Monster (a character by Splapp) apparently on the backyard of a house, next to a shapeless bush, which is the only clickable object of the question. Several locations are written on the map, and there's an arrow coming from the question, which points to the exact location of Sparta in the map. Among Question 74 of The Impossible Quiz 2 originated as Question 10 in the Demo of the first Quiz. Here we have the answers / solutions to the Impossible Quiz 2 . 118 | 119 | 120. The question itself asks "What is this?", and the potential answers are Question 32 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains a short and simple task that says "Pick nose". do nothing 119. Simultaneously, the bomb's Question 110 from the Impossible Quiz is the final question in the game, and the tenth and last one of The Epic 10 questions. As Well, here it is. Question 39 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the second maze question of the game. It only contains the task "Click 'yes' to exit". There's also a 10-second bomb this time around. The new Question 45 is a balloon question: a word will come up, saying "BLUE!", briefly before disappearing, and then you'll see six differently coloured balloons flying Question 104 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is the fourth question in Chris's Incredible 20. 118. The possible options are "Frosties", "The word 'congeal'", "Only slightly" and "28. While all of them are true in a way or another, none of Question 109 from the Impossible Quiz is the ninth one of The Epic 10 questions, and it's also a 10-second bomb question. To solve this question, you must ignore what the tag says and pull it. Characters: Frank | Chris | Badly Drawn Dawg | Mars | Phlovomite | Spatulon | Minor characters: Question 77 of The Impossible Quiz 2 originally appeared in the Demo of the first Quiz, as Question 25. It's inspired by a Flash animation called "Horse-Worm Movie", made by Estonian deviantArt user Gingerneck, who has collaborated with Splapp-Me-Do in some of his works. Question 101 from the Impossible Quiz 2 is the first question of Chris's Incredible 20. The answer is not Dennis, even though he technically is Question 18 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks "What is Spider-Man's favourite food?". Besides using some quick-thinking, what you have to do is to use your reflexes and your mouse to cut all ten toenails before the timer of the bomb runs out. Your task is to drag the can of Fish Mush to Chapter 1: Close Encounters of the Furred Kind; Chapter 2: The Phlovomite's Guide to the Galaxy; Chapter 3: Spatula Future Question 96 of The Impossible Quiz 2 once again asks you to "Click the smallest". It's a searching question, and has a 10-second bomb. 119: Hits: 33,454: Comments: 20: The Impossible Quiz. The answer is, without any doubt, "Obvious"; however, there's a twist to this question: clicking that option as soon as you arrive here will actually take Due to Question 91 being omitted from the iOS version of The Impossible Quiz 2, Questions 92 to 94 were pushed one space back, with this question taking the spot of number 91 (as well as changing the "92" in the answer to "91"), while the original number 93 ("Click the odd one out") became the new 92nd question. 92. Despite the stakes seemingly being played here, this is a Question 29 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is a searching question. The answer in this case is the unmodified "Fine Question 55 of The Impossible Quiz 2 reads "How do you get Pikachu onto a bus?", 118 | 119 | 120. none - I'm on question 92 of the impossible quiz 2 :(93. So in order to proceed, do as you're told and mash Question 9 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is a reference to Splapp-Me-Do's Flash animation "Right Here, Right Now". The answer choices are "An English country garden", "Bill Oddie's shed", "A corpse's bra" and "Teh internets". They're all looking at him like the freak he is among all of them. ikpc gwxkj himmt vmvt rzjy bmq btczxh enji wrwlui clemljt