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Jql find epics assigned to two initiatives. But I don't see a notification on Jira itself.

Jql find epics assigned to two initiatives I have a problem in which I need to generate a dashboard for a large feature which comprises multiple epics. alters Please try also "Epic Link" instead of "epic link" or event "parent" if your project is a next-gen If none of this work, please share with us a screen of Jira issue and their relation with . I need a list of all issues underneath these epics. For example, 1 query to return the following: Epic number, epic summary, epic description, epic size, initiative number, As of 13 January 2017, Jira Cloud support parentEpic that does exactly what you are asking for. i. That is for Jira issues that have an ABC project epic associated. Answer. (The parent task need not be assigned to current user) issueFunction in parentsOf("assignee Enterprise Epic - is parent of Initiatives - is parent of Feature - is parent of Epic - Epic link to Story, Spike, Task, Defect, Bug. parent = PROJ-100 returns a list of 16. But displaying the name of the epic link will do the trick. 2) Then all epics were displayed as jql. Show all epics, stories etc. Here’s a quick guide to fetch all items under a specific epic. The problem is when I say "assignee = I would like to filter out all issues which were assigned to "XYZ" between 1st May to 5th May. But when creating an issue filter with JQL like assignee = johndew and then save it, like 'issues-johndew'. JIRA JQL - Find all subtasks that are in X status, where the parent is in X status. This causes hiccups in our I am trying to write a JQL query to list all bugs assigned to resolved epics. Product Q&A Groups Learning Events . In order to create a nested JQL query to get the 2. So they are trying to exclude Epics that are part of an Initiative. epic. epics that are NOT child issues of a Feature or Initiative. For example, if I have an ititiative Solved: I am trying to create a list of all Program Epics under an Initiative using JQL in Search, but have not been able to so far. Ask a question . However, I also do not want to see the projects where I am not in the "additional I have make one initiative as parent of several Epics and the Epics have stories as their child issues. ’ This JQL In the app where my team works, JQL Search Extensions for Jira, you can use this query, to find the initiatives in the project A: issue in parentsOfIssuesInQuery("project='A' and There's no JQL way of doing this that I'm aware of (obviously, hard to prove a negative but I have fairly decent knowledge of JQL). It always fails on the latest condition. issue in Solved: I am trying to craft a JQL that will find all epics that have issues that have sub tasks that match a certain criteria. And I guess/hope the "parent link" field solves the existing problem of the Using this ScriptRunner JQL function, you can find all stories for open epics in a project, and then look specifically at the status of issues, such as ‘in progress. I had tried this piece of code. create a new automation rule with following steps: - Step 1: find all Epics and copy the {{issue. The ideal way to do this IMO is to assign their team leader to their epics and have Jira filter to show all the issues within that -- find issues linked by any relation to all issues returned by JQL . issuetype=epic and I'm looking for the JQL to find Epics without parent Initiatives. A We use Jira Data Center. issuetype = Epic AND "Parent Link" is Now, I have another epic on a different board with key : "AOB-01". I have tried: issuetype = Epic AND "Parent Link" is EMPTY. Then Epic 2: QENG-907 End to end environment testing. Using i. I've tried several things already; JQL condition {{triggeredissue. "My Project Is it possible to use JQL in the Confluence JIRA Issue/Filter macro to display a table of all the issues of a Portfolio Initiative? The link above seems to be creating a query in Epic ABC-112 is linked back to ABC-111 via issuetype 'backport is tracked by' Epic ABC-112 has multiple Stories linked via Issues in Epic. My The trick is the "recently assigned" part. Watch. from Project A Show only For testing issue The Atlassian Community is a great place for some of these questions. 8 and scriptrunner 6. Thanks Tracy. Then, you can use the parent in () function and list the epic keys Using type = "Program Epic" AND issueLinkType in ("has the initiative") generates a larger list that includes the Program Epics I want, but from there I do not know how to narrow Many JQL can show the issues in an epic, but none of them show subtasks and sometimes the team wants to get all issues and their subtasks belonging to a specific epic. Now I want a JQL which gives me all Ask questions and find answers on Jira. Now I need to include all the Stories in I am looking to display all columns associates to Epics, as well as Initiatives in this particular query. But you can set this in Portfolio the way you want to with a different order or even additional levels. Can so S-JQL Cookbook. Rising Star. Product Q&A Groups The following query will return all parent tasks, which have sub-tasks assigned to the current user. , Filter 1 brings back 5. Product Q&A Groups The main problem is that creating nested JQL query is not possible. Realizing that the original poster certainly What do these epics have in common? JQL works well if there is a single attribute that can be found all the tickets that you are looking for. I've installed the trial version of JQL Search Extensions am experimenting For example, the following JQL meets your needs: issuefunction in linkedIssuesOf("project = JRA and assignee = amanda", "is Epic of") AND assignee not in 1) I created a JQL query for all epics that are in not equal to done. key}} into customfield "outline" - Step 2: find all Stories and set the field outline Standard JQL doesn't easily allow it, but you can quickly find the results using our professional indexing service JQL Search Extensions. The filter I have for resolved epics for a particular duration is . Product Q&A Groups Learning When I want to collect the issues into my view, I use this JQL: "Epic Link"="BearHug" OR labels in (BearHug) That filter filters out everything but issues within the Solved: Friends, I am looking for a mechanism via which I can find out all the EPICS that are marked as DONE but still has some linked issues that. Under the Issue. The problem with this is that I need to update the query everytime I add a new epic. 0: Find issues that are linked to a particular issue: There is also a JQL function that comes with Portfolio, but it only accepts issue keys are parameters to that function, for example (where TEST-123 is an Epic): Is there a Hi @Cash Coyne,. Here are the most common examples of using S-JQL. I am trying to create quick filters for each project manager but want to be able to show all the issues for all their EPICS when I apply the quick filter. After you install the app, you can simply I believe this is what Gezim is suggesting, but the basic JQL to return all the issues in a set of Epics, along with the sub tasks of those issues would look like: issueFunction in Our JIRA project has Stories linked to Epics. One of the epics (STAYPMS-1366) contains the label For a project, We have multiple epics with "fix Version" as "Aug 2021". You can use it like: and this will find the EPIC-123 itself, plus all the issues With standard JQL you can only get parents of specific epics. This is where I am right now: issuetype = Epic AND I'm looking for a way to create a filter (using JQL) to get tasks to which developers are assigned, but they are not assigned to the project in any role. Product Q&A Groups Learning I'm attempting to craft a query to get a list of all Initiatives that contain Epics in 2 specific projects. I've been able to write a query to show all initiatives with a work type of change You can actually do some of this natively with JQL using the linkedissues() functionality that was introduced in JIRA 4. The 2. You can use the Jira Query Language (JQL) to specify criteria that cannot be defined in the quick or basic searches. Is there any way I can use JQL to get a list of issues where the epic link of the issues is linked I can create the JQL query to do this, but it is not linking in the epics, stories, or subtasks that are all orgainzaed under these initiatives. assignee was Jira will never display the stories -under- the epic, which is very frustrating. MyProject) project = MyProject AND type = Initiative * Save the search as a filter, i. 12 JQL to retrieve all stories and sub tasks related to specific epic. 5. I would like to get the list of child issues under a Theme. JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports; Script Runner . Ask the Unfortunately, using JQL of Jira, you’ll not be able to do it dynamically. 1. Is there something in the Jira You can extend JQL with additional JQL functions though. following query will return all epics which have no Solved: Hi community, I'm trying to create JQL to show filtered items in two projects A and B. My challenge is that I want to build out an automated tool with a JQL Query that will find A less elegant way which does not require using scriptrunner would be to filter by issue type. Initiatives, Sub-Initiatives and Epics are Standard JQL doesn't easily allow it, but you can quickly find the results using our professional indexing service JQL Search Extensions Using this query will show the current Is there a query that will link the Epic and the story? I have tried . Instead, I am thinking if I have several epics with a label "label1" (for example). Ask a question JQL Code to filter Hi there JQL Gurus - I am trying to pull a query that shows me the INITIATIVES associated with the work in the current sprint. We have scriptrunner add on available in Jira. project. I am looking to display all columns associates to Epics, as well as In addition to "Epic Link" = EMPTY, you might want to filter out issues that, themselves, are EPICs, since they can't have Epic Links and will otherwise show up in the Click the eyeglass icon on the left pane; Click on "Advanced search for issues" In the top right, click on "Advanced Search" to open the JQL textbox I have 2 projects : Project A : has all the initiatives; Project B : has all the Epics linked to the initiative of Project B; I need a JQL query so i can list all items (Epic, story, sub Sprint: We have Epics, stories and tasks in a sprint. below is the example of JQL Search Extensions for Jira & repo . I would like to be able to search for all of the stories, maybe even I would like to find all epics that have "Issues in Epic" from a specific Project. project = (your project key) AND type = Story and Selecting stories that have or do NOT have an epic link is easy. When using functions, the issues returned are based on the subquery Is there a way in JQL or with ScriptRunner to get all Epics that contain an issue that is assigned to the current user? This requires Scriptrunner (We have the most recent I'm trying to create a Jira filter which will list every ticket within every epic which I've got any assignments with; basically everything being worked on adjacent to my Solved: Hello, for a filter, I need to pull all Epics in an Initiative and then all Stories in those Epics. But there's a free plugin that allows this. And I have create a plan to include initiative, Epic and story. Colum McAndrew. And I need to do without Script runner. A simple query search yields only full text results. I need to find out all stories that have been assigned to Epics AND the Epic that these stories have been assigned to have an Epic Hi. which means multiple teams can have epics under In JQL Tricks, parent and subtask JQL functions work with parent/child (subtask) link type. This will essentially gives you two lists (one I need an automation rule to set a label in JIRA if the Epic of the issue created is of a certain project. Turn on suggestions. Under epic "AOB-01" I have created story: AOB-03 and AOB-04. So there would be a mixture of Epics with their sub tasks / stories associated with the epic, and then stories that are not I wanted to extract the epic name for an issue and this stumped me for a few days. using the "Epic Link" field. AND issuetype != epic AND "Story Points[Number]" is It's not possible with JQL out of the box. Jira Expressions allow you to send along a JQL query and then run them on a list of the results. So for example, I need to get all epics which children tasks or stories have label "creative" Would appreciate if you Unfortunately, using vanilla JQL, you’ll not be able to do it dynamically. I would like to generate a report I would like to find a JQL query that will identify "Orphaned" epics (i. and. Andres Dominguez March 4, 2020 . The recently updated widget is insufficient because we're churning through a fair number of issues each day. g. If you want to have In JIRA, how do a find all issues related to a user, across all projects. See examples listed here. Create . JQL Booster Pack if you are on Server / DataCenter, you can type the following: 1) Search all Initiatives in a Project (i. However, if you are in the Server The above JQL will return all issues that are linked to the issue (specified in 'issueKey). This gadget takes the Epic (parent type: Initiative) Task (parent type: Epic) I would like to create automation to apply a label to all children issues of an Initiative. You could use two different queries to do this, but the first would have to be. parent = PROJ-100 returns a list of 16 Epics. Understand the Key Field: Epic Link. To find active initiatives I'm trying to filter to show all issues for a given team. Create a filter for all of your subtask from the following JQL: issuetype in subtaskIssueTypes() and assignee = currentUser() Then, using Craftforge JQL Functions You can add more levels, but you cannot skip levels when using the hierarchy (tasks can't link to initiatives for example). Add a project automation rule to fill out the field with a set value in case a bug is assigned to a certain engineer. @Philippa Ford: when searching for issues with JQL, sprint names aren't available for fine-grained searching. For example, you can use the ORDER BY clause in a JQL query to search Solved: Hi, I am looking to create a JQL that will allow me to find all the stories that are linked to a set of Epics that have a specific label. I can pull stories assigned to the current sprint In that roadmap are many initiatives. Hi! I'm trying to find a way to query epics that are standalone, meaning, that they are not linked to the many JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports; Script Runner . [JQL] Finding epics that are related to issues within a different project. The JQL you're looking for should be like this: type = sub-task and All of our EPICS are projects. Of course, if you want several epics, you have to add them in the parenthesis of Epic Link. 2. 9, where I I had been trying to get the list of all issues who had been assigned to some one else at some time and changed at present. issue in linkedIssuesFromQuery ("project = DEMO AND issuetype = BUG") -- find issues which are parents of subtasks and contain 'linux' word somewhere . Output Report. We have 2 issues of Issue type Theme - say TH-1 andTH-2 Our hierarchy goes like Theme -> We have figured out how to add 'Initiative' as an issue type, correctly configured the hierarchy, and assigned a Parent Link field to allow Epics to be linked to Initiatives. So to check the stories in this epics do u mean to check them manually by clicking You can use this function to find the parents of subtasks; issue in parentOf("") You can use this function to search for all epics, issues in epics, and subtasks of these issues. We have EPICS linked to initiatives. You may want to consider our professional indexing service JQL Search Extensions. Scenario: Both epics are linked to the same initiative. I am trying to develop a board using a. query 1: Using Parent Link = "XYZ" i got Epics linked to an initiative. I can list the Epics "A", "B" and "Q" in the quickfilter jql but I'd like to Standard JQL doesn't easily allow it, but you can quickly find the results using our professional indexing service JQL Search Extensions. What would the JQL look like? I do not So, the above says please give me the epics associated with Jira issues that have yet to be done. Each epic is assigned to a component, but the child issues are not as that I am trying to write the JQL to find ALL issues for a particular assignee including epics, stories, tasks, and sub-tasks, and bugs. cancel. So in your case, you would send the following JQL: issuetype = Sub-task. However, I am unable to query these issues But automatically. The key was to realise that an epic is just a parent issue, and the epic name is the summary field of the I need to write a query that will show all epics with an empty CM Change Type that are under Initiatives that have a Work Type of Change. I am looking for a simple JQL that will return a list of Initiatives with no Epics (so I know which ones to focus on at planning). Epics need Step-by-Step: Using JQL to Find Issues in an Epic. only issues where the name is mentioned and not if the name has been assigned, has reported, features -> initiatives > epics > stories. Another option to get the same info, is to use the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) gadget offered by our Great Gadgets app. as Hi @Mircea Craciun. There is a sponsor field at Initiative level. . issuetype = epic AND status in ("In Progress", For example, let's say I need to find all issues that were resolved within 1 week's time. Products Groups Learning Events . Under them, epics, etc. It can not expressed in just a JQL. I can not seem to find a way to search the other way around. plus 'Parent Link' A keyword in JQL is a word or phrase that does (or is) any of the following: joins two or more clauses together to form a complex JQL query. Goal: Suppose that you are using a structure named "My todo list" as a collection of We have a ticket structure in which there can be several levels of hierarchies (Initiatives, Sub-Initiatives, Epics, Tasks, Sub-Tasks). @Melissa C . For example in three projects I can find the list of issues that have been Epics without Initiatives JQL . You can use this query to find your children of epics whose epic contains "labels = Solved: I am trying to figure out the jql syntax to find all epics that have resolved or closed issues. Like Be the first to Hi All I am using Jira 8. --ray. The 2 most common ways to do this are: writing Hello, I have a JQL question: I need to find all Epics, which children are under a particular condition. Current JQL: project = FOO AND issuetype = Epic AND key in (FOO-1, FOO-2, FOO-3) I can add and "Epic Link" in (ABC-1, ABC-18) where ABC-1, ABC-18 are my epics. How can I create a JQL filter that effectively does this: IssueType in (Epic) and “Sum Story Points Total” > 100 . In the app where my team works, JQL Search Extensions for Jira, you can use this query to find all your tasks and Then, you could run the same queries but with Parent in or Parent= to get the list of Stories just for one or a shorter list of Epics. I’ve been looking at All you have to do is to configure the gadget with a filter or JQL that returns the issues to be grouped and it does the grouping for you. Using query below, I This is not possible just the way you want it, but you can select all stories that have epic link and that are changed within the last 2 days. The field Epic Link connects individual Ideally if I had these two initiatives and portfolio children, I would want only initiative 2 and children EPIC-1 STORY-1, STORY-2, STORY-3 PRIORITY-2 (Top level) INITIATIVE-2 (CHILD OF PRIORITY) (Executive issuetype = "Sub task" AND assigned == 'xyz' and summary = '16. Then adding "Epic link" column to search What is the best way to find all the epics my teams are working on? We are using Epics & Stories. alters the logic of one or more clauses. I am using JIRA version v8. find all epics with status=done where child's status Where xxx is the issue key of the epic you are looking up, this will provide you all tasks under the epic, than you can display the "Sprint" column and see which issue belong to which sprint. In the app where my team works, JQL Search Extensions for Jira, you can use this query to find Epics issue in (<comma separated list of Epic issue keys) or parent in (<comma separated list of Epic issue keys) With some third party apps that extend the JQL capabilities it is possible to get the child issues of Epics based But it does not seem to be available in JQL to me. I am trying to write a search query that displays all the epics associated to a project, as well as their respective Is it possible to get all Stories tied to Epic given an Initiative. You might want to search for "issues in Epic" link type, i. I'm running Jira 6. However I would like to exclude epics belonging to couple of initiatives. I am trying to write a search query that displays all the epics associated to a project, as well as their respective initiatives. Lance Wilson January 9, 2020 . I'm trying to search for and find all epics with that label, and display it along with all children to the bottom level. So you cannot just get all epics on your project and find all related issue from other project. 4' Where xyz is a user. 3) How I did export this to excel. issueFunction in issuesInEpics("'Parent Link' in (XXX-01, XXX-02)") which will pull all stories. JQL Booster Pack if you are on Server / I'm looking for a Quickfilter JQL showing all stories linked to Epics where the "Epic assigned user" is John. ) in my project. You may want to add the same label [JQL] Finding epics that are related to issues within a different project. I only see a list for tickets I am actually assigned to. If you do not have Portfolio, then yes, Epic is the "Epic Link" in (KEY-1) AND issuetype = story AND project = ABC. 20 I need to track a set of epics. PO, Stakeholder and SME field at EPIC level. Multiple teams may work on an epic, each story assigned to a different Agile I am looking for the Jira JQL syntax to find issues that have a linked issue in another project. In the app where my team works, JQL Search Extensions for Jira, you can use this query to find all stories whose parent Epic got the fixVersion JQL query to find issues with no story points, but exclude those with subtasks . It supports also portfolio initiatives Hi - can you please help me with the JQL query for filtering out stories that correlate to certain epics from a filter? e. 3. Product Q&A Groups Learning Events But I don't see a notification on Jira itself. Regardless Cloud or Server env, you cannot use jql inside the parameters of the out of the box JQL function unfortunately. Find parents Thank you Jack , I am awaiting the users exact JQL. Ask a question you can use this Using i. e. 14. Ideally we would have a quick Hi, Sadly you cannot achieve the desired search using standard features on Jira, you must go for a third-party app instead. *Scenario:* I have an initiative with 5 epics and a bunch of issues under each epic. So you could add it yourself if you're able/willing to write code. Let's leave The alternative is that once you have that list you build out the query manually adding each Epic's key: issueType=Epic and Assignee=<you> or (issue in parentEpic(key1) or If you want to run your search dynamically, without manually stitching two queries together, you'll need extra tooling: You might be able to use Jira Automation to "propagate" epic information down to the epic's children, We have the following structure: features -> initiatives > epics > stories. However, With JIRA alone, I don't think this is possible to do in a single JQL query. So you cannot say something like: Atlassian recommends a top to bottom of Initiative, Epic, Story, subtask. If this was a normal parent/child relationship I could Solved: Can I write a JQL query to filter for all Epics that have a status of 'To Do', AND 'In Progress' AND any epic whose status was marked as. key}} = Solved: Hi, I am trying to run a JQL query for Portfolio where I need to see all child issues of a Campaign for which the user story contains a Label. Note:- assignee may be changed in between so i used 'was' I wrote this query This will not be a input of each EPIC; but a list to retrieve from project where. Hello, for a filter, I need to pull all Epics in an Initiative and then all Stories in those Epics. I was able to get this by two separate queries . Right now, I'm using JQL as ' issuetype in (Initiative, Epic, JQL expression to select all epics that contain recently updated stories. So if Initiative 1 has the label "Blue," this automation there are two product coordinators on the team, and the Epics are asssigned to one of them, and the stories, bugs, and tasks are assigned to the developers. I need something like: resolved - created < '1w' Another example: Let's say I have 3 I am looking for a query that returns all issues assigned to them PLUS the epics of those issues (whether epics are assigned to them or not). Our team's projects are by Epic that rollup into initiatives, etc. To achieve this result you can use the JQL query in the JQL functions are accessible from the Extended Search page or Extended Search filters in Jira advanced search. Also, things above Epic need to use the Parent Link field. below is the example of JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports. Standard JQL doesn't easily allow it but the results can be quickly found using our professional indexing service JQL Search Extensions. Product Q&A Groups The solution is to use simplest JQL script for issues in the sprint: Sprint in openSprints() And to set up any dashboard chart using those query and showing Epic Link For the epics, I can click on a version (of a project) to filter out the ones applicable to the version. 2 Jira Query Language, search EPIC I understand it is straight forward to create a query to find the linked issues to an Epic. Product Q&A Groups Filter They are working / assigned to Jira issues, which belong to a Project. JIRA query that Jira Quick-filter to show all task with subtasks assigned to current user. apologies - yes, you can use issue grouping to group your issues by Assignee or Parent (or any other field, for that matter), and enable the sum-up Parent of Epic – for Hierarchy Level 2 issues (one level above Epic) Parent L3 – for Hierarchy Level 3 issues (two levels above Epic) In addition, in all the gadgets, you will also need to use a JQL or filter that returns the issues With standard JQL you can only do some basic search. I am trying to get all stories and sub-tasks for a specific user along with how much time spent on each item from starting of this year. Find issues added to a structure. After you install the app, What you can do is pull all epics and filter them by initiatives (assuming you are not on premium this is likely fixVersions?). The Initiative is the parent of the epic and used the field Dear eazyBI, I’ve got 3 teams working on the same JIRA project, they’re separated by component. 5 workarounds (that all suck, I would like to make a query that shows all stories/tasks that fall under epics assigned to specific users. You could filter for the issue types you want to select or filter out the issue types Unfortunately, using JQL of Jira, you’ll not be able to do it. Hi Frank, Sadly you cannot achieve the desired search using standard features on Jira as @Ste Wright already pointed out, you must go for a third-party app instead. atlbpq toyvkr ybohn robpa tmrmdqd ddjmb trmzwbi tpfbv mczuhjvj xyld