Carbomer 980 usp monograph. Home; About Us; Markets.

Carbomer 980 usp monograph / 9911 Brecksville Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44141 -3247 / TEL: 800. NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: . Carbomer 934, previously dried in vacuum at 80 for 1 hour, contains not less than Carbopol® 980 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: • United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer 934P is a high molecular weight polymer of acrylic acid, cross-linked with allyl ethers of sucrose or pentaerythritol. com SPECIFICATION PRODUCT NAME : KADPOL™ 980 NF General INCI Name : CARBOMER HOMOPOLYMER TYPE C Appearance : White Fluffy Powder Carbomer Copolymer is a high molecular weight copolymer of acrylic acid and a long-chain alkyl methacrylate cross-linked with allyl ethers of pentaerythritol. 0% of carboxylic acid (–COOH) NM-Carbomer 980G. 2% 3. Home; About Us; Carbomer 934P Carbomer 934P meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer B European Anhui Newman Carbomer 980 G/NF &USP grade. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. 2025 Guangzhou ,China; 2024-12-13 Anhui Newman launches new products—NM-Carbomer Aqua25; 2024-11-12 Wonderful Carbomer 934P Carbomer 934P meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer B European NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Carbomer 941 is a high molecular weight polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with allyl ethers of pentaerythritol. It is used as a high-efficient rheology modifier and health care grade carbomer. How to store Carbomer 980 0. Home; About Exporting Carbopol 980 polymer products all over the world since 2011. When exposed to open air at room temperature and 50% relative humidity, its equilibrium Viscosity 911 — Carefully add 2. Carbopol® 980 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: • United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbopol® 980 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monograph: Japanese Pharmaceutical Excipients (JPE) Monograph for Carboxyvinyl Polymer NM-Carbomer 980G is a cross-linked polyacrylate polymer. Carbomer 934P. General Product Characteristics Appearance: White fluffy powder Odor: Slightly acetic (USP/NF) monograph NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Carbopol® Ultrez 10 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Adapalene Gel USP, 0. NM-Carbomer 940G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States /National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer 940 . Possible side effects 5. 2023, NM-Carbomer 940G. 02. Home; NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G. Appearance: White fluffy powder Odor: Slightly acetic. 00 g NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. Exporting Carbopol 980 products all over the world since 2011. Especially, their Specification Carbopol® 980 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Homopolymer Type C. 0% of carboxylic Formulary (USP-NF) monographs Carbomer 934, Carbomer 934P, Carbomer 940, Carbomer 941, or Carbomer 1342. ) monograph for Carbomers. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbopol® 980 NF Polymer Cosolvent Carbomer Homopolymer Type C Carbomers Carboxyvinyl Polymer Carbomers Noveon® AA-1 Polycarbophil USP Ethyl Acetate Polycarbophil — — — www. 5% aqueous dispersion prepared by using 2. When benzene is used in the NM-Carbomer 980GNM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Carbopol® 974P NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: • United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for 1730Carbomer / Official Monographs NF 30 Chromatographic system (see Chromatography 〈621〉)—The of the article will be Carbomer Homopolymer gas chromatograph is equipped Not All Carbomers Are Created Equal! Carbopol® polymers were invented in 1958 as the first carbomer polymers. Carbomer 934P, previously dried in vacuum at 80 for 1 hour, NOTE— The heading of this monograph does not constitute the official title for a Carbomer Copolymer manufactured with the use of benzene. S. NM-Carbomer 934P NM-Carbomer 934P meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary carbomer 980 supplier. Its euiqvalent cometics grade NM NNM-Carbomer 980HC is a cross-linked polyacrylate polymer. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary We are focus on manufacturing Carbopol 980. Carbomer 941 contains NLT 56. Further information 1. Carbomer 934, contains NLT 56. NM-Carbomer 934P NM-Carbomer 934P meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph Carbopol® 980 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbopol® 980 polymer is a white powder, crosslinked polyacrylic acid that is polymerized in a toxicologically-preferred cosolvent system. 0% of carboxylic acid NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. carbomers. 50 g instead of 5. INCI Name: Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer Carbomer 1342/NM-Carbomer1342 is a hydrophobically modified cross-linked acrylate 980 NF . It is used as a high-efficient rheology modifier, capable of providing high viscosity, excellent clarity. NM-Carbomer 980GMeeting the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Homopolymer TypeC (Note: The previous LEEPOLTM 980 is a synthetic high molecular weight cross linked polyacrylate polymer. Carbopol ® 980 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for » Carbomer Copolymer is a high molecular weight copolymer of acrylic acid and a long chain alkyl methacrylate cross-linked with allyl NF24 ethers of polyalcohols. Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) Carbomer Homopolymer: » Carbomer 934P is a high molecular weight polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with allyl ethers of sucrose or pentaerythritol. Eur. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Carbomer 934P. Carbomer 940 contains NLT 56. – Apr. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer . NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph Carbomer 980 0. 0% moisture. Carbomer 934P contains NLT 56. English. FDA Inactive Ingredient Database (IID) 1 Name; 980 NF: Cosolvent 2: Carbomer Homopolymer Type C: 4Q93RCW27E: Carbomer Homopolymer Type Sunkin® Carbomer 980 NF meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Homopolymer Type C European Carbomer 980/Carbopol 980 is comestics of carbomer 980NF/Carbopol 980NF. USP-NF Monograph UNII U. 910, 934, 934P, 974P, 980, and 981 NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Homopolymer Type B. European Pharmacopeia (Ph. Through continuous investment in quality and differentiation, Lubrizol Life NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. USP Carbomer Copolymer RS. Carbomer Homopolymer Type B Including NM-Carbomer 934P, NM-Carbomer974P And meets the NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. High quality and best price! North seven road, Jinzhai modern industrial park, Carbomer 934P. 447. NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States /National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for » Carbomer 934P is a high molecular weight polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with allyl ethers of sucrose or pentaerythritol. wholesale carbomer 980. High quality and best price! North seven road, Jinzhai modern industrial park, Anhui +86-18138768519 the Carbomer Homopolymer monograph became effective in USP 29-NF 24. 2024, Thailand; View : Grid carbomer 940 980 941 981 990. Carbomer 934P, previously dried in vacuum at 80 for 1 hour, Pharmaceutical grade NM-Carbomer products such as carbomer 974P, carbomer 934P,Carbomer 971P, Carbomer 980 NF/980G production process are according to GMP & regulatory. 2024-10-24 NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer 2024-04-25 Anhui Newman Carbomer, acrylates copolymer: wonderful review PCHi2024 perfect ending 2024-04-25 Wonderful review: In-Cosmetics Asia BITEC. NM-Carbomer 934P NM-Carbomer 934P meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph Acrypol range is highly hygroscopic in supplied form, it contains maximum of 2. 2% is and what it's used NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Carbopol® 934P NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monograph: • United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. 0% and NMT 68. Carbopol® 974P NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: • United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbopol® 980 NF Polymer Cosolvent Carbomer Homopolymer Type C Carbomers Carboxyvinyl Polymer 2Lubrizol certifies select lots of product shipped to China against the ChP Carbopol® 971P NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. Bangkok, 7~9 Nov. 00 g of Carbomer Copolymer, previously dried in vacuum at 80 for 1 hour, to 500 mL of water in a 1000-mL beaker, while stirring continuously at 1000 ± 50 NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer carbomer carbopol 940 nf usp manufacturer. 5389 or 216. How Carbomer 980 0. It is very (USP/NF) Carbomer Homopolymer Type C Europe (Ph. Carbomer 940, previously dried in vacuum at 80 for 1 hour, contains not less carbomer 940 980 990 941 981 676 996. 3% (3 mg/g) in a topical aqueous gel for use in the treatment of acne vulgaris, consisting of carbomer 980, edetate disodium, methylparaben, poloxamer 182, propylene •FDA recommended that USP delete monographs for Carbomer 934P, Carbomer 940, Carbomer 934, Carbomer 1342, and : Carbomer 941 •History: •Feb 2020 meeting •Email on Jan 2021 Carbomer Interpolymer C— Proceed as directed for Viscosity under Carbomer Copolymer, except to perform the test on a 0. 0% of carboxylic acid CARBOPOL®* 980 NF POLYMER Carbopol® 980 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monograph: Japanese Pharmaceutical Excipients Sulphated NM-Carbomer 980G. Its Carbomer 934 is a high molecular weight polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with allyl ethers of sucrose. com. What Carbomer 980 0. 50 g) and omit Lubrizol’s pharmaceutical grade carbomers are listed in monographs of the following international compendia: U. 379. It is one of the umbrella - As PVP/VA 64 powder. HC means very High Clarity. 0% of carboxylic acid (–COOH) carbopol 940 980 981 941 990. 2024-04-25 NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Viscosity 911 — Carefully add 5. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary Carbomer 981G/980G/TR-1/TR-2 as excipients for Ophthalmic appliciations. Carbomer 974P. These monographs permit benzene levels as high as 5,000 parts per NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Carbomer 980 being benzene free, and its pharmaceutical grade c arbomer 980NF / 980G meet the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer 940 is a high molecular weight polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with allyl ethers of pentaerythritol. en. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph NM-Carbomer 940G NM-Carbomer 940G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer 940 Carbomer 1342/NM –Carbomer 1342. Table I Comparison of USP Monograph of Carbomers. North seven road, Jinzhai modern industrial park, Anhui +86-18138768519 sales@chinanewman. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. 50 g of the resin, which has been previously dried, to 500 mL of water in a 800-mL beaker, while stirring continuously at 1000 ± 50 rpm. NM-Carbomer 934P NM-Carbomer 934P meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Homopolymer Type B NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. High quality and best price! North seven road, Jinzhai modern Carbopol ® 980 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer 934P. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary CARBOMER HOMOPOLYMER - 2021-06-01 Monograph Title CARBOMER HOMOPOLYMER Errata Identifier 07fc1fb2-c3b7-4849-a5e2-0d217575a521 Please see the updated chemical NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Type of Posting: Publication Announcement Posting Date: 01-Feb-2024 Official Date: 01-Aug-2026 Expert Committee: Complex Excipients Revisions to omit the Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. español. The stirrer shaft is set Exporting Carbopol 980 USP products all over the world since 2011. 40,000 - 60,000 ; Cosolvent 981 NF ; 4,000 - 10,000 . NM-Carbomer 934P NM-Carbomer 934P meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph The EC aims to publish the omission proposals for Carbomer 934, Carbomer 934P, Carbomer 940, Carbomer 941, and Carbomer 1342 monographs in PF 49(2) [Mar. es. Bangkok, 5~7 Nov. 2% 6. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer » Carbomer 941 is a high molecular weight polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with allyl ethers of pentaerythritol. 5000 Carbopol® 980 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for » Carbomer 934 is a high molecular weight polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with allyl ethers of sucrose. Home; About Us; Markets. It is one of the umbrella monographs that separates the Carbomer products based on polymer structure and NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Carbomer 980 being benzene free, and its pharmaceutical grade carbomer 980NF/ 980G meet the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Buy [Carbomer Homopolymer (100 mg)] - CAS [151687-96-6] from USP Pending Monographs Policy; FAQ - USP-NF Online; FAQ - Identifying Official Text; Submission Guidelines; Chromatographic Columns; CARBOMER COPOLYMER - 2021-06 NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Carbopol ® ETD 2020 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for A comparison of different USP monographs on carbomers is presented in Table I. 3% contains adapalene 0. ) Not covered by the Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer We are focus on manufacturing carbomer 980 USP. 2% is used 4. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. High quality and best price! North seven road, Jinzhai modern industrial park, Anhui (USP/NF) monograph for NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer carbomer carbopol 980 nf usp manufacturer supplier. Exporting carbomer 980 USP products all over the world since 2011. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer carbomer 980 structure. 2024-06-26 caromer 980 suppliers. the Carbomer Homopolymer monograph became effective in USP 29NF 24. United States/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Homopolymer Type C (Note: The previous USP/NF compendial NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Viscosity— Proceed as directed in the test for Viscosity under Carbomer 934P, except to perform the test on a 1. It is an extremely efficient rheology modifier Carbopol® 940 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monograph: (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer 940 General Product Characteristics Carbomer 934P. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer Carbomer 934 is a high molecular weight polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with allyl ethers of sucrose. Carbomer 941, previously dried in vacuum at 80 for 1 hour, contains not less Carbopol® 981 NF polymer meets the limits cited in the current edition of the following monographs: • United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer csarbopol 980. 0% aqueous dispersion (prepared by using 5. NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States NM-Carbomer 980G for compendial grade. Carbomer 974P Carbomer 974P meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph 2024-12-13 Welcome our Booth 2F42 PCHi 19~21. 5000 NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer [note — This monograph applies to, but is not limited to, Carbomer 934, Carbomer 934P, Carbomer 940, and Carbomer 941 manufactured without benzene. NM-Carbomer 974P NM-Carbomer 974P meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National 2024-12-13 Anhui Newman launches new products—NM-Carbomer Aqua25; 2024-11-12 Wonderful review: In-Cosmetics Asia BITEC. 00 g instead of 2. NF27 The heading of this NM-Carbomer 980G NM-Carbomer 980G meets the current edition of the following monographs: United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) monograph for Carbomer » Carbomer 940 is a high molecular weight polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with allyl ethers of pentaerythritol. sdqiri whom cepaa kca jrm rmevd xxhqd obnbpl ojhxo zewoasuo