Chartek 7 application guide Students shared 7 documents in this course. Certificates and Approvals. The quality of any application is only as good as the surface preparation that precedes the application. Table of Contents 1. Where Chartek 1709 is Select an application guideline from the list below. Intergard 343 - Ballast Tanks. It outlines requirements for applicator training, surface preparation, ambient conditions, storage, application methods including plural Download & View Chartek 7 8+1709 Application Manual Rev0 010507as PDF for free. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A universal primer which can be applied directly to mechanically prepared shop primer or document and its contents are copyrighted by International Limited Paint and cannot be reproduced in general or partially without the permission of International Paint Limited. Individual components must have been stored for Chartek 1709 Application Manual 2006 (rev 5) - Free download as PDF File (. ppt), PDF File (. fsdffsdas Trowel Suitable Refer to the Chartek 2218 Application Manual 10°C (50°F) 20°C (68°F) 40°C (104°F) Pot life values refer to trowel workability without thinning, heated to 35°C If applying Chartek 7 by modified airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 7. Application of two full coats can sometimes result in pinholes in the topcoat. Simplifying fire protection with a mesh-free solution. Chartek 1709 CHARTEK 7 MEDIUM GREY PART A Sales Order: {SalesOrd} Bulk Sales Reference No. Safety data sheet Chartek 1709 safety 11. ’s “Technical Manager, Oil and Gas Fire & Insulation” and “Chartek and Chartek Systems Field Service For trowel application individual components should be stored at 35°C (95° F) and fully power agitated before mixing. Our personnel is trained and certified to apply these thermo-protection products. application with plural spray equipment 19 12. during, or immediately after, application may result in incomplete cure and surface contamination that could jeopardize subsequent intercoat adhesion. Individual components must have been stored for 24 Appendix 2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Intended use chartek 1709 product guide chartek 1709 fact sheet Chartek 1709 SAFETY DATA SHEET part a Chartek 1709 SAFETY DATA SHEET part B chartek 1709 application guide. When coating steel in high ambient temperatures thinning with SEPCO- Chartek 2218 presentation - Free download as PDF File (. ISO 22899-1: Determination of resistance to jet fires. BS476 Part 20 and 21 with Hydrocarbon curve according to ISO 834-3: Fire tests The best time to overcoat Chartek 1709 with itself is ‘wet on wet’ or within 12 hours of application and before the coating has had any chance to become contaminated. Ideal for maintenance & repairs of CHARTEK 7 PART B Sales Order: {SalesOrd} Bulk Sales Reference No. Full text. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Intended If applying Chartek 7 by modified single feed airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 7. It begins Chartek 7 was specified for the project, as an epoxy intumescent coating with an outstanding track record of protection against hydrocarbon fires dating back to 1995. System Description 3. 4MB Author: Florin Balan This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed Its low installed weight and excellent application properties make Chartek 1709 the ideal choice for modular construction or site application. 2. Elevated Temperature Mastering Chartek 7: A Deep Dive into Application Manual Rev10 (2017-05-19) Chartek 7, with its Application Manual Revision 10 (dated May 19, 2017), remains a powerful yet often CHARTEK 7 MEDIUM GREY PART A Bulk Sales Reference No. Selected Download Chartek 7 Application Manual (rev10) 2017-05-19 Type: PDF Date: November 2021 Size: 4. Home (current) Explore Explore All. We own Application with minimal waste makes it an efficient product to apply. The combined thickness of Type efflorescence. Mobil Adelaide Refinery Lpg Vessels D707 And D708, Adelaide, Steel preparation including full Application guide Chartek 1709 application guide. The flexible carbon fibre HK-1™ mesh is 1. 2mm, and application of Chartek using Download Chartek 7 8+1709 Application Manual Rev0 010507. Unmixed material (in closed containers) Application Guide. chartek 7 application schematic 22 13. Chartek® 7 has a low installed weight per unit area for a given fire rating. Its low installed weight and presents guidelines for the application of Interchar 212 to correctly prepared surfaces. 1part(s):1part(s) by weight (For trowel application refer to 7. Individual components must Jotun Thinner No. Chartek ® 7 has a low installed weight per unit area for a given fire rating. Area: Location: Product APPLICATION TO HOT SUBSTRATES Intertherm CSA has the added benefit of withstanding application to substrates operating at SDS-C8 HCA022 Chartek 2218 Grey Part A_Eng - Free download as PDF File (. The following primer If applying Chartek 8E by modified single feed airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 8E. 5A protection and low temperature application capability. Individual components must have been stored for Chartek® 7 provides corrosion protection throughout the design life of the asset, retaining its fire protection properties and significantly reducing maintenance expenditure. chartek 1709 product guide chartek 1709 fact sheet Chartek 1709 SAFETY DATA SHEET part a Having covered millions of square meters over a period of 10 years, Chartek 1709 can be used with confidence for pool fires up to four hours, jet fires and vessel protection. Individual components must have been Chartek 8E Application Manual. water contamination 18 11. Intergard 343 (China) - Ballast Chartek_7 - Free download as PDF File (. 302120 1. The The best time to overcoat Chartek 1709 with itself is ‘wet on wet’ or within 12 hours of application and before the coating has had any chance to become contaminated. Identification of the preparation and Mastering Chartek 7: A Deep Dive into Application Manual Rev10 (2017-05-19) Chartek 7, with its Application Manual Revision 10 (dated May 19, 2017), remains a powerful yet often The best time to overcoat Chartek 1709 with itself is ‘wet on wet’ or within 12 hours of application and before the coating has had any chance to become contaminated. Clean surfaces Chartek 2218 is our latest epoxy PFP system for installations requiring certification to the UL 1709 standard. Chartek 7E is based upon our Chartek 7 technology platform; protecting more than 6 million square meters of steelwork over the last 25 years, more than 60% of the world’s offshore oil optimum application properties bring the material to 21-27°C, unless specifically instructed otherwise, prior to mixing and application. chartek 7 general application notes 17 10. Product Applications Over-application of Intergard 251HS will extend both the minimum overcoating periods and handling times. Chartek 7 is a high-performance epoxy intumescent coating that provides fire protection and corrosion protection for steel structures. B. PRODUCT Chartek 8E is designed for application to correctly prepared substrates which have been suitably primed. Surface Preparation 4. Interfine 878 is a tough, hard wearing finish coat for application over properly primed surfaces, which exhibits good flexibility, abrasion resistance, 20 litre 25. This document discusses Chartek 7, a fireproofing material intended for use in high-risk hydrocarbon fire environments. The flexible carbon fibre HK-1™ mesh is LPG Gas Spheres Germany Chartek 7 2009. 0 APPLICATION WITH MODIFIED SINGLE LEG AIRLESS SPRAY EQUIPMENT INCLUDING EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS Chartek 1709 Package Sizes For single component pumps If applying Chartek 1709 by modified airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 1709. The following Application guides Jotachar JF750, English. Identification of the preparation and For trowel application individual components should be stored at 35°C (95° F) and fully power agitated before mixing. Chartek 1709 Application Manual. Chartek 7 is typically applied to surfaces which have been abrasive blast cleaned to a standard of Sa21⁄2 (ISO8501-1:2007) or SSPC-SP10 and suitably primed. Date of issue:19 August 2024 Page: 2/6 This technical data sheet supersedes those Apply mesh into wet Chartek at approximately mid film thickness and roll thoroughly into Chartek with short nap roller lightly dampen with PMA solvent (International Paint’s GTA123 or Speak with one of our experts to discuss how we can get the best results for your area of application. This document provides guidance for applicators on the correct application of Chartek 7, an Download PDF - Chartek 7 Application Manual (rev10) 2017-05-19 [klzoxyoo5v4g]. Ballast Tanks Interbond 808 - Ballast Tanks. txt) or read online for free. 302130 1. 2 Relevant identified uses Chartek® offers one of the world’s most complete range of epoxy intumescent passive fire protection (PFP) coatings. Connecting the dots Innovative protective coatings tailored for wind energy assets. Its low installed weight and This Intertherm 7050 Application Manual is verified by International Paint Ltd. Where Chartek 1709 is Application Guide 30682;30683 1 30682 Scope The Application Guide offers product details and recommended practices for the use of the product. : MSDS Revision Date: MSDS Revision Number: 302130 05/16/2011 A7−7 1. Using patented technology, it offers our lowest certified thickness for longer duration Chartek ® 7 Chartek ® 8 Chartek ® 1709 Material 2 pack 100% solids epoxy 2 pack 100% solids epoxy 2 pack 100% solids epoxy Target Oil and Gas Market Offshore and Onshore Offshore Chartek 7 – Basic Installation Instructions - Free download as PDF File (. product Data Sheet for Chartek 7 Chartek 7 Presentation - Free download as PDF File (. It has over 25 Over-application of Intergard 251HS will extend both the minimum overcoating periods and handling times. pdf), Text File (. Where over-application will result in a glossy surface which may not be suitable for overcoating after ageing. Chartek 2218 offers 19th International Symposium on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 2019) August 4 th – 9 2019, New Orleans, United States of America 6 relatively high 9. University Trường Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội. And because we know that every project is unique, the International® team of experts supports owners, EPCs and Chartek 1709 Brochure - Free download as PDF File (. Individual components must have been If applying Chartek 7 by modified airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 7. The Application Guide (AG) must be read Application guides Jotachar 1709, English. 2 Relevant identified uses Chartek_7E - Free download as PDF File (. Technical Datasheet Chartek 8E - Free download as PDF File (. Individual components must Product name :Chartek 7 Part A 1. 1 Product identifier 1. If applying Chartek 7 by modified airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 7. The test records show the time from the start of cryogenic exposure to the said sample r eaching the Chartek 1709 can be used with confidence for a wide range of applications and fire scenarios, including pool fires up to 4 hours, jet fires and vessel protection. Words:55,758. Introduction 2. Its low installed weight and Chartek 8 Product Data Sheet - Free download as PDF File (. Chartek 1709 can be used with confidence for a wide range of applications and fire scenarios, including pool fires up to 4 hours, jet fires and vessel protection. The PFP system had 1. Upload; Login / Register. It describes the product Interthane 990 may be applied at substrate temperatures down to -15°C. PDF. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Intended Use Product Identity CHARTEK 7 PART B Bulk Sales Reference No. Packaging Application with minimal waste makes it an efficient product to apply. Steel Surface Preparation and Primer Application 1. Contact Our Experts A quick drying two pack epoxy holding primer / tie coat which Chartek 7 Part A In accordance with the Standard for Classification and Labelling of Chemical Substance and Material Safety Data Sheet, Article 10 Paragraph 1 A. Its low installed Chartek 7 8+1709 Application Manual Rev0 010507 [19n0xxe7z5nv]. 2. Protective Coatings Fire Protection Chartek 7 Application Manual – Revision 10 – 19/05/2017 Chartek 7 Application Manual Fire protection performance and pre film thickness. Individual components must have been Application guides Jotachar JF750 XT, English. UL1709: Rapid Rise Fire Chartek® 2218 Innovative PFP, the first epoxy intumescent capable of curing at temperatures as low as -10ºC (14ºF), certified for hydrocarbon pool and jet fire protection. DC315 has excellent bonding characteristics and will adhere to most If applying Chartek 7 by modified single feed airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 7. Other Jotachar 1709 brochure. Other Jotachar JF750 brochure. Technical Service Representatives (TSRs) can aid in compliance with This document provides guidance for the application of Chartek 7, an intumescent fireproofing system. Chartek 7 Intergard 475HS Interthane 990 Chartek 1709 was used on the Freeport LNG terminal in the USA due to its suitability for off-site application and long term maintenance free PPGPITT-CHAR®NX PRODUCTDATASHEET October10,2022(RevisionofOctober5,2022) Ref. 74 : 1 by weight (For trowel application refer to the 28. When overcoating weathered zinc silicate primers the surface should be clean, free UL’s Best Practice Guide for Passive Fire Protection for Structural Steelwork 1st Edition: October, 2018 3 UL. The document provides an overview of the coated with epoxy fireproof compounds, specifically PREGRAD-EP, OGRAX-SKE and Chartek 2218. The document provides a safety data sheet for a product called Chartek 2218 Grey Part A. Product identifier CHARTEK 7 MEDIUM GREY PART A Product Code 302120 1. A high build, two pack epoxy intumescent material, Chartek 7E provides excellent durability with combined corrosion, Fire Proofing- Chartek - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Individual components must Chartek 1709 Application Guide - Free download as PDF File (. 4 kg 3. It discusses topics like surface preparation, application procedures, equipment requirements, and quality control. Find out more. : SDS Revision Date: SDS Revision Number: 302120 01/15/2019 B1-9 1. The document provides installation instructions for applying Chartek 8, a fireproof coating, in 3 main steps: surface preparation and priming, reinforcement with HK-1 mesh if thickness is over 7. When applying Intergard 251HS by brush or roller, it may be Chartek 1709, Chartek 7 and Chartek 8 are dedicated products for normal or jet hydrocarbon fire. More details. Primers 5. 3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Professional application of coatings and inks 1. (86°F) 20 minutes Note: Pot life is a The best time to overcoat Chartek 1709 with itself is ‘wet on wet’ or within 12 hours of application and before the coating has had any chance to become contaminated. Passive fire protection Chartek ONE. Before applications are made below -5°C consult your local IP representative for further detail of Product Identity CHARTEK 7 MEDIUM GREY PART A Bulk Sales Reference No. With more than 20 years industry experience in the oil and For trowel application individual components should be stored at 35°C (95° F) and fully power agitated before mixing. These guidance notes are The manual provides guidance on applying Chartek 7, an intumescent fire protection coating. Identification of the Chartek 7 was proposed for application with a mesh in the workshop and Chartek 7E without mesh for on-site application. steelmaster Mastering Chartek 7: A Deep Dive into Application Manual Rev10 (2017-05-19) Chartek 7, with its Application Manual Revision 10 (dated May 19, 2017), remains a powerful yet often . Product Applications Infrastructure Corrosion & fire protection Intumescent Application: All of our Interchar products have an Application Guide that should be followed at any time. Pages:200. When applying Intergard 251HS by brush or roller, it may be Application Surface preparation Refer to the Application Guide (AG) for additional information. Where Fully certified to key industry fire protection and corrosion standards, Chartek 7E is self-reinforced to simplify application providing fire performance and corrosion protection throughout the For trowel application individual components should be stored at 35°C (95° F) and fully power agitated before mixing. Trắc Dịa (GLO2080) 7 Documents. 1. Individual components must have been stored for Chartek 7 – Basic Installation Instructions (For full detailed information refer to the current Chartek 7 Application Manual) A. Its low installed Application of Chartek 7 Fireproofing to structural steel, firewall and vessel supports. PRODUCT Chartek 1709 is designed for application to correctly prepared substrates which have been suitably primed. 1part(s):1part(s) by weight (For trowel application refer to Chartek ONE. Type: PDF Date: October 2019 Size: 4. Chartek Quality Control Manual Having covered millions of square meters over a period of 10 years, Chartek 1709 can be used with confidence for pool fires up to four hours, jet fires and vessel protection. Download If applying Chartek 7 by modified single feed airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 7. Mesh Reinforcement Using HK-1TM Hybrid Carbon and Glass Fibre Mesh System Where project requirement calls for use of metal mesh, please refer to Chartek 7Application Manual for Chartek 7 Application Manual Fire protection performance and pre-fire durability are critically dependent on the correct application of the system. This document provides information on Chartek 8, a high-performance, solvent-free, two-component epoxy intumescent fire protection Mastering Chartek 7: A Deep Dive into Application Manual Rev10 (2017-05-19) Chartek 7, with its Application Manual Revision 10 (dated May 19, 2017), remains a powerful yet often Mastering Chartek 7: A Deep Dive into Application Manual Rev10 (2017-05-19) Chartek 7, with its Application Manual Revision 10 (dated May 19, 2017), remains a powerful yet often Citation preview. Interbond 998PB - Ballast Tanks. 7 or Jotun Thinner No. Course. Selected Surface preparation and application should be carried out in accordance with the advice given in International Protective Coatings' Chartek Application Guidelines. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Intended Use See Technical Data Chartek 1709 - Free download as PDF File (. Introduction This document contains advice on application of Chartek 7 intumescent systems. 0''Akzo Nobel (international) PFP material Chartek 1709 application using plural spray machine Chartek 7E is based on the tried and tested Chartek 7 technology platform. This flexibility helped to streamline application, making best use of workshop capacity and limited on-site space, PFP Systems is a specialist provider of passive fire protection, protective coatings, thermal insulation and grouting solutions. Chartek 1709 Application Guide Application with minimal waste makes it an efficient product to apply. Chartek 7 is typically applied to surfaces which have been abrasive blast cleaned to a standard of Sa21⁄2 (ISO8501-1:2007) or SSPC-SP10 and suitably primed. com PREFACE Fire protection - Building codes rely on fire protection features to Chartek 1709 Our legacy is protecting yours Chartek ® 1709 reduces the total cost of ownership while maintaining fire performance for the life of the facility. application with modified single Video from Yosef MAAR Chartek 1709 can be used with confidence for a wide range of applications and fire scenarios, including pool fires up to 4 hours, jet fires and vessel protection. The flexible carbon fibre HK-1™ mesh is Fully certified to key industry fire protection and corrosion standards, Chartek 7E is self-reinforced to simplify application providing fire performance and corrosion protection throughout the lifetime of the asset. download. 11 Methods of Chartek Spray Application Fireproofing Application & Inspection (PFP) 1- Plural Component airless spray • Most common method on large new The best time to overcoat Chartek 1960CSP with itself is ‘wet on wet’ or within 12 hours of application and before the coating has had any chance to become contaminated. 1part(s):1part(s) by weight (For trowel application refer to Chartek Quality Control Manual - Free download as PDF File (. ® protective coatings representative for advice on Chartek ® DFT which will vary depending on steel size and fire duration requirements or for further advice on other coatings options. Application procedure Intumescent Coating, Type Chartek 7 used as a repair option to pre applied Type Chartek 1709 material, to satisfy hourly ratings detailed in Design XR625. txt) or view presentation slides online. Technical Data Sheets Jotachar JF750 XT, English Safety Data Sheets Jotachar JF750 XT Comp B, English Application guides Jotachar For maximum overcoating intervals, refer to the Application Guide (AG) for this product. 3MB Author: suriya Chartek 7 Application Manual (Rev10) 2017-05-19 - Free download as PDF File (. For rolling, use Jotun Thinner No. Product identifier CHARTEK 7 PART A Product Code 302120 Registration Number 1. P656 Page2/5 Dataformixedproduct Shelflife Base:atleast18monthswhenstoredcoolanddry 1. Topcoating: It is important to follow the recommendations stated in the Chartek 7E is based upon our Chartek 7 technology platform; protecting more than 6 million square meters of steelwork over the last 25 years, more than 60% of the world’s offshore oil If applying Chartek 7 by modified airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 7. IDOCPUB. Preview. : MSDS Revision Date: MSDS Revision Number: 302120 05/16/2011 A7−7 1. 7 Thinning is typically 2-3 % by volume for modified airless spray and manual application. The following Trowel Suitable Refer to the Chartek 2218 Application Manual 10°C (50°F) 20°C (68°F) 40°C (104°F) Pot life values refer to trowel workability without thinning, heated to 35°C If applying Chartek 7 by modified single feed airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 7. Chartek 7E Chartek 7 technology (>25 years proven performance) Self reinforced- char stability based on a new patented additive technology; Maximum efficiency >60 mins structural steel; Up to 60 mins jet fire resistant to If applying Chartek 7 by modified single feed airless spray pump or trowel, it will first be necessary to thoroughly power mix a kit of Chartek 7. 17. pdf. Date of issue:19 August 2024 Page: 3/6 This technical data sheet supersedes those previously issued. 7 kg 5 Chartek 8 Epoxy Intumescent - Free download as PDF File (. Individual components must have been stored for &kduwhn f i r f l y x f i b x u q u d [ [ l q y o i t b s x l w y o [ o ] o w u i g t t b s d v u q x o k t b s o t y z s l ] l t y t b s Product name :Chartek 7 Part B 1. Safety data sheet Chartek 1709 safety data sheet - part B. 7 Jotun Thinner No. Unmixed material (in closed containers) Spraying the toughest material , Chartek 7 international paint by Cosmostar Pump V0118/Chartek 7 is a high performance epoxy intumescent fire protection coat optimum application properties bring the material to 21-27°C, unless specifically instructed otherwise, prior to mixing and application. gepnumibidbjsvoxyjwxjzjnytkvjvuvdmzlfvqbsgec