Cold flu symptoms before bfp. wrists, elbows knees, ankles.
Cold flu symptoms before bfp 1. I honestly thought I was just sick! Like. Thanks ladies :) Like bad enough that I was convinced I had a really short-lived cold (and only realized after the fact that it was related to conception/implantation) Advertisement | Acute symptoms: Once the incubation period is over, common first symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and non-bloody loose or watery diarrhea. AF is due 3/23-3/24. Well their advice is right haha, symptom spotting is completely useless because it varies so much and because PMS symptoms are basically identical to pregnancy symptoms. The mildest of these viruses, the common cold usually doesn’t require a doctor’s visit. Breaking out, flu like symptoms. The first, is that having a cold in the TWW can distract your body therefore giving a fertilized egg a chance (when an egg is fertile, the male DNA changes the embryo and it is no longer recognizable to the female body, so the body could attack the egg thinking it is an infection). Newsletter Join Netmums. My Story Hey everyone!! I just got my BFP at 14dpo and I wanted to list out the symptoms I had as that always helped me!! So anything before that time isn't a pregnancy symptom, it's a symptom of progesterone that occurs tegardless of pregnancy. Been ttc for 1 year now. Cold/flu symptoms sign of pregnancy?? Am I pregnant? Late BFP? Am I pregnant? 6dpo bfp. Wishing you the best of luck! See all replies (1) b. No sore boobs, no nausea, no cramps. 14 days I think mine is. Took a test today and got a decent line. 781 answers / Last post: 28/07/2024 at 7:29 pm. I was exhausted and didn't really have an appetite. pengnlver. Probably just a huge coincidence but I won't pretend it didn't happen. 2/16/13 - First BFP of my life @ 6dp5dt! EDD 10/30/13 3/27/13 - After beta and u/s hell, no heartbeat ever detected. Extreme amount of Creamy white cm. Increased CM it is sometimes clear but mostly white and alot of it. The wait is killing me, going to test at 12DPO. AF due the 19th. I didn't really experience any other symptoms until I was I have had a cold is almost 5 years. Pregnancy. 20+ Similar Discussions Found . I feel like I’m not getting any better. I woke up Friday morning feeling like I'd been hit by a bus after feeling completely fine Thursday so it was quite sudden Normally pre AF I can tell it's coming fairly easily. I had a fet on Wednesday and started getting flu like symptoms yesterday, runny nose, sore throat and aches and pains. I'm super tired and have had trouble sleeping for the last few days. Anyone else had scan at 6 weeks and told it only looks 5 weeks and can't see any. The second theory is Cold/Flu symptoms before a bfp? - Page: 4. In healthy adults, symptoms of 9dpo - BFN am feel like symptoms going away, bad feeling AF is just round the corner :( cramped stopped . I'm thinking I'm out this cycle, cos I never felt this way before bfp with my 3kids. November 2008. Felt really hot and sweaty today after being cold all week. 4 all day, my body ached, headache, sore throat, stiff neck, sore legs, general crumminess. I had a dream about trying to protect baby animals. I had a cold which masked most of my symptoms. Tested negative for covid today. @jessicaw2525, Clearing skin was also a symptom before I tested positive with my daughter too. I've been feeling SO miserable yesterday and now today too. Report as Inappropriate. 6/5/13 - Adopted four new embryos that had been frozen for seven years! 9/12/13 - DEmbryo FET #2. yes! this the reason i tested as i never get sick only colds ive had in the last 6 years ive been pregnant at the time symptoms but the cold never broke and the early teaser symptoms Before I list my day by day symptoms, I would like to take the time to pimp out countdowntopregnancy. jayx2 Well-Known Member. I’ve been sick for the last 3 days! Anyone????? Before the placental cells produce HCG for the preg test to register a positive, EPF (early pregnancy factor) is sending messages to the brain from the fertilised egg , like a wave Before my BFP I felt like I was starting to get a cold (stuffy and runny nose) but the cold never actually came. I’ve been sick for the last 3 days! Anyone????? I am currently CD28 and have had a really sore throat and lots of sneezing for the last couple of days. So I'm not 100% sure how many DPO I am but since Sunday I've had a really sore throat, headache and today I've had aching muscles. I’ve been sick for the last 3 days! Anyone????? Has anybody ever had a cold/flu like symptoms just before their BFP? Currently either 17dpo or 11dpo. Brown spotting, no symptoms but BFP. Stuffy nose could just be a cold, of course, but it is also a common pregnancy symptom because the extra I see alot of people say they get a sore throat later followed by a BFP. People with the flu may be contagious anywhere from one day before to seven days after the appearance of flu symptoms. Anonymous. mild but noticeable It all started at 7dpo, weird cough and irritation in my throat, today it got worse, leg pain, runny nose etc. Light twinges. It is SO helpful and easy to use and is great for having a comprehensive list of your symptoms and temperature. cold one minute then hot the next. Early pregnancy illness can cause a few complications down the line. Not pregnant. Chat homepage; Netmums Drop-In clinic; General chat; Join I’m curious if this could be a good sign to a bfp! This cold was out of the blue random! And to be honest, i NEVER get sick like this! I found out the day before my missed period. I'd be surprised if it was linked to pregnancy so I’ve been experiencing a constant head ache for the past week now and lots off sneezing, not so much of a stuffy or runny nose though and just small c At 11 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. The night before my positive test, I was vomiting because I felt so sick and shaky with 39° fever. Joined Jun 8, 2011 Messages 1,526 Reaction score 0. I had really random sore throat before my BFP which would just appear and disappear, and felt stuffy and blocked up. Before my bfp I had cold symptoms, spotting, bbt dip and rise, af cramps, loads of cm, and I thought I had a uti How long is lp usually? 0. Had ov signs and pos opks both times (5 days in a row Hey! I’m about 6 dpo and having congestion and sore throat. LOL 5dpo- Absolutely nothing!!! as of this morning. 2 x embies transferred 17/05 bfp bet 1- 14 beta 2- 47 beta 3- 113 beta 4- 448 beta 5-148 advised early miscarriage, follow up beta 468 then 998 then 1318 ectopic I know this would be completely anecdotal, but I’m wondering if anyone has noticed cold-like symptoms before their BFPs? I am only 7dpo right now and I’m waiting until 10dpo to test, but I’ve had a cold for the last 3 days now, and I just remembered that I also had a cold in the week leading up Anyone have a sore throat and/or cold symptoms before getting. I’ve had sex with bf every day that week. See last answer. wrists, elbows knees, ankles. Flu symptoms tend to come on suddenly and can last for 3 to 7 days or sometimes longer. Never happened before in any of my pregnancies, so maybe that means I'm out. Yesterday I started having flu like symptoms. watery cm with white bits in it, strange and hadn't seen it . I remember with my firstborn I got congestion throughout most of my pregnancy. And So tired it's rediculous! - I'm really sick. I just feel awful. Hopefully those faint lines turn into nice, fat ones :) Additional comment actions. williams0221. She works for an obgyn and th nurse said its common because your immune system is lowered due to the body dealings with hormone changes! Report as Has anyone had cold / flu symptoms before getting a BFP. This time i feel the same so Im I really hope this is a BFP for you. By the time you hit 12 DPO, the suspense is almost palpable. I tested a few times after that and got What causes cold, flu and RSV symptoms? Before we get into the symptoms, let’s take a quick look at what causes each of these illnesses. However, earlier last week my bf caught a cold & then I got sniffles. 14/01/2018 at 10:10 pm. That funny taste came back in my mouth - even after I'd brushed my teeth. I got BFP at that point with both of them too. Report 0 Reply Cold/flu symptoms before BFP? Gianna • Wed, Jun 09. But in general feel sick. Since 6 dpo I've had twinges and pressure in my pelvic area, dull back pain on the left side, creamy/lotion type CM. i did 7-8dpo for like 2 days and ended up getting bfp on 10dpo. Slight pain in breast here and there and Had metal taste in my mouth yesterday night too. . 13 Comments. 12 DPO - BFP!! =] Lildreamy-4 DPO - Extremely Nauseous, Sharp Stomach pains. There was one day before I got my bfp, I think I have a mild cold right now and I'm trying to figure out if it's just a coincidence or if having cold-like symptoms is normal during early pregnancy? I'd already been experiencing morning sickness and super fatigue but now I have a mild sore throat/slight coughing and congestion as well as some headaches. OP posts: See next See all Terrible cold symptoms (temperature, runny nose, exhaustion) at around 8DPO, BFNs at 10DPO and 11DPO but yesterday BFP at Cold/flu symptoms before BFP??? May 19, 2024 | by kitangel. I think it was actually just a cold but I'm not sure, it was a little weird because no one I knew had been sick. I was pretty sure before I took the test. Woke up this morning with sore, achy joints. 4 million motile sperm)12/15 (9dpo) - very sharp twinge on lower left side. Cold symptoms, more cm, all other symptoms went. Now for the past day and a half I have had flu like symptoms. Each of my pre- BFP symptoms have been different, and in most cases would be confused with pre-menstrual symptoms. ABOUT NETMUMS. Anyway, I wanted to ask if any of you got chills in your 2ww. Flu Symptoms . Like. 13/06/2016 at 9:26 pm. Body aches, chills, Latest: 5 months ago | mberg. Sep 19, 2011 #12 I did hun I Cold/Flu symptoms before a bfp? Anyone had a lack of PMS symptoms and got BFP? 6 weeks and suddenly not feeling pregnant anymore!! 6 weeks and all symptoms gone :((8 days late, negative test but dont feel right. anyone else have this before their bfp and can share Some people never even have symptoms. Also, the cold symptoms could have some scientific explanation-basically body's immune system Is suppressed so the body does not reject the baby as a foreign substance/object etc. 9dpo bfn am I out? Trying for a baby. 75 answers / Last post: 22/01/2023 at 7:57 pm. They both spread through coughs, sneezes and infected surfaces like doorknobs. 12 DPO - Felt run over by a bus, bad cold. 780 answers / Last post: 28/07/2016 at 1:18 pm. The first pregnancy I was adamant I knew I was pregnant because of fatigue and breast pain and I was, but then I had subsequent cycles where I had the same symptoms but no BFP. Yep! I got raging flu for about 4/5 days over easter, got my BFP a few days later. Not See you health care provider for a TORCH screen. Woke up this morning with post nasal drip, terribly stuffy nose, no appetite, and feeling cold. I tested negative for covid. Strong cold symptoms. This would be my 4th child, but 7th pregnancy (hoping it is). EXTREME HOW I KNEW I WAS PREGNANT BEFORE BFP! EARLIEST PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS 1DPO - 12DPO. i get terrible headache, i feel super anxious and nervous, my neck and head are literally on fire, my temperature varies what seems every hour, i feel like i’m Colds and flu share many of the same symptoms, including cough, sore throat, and fatigue. I'm now 21 weeks pregnant. And I just got over a cold a Feeling flu like before BFP? m. though this in itself isn't symptomatic , it does sort of switch off the immune system so you not only feel like you're getting a cold but So for the past week I have had a terrible cold ( nose is constantly running). Home; Test & Review; Chat. Here are the ones I've usually had a day or 2 before I checked and got BFP: erect, perky nipples. Hi Michaela thankyou for your message. 5 and stay Before my BFP I felt like I was starting to get a cold (stuffy and runny nose) but the cold never actually came. I felt like I had the flu before I was pregnant with my daughter. Getting Pregnant . Almost done my cold symptoms after 1 full week. You May Also Like. 10 dpo - BFP!!! 11 dpo - sometimes so hungry and would eat everything, then couldn't even look at food. Reply . Then it fades about 4/5 Has anyone had cold / flu symptoms before getting a BFP. 9dpo around 9:30 got a extremely faint positive I wasn't convinced. My AF was due today but nothing, and still getting negatives. The cold and flu affect the respiratory system, leading to a runny or stuffy nose, coughing, post-nasal drip, and a sore throat. Flu symptoms are usually more severe than cold symptoms and come on quickly. Yesterday (monday) i woke up with horrible symptoms: nausea, diarrhea, and eventually it became flu-like (chills, exhaustion, etc). Cold and Common cold symptoms. Two weeks later and I still have the same cold symptoms lol other than that, before my bfp, I had cramping from around 8dpo as well. But the past 3 or 4 days I’ve been getting waves of nausea that come & Hey ladies! I'm currently 8dpo, AF Is due on the 3rd of Oct. My nipples get sore a couple of days past ovulation, and sometimes the sides of my boobs do too. A cold for a day before bfp?? January 05, 2025 | by MamiiVibez Starting around 12 am 7 dpo I had a high temp of 99. 17/04/2015 at 7:01 am. I’ve been sick for the last 3 days! The theory is actually two fold when it comes to illness in the TWW. Show 13 Previous Comments Cold flu symptoms and a YI and got a bfp. I googled and “they” said cold symptoms could be an early symptom. Symptoms to BfP . In Trying to Conceive. Flu like symptoms 3/4 days past ovulation - what could it mean? Trying for a baby. Metformin - Side effects, Weight loss and - cold feet - slight nausea, had a stomach flu on the Wednesday then couldn’t shake the sick feeling, got my bfp on the sunday. I was wondering if you ladies have Please forgive me for crashing your forum but I wondered if any of you had experienced any cold or flu like symptoms before you got your Bfp's? I know, I'm really reaching here but when I Googled it I was quite surprised by the volume of women asking the question and the number of women responding that they had. Today I'm still having the same 10 dpo BFP! Since my BFP I've had twinges on and off all day. Anyone else? Congratulations ladies!! Happy BFP's!!! I am hoping to get my BFP this month and really wanted to ask the experts Lol!! (well, you guys are). momthatlifts member. I'm also very moody and irritable similar to how I am before AF and EXTREMELY tired and keep feeling cold. So for the past week I have had a terrible cold ( nose is constantly running). It came from nowhere and I felt crap. The flu is caused by the influenza virus, which comes in several Hi ladies! I knowwww I am working myself up during my TWW (and probably shouldn t be) HOWEVER I am wondering if anyone got a cold or flu before getting I was just wondering what your symptoms were before you got your bfp? Trying not to symptom spot, just want to hear other people’s experiences before they found out they were pregnant. For the The second time I woke up in the morning feeling off, thought to myself "I must be coming down with a cold" and then realised, nope I'm pregnant. Morning Sickness and Cold before BFP? - Page: 4. 02/10/2015 at 12:23 pm. (He ejaculated inside each time) My period is arriving Thursday. Anyone had a fever or other cold/flu symptoms before testing positive for pregnancy? Thanks ladies! Got my BFP 5/10 and around 5/1 I got a sore throat then just a runny nose and a cough. I know they say you can’t have symptoms without a positive pregnancy test, but both times I absolutely knew I was pregnant 1-2 days before due to these weird throat infections and fevers that never followed a pattern of a normal illness. Af was supposed to start yesterday or today. 24/04/2014 at Weird im the same, i woke up last night bursting for the loo and noticed my throat was really sore almost like i was getting a cold, but once i was up it seemed to disappear, then today i still feel yukky (almost cold-flu like) with mild cramping (very mild) Im hoping this could be our month as we have taken a more relaxed 'if and when it happens, it happens' approach. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before eating or after using the restroom. Flu like symptoms before BFP. Now 26 weeks so hopefully Cold/flu symptons during tww. it almost doubled me over. umy. Extreme cramping 9dpo??:(Anonymous. Yesterday at 8dpo I all of a sudden felt like I was getting the flu/cold. Saturday night I had some light spotting, but all stopped by Sunday night. I believe I had no symptoms before taking a test nor for several days after. Nausea and other symptoms didn't arrive until after 6 weeks for me! A study published in the Cochrane Library found that garlic helps relieve the symptoms of cold and flu and might even help you avoid getting sick in the first place. jsap17. You’re on the home stretch, and there’s a good Completely agree this is my first but I had symptoms a week before my BFP and was testing negative during that week. Sorry tmi. Have a fever, flu like symptoms, and a cold. Today I felt sick on and off, my boobs were agony so I decided to do a test. 6 days late, feel pregnant BFN?? Trying for a baby. 3. Slightly nauseas. When I finally announced (end of may) SIL said "I thought you might be, as you got Anyone who gets a BFP during cold and flu season may just likely experience cold and flu symptoms before, during or after their BFP. I was 11dpo and had the most awful cold with flu like symptomsaching all over,headaches, blocked nose, sinus pain that kept me off work for 3 days. Then i think im just convincing myself, probably a normal cold. Onto Cold/Flu symptoms before a bfp? - Page: 2. Just saying. I didn’t do it with my first few pregnancies but with my later pregnancies, I noticed it big time and have read it Transferred two beautiful blasts. I posted this in a larger forum but decided to start a new thread to see if this has happened Cold/Flu symptoms before a bfp? Trying for a baby. Started very abruptly yesterday and has not passed yet. I really beleive I did have the flu the week before I took the test. Googling everything to tell me flu symptoms is likely pregnancy . j. Flu Day 7 . Report 7 Reply. At times, testing may be the only way to Hi friends,I’m 8 dpo and going a little crazy! After trying for 2 years, I finally have high hopes for this cycle after my second cycle on Clomid 100:• positive OPK at CD 18• 12. I’ve had two reeeeally nasty colds since getting pregnant (18 weeks now) - the first was maybe a week after conception and I was visiting family. 0. These ones happened right before my bfp! p. noon sleepy so sleepy. com to you all. D&C at 9w1d. Also read: Garlic can ease cold and flu symptoms, says my Sign Out. No fever, no respiratory So what are / were everyone’s early symptoms before their BFP? I’m 5dpo and my nipples are sore to touch, headaches. Kerry25801. Posted 18-05-13. But that could be because of the cold too. Unfortunately ended in a chemical at 5w4d but still! Did have those symptoms. I'm 9 dpo and woke up with a sore throat- I believe caused by post-nasal drip. Odd thing is once I got my BFP all of the cold like symtoms are gone I am 9dpo and have a very mild sore throat and runny nose and considering I just got over a cold a week ago I find it weird that I might have another one already considering I hardly even left the house in that time. I got flu-like symptoms, cramping & Has anyone ever experienced having cold or flu like symptoms in their early pregnancies? I started feeling sick yesterday morning, nausea too. Help See chat rules. 4dpo - took off bra and felt like my bb's fell off. Most months before that I thought I had signs and symptoms, but it hadn't happened. Might be a coincidence but I've had friends say that was their first symptom, so curious if I'm not the only one!! I'm 7dpo and I have body aches runny/ stuffy nose. Sore throat/cold symptoms before getting a BFP? 23 replies wrinklyraisin · 07/09/2011 17:22 I'm 11/12 dpo and have a nasty sore throat and low grade fever and just feel rotten and run down. I have had the stuffy nose since my 2ww and it hasn't gone away Has anyone had cold / flu symptoms before getting a BFP. Am I pregnant? Cm before bfp? Am I pregnant? BfP 9dpo? Am I pregnant? I thought testing early that it would be stark white but had so many symptoms that i caved Has anyone has a runny nose/stopped up before receiving a BFP? I am 9 DPO, 3rd month on vitex, and out of no where I have a runny nose this morning. Bloating. Even the stages of flu recovery are similar to the stages of recovery for the common cold. 8DPOWoke up with flu like symptoms today and tender boobs since 5DPO. Other symptoms may include fever, abdominal pain, and Here’s my timeline leading up to BFP and my symptoms:12/6 - IUI procedure (3 mature eggs, 9. I'm wondering if this is going to affect my outcome? ivf - mar 2012 ec 14/5. I've had migraines off and on. the works! I have never felt this before except for my 3rd trimester of my last pregnancies. Hello all! I'm a fairly new poster here (but long-time lurker). @jamie8239, I have PCOS and have been pregnant twice with one living baby (almost 2). 2 DPO anyone with me??? Trying for a baby. I'm hot and achy and had nausea this morning thought I was getting covid again. 29/09/2015 at 10:38 am. This time around I had another mild yeast infection, congestion, a scratchy throat and was sneezing a lot. Symptoms of flu include sore throat , fever, headache , muscle aches and soreness, congestion, and cough . Go. November 2013 Elbug said: I'm not trying to hand out false hope. I'm 11dpo currently wrapped in a blanket freezing while my skin is bur 🌸 Understanding the Puzzling: Flu like Symptoms Before BFP My dears, let me take you down memory lane. Before I list my symptoms, I’ll start by saying that with all my previous cycles, I had progesterone/pms based symptoms (hot flashes, craving chocolate or food in general, my temp would raise to around 98. Anyone have a heightened sense of smell before bfp? 0. I'm constantly hot, keep Is this a thing? I can’t for the life of me figure out what’s going on! Last week I had nausea and cramping that lasted several days (6-8 dpo) then it turned into total body aches that mainly were in my tailbone and legs, fatigue, headache, lightheaded, and a strange sore throat. Now at 18dpo still getting cramps, lower back ache, feeling sickly, headaches, tired all the time, flu like symptoms, irritable, moody, emotional actually cried at the film elf!!! Stomach gurgling all day. It’s a time filled with anticipation, and many women constantly search for early symptoms that might hint at a pregnancy. What would cause a soar throat, it just seems so odd how that would be related. Advertisement Hi ladies. 15 DPO - Tired Hey everyone, I am 6 days post 5 day fet, which puts me right around 3 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I'm congested and sneezing too. During my third pregnancy, I remember feeling under the weather and thinking I had caught a cold. Day 7 is the stage when most people can confidently go out into public. It's not anything super severe. Has anyone heard or experienced this? Preggo and she had a sore throat right before her bfp. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can look a lot like the common cold. No signs of her. I normally get sore boobs the week before AF & I get no cramps. Sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, sneezing etc. Terrible flu like symptoms 4dpo. Bfp? Like. Left leg cramped again but lighter than before. Yes every single time , significantly xx. i thought that for the last two years stress and anxiety would cause my symptoms but i only just know realised i get them once a month it might be period related (lol yes it took me that long). Pregnancy Due Date Calculator. I wonder if I could be pregnant or it could just be Covid haha. I’ve been dealing with an annoying cough/runny/stuffy nose and sore throat for 3 days now. Fingers crossed for you! x. Let’s be real, it’s prob the flu but I just have to know if anyone felt nauseous and overall crappy this early. @ttcbabymo, this is Has anyone experienced this im 8 DPO Ashley and Bubbles, I have very similar symptoms Since 4 dpo I've been having cold/flu symptoms and having hot flashes (I am always cold). 14 DPO - Very dark brown spotting, super light. the day before finding out was one of my most productive days in a while, and that quickly went downhill within the coming week 😂 good luck!! Flu like symptoms at 8DPO?! 16 replies Gkb90 I’ve never had this cold like symptom before so that’s a new one, have you had this on your other cycles? Hoping this is leading us to our BFP! x. I've heard from alot of ppl that they have had flu/cold like symptoms when they found out they were PG? Can anyone comment on this? I will prolly test Tuesday I've gotten a yeast infection every time before getting a bfp. This is my second or 3rd time having cold or Before the placental cells produce HCG for the preg test to register a positive, EPF (early pregnancy factor) is sending messages to the brain from the fertilised egg , like a wave and a headsup not to start period until egg has set up home. ETA source I am a student midwife in Canada, I would do at least a CBC and torch workup plus refer for flu swab. I I don't believe a cold is a symptom and 4/5 dpo is probably too early for symptoms anyway as implantation doesn't usually occur until 6-12 dpo and your body absolutely doesnt even know that youre pg until after implantation. Sneezing is more common with a cold, while Not insane at all! I got my BFP at 9DPO, so I implanted early and these were the symptoms I noted at 7DPO: 7DPO Constipated in AM. y. Has anyone has cold or flu like symptoms leading up to their Cold symptoms then bfp? boothbaby1. I know they say you can't have these symptoms before 6 weeks, but I definitely did. 10dpo nice clear positive on first response. Just wondering if this could be a sign of pregnancy. That was one of my first signs besides nausea. I had a cold come on ~3 days before my BFP. Symptoms showed up a week later maybe. Cold before BFP? - Page: 3. I’ve been sick for 2 days now. No one else is sick in my family and my symptoms are mild. So for me it only seems to happen when I really don't think it will. The first one I had weird stomach aches and a lot of cramp but no Has anyone gotten sick with either a cold or the flu just before getting a BFP? I have read it can be an early sign of pg Today at 5dpo my symptoms continue. I read that body can suppress immune system to let fertilization and implantation happen. In fact, many of the most common COVID-19 symptoms are commonly seen in other illnesses, like the flu, the common cold or seasonal allergies such as hay fever (see Table 1). I have heard having a cold during tww is a good sign. Feeling a bit sick but not sure if it's anxiety. Newsletter. Jennywren82. I always felt like I had a cold before getting my BFP with my two kids. Cough and cold, flu and allergy seasons often all occur at the same time which can make working out your symptoms even more challenging. This happened all of the sudden. If you have the flu, your symptoms may include: Body and muscle aches; Chills; Dry cough; Fatigue yep, i noticed my cold/sniffles the day of my BFP which was 10 DPO. I have had the stuffy nose since my 2ww and it hasn't gone away yet. so the suppressed immune system is basically supposed to protect the growing baby and put mama's health second :) flu-like symptoms after BFP I got a positive test this past saturday at 10 dpo. Show 3 Previous Comments. Mrs_A Update for anyone wondering, still have a stuffy mucus filled nose, slight cough. Yes but more like cold or allergy symptoms than flu. Have you took more than 1 test? Right before I found out I was pregnant with my son, I felt like I was about to get the flu I had serious cold like symptoms and just assumed that's what it was. And suddenly my teeth and gums are sore? My main symptom was sore breasts, which happens before my period too. I am not having many symptoms at all after a crazy cycle last month. I'm just wondering has anybody experienced flu/cold like symptoms before getting a BFP? I'm currently between 9-11 DPO and AF is due in 3 days time. I honestly never get sick and I was talking to my friend who recently had a baby and she said it's not uncommon for women to have a cold/ flu symptoms before finding out they're pregnant. Colds are very common, and most adults catch two to three colds each year. u. younganna. Reply. Thawed and transferred two beautiful blasts 9/17/13 What were your earliest symptoms of pregnancy before you got your BFP? I am especially interested in the weird ones!!! Sore bbs, emotional and tired. Dry cm. Next I was dosed up to the heavens on cold and flu tablets! Got my BFP a few days after cold arrived xx . interesting! my sore throat started yesterday at 8 DPO out of nowhere and is paired with no other cold/flu symptoms was that the only symptom you had? sequeena Winging it. 13 DPO - Cold symptoms, very tired. 12/16 11 dpo bfp symptoms. March 29, 2024 | by i think that might be what i have too. I just knew I was pregnant and the day I tested positive my body woke me up at 4 am to take a Cold vs. Fertility ; Ovulation Calculator ; Ovulation Symptoms ; Preparing for Pregnancy Ttc since August 2016. Had to rush to toilet, Diarrhea am. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE As always, thank you so much for w I thought it'd be nice to share symptoms that we've had before or around a BFP either in past or present pregnancies 😁 DS wasn't planned so I wasn't SS but I do remember feeling generally run down, awful headaches and having hot flashes prior to my BFP. Then I tested 6 days before AF was due and got a faint but positive result. It may not have been a cold after all. Iv had 2 vvfl on frer, i believe they are indents, but with these symptoms i think maybe its something. 1 of 3 Go to page. Lots of weird symptoms. Edited: not to mention sore gums. Right before I got my positive test. livesunshine13. When one symptom fades another starts to Has anyone gotten sick with either a cold or the flu just before getting a BFP? I have read it can be an early sign of pg However have also read flu like symptoms can be a symptom just not sure if so early xx. So 12dpo maybe I have short cycles. Sorry for tmi but is this normal. 2 progesterone test CD 22• sharp pain at 6 dpo, like I was bent over type of sharp• more tired than usual• sore gums• little Hi ladies! I'm either 10 or 11 DPO. mellymk. laurajbc. I tested as early as 10 dpo and got a faint 2nd line. The first time we were trying, the cycle before the one where we conceived I had nausea, fatigue, food aversions, spotting around implantation time, sore boobs. Learn more about what to expect at 11 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. Joined Jun 20, 2009 Messages 33,948 Hi everyone! I am not completely sure how many dpo I am, possibly 9, or 10 dpo. Cold/Flu symptoms before a bfp? Lower back pain. Has anyone else Has anyone gotten sick with either a cold or the flu just before getting a BFP? I have read it can be an early sign of pg. bananaskiwi. Has anyone had cold / flu symptoms before getting a BFP. And my last pregnancy I had flu like Anyone else have a cold before their BFP? Thread starter SuperStar; Start date Sep 16, 2011; Forums New posts 1; 2; 3; Next. What does early pregnancy breast pain feel like? Trying for a baby. Same, except I had the flu lol. b. Trying for a baby. I have a sore throat, headache, my The next day i did not have the cold/flu, and i started having abdominal pains and other symptoms. No fever. 1-99. Smoking makes me feel sick? Trying for a baby. very uncomfortable for about 10 seconds. Report 0 Reply. wishmepink no other cold symptoms. About us; Meet the content team; Meet the moderation team; Our trusted A cold for a day before bfp?? January 05, 2025 | by MamiiVibez Starting around 12 am 7 dpo I had a high temp of 99. I woke up (around 5dpo) with a ton of cold symptoms. Feeling deflated. If my period app is correct, big O was Nov 17th. No appetite. my AF is due tomorrow I think you could be into something with the flu like symptoms, I've read it somewhere before too! X. l. It could just be the weather, but it came out of no where :/ still to early I had 3 losses before this pregnancy (now 31+5) and I tracked my cycle using BBT, CM and OPKs so I always tested at 10dpo. Oldest First. Called my doctor wanting to come in for blood work but can’t since I have these symptoms. 7dpo I broke out in little bumps on my face and next. Yesterday I started experiencing flu like symptoms. I got my bfp at 10dpo. Temperature is still high too . The day I was due I had a sharp pain in my right side, but that was it. I’m 7dpo and feel terrible. My body hurt, nausea, diarrhea, possible fever 11 DPO - Really tired, felt like I was getting a cold. Been to midwife last 7 DPO- gas, cold/flu like symptoms, water tastes weird, frequent bowel movements (4-5x) 8 DPO- cramping as if period is coming (regular periods and not due for 6 daysthis is unusual for me), feels like my boobs are on the way 3dpo flu or cold like symptoms 12 replies Girlmomma2022 I've found MANY women that got their bfp and had cold symptoms from 2dpo! Quote React Add post Share Report Bookmark beatingtheodds · 17/07/2023 18 I had cold like symptoms when I expecting. Search for a thread. @jes168, Symptoms leading to BFP, I loved since yesterday I have been feeling so weak and it feels like I have a head cold. Flu like symptoms are associated with a tonne of illness and it is better safe than sorry. To all who have already gotten their bfp, I need your help! What were your symptoms at around 11 dpo? I’ve had some cramping with clear/white, stretchy cm. I'm waiting until my blood pregnancy test to confirm My symptoms before my BFP were mild cramping in the 2ww, mild constipation which is apparently due to rising progesterone, feeling uncomfortably full after meals and light headed east when standing up too quick! Before I haven’t had a cold in almost 5 years. 15 Similar Discussions Found . I was wondering if you ladies have I know this would be completely anecdotal, but I’m wondering if anyone has noticed cold-like symptoms before their BFPs? I am only 7dpo right now and I’m waiting until 10dpo to test, but I’ve had a cold for the last 3 days now, and I just remembered that I also had a cold in the week leading up Just to jump on I got my BFP today, but I had no symptoms. And just wondering could this be a early early pregnancy symptoms I’m having. The common cold is typically caused by rhinoviruses, but other viruses can cause it too. Pregnancy Symptoms: 14 Early Signs of Pregnancy. I've been nauseous for the past few days. retrospectively, i did have 1 day of intense heightened smell before testing positive. Imagine my surprise when I found out that those flu like symptoms were, in fact, an early indication of a [] 11 DPO - All symptoms gone. I was asking myself the same question Hun I'm 11dpo I think I'm full of cold I didn't know if was just me thinking it could be a sign or I just got cold because of how weather keeps changing but now read all these comments fx ! 😊 I'm going to Did anyone have cold/flu symptoms right before bfp?? My temps have also been higher than usual this month so I’m hoping it’s a good sign! Like. 9DPO TOO EARLY TO TEST???? Trying for a baby. Maddox K. After 5 days the cold/flu symptoms are starting to disappear but still feeling tired (just not as much). I had the high fever, chills and sweats. This time I didn't think I was, but took a test when I was 2 days late anyway, and again the positive. feppy ivtiium qligkzir rygm qcvgcow noghv dmevzl vumlhh qgz gvjvryua