Rdr2 vram other apps I mostly play Warhammer 3 / RDR2 and planning to get the new Jedi Survivor. 5Gb vram used by RDR2 and 1. Top. ) and dx12 forces vram to stay around 6gb usage, so when vram usage goes above 8gb the game freezes (looking like a serious stutter) and drops back to 6gb, while Vulkan starts the game Scan this QR code to download the app now. Just change the VRAM back to 4GB, all other CryoUtilities settings are unaffected. If you notice high VRAM usage, consider lowering some graphics 268K subscribers in the RDR2 community. In Red Dead Redemption: 2 graphics settings 3. There are some games that tell you how much vram is being used by other programs, I think rdr2 does. 9 gigs available and the rest was taken by "other apps". exe press enter Now navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session manager\memory management You should see a "ClearPageFileAtDShutdown" Double click that and set the It all depends on what API works for you for now, as many of us PC RDR2 players are having issues with one or the other and no particular reason behind it other than rockstar needing to fix it. Now Why is my class watching the RDR2 I told him that makes sense considering Windows reserves about 80mb of VRAM to run background processes. Internet Culture (Viral) Can't change and apply settings because RDR2 doesn't detect VRAM. Think its a rage engine problem. subscribers . 9gb in game. 7Gb of Vram usage and its keep rising until it reaches the maximum amount. When you’re playing RDR2, if you notice significant lag when switching tabs, that’s a sign you might be facing this memory leakage issue. Select story mode, but don’t start Rdr2 only works on 1gb vram or lower due to a glitch, if you put it over 1gb the game starts to run a lot worse, otherwise 4gb is better with every other game. I believe it is a problem in the game, and it is not exclusively on AMD cards. Would one of these 2 suffice, or is another card better. 5GB of VRAM even for 4K/Ultra, which is what it says on my system. To me it seems that textures are not as detailed/defined as they should be. Should I still get RDR2 even though I’ve been spoiled on 45K subscribers in the FitGirlRepack community. Valheim; Genshin Do you guys think it is possible that this mod can be created? Cuz setting my settings above VRAM limit worked just fine in GTA5 Locked post. It supports a wide range of compatibility in running high-performance, 10 GB of vram on a 3080 comments. Of course stuff like Gears 4 and Gears 5 have better graphics but they’re not open world. 5GB on the 970 (and ignoring the odd 0. 75GB, which is what afterburner and other apps say the VRAM usage is, GTAV is just doubling it because it's weird. Don’t use the app settings to update to the new Obsidian 1. I play on Proton 6. The only reason it can even run on Win7 or 8 is because of the Vulkan option. I have read AMD cards have problems with this game in particular. I have constant stuttering during the game even without the VRAM being full (In all cities, especially in Saint Denis). Open up 'this PC'(my computer)> then on the free space right click and go to 'properties' > then go to 'Advance system settings' (on the left side)> In the new window under 'advance' click on settings option 'under performance tab'> In the 2nd new window go to 'advanced' and click on change under 'virtual memory tab'> Uncheck the box which says 'automatically manage Before the patch my game settings were all on low except the textures which were medium and with all that 1620/1706 VRAM were used. I was shocked because it was always 500mb max. It is recommended to remove all mods before using online mode instead of assuming scripthook is unloading all mods. The only way to get rid of it, would be changing to DX12 or deactivating SAM in Ok so I own a ryzen 5700g with vega 8 graphics (yeah ik, not trying to show off) but when I've set it to 8gb of vram I only get an option for 3. 5GB, that's also normal in RDR2. Internet Culture (Viral) Anyone else think the Arabian and some of the other horses seem too small? In the attached image u can se the VRAM and DRAM utilization in Rdr2, now I have 8gb of VRAM abd 32gb of DRAM, Scan this QR code to download the app now. (I only changed “C:” drive and not “D:” where RDR2 is installed. Sometimes my perfect settings that max out VRAM go beyond max because of browsers and other apps. Because when i check Also I don't have any other apps running. It'll clear up A TON of Other Apps vram. Is there any mod I could download to bypass the annoying VRAM Limit of RDR2? I know I could change the settings file but I just prefer to change the Graphics Settings on the game itself. There could be stuff running in the background you can disable. r/RDR2 LDPlayer is a free Android emulator for PC users to play Android games/apps easily on Windows. I only have a dedicated amd In DX12 you'd get a pop-up from WinOS saying out of memory. Close out of EVERYTHING except MW2 and ifyou have dual monitors change the setting to show only on the main. RDR2 is really the only thing I’m playing right now so I’ve would be nice if rockstar fixed it though cos SAM always improves FPS in RDR2 for me, just at the expense of the VRAM leak Is their a way (ini file?) to edit how much vram rdr2 can use, or how many cores/threads of my cpu it can use? Skip to main content. Try turning those settings off. I have an I went into the graphics settings of Red Dead Redemption 2 and there is a message in the description of every graphics setting that says that 'other apps' are using too So I am currently playing on my laptop, and when I'm at RDR2 settings, it shows that "other apps" are using 4,294,960,008 MB and don't have enough space to use for the The 1232. What you're saying makes absolutely no sense because first of all VRAM works nothing like RAM and for your information, GTA: V and every other Rockstar game display the total amount of the card's VRAM with a bar covering what is Hello, i bought RDR2 a couple months ago and immediately noticed that "Other Apps" took exactly 5416MB of Vram, now i tried a couple things back then but i can't quite recall what they were but it didn't do nothing so i just waited for a lot of patches in case it was a bug. Login Store Home Discovery Queue Wishlist Points Shop News Stats Someone else kind of said it, but the game leaves out a certain amount of VRAM for other purposes/ system usage. And, So i run into threads like this. E. I would understand an issue like this in doom eternal where it says I am using settings Credits and distribution permission. however the game is by Its possible something you installed on your system has added to RDR2's "Other Apps - VRAM used" metric and pushed your VRAM utilization up to an unacceptable limit causing your crash. A lot of games can't run well with 4gb in full HD if you use high settings. If you have dual graphics, you might be using Intel graphics rather than dedicated Nvidia card. I only use 4 GB. I guess it is really possible to gather enough people to make Valve fix issues. Most games consider that VRAM available for the purposes of altering your graphics settings. 2GB VRAM in use with everything ultra except for no texture scaling/water physics (75%) at 1080p. Turn off other applications or lower graphics settings" Nothing changes if i change my settings and I'm not running any background applications either. It’s giving you that message as your close to your limit -still the most superior graphics today and immersiveness after u play it all other games look inferior . The Other Apps is for any other application opened on your PC. It's a GTX760. I just found a ton of threads and comments where people would suffer from the "Unknown Error" caused by a VRAM issue, especially on RX 6000 cards. In general the 1gb is a pretty good middle ground outside this game. Something else on your system is causing this leak, possibly something in your GPU drivers causing the infamous dwm. 5gb section and a After the update was done i started the game and went into to the graphics settings. RDR2 also plays very well. I understand that some games don't entirely rely on only VRAM, I have seen youtubers with a RTX 4060 like mine use 7. There's something in R* mess of a code that breaks up with the way NVIDIA GPUs handles VRAM memory and the game will eventually crash, be it within 3 min or 4 hours. 13 patch/update introduced a new value been displayed in graphics settings: Other Apps. Shut down any other apps using the video memory and free up some of that 400 mbs will help some. And those 500MB is what I need in order to set some graphic options as I want. Scan this QR code to download the app now. With everything on Ultra and various other things, your VRAM will be close to full. (4gb) I closed the game and checked in the task manager. Then I noticed in graphic settings menu that the VRAM bar (the bar in top left where game predicts how changes you make will fill your VRAM) showed only 3GB total. 307K subscribers in the RDR2 community. I'm quite impressed they fixed it so quickly. 3. Do rockstar knows about this? As i said, i just found a 3 year old thread just about this problem, so guess its not an issue for everyone? However, I had an issue where the game displayed 2. I have no idea what that means and why it happens. And I had this issue in GTA 5 aswell. I've checked other games such as death stranding and even tried to stress the GPU with fortnite (rt on) rdr2 crashes and gives the message that graphics drivers timed out (amd software) and something like ERR_GFX_something It’s because you’ve only got 6GB Vram. Is this a known issue? Still even with games nowadays people are encountering so many problems with their VRAM despite running cards of the RTX 30 and 40 series (at least the xx60 and xx70 versions with the 3080 too) since textures have become crazy difficult to run on low VRAM. I only have utorrent running at the back and it says other apps are using 40/gb vram 297K subscribers in the RDR2 community. I've played on the Xbox One X which was I Need help with my over usage of Vram when using Vulkan API I want to run Ultra Textures but the damn limiter says it's too high when using Vulkan, But it runs perfectly on DX-12. When the game is loaded you enter settings and run a bench test. Reddit community for discussing and sharing content relating to Red Dead Redemption 2 & Red Dead Online. I've been trying to figure out these stutters with RDR2 on my system. ) I’ll also keep the 16gb min and max you recommended in mind. Red dead is the first game i tried and i thought 6 gb vram is gonna be a problem in other games too but i see it is just a bug. Does anyone know what this could be? Other apps taking up VRAM In Red Dead Redemption: I'm a bit obsessive about electronics and i just bough a new laptop that is why i bit freak out. One crucial mistake that RDR2 PC makes when calculating available VRAM is that it counts what Windows 10 is merely caching in VRAM as being unavailable, when it reality Windows 10 will readily give up that space to a game that wants I keep getting this "WARNING: Your game is running low on video memory. So, I booted up RDR2 and went into graphics settings, when I noticed that "Other Apps" Vram usage was 1. I’ve got 12GB of VRAM and Red dead is using 4960 or something like that. Only works in windowed mode for me. Last afternoon when i decided to play again the game for some strange reason launched on 1300x something something resolution. exe leak. g. I've been enjoying RDR2 for a few months on my Gentoo PC through `games–emulation/wine-proton`, but I've had this issue that I've only ever Why do you think that there's other app using VRAM? Look, for some reason it uses a lot more VRAM on the translation of DX to Vulkan, it's expected. New If your game is modded you can always install the No VRAM Warning Message mod Hey guys, so recently I've been seeing this warning message on the top-left of the screen after a couple of hours or so, "The game is running low on video memory", I've been replaying the game and haven't had much time to play this on this system so it makes sense why I'm seeing it now. Currently the total available is 6GB, dedicated 2GB, and shared 4GB. If youhave a 2nd monitor the Other Apps goes up. That's why that guy said it performed better on his 770, it Gpus with less then 8GB vram most likely won't be good enough for this game. The reason you only have 2600mb is because the GTX 970, famously, segregated the VRAM into a 3. One thing that doesn't make sense to me in RDR2 GPU checked twice, not out of order. Look on the store page How much Vram on your GPU. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you if it was a "bug" it would happen on every vram setting not just the one that limits the cpu ram usage to 11GB. Question Let it be known, I’m using an rtx 3070 8gb with a ryzen 5 3600 along with 16 gb ram. RDR2 is one of them. There are two "fixes" that the comunnity are pointing as the best: 1) I’ll find out tomorrow whether or not my pc uses SSD or HDD and edit my post, thanks! But other than that, do I change the pagefile of other drives too. I generally don't have the issue after setting a Windows PageFile to my OS SDD as 32GB min and max. The issue with always having RDR2 say running low on VRAM in built into the game popup system, it Rdr2 taking 8gb vram with everything on ultra . It's a pity that in RDR2 Mexico only exists as a mock-up that can be seen from NA,although it is known that work on NP was ongoing,but unfortunately we didn't see it in the game. i tried bumping up the rez and it showed only 2. After playing for a while, the VRAM becomes completely full. RDR2 pulled it off because, again, they held off, but with GTA6 I think it's safe to say This mod basically spoofs the gpu and makes the game think the gpu is a 2gb vram gpu so it can run, it's simple, but it can cause some graphical issues (Flickering, textures not loading, etc. I have just started playing RDR2. With high quality of Rdr2, running at 480p is better than some og xbox games like fable. 4gb UMA buffer can be good if you have a game that is both RAM and VRAM Heavy, since VRAM is more important for smooth gameplay. hell I have mine Fix for RDR2 problem with texture and vram limitationhope this helps if u have question comment below#Reddeadredemption2 #Rdr2 #Fix Today I redownloaded RDR2 only to be met with a warning that my drivers are too old (while I'm actually running the most recent optional amd drivers) and a warning that I have less than the minimum specified amount of I read consulting the options to increase and optimize the vram, using the task manager even disabling background applications, but it still occupies more than 1 GB. However, when set to anything else, it then only uses that much VRAM, so if you set the UMA frame buffer to 4GB, then, in RDR2, you will only have 4GB of VRAM. Thanks to Ok_Breakfast for the VRAM suggesting because I can confirm it was caused by VRAM for me. We want the other gta games in morocco We want the other gta games on the morocco’s App Store, not just liberty city and bully. RDR2 /w HUB settings, great visuals, constantly between 100-130 fps, about 5 Gb VRAM usage; Destiny 2 at Ultra settings, great visuals, constantly between 140-200 fps, about 5 Gb VRAM usage; World of Tanks, all sliders on Ultra except sniper foliage at 243K subscribers in the RDR2 community. I have a 2060 Super with 8GB and afterburner msi usually says there is 7. Also I'm using a AMD RX 470, which doesnt have that much Vram to spare. Thats well over half of what my card can even provide. This happens with every game actually, but was discovered in RDR2 since you can see the VRAM usage in the menu. Especially for RDR2 and Warhammer 3 I just want to play on the highest settings with comfortable 60 fps or better. I know Valve did a quick hot fix update already, but this hot fix did not fix Recently started playing RDR2 a few days ago after picking up a used RX6600XT, but for some reason when I play RDR2 my VRAM starts out around 5GB. 5GB of video ram is dedicated to the game and 1. 4gb. people like to pass it off as a bug though to avoid understanding that its actually bad to raise the vram in bios. 4 desktop release Scan this QR code to download the app now. I play on a laptop, Warzone is consuming 2 gb vram while "other apps" is consuming 3gb?! wtf. - Added extra information regarding VRAM Usage, as to report usage for both RDR2 and Yes and no. It doesn't mean they're actually using it, only that there must be a guaranteed Now RDR2 is saying "other apps" is using up 2400mb of my vram and only letting me use about 1600mb. By default RDR2 takes at least 2 gigs of this memory, as it's a pretty graphically intensive game even on its lowest settings. RDR2 was designed with Win10 in mind. Removing the 970 completely will help the OP. I want to buy san andreas but i can’t because it’s not available in my region, please we want a solution. What can I do,and this affects game performance? close the other apps, anything running in the background close it. This means VRAM has an area of cache which isn't being actively worked on by the GPU right now for the current frame, but has been very recently (maybe the geometries and textures of that building behind you), so the Vulkan runtime is keeping it in VRAM in case it's needed next. Apparently the game didn't do this in past versions, at least not to the point where it would cause moments of jankiness riding through towns even on higher-end cards than yours. It was - as far as I could tell - the game dumping VRAM and - as I said previously - it turns out to be a common problem for some people in Saint Denis, and to a lesser extent Valentine, regardless of their systems. It starts in Saint Denis and it wont go away even if I left there. 8gb will be barely enough ram to run it unless you got other apps running in Go to RDR2 r/RDR2. #SpiderManPC I noticed this problem with a dx12 issue with rdr2: in rdr2, vram usage unstoppingly increases as the gpu sees more texture (while riding around and seeing more of the map etc. Gaming. Once and a while my i5-4670k will hit 100% usage which produces some stuttering for a few seconds but usually isn't an issue most of the time if I keep background tasks from getting out My issue is that the game is only using 2. The VRAM detection is seeing the 3. i hit the pause button and Bam it completely locked up and I had to "control +alt+delete " and bring up the task manager to shut down the game. with the default settings of RDR2 it's running (with everything in the background which is discord, I tried it with discord closed and it still didn't work) at just slightly above 4 gigabytes of VRAM used, and in the benchmark tests I am running an average of slightly under 60 FPS. I have over 9GB VRAM detection in Vulkan. DX12 and Vulkan always have a small chunk of VRAM reserved and it's The other part of the issue appears to be RDR2 allocating VRAM as "other apps" to prevent it form being budgeted by the user. Also Stutter fix mod fixed for me. But only 4gb of vram is a little worrisome, unfortunately the 8gb version is way more expensive where I live. I want to ask if this is normal. My game stutters aswell. Today I redownloaded RDR2 only to be met with a warning that my drivers are too old (while I'm actually running the most recent optional amd drivers) and a warning that I have less than the minimum specified amount of Why does it do this I have 16gb of ram it’s so annoying when task manager says 50% ram using and I can’t go full screen cause apparently other apps Hello Steam community. I'm not to sure if the glitch is valves fault or Rockstar games lol Although I can run it on High-Ultra textures with 2 GB Vram, but textures esp in Saint Denis are slow to load, but it runs in 30-40 fps. Could also search how to optimize PC for gaming. I suggest doing a good and proper DDU clean from Safe Mode, make sure you stop Windows from I've had no issues with other games which are more CPU demanding than RDR2. The 1050ti has 4 Gb, which means it doesn't really need the extra VRAM conservation that these settings provide. : Change from 120 hz to 60 hz apply and undo it. so makes no sense, an I’m on 1920x1080 resolution. its maybe also good to tweak windows 10 services, Google "Black Viper tweaks" its a tweaker who explains what service you can keep and what you can disable to save a bunch of resources. i know that these are consuming vram and ps4 has only 5 gigs but they could include and higher textures for pc , What’s one thing you dislike about RDR2 upvotes Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Does anyone know if the VRAM bug on RDR2 got fixed? Question I changed my UMA framebuffer size on my deck to reduce stutters on The Division 2, but I'm thinking about putting Red Dead Redemption 2 on my deck, I wanna know if the UMA framebuffer issue still happens with 4G of VRAM I do have a low vram card (2gb) and I’m 200 megabytes over the limit (using high textures), although technically RDR2 itself is only using about 1900MB, but “other apps” are taking up space as well. true. 5Gb used by "other apps" which was not accurate. If you have ANY applicationopen the Other Apps goes up. Even form 3 years ago. 23 votes, 30 comments. r/RDR2. Hoping that more people would write Valve about it I posted a video of Rdr2 gameplay showing the fps dips on lakes, rivers and towns and the Vram reduction to half after update but never thought it would have any impact. Feel free to try them and report back! Scan this QR code to download the app now. Anyone knows how to work around this? I looked at ways to fix this and everyone just says "lower your graphics settings" which doesn't change Some apps like Windows 10 itself merely cache resources in VRAM, but will give them up if something like a game wants to use that VRAM. 5GB of VRAM. I intend to play the game using the Xbox one x settings and Ultra textures at 1080p. A sub to talk about new repacks, game news, and new warez releases! *Official FitGirl Website:* my graphics card has 12 gigabytes of ram and 4 gigabytes of dedicated VRAM. :) Reply More posts from r/RDR2. Along with this I used to use linux where the game was much much faster and had all 8gb available VRAM could very well be the issue here, as I’m pretty sure RDR2 requires 12GB RAM and at least 6GB dedicated VRAM. Suggestions for similar-ish games to RDR2 Feel free to bring up technical issues and other problems related to OLEDs. by the time I got to the swamps my vram was at 15. 6 gig is recomended Look in the graphics> Video Memory and remove some apps from there. Tired deleting the system. 2gb. Valheim; Why does RDR2 have sharks if you can't even see them So i finished rdr2 and can't seem to enjoy other games now. Internet Culture (Viral) Maybe try lower a few settings down so your not so close to your max vram usage and try again. I noticed when vram reaches 5500 - 6000 gb it starts and never go away. ) Members Online. WARNING: This mod doesn't unload when switching from story mode to online mode, as it doesn't use scripthook. What card would be the best to get standard fps higher than 60 (or even more). I know about the Trick to increase textures to Ultra from the system. Open comment sort options. Definitely the best looking open world game I’ve played. And the OP is running a GTX970 in conjunction with an 8GB GTX1080. Discussion/Question Share Add a Comment. I am trying to allocate more vram to "designated memory" in order to up my graphics settings while playing games(rdr2). The reality is that it is actually using 3. Temporary Fix Found by Reddit User "u/DinosaurInAPartyHat": Here’s a temporary workaround that might help until Rockstar addresses it in a future update: Open RDR2. Remember also that the "minimum requirements" are valid ID you're running only that application so if you have apps in background they could hog your resources, I have 10gb of vram all my other games are fine, if i keep trying to launch Since I got a new 3070 i've been trying to run RDR2 in 4k While I am not hitting 60fps I am consistently hitting 40 and 50 fps. 8 gigs and 4k rdr2 really only uses up 5. xml file but old file and settings files coming back, not sure how. Or check it out in the app stores Vram RDR2 help . So my rog ally is stuttering with rdr2, I have everything updated, I used auto VRAM but I'm not switching to 8gb to see if it fixes that, I'm playing on 1080p with Ultra textures FSR set to quality and all settings set to medium except for tree quality and shadows which I set to high Removes the annoying VRAM message ingame. At my VRAM usage section it says *other apps* that consumes <850MB. Halo or Forspoken) but still give you the Nuevo Paraíso is my favorite region that we can visit in the RDR series. Uninstall any unwanted programs and try to remember if you recently installed any programs onto your comp. In settings it says that 500MB of my VRAM is used by other apps. I saw that my vram usage for rdr2(not other apps) was increased. RDR2 has separate memory allocation for system RAM and VRAM. They were designed with 3 Gb VRAM in mind, to save as much VRAM as possible. They will get you more fps, but that's not what these settings were designed for. 3 at 40hz/vsync off and never had crashes/freezes. With it the total value of Vram being available went up to 3942MB, but a huge portion was/is reserved to the new introduced I went into the graphics settings of Red Dead Redemption 2 and there is a message in the description of every graphics setting that says that 'other apps' are using too According to the latest Rockstar title update notes: The Graphics settings menu for PC systems now displays how much VRAM is available to Red Dead Redemption 2 and how much is reserved by other applications running on the I went into the graphics settings of Red Dead Redemption 2 and there is a message in the description of every graphics setting that says that 'other apps' are using too much memory, and it says that these 'other apps' are using 4294962933 MB of memory. I've found In the graphic settings, RDR2 is utilizing only a small portion of my VRAM, despite having an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4050 with 16 GB of VRAM. xml to make the game use less VRAM and so reducing the gpu load and graphical problems RDR2 on 2gb VRAM? Just wondering if anyone else has been running this game on 2gb of vram, I played it before on medium settings with the same specs but now no matter what I do I can't enable medium textures even with lowering everything I can think of. The funny thing is I used to play RDR2 on a GTX 1050 ti 4GB, 720p 40FPS, Red Dead Redemption 2 VRAM problem, 'other apps' using all memory MrPickleDogg posted a topic in Red Dead Online I went into the graphics settings of Red Dead Redemption 2 and there is a message in the description of every graphics setting that says that 'other apps' are using too much memory, and it says that these 'other apps' are using Credits and distribution permission. Or check it out in the app stores   ; just remember to turn it back on for other games. As for it showing only 3. Reply reply aside from some apps like razer synapse or ghub and wallpaper engine, most of the open apps are using I know this question sound really dumb, but for example mafia 3 de (which also needs at least 2gb ram) runs well on my pc with 512mb vram (and well means 17-20 fps), so do you think rdr2 could run on it too if I used some lower settings Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I just happened to notice with MSI Afterburner's OSD that when the stutters occur the GPU dumps a chunk of VRAM as well as the system RAM. So instead of changing my desktop resolution, I just use the magnifying app to get fullscreen. Because this was more VRAM that the game thought I had (3. I know my VRAM is small, but It's enough to play with good fps, albeit maybe not very fast textures downloading in heavy areas. 3 gigs. Doesn't use that much for me at native 4k other than I alters the config file so that it will increase VRAM use to help with other mods. How To Fix Modern Warfare 3 OTHER APPS High VRAM Usage, Performance Issues on PC Warzone 3I spent ages searching the internet for an answer and this is prett There's also no way in hell GTAV is actually using 7. New comments cannot Ok so rdr2 broke the 4th wall last Is RDR2 playable on GT 1030? | Red Dead Redemption 2 on GT 1030 Intro. I have tested the use and non use of TAA and that certainly enhances the resolutions clarity/sharpness (to be expected) but this is separate from the texture issue. Gta V is working fine and there is no "other apps" when playing it. Perhaps it's some other thing hidden in my old PC, but I run RDR2 with a 1050ti, which has only 4GB plus 8GB of shared (from 16) and it runs on my bigscreen quite wonderful! I am surely not that concerned about ultra graphics and all, but the picture is sharp and there are no big stutters, just here and there. rdr2 runs with an average of 80fps in max (ultra) preset and no stutters but it crashes after a while. So I am curious if there is a way to have Hello!I *think* I have a problem with rdr2. Here are my settings now: Texture medium Resolution 720p Taa medium Taa sharpening 50% Ssao medium Mirror high Vsync half Triple buffering on DX12 Everything else low/off It may reduce performance in high RAM usage situations, or CPU heavy apps like emulation. Vram usage will drop drastically ( from 11,5 Gb to 6 Gb on my In general RDR2 loves more ram and has always had issues with higher UMA buffer. Thing about RDR2 is a slower style game and t’s capped at 30 FPS on console, which is what I played on. If you don’t already know how, search how to use the task manager for that. windows out of the gate uses alot of sh!t that you don't need running. FYI: i closed all other apps, i checked the task manager, there is no other app using the vram. it crashes once it uses it all is there a fix for this Though keep in mind "too little VRAM" =/= "too little VRAM". RDR2 seems to suffer performance drops from this. So it actually feels better than it did when I originally played. You don't have access to all of your system ram because some is dedicated to windows and any background operations it's doing. Other games I played: So I maxed out everything that He does get it, better than you ever will. I am using the hardwired unboxed settings and my old vram usage was the same RDR2 can hint what assets it needs in VRAM next, but it can't directly manage VRAM. The compatibility tab doesn't mean anything, thats an option for all apps. I am using Nvidias recommended settings (High-Ultra) Yet my Vram on msi afterburner is pinned at 7. 2GB dedicated to 'other apps' - although I have no other windows/games running. i also noticed that a bunch of settings were turned off or turned to low that were high or ultra up until now. 5GB of VRAM on ULTRA textures with 16X AF. STEP 1: Download and install an ASI Loader compatible with Not a smartass comment but the truth. With the exception of ones like gtx 980 4GB, 980 Ti 6GB, 1060 6GB With RDR2 no it is a concern, as many have reported that the game might not even launch properly if you have an onboard Intel Gpu and that is left active in Device Manager. Can the RTX 3060 12GB VRam, AMD Ryzen 5 5600X and 16 GB Ram run RDR2 on ultra settings on 1080p? Discussion setting if you take the recommended settings and it is 60fps consistently does drop to 45-50 I'm very busy areas like other poster said. Is there any way to force the game to stream textures and objects faster? The gpu Vram is good in my opinion and meets teh demans, for me that the most important as RDR2 GPU Vram is the key. . Help with RDR2 Settings "other apps" Was able to fix it by setting lower VRAM( UMA Frame Buffer) of my APU in BIOS. I'm using 6000 version of the mod. ) To reduce this glitches, Joon has helped me tweaking the graphicsoptions. That Vram usage was 1. Maybe something you have installed on your system is now running in the background when 2 days ago it wasn't. Guys the fix that worked for me is to clean your memory from regedit First press ctrl+r and type regedit. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other I've been through this too, I have a 6650XT. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS. I have closed all other apps apart from warzone and even turned off background apps in windows settings. As I tried to explain you in some other post, since ram and vram still need to be dedicated, they need a coherent adress space. Welcome back to another Article, today my friends I’m going to be testing the Geforce Scan this QR code to download the app now. I know that this isn't possible, and it is not allowing me to change any of the graphics So I am currently playing on my laptop, and when I'm at RDR2 settings, it shows that "other apps" are using 4,294,960,008 MB and don't have enough space to use for the game itself. Really annoying that RDR2 does it differently because the game runs absolutely fine when you go over your VRAM "limit". If problem persists try uninstalling driver with DDU uninstaller and reinstall Nvidia Steam, Google chrome etc uses GPU acceleration. And some resource hogging features that can be as well. I closed all the apps running in the background and this still pops up. Or check it out in the app stores Adventure Games; Esports; Gaming Consoles & Gear; Gaming News & Discussion; Mobile Games; Other Games; Role-Playing Games; Simulation Games . RDR2 is what’s limiting the VRAM by absurd amounts not Windows, and since neither of us are Rockstar developers it’s hard "Begone VRAM Limit" is an ASI mod for Red Dead Redemption 2, developed in C++, meant for removing the VRAM limit inside the graphics settings. What is the solution? I have a 3070 8gb 16gb i5 12400. Hello, I wanted to ask for help, rdr2 has made all other story games seem stupid upvotes So I decided to make a trip to the other side of the map to test and sure enough my vram continued to climb,never decreasing at all. It makes sense when playing at 4k with that too with resolution scale to use Anyone who says changing VRAM breaks RDR2 is wrong and has no idea what they are talking about anymore. Then I start to move across the map and 10 minutes later it’s almost already maxing out at 8GB? Hi! I have some serious problems trying to play Red Dead Redemption. Without that, it's something like 7GB at native 4k. It is normal for other apps to use this memory as they too might be using your graphics card to render things. in graphics setting I have 4794/6143 MB, with other apps only being 931 lol. 5 resolution scale and my vram usage was in-between 6-8gb and sometimes even above 8gb. This is a shitshow. Suddenly Maybe yes, but I can only run low textures now and it’s fucking painful, before I could run medium textures+ some other stuff on medium-high. XML, But doing that makes the whole game in Vulkan very buggy and glitched to hell. I play RDR2 on an LG C8 from about 10 feet away in 4K HDR on my One X and it’s one of the best looking games on the console. Reply reply Important thing to note is that didn't experience this issue in any other game except RDR2, but I also couldn't find anyone else experiencing this issue with RDR2. Updates on 16gb vs 32gb m1 pro - Fixed an issue where VRAM was being detected incorrectly, limiting the ability to utilise all of the VRAM and increase certain graphical settings. And checked task manager and saw no other app is using my gpu. Regardless, don't use this mod online even though the intent of this mod is not cheating. 5GB "extra" vram the 970 has) and leaving off 900MB for other processes. (r/blind) and 3rd party app users (Apollo, Sync, etc. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS Why does RDR2 have sharks if you can't even A subreddit for "Marvel's Spider-Man" games on PC. In other words, you just lost 2GB+ of VRAM from the change. Sort by: Best. Sometimes it just doesn't start up at all, like now. My actual "other app" usage (not including Rockstar) is VRAM is a virtual resource, that's just the amount of memory those applications have reserved. Weird fix but still a works so there's that. Dedicated to all the gameplay videos, memes, mods, and other such shenanigans from Spider-Man on PC. If you are on Win10 then that tab allows options for Win8 and older if needed and it's never needed for RDR2, that's for sure. Rdr2 with 2gb vram I'm 50% into the story and struggled with the graphics settings. I start out at 4. Fast forward to today Go to RDR2 r/RDR2 • by ToothOk5358 "Other apps" Vram usage varies wildly! (Pc) Some times it's only 600-650 mb, yet other times it's a full 1200-1350 and I've exceeded my vram limit on my gpu Anyone have ideas why this is happening? comments sorted by Hello. Please help i'm devistated because i have a limited quota in my country, and i Is rdr2 online worth it I have played RDR2 at Max settings 1080p on my RX 6700XT with 1. black viper Guides. Particularly Switch Emulation I see good results with 4 gigs. deppyd • GTAV is amazing. Internet Culture (Viral) Now the game correctly detects VRAM. I have a custom set of settings on RDR2 and capped it at something random like 36 FPS. Monitor VRAM Usage: Keep an eye on your GPU’s VRAM (Video RAM) usage. 5Gb) the game automatically ran on the lowest settings and I couldn't change any graphics settings. In other The new stable update has really screwed things up with RDR 2 among other games, RDR2 now maxes out at 3gb VRAM which causes it to drop like crazy everywhere. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. So I wanted to play rdr2 after some time and noticed heavy fps drops in many areas where Ive had no issues before. Not as well as GTAV but well. When I tried to play it last year on my 2070 super it worked fine Any other modern game requiring high graphics works wonders on this card, but not RDR2 :/ My specs: MSI MOMAHAWK - AMD - B650 AMD Ryzen 7800X3D It's a vram issue. Resurrecting the dead here, but wondered how deleting settings helps one tweak other settings that don't actually need a restart. Best. The drop is roughly 300-400MB right as it stutters/frame drops and then fairly quickly reallocates. What you just described about the game using more vram than it's supposed to is exactly the issue. Everytime your VRAM gets almost full go to settings > graphics , change something and undo the change. See if there is any updates for your GPU from the manufacturer. And not sure about rockstar support, cause in the discord someone had nearly similar issue and support I’m literally half way through ch6, an specifically on the rainsfall mission when you go with the old man, is when I got “warning video memory low : reduce settings or close other applications”. Other than, closing all other apps / software, there’s not much else you can do. You can have too little VRAM and the game still runs fine, or it might downgrade the visual quality noticeably despite having max settings selected (e. dzdrgo niktq gttppg yjzu nocwhp bdfsvs atrdg ancegw oyho outxvx