Staff of the woodlands shillelagh. The staff has 10 charges for the following properties.
Staff of the woodlands shillelagh It also has the magical properties, so spells like Magic Weapon wouldn't work, but Shillelagh will work because it says it'll make it magical if it isn't already. This sort of staff is always made from oak, ash, or yew, finely grained, beautifully carved, and bound with bronze. You can use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff's charges to cas t one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: animal friendship (1 charge) awaken (5 charges) barkskin (2 charges) The staff is a sentient chaotic good staff with an Intelligence of 10, a Wisdom of 16 and a Charisma of 12. At your current level its still "just" better than using primal savagery (the highest damaging cantrip) but will scale behind it once you reach lvl 11. What does the staff of The Woodlands do in epic minigames? Function. The staff has 10 charges and regains 1d6 + 4 of its expended charges daily at dusk. These are a selection of Shillelagh Stick Staffs & Hiking Sticks that are ready to order. Spellcasting. The magical staves are a different item type again, for example "Staff of the Woodlands (Staff)". 2200 Lake Woodlands Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77380 (281) 297-5900 What We Believe Facilities Employment Fireside Cafe Indoor Playgrounds Funerals & Memorial Services Find Help & Support My Account Staff, uncommon (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, or warlock) You can use a bonus action to speak this staff's command word and make the head of the staff become that of an animate poisonous snake for 1 minute. Staff of Nature's Vengeance I want to give the Druid at my table a Staff of the Woodlands now, when he is level 6. The biggest benefit of Shillelagh here, is that you can play a fighter who is mostly focused in mental The Staff of the Woodlands Roblox gear is one of the many Ranged Gear items you can equip into the Gear slot of your character, and it can be obtained easily with our Roblox gear IDs. It allows use of the following spells: Charm animal (1 charge) Speak with animals (1 charge) Barkskin (2 charges) Wall of thorns (3 charges) Summon The Woodlands, TX New, BMW of Houston North in The Woodlands sells and services BMW vehicles in the greater The Woodlands area Staff. Jul 21, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Sep 10, 2021 · But if, as with the Staff of the Woodlands, an item provides a specific casting time instead. Staff, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Druid) Description not available (not OGL). These staffs are designed to be used by holding the shaft below the knob. Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft The Staff of the Woodlands is an enchanted and magical quarterstaff for druids in Shadows of Amn and The Black Pits II: Gladiators of Thay. As such, Shillelagh only works when not using the snake feature. As for armor, Druids get proficiency with light and medium armor, and will not wear metal for religious reasons. By using another bonus action to speak the command word again, you return the staff to its normal inanimate form. The two staves aren't really that similar outside of offering a +2 to attack and damage and being nature-themed. So a +9 to hit? Or would it just be a +7? If I attack with The staff of the Woodlands, with Shillelagh active, which is a +7 to hit from spell attack, does it also adds the +2 from the Staff of the Woodlands itself since it grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the Staff of Woodlands. If you expend the staff's last charge, roll a d20. Its name comes from either the Gaelic word for “thronged willow” or the village of Shillelagh in County Wicklow, known for its dense blackthorn woodlands. Each such staff has the following powers, with each expending one charge per use: Wall of thorns Animal friendship plus speak with animals Animate tree* * This function duplicates the ability of a treant to cause a large tree to move Most likely, heavy armor should be used unless you change the ASIs to go into a DEX build. The quarterstaff is a versatile weapon, which means that it can use either your Strength or Dexterity modifiers for attack and damage rolls. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic quarterstaff. STAFF OF THE WOODLANDS Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid) This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Spell Absorption. Range touch Target one touched non-magical oak club or quarterstaff Duration 1 min. I want my staff as a druidic focus. Created Jun 3, 2009, it has 16,687 favorites and its asset ID is 11373617. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. For the duration, you can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of melee attacks using that weapon, and the weapon's damage die becomes a d8. Just get ready for Wall of Thorns :) 2 extra leaves (8 Total) sprout at the head of this staff; the staff now regains 1d6+2 per long rest. Item Type: Staff. Booming Blade requires a "melee attack" (quote from page 142 in SCAG). Thematically, I don't think you'd still need to hold it to channel the spell after casting, as barkskin is a spell typically meant to be used in conjunction with wildshape, in which you wouldn't have the staff anyways. Druids are proficient in quarterstaffs, and so with Shillelagh cast on it, the Staff of the Woodlands in the hands of a level 4 Druid should have an attack bonus of +8 (+2 for proficiency, +2 for the staff and +4 because it’s now using Wisdom, the Druid spellcasting ability, for its attack and damage rolls) and a damage attribute of 1d8+6 Wrought from four twisted rods of adamantine, this double weapon is a +4 axiomatic staff of clouting and a +1 staff. Staff of the Woodlands is a very good staff for a druid. Druids while wildshaped cant talk or cast spells. If you use a Bonus Action to make the staff into a snake, it's no longer wood because it's an actual snake with an AC and HP. Staff of the Woodlands Magic Items Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024) Spell Charge Cost Animal Friendship 1 Awaken 5 Barkskin 2 Locate Animals or Plants 2 Pass without Trace 2 Speak with Animals 1 Speak with Plants 3 Rabbi Edwin Cole Goldberg became the rabbi for Congregation Beth Shalom of The Woodlands in July 2019. The Woodlands, TX 77354 (281) 356-5521. Meet the TWCA Faculty and Staff that make The Woodlands Christian Academy a top private Christian School in Texas The Woodlands, TX 77384 Ph: 936. The tree is 60 feet tall and has a 5-foot-diameter trunk, and its branches at the top spread out Bear in mind, though, that you may find the damage output of a dagger lacking, and that the shillelagh cantrip (which boosts a Druid's weapon attack power) only works with clubs and quarterstaffs. That weapon's damage becomes magical and deals 1d8 damage. You retain the staff's benefits. In addition to being a weapon, the staff improves its wielder's armor class and saving throws and makes them able to charm animals and summon shambling mounds. Cudgel of the Spore Druid Always shillelagh if in hand. Mar 15, 2017 · To all the participants of The Shillelagh Shootout we have moved the date to next week the 26th at 10:00am. Item Rarity: Very Rare. I'd say there's precedent there for improving either both regular attacks and spell attacks, or spell attacks and spell saves, but not all at once (if there's one that's official that does all 3 I'd appreciate it being brought up) Shillelagh. That being said, this is that staff that really let's the druid be druidy. The cantrip Shillelagh turns a staff or club into a magical weapon that deals 1d8 damage and can use your spellcasting modifier instead of the normal modifier. Shillelagh is a cantrip level spell from the Transmutation school. Aug 26, 2014 · Glasstaff in the Starter Set adventure is supposed to be armed with the Staff of Defense, a magical Staff (which I think everyone would agree is simply a magically enchanted version of the basic magical focus Staff, albeit with different aesthetics for flavor), and yet his stat block (Evil Mage) lists his weapon damage as a Quarterstaff despite Awakened birds can wage psychological warfare. Known only as the "Wild Man of the Wood," the man that carried this staff was a legendary figure This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. In addition, "The wood of a club or quarterstaff you are holding is imbued with nature's power. 00 Made from the branch of a Gulthias tree, a Gulthias staff is a spongy, black length of wood from which ashen smoke wisps at a constant rate. Sep 9, 2020 · I had a question about the Staff of the Woodlands in combination with Shillelagh. Attacks performed with Staff of the Woodlands is very specific to Druids and is more supportive/RP/CC than this is. Wait, if the snake head attacks, it would bite someone to deal poison damage, if Shillelagh makes it 1d8 Bludgeoning damage, then you would probably attack with the other end of the staff to gain Shillelagh's benefits, so no poison damage, because the snake head does piercing damage. Find and save ideas about shillelagh dnd on Pinterest. Senior druid is a 16th-level spellcaster. DESCRIPTION. For Staff of the Woodlands, it matters if a magical staff counts as a wooden quarterstaff. The Conroe Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. com (936) 271-2903. Sassafras Walking Staff B WC-1410T. While holding it, you can expend the requisite number of charges to cast one of the following spells from the staff: mage armor (1 charge) or shield (2 charges). Since the Staff of the Woodlands gains back 1d6 + 4 charges at dawn, the Staff’s charge uses and gain will always zero out as long as making a tree is the only thing the Druid does with the Staff that day. Now at level 11 the staff is a normal Woodlands staff in all its glory. School transmutation; Level druid 1; Mystery wood 1. This staff has 6 charges and can be wielded as a magic Quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with it. 7e7e948494f046aea6a8acfe897e101f Staff of the Woodlands Magic Items Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024) This staff has 6 charges and can be wielded as a magic Quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with it. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +11 to hit with spell attacks). New player question here. I made an item for my druid. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff. I think it’s fair that he can’t use spell slots above what he is capable of at a usual basis (so no level 6 spells until he is level 11). The wood of a club or quarterstaff you are holding is imbued with nature's power. The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. If the staff is no longer a staff while it is a tree, this sentence becomes nonsense. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. Shillelagh targets one club or quarterstaff held by the caster. Facebook; Matt Poe, along with several other members of our Pastoral Staff. Julia: Taylor: Headteacher: Catrin: Jones: Deputy Headteacher : Nicola: McGarvey: Education Improvement Director: Lisa: Dugmore: Business Manager : Ceri: Broomhall Also, your statement about the staff "now being a tree" is contradicted by the text of the item itself: While touching the tree and using another action to speak its command word, you return the staff to its normal form. I haven't used Shillelagh in CotM in a bit, so I don't remember if it functions the same, someone can correct me in replies "Spells. It regains 4d6 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. and it recharges every day at dawn. Your attacks count as magical and you gain a +3 bonus to the Attack and Damage rolls with your natural weapons. It has the following druid spells prepared. The staff has 50 charges for the following properties. My question is, when I cast Shillelagh on the staff, the damage increases to 1d8, but what would the damage of the versatile two handed roll be? Well you're kind of splitting a couple of issues here now. I had a question about the Staff of the Woodlands in combination with Shillelagh. You can use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff's charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: animal friendship (1 charge), awaken (5 charges), barkskin (2 charges), locate animals or plants (2 charges), speak with animals (1 charge), speak with plants (3 charges), or wall of thorns (6 charges). Is it me or is this staff far better than other rare quality staves? Same number of charges but has additional bonus to the quarterstaff attacks and to spell attack rolls, a larger selection of spells, at will 2nd level spell that would sees fairly common use and finally the ability to transform into a 60 foot tree whenever the conditions are right. It has a lot of convenience and utility spells but honestly most of them aren't very useful. If a character has a Staff of the Woodlands, which grants a +2 to attack roll and attack damage, and they use Shillelagh on top of that the weapon, how would that interact? The Character's spell attack is +11 (+9 without Staff of Woodlands), and the bonus damage is +5 normally with Shillelagh. "Unless a staff's description says otherwise, a staff can be used as a quarterstaff. Forgot what it's called, might be a 3. I'm playing a character based on this idea (well, no staff of striking, but other than that) I'd recommend grabbing a level of fighter for a shield and fighting style, and the warcaster feat, and booming blade. Once it was appropriate for their level, I gave them a Staff of the Woodlands. For the purposes of beating someone with a stick, it has the physical weapon stats of a +2 quarterstaff. Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft The staff has 10 charges. You gain temporary hit points equal to the number of charges the staff has. On a 20, the staff regains 1d12 + 1 charges. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The staff has 10 charges. Requires Attunement: Yes. A quarterstaff that she casts Shillelagh on. More Attacks = More benefit from Shillelagh. The staff is wooden. While holding it, you have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls. 1 day ago · The Shillelagh originated as a practical walking stick, often carried by Irish men for support or self-defense. Staff of the Woodlands § Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid) This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. RAW Shillelagh would need an open hand, as you require 2 material components: the club or staff itself, and a mistletoe/shamrock leaf/druudic focus. Also you form needs to be able to hold or wield the staff still so it need to be a biped with hands and have the ability to speak. Staff Rare (requires attunement by a druid) This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. Spells: Cantrips – Shillelagh, Druidcraft, and Guidance (Circle of Stars LV2) Posted by u/DanielTheDM - No votes and 16 comments Click on one of the people below to find out more information. The math looks right. These pieces are difficult to find and are not usually available to make to order. I work closely with parents, carers and staff to reduce levels of absence and my ultimate goal is to foster an environment where every student can fully participate in their education. They had to nurture it and water it and bring it back to life. Thus, you should need a free hand while the other holds the weapon. On a 1, the staff shatters and is destroyed. For the duration, you can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of melee attacks using that weapon, and the weapon's damage die becomes a d8 Mar 17, 2022 · The key to making a thriving army of trees is that your Staff of the Woodlands Druid can’t make more than one per day. The senior druid carries a staff of the woodlands. Thicker Blackthorn staffs can be very heavy. Click on one of the people I've been pondering this lately because I'm giving a druid in my group Staff of the Woodlands as a reward. All staves of the woodlands had some of the spells familiar to 5e players - wall of thorns, speak with animals, and animal friendship. each day you can awaken a tree and itll be your friend for at least 30 days (or longer if youre nice to it). Staff of the Woodlands Rarity Rare Type Staff Sanity Category Combat Relevant Page Number 204 Price Range (per DMG) 501 - 5,000 gp Price (per Sane Prices) 44,000 gp. A clutch of up to 10 grapes hangs from the end of the staff's magical length of vine. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges each day at dawn. Staff of the woodlands is a super good item regardless of which circle they pick It's also probably too powerful at 7 though Give a talisman of +1 to hit/dmg in beast form IMO. fun fact: spells from magic items do NOT require any components at all, not even material components. According to the equipment guide in the Player Book, a staff has 1d6 damage but is versatile and when used with two hands and then is a 1d8 damage. /level Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object) DESCRIPTION Staff of the Woodlands¶ Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid) This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Awaken is probably the most interesting since you can give any beast with an intelligence of 3 or less, an intelligence of 10 and a language. Web Site & Contents ©2010 The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Badge ID: Password: Shillelagh is effectively making your staff into a +2 staff, and not doing anything for your unarmed strikes. The staff has 10 charges for Can the staff of The Woodlands be a druidic focus? According to the PHB, a druidic focus can be a staff that was “drawn whole out of a living tree”. If you find Spells. DnD 2024 Magic Items You can also use an action to cast the Pass Without Trace spell from the staff without using any charges. Top. An awakened house cat could poison its owner. So, in this example, your wooden sword would still do 1d8 Bludgeoning damage. CASTING. Sep 27, 2024 · This Staff can shift from its Arcane version, Staff of Order, into a Fire version, Staff of Inferno, and finally into a Frost version, Staff of Rime. To get the Staff of the Woodlands and potentially use it in one of many Roblox games, use the following code: Staff of the Woodlands code: 11373617 Jul 21, 2024 · Staff of the Woodlands is a gear that was published in the marketplace by Roblox on June 3, 2009. Original; Landing Apr 9, 2020 · 1: I'm making a new druid (circle of spores) and plan to use a quarterstaff, shield and shillelagh. Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, DF. Sep 10, 2020 · So at level 1-4, a Staff of the Woodlands wielded for a melee attack with shillelagh cast on it and a 16 in your spellcasting ability would have a to hit modifier of: +3 (stat modifier) +2 (proficiency modifier) +2 (magical weapon bonus) = +7 total Sep 11, 2020 · If a staff can be used as a quarterstaff it can be used in the shillelagh spell. While holding the staff, you have advantage on saving throws against spells. School Office Staff. " So yes, shilleligh can be casted while holding a shield and staff since it has both a somatic and material component. staff of the woodlands shillelagh. Whenever you slay a creature of a CR of 1 or higher while in this form, the staff regains charges equal to the creature's CR. SARAH YELVERTON Motoring Manager YelvertonS@AutoNation. It also counts as a spell focus, so you can use a shield at the same time. The tree is 60 feet tall and has a 5-foot-diameter trunk, and its branches at the top spread out in a 20-foot radius. 273. Tree Form: You can use an action to plant one end of the staff in fertile earth and expend 1 charge to transform the staff into a healthy tree. One of the effects of Staff of the Woodlands reads I had a question about the Staff of the Woodlands in combination with Shillelagh. Its bonuses are included in the statistics below. Non-SRD, try here or search. Shillelagh is honestly probably even better on a cleric via Magic Initiate since they get heavy armor and shields. shillelagh uses wisdom to hit and damage which means you don't need a physical stat to use it efficiently, yes druids don't necessarily want to be in melee outside of wildshape, but when you have no choice shillelagh is amazing. For Shillelagh, it matters if "nonmagical" means "no magic cast on it at all," or "no enhancement bonus. While holding it, you have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls Sep 2, 2020 · No its not. Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, resistance, shillelagh The wood of a club or quarterstaff you are holding is imbued with nature's power. 🍓Hey, hi and hello. Woodlands: Appearing to have grown naturally into its shape, this oak, ash, or yew staff allows use of the following spells: Charm animal (1 charge) Speak with animals (1 charge) Barkskin (2 charges) Wall of thorns (3 charges) Summon nature’s ally VI (3 charges) Animate plants (4 charges) The staff may be used as a weapon, functioning as a +2 List of magical staffs with unique abilities and characteristics for DND 5th Edition. So it you find your druid making use of this staff and overshadowing the other players, it's time to talk to the DM about simillarly powerful items for everyone else. The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff. Also, a shield is used because when using Shillelagh the damage is the same for one handing or two handing the quarter staff. Nowhere in the description of the Staff of the Woodlands is its make mentioned; however, it can literally turn into a tree and vice-versa. It has a strangely spongy texture, and leaves behind a bloody residue on one's hand when touched. Close. I was wondering whether the Shillelagh druid cantrip (which gives you a 1d8 damage die + Wis) could be cast on a magic item like Staff of the Adder or Staff of Striking and stack. Jul 22, 2019 · Stick fighting as a martial art was once common throughout Europe and indeed the World. While holding this staff, you can use an action to cast pass without trace, or to expend charges to cast one of the following spells, using your spell save DC: animal friendship (1 charge), speak with animals (1 charge), barkskin (2 charges Discussion of Matt Colville's "Running the Game" YouTube series and MCDM's "Strongholds & Followers", "Kingdoms & Warfare", "Flee Mortals!" 5th Edition supplements, ARCADIA digital magazine for 5th edition GMs and players, and other MCDM projects, and TRPG advice —————————————————— Need assistance with your MCDM store order or your Kickstarter pledge/preorder? It is a remnant from the original staff of AD&D. The Blackthorn Shillelagh, a sleek and lightweight iteration of Cold Steel’s renowned Irish Blackthorn Walking Stick. Staff of the Woodlands Staff (arcane or druidic focus), rare (r equires a ttunement by a druid) This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. This would, for example, make an attack with the Staff of Striking potentially 1d8 + Wis + 3 + 3d6. Attunement Details: druid. A creature within reach of the staff can use an action to eat one of the grapes, which duplicates the effect of eating a berry from the goodberry spell. ( 5 + 2 from wielding the Staff of the When used as a weapon, a staff of nature's vengeance permanently has the effects of shillelagh. 204 Tags: focus • staff • rare • attunement • druid. One of the effects of Staff of the Woodlands reads; This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. CAMPUS MAP. The gear list also has "Staff (Gear • Arcane Focus)", as well as "Quarterstaff (Quarterstaff)". Feb 11, 2012 · For Changestaff, I don't see any issues with casting Spellstaff on it. Staff of the Woodlands. In 5E Elf doesn't grant additional proficiencies in long bow and long sword so if you were playing RAW then you'd still be limited to clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, and spears. It is effective only in the hands of a druid. But more importantly it makes it so that you use your spellcasting attribute for attack and damage rolls, meaning you can dump strength if you're interested in a melee druid. I'm currently DMing a campaign and wanted to bring in something for the Druid, I wanted to incorporate Staff of the Woodlands, but I wanted to kind… Coins 0 coins Apr 21, 2021 · So, if a Ranger, when casting the Shillelagh spell makes their club or staff look like a sword, that's fine, as long as its mechanics remain the same, since it's not mimicking the effects of other spells. Посох леса (Staff of the Woodlands) - редкий посох I was drawing a variation of the Staff of Woodlands for a ranger/druid of mine named Juniper, then kept making some more, and more (individual images are available to download for patrons) 😅 Each staff--I would imagine--has it's own unique qualities. North Campus Midweek I'm the main contact for anything regarding attendance at Woodlands school and the lead for initiatives to improve school attendance. About Conroe Independent School District. 1d10 eaten grapes regrow on the clutch daily at dawn. Additionally, while holding it you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls. You can use an action to plant one end of the staff in fertile earth and expend 1 charge to transform the staff into a healthy tree. Craft Requirements Supply one casting of all listed levels of all listed spells, plus one casting of shillelagh. DNDBeyond's character editor has it as "Wooden Staff (Gear • Druidic Focus)". Since your DM is homebrewing it's a little hard to tell. The only thing that would be redundant is making it magical. On demand Advantage with Elvish Accuracy is neat. You can still concentrate on things so speak the command word for the staff before wildshaping. That's a fine buff for the combats where you can't have up your arms. Welcome to apartment 707. Jan 17, 2021 · Can you awaken the staff of The Woodlands? A Staff of the Woodlands can take the form of a healthy tree (60 feet tall / 5-foot-diameter trunk / branches spread 20-foot radius). If the staff is broken or burned to ashes, its wood releases a terrible, inhuman scream that can be heard out to a range of 300 feet. 2555 Fax The truly open source for 5e rules and resources Staff of the Woodlands. All blights that can hear the scream immediately wither and die. Rod, uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3) (requires attunement by a warlock) While holding this rod, you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your warlock spells. I’m going a shillelagh salami build for fun on my current play through and went more of a martial direction. I'm playing a character that is using a druidic staff focus and typically uses the shillelagh cantrip on that staff for combat, which we determined is rules legal as it is clearly stated that focus staves and magic item staves can be used as quarterstaves for the purpose of Posted by u/Miroku2235 - No votes and 7 comments 3) you can cast it on your staff of the woodlands to give you spellcasting stat bonus to hit and damage and boost its damage die. It's a great option for a spores druid, since you'll be up on the front line. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at Apr 14, 2020 · For "Shillelagh of the Woodlands" I picked a weapon the Druid was proficient with that had a 1d8 damage die, did weapon modifiers to make sure it did Bludgeoning damage and fit the important features of a quarterstaff without being versatile, and added the modifier Bonus: Magic Item Attack With Wisdom. They also could cast the unique awaken tree spell, temporarily turning a normal tree into an allied treant, which was replaced in 5e by a use of the awaken spell. EFFECT. The spell targets one club or a quarterstaff, making its attacks magical and allowing the caster to use his spellcasting ability instead of Strength for attacks made with that weapon. you can potentially have an infinite amount of While holding it, you have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls. The staff has 1 charges for the following While holding it, you have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls. The staff communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand Common, Druidic, Elvish, and Sylvan. " Can I: -Cast Shillelagh on the staff -Animate the staff -Attack with wisdom -Roll a d8 instead of a d6 + the 3d6 effect OR -Cast Shillelagh on the staff -Animate the staff -Attack with wisdom BUT roll a d6 + the 3d6 effect Well that definitely changes things :) I would still say that casting Shillelagh on a Staff Of The Adder doesn't affect the damage of the Staff's unique attack, but it would allow the option of hitting for Shillelagh's basic 1d8+mod damage, as long as the wielder declares before the attack. Remember to read the rules before posting please and always flair your posts and use spoilers when needed! Shillelagh changes a staff's base damage from D6 to D8, it doesn't change anything else about the weapon such as on hit magical effects or bonus damage. Return to Magic Item List. Sorry for the late notice, however, we wanted to make sure before we postponed it. The Staff of the Woodlands can be used for anything that augments a weapon attack. 5 gloomstalker for extra attack, 4 spore Druid for symbiotic entirety and our free 1d6 necrotic, 1 war cleric for more useful cantrips and spells as well as heavy armor and bonus action attacks when those free up and finishing off with 2 levels in fighter for obvious reasons. A +1 Moon Sickle +3 WIS, -1 STR Question 1: Can she hold both of these for Two Weapon Fighting? Take Shillelagh at lvl 4 with Wood Elf Magic Feat. One of the effects of Staff of the Woodlands reads. While hol Jan 29, 2022 · Today the shillelagh is a symbolic souvenir of the Irish spirit, and–according to New York City’s largest cane shop–the Gaelic cudgel is one of the best-selling (at prices from about $30. Staff, rare (requires attunement by a Druid) This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. [1] It can be purchased for 275 Robux. 14 Dex Medium Armor. Elvish Accuracy. As of February 17, 2019, it has been purchased 29,211 times and favorited 11,869 times. Dec 16, 2023 · Staff of the Woodlands 5e. You can use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff's charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: animal friendship (1 charge), awaken (5 charges), barkskin (2 charges), locate animals or plants (2 charges), speak with animals (1 charge), speak with plants (3 charges), or wall of thorns (6 charges). It's for sale for 275 Robux. Vestiges still survive; notably in France, Italy Portugal, Japan, The Philippines, South Africa, New Zealand It gives +2 to attacks, damage, spell save, and spell attacks and gives a buff to healing spells. EDIT: I forgot a QS is not light - Thank you! Let's assume she used a Club instead, which is light and can be Shillelagh also. Activate Cast a Spell; Effect You expend a number of charges from the staff to cast a spell from its list. Many spell benefits, and melee attacks with it count as magical, making it like a permanent, improved shillelagh effect. The damage further increased based on the druid's caster level, becoming 3d8 around 14th level with the campaign wrapping up at 16th level. Added barkskin whenever spore shape. The subreddit dedicated to anything related to Nana, and other works of Ai Yazawa. In addition to its potent properties as a weapon, a staff of mastery allows the use of the following spells: Hold person (1 charge) Dimensional anchor (1 charge) Repulsion (2 charges) Dominate monster (3 charges) It functioned as a toned down Staff of the Woodlands excepting the increased damage when it was use in combination with the shillelagh spell. Staff of Order Mage Class Weapon Guide Staff of Order can be acquired by first looting Scroll: SEENECS FO RIEF from Vaelastrasz the Corrupt in Blackwing Lair . He is delighted to serve this congregation and work alongside the many committed congregants who join to make CBSW a true communal endeavor. Appearantly i can't use a quarterstaff as a focus, but i can use a staff focus as a quarterstaff if i haven't misunderstood. 5e item but should be perfectly balanced as an uncommon attunement item for a low-mid level druid So, my DM and I have come across a unique issue and we are trying to resolve it in the most rules accurate way possible. It regains 1d6 + 4 The Staff of the Woodlands improves both regular attacks, and spell attacks but not spell saves. Hanwei Nov 26, 2023 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright D&D 5th Edition item: rare Staff This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. " What do you think? I did this in my one of my games! The staff was burnt to a char with scaled down powers when the druid found it at level 3. Awaken normally requires a 1,000gp agate. This website exists thanks to the contribution of patrons on Patreon. Dungeon Master's Guide 2024. However, since cure wounds does not have a material component, you would need to free a hand up in order to use it. Shillelagh will let you swing it with your WIS, so you don't need to invest in STR. Added option to use myconid passifying spores ability when using the spore aura. The foci item is a "druidic focus (wooden staff)". However, you can have your arms up a lot; they cost 2 ki points and last 10 minutes and you get your ki back on a short rest. Normally I'd agree with the no component [art of the rules except in the case of the spell Awaken, the component isn't just something the spell consumes but its used as part of the way the spell functions. Aura strong varied; CL 13th; Slot none; Price 100,400 gp; Weight 5 lbs. Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid) This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The Awaken spell can give sentience to a tree, potentially turning this item into an Awakened Tree. Appearing to have grown naturally into its shape, this oak, ash, or yew staff allows use of the following spells: Charm animal (1 charge) Speak with animals (1 charge) Barkskin (2 charges) Summon nature’s ally VI (3 charges) Wall of Staff of the Woodlands Sources: DMG. casting it from the staff means you dont need this agate. Max Wisdom Take some Charisma and persuasion Proficiency. Vampiric Strike. Source: Dungeon Master's Guide. then use that new special time! Spells. Shillelagh works on wooden things. Staff of the Woodlands is a Roblox Gear created by the user Roblox. qyxzp komfo anwxu leeii oukc povvb wxvm ejquh xuua unvv