Wow you are already locked to this instance Kherian #0 - Oct. My stupid brain just forgot to integrate the knowledge that this was Official Hardcore and I was in for a surprise. You cannot kill 5/7 with one group and then join another one looking for people for the last bosses for example. Hi, This morning my sister and I killed a couple of bosses in normal 25 Mogu’shan Vaults (3). Honestly I don't think its worth risking your account if they take action over getting a few extra wild offerings, which you can do with a group of 5 in 30 minutes average already. Im imaginging you asking about 3 day lockouts during the phase change. LFR you have to queue for the wings, but for heroic or normal you will generally be in an instance that This Raid Group wiped while attempting to defeat Heroic Cho’gall, the final boss of the Raid, which means that they should still be eligible to zone into the Raid Instance for another attempt - instead they’re greeted with “you are already locked to The Bastion of Twilight (10 Player (Heroic)),” and are barred from finishing the Heroic version of the Raid. If you get locked to bfd now, its not going to reset 1 day early when P2 rolls out. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Are you locked from killing mythic bosses already this week on that Unholybeef • Mythic raids have a single ID so if someone finished your raid lockout without you, your's will be used up as well. The sense should read the same way whether you include that clause or not. Hello again,Wanted to provide an update and let everyone know that we’ve run an operation on our database that should have reset Gnomeregan raid lockouts for those who had been saved yesterday, Feb 21st and When you kill at least 1 boss in a heroic dungeon you become locked to it. "Ulduar should lock you to the instance for attempting the first boss without killing it. Log in to add games to your lists. Mousing over a raid in the list will show you a list of the bosses you're locked to and if you have a chat box open, shift-clicking on a raid will link it in chat. Hi, Sorry if this is not the place for this. Mythic Dungeons have a weekly Consider each time you join a new instance a fresh instance ID. After you kill a boss you will get locked to that instance for a certain period of time. Just a warning to those who like to do both, be careful which you pick first! Once you down any boss in an instance you get saved to that particular instance ID. If you walk in and out of the portal for anything ten times, you'll get locked out of all instances for the hour. ” Log into an alt and use the “Move Character” feature on the “locked instance toon. I zoned into ZG, and waited for everyone else to arrive. 6/11 bosses were already killed so I left the instance, reset all instances and reloged because it didn’t make any sense. Bliz plz fix. Currently you will get locked to raid once you enter it. You can run both. The problem was that the train of mobs the tank had pulled on the way stayed in combat with me even though I You can move from group to group during a week as long as you’re joining instances that don’t have bosses alive you’ve already killed. Yes basically. You’re telling me instance lockouts that seem random is an intended feature? I've looked it up, but all the info I found was: - you can't enter more than 5 instances within 60 minutes. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked If not, then it is YOUR own raid lock, in which you have likely killed nothing, and you might have been able to invite the raid leader into your raid, toss lead to him and proceed as normal. That dungeon will stay locked until the reset. Cleared BFD. Healer, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry. It takes 1 hour of inactivity for an instance ID to expire, and you may only have 5 active instance IDs at any time. Today (sunday) we include 2 new raiders to fill spots, at the start they zone in normal, but after the first wipe, they could not zone in. Tried to run on Normal a second time and was locked out. Seems unlikely though since it would have other impacts (like people farming MC or ZG trash for items and not killing any bosses). Edit: u/oshenz suggests that if you find yourself in this situation, drop the Can you trade transmog loot to someone who’s already locked for the week? Gameplay. Has anybody else ran into this or For some folks, mythic raiding is causing a bit of a problem. This is a new change with Shadowlands (I believe). The lockout warning says "You have joined a raid instance with x/15 bosses killed. If you have your own group in the raid you can just kick them out. We did whole dungeon, then everybody left a party, and i had a message ""You are not in this instance's group, you will be teleported" etc. You can move between 10 and 25 raid size, given these constraints. Your Naxx raid wont have any effect on your Ulduar raid. Dungeons. PS: I suspect the bunch of players outside ICC from several realms stuck trying to get in have the After that, everytime we tried to get into the instance again, that message showed up: "You are not in this groups instance". I have done bfd 3 times now once each reset for someone in the group to leave at the 6th boss, i get that some people have places to be but today we had a healer just leave the group at the boss for no reason at all (before we even attempted the boss) and because we are at the 6th boss we couldnt find a healer that was willing to skip the first 5 bosses because of Today is the day you decided to sell runs. What I mean is if I have for instance Naxx lockout with 10 bosses dead then can I enter different group with different raid ID with also 10 bosses killed An alternative subreddit to the largest WoW Classic community on Reddit. 发布者 keithmorris Hi, I was doing a Dungeon (Scarlet Halls) when I though it was over I teleported out. everyone in the group is locked to the same instance ID, it isn't a personal lock like retail has for normal/heroic. Here I will try my darnedest to explain how lockouts work. As ZG is being removed in Cataclysm, I felt like running it. If the raid continues on to defeat bosses 2, and 3 while you were gone, you will return to the raid with those bosses already defeated. You are free to enter and exit an instance, reset, whatever. Went back to do the void item chain. This tactic will work on Classic unless bliz specifically changes the raid ID system. With my normal ICC 25 man run done, I cannot enter 25 man heroic or 10 man heroic, but I can enter 10 man regular ICC. If you play retail it is very similar to how mythic lockouts work. Could you reword that? Im have difficulty understanding you. I left the raid group and hearthed. Previously they had a once per day lockout. Normal and Heroic are all boss locked. When i left instance and joined in again, it was resetted. Thoughts? If you enter a raid instance and some or all the bosses are dead, it means you shared a strict instance-based lockout with a group, and they cleared the raid without you. What is the quickest way? Main Quest. This was about to be my first run after weeks. Not that it is hard in any way, but rather that they don't understand the specifics of its lockout system as compared to LFR or Normal I am not talking about having a raid leader that already has an ID. Now the moment you STEP into a dungeon, you are marked as 29/30 by the system. Is this standard now? Will I run into this every dungeon? Tried Googling first and This way you have to whisper people and ask them if they're not locked which starts a very common conversation and you become best friends. Later today I joined another group for Armory and Cathedral. You can only play with people that are locked to the same ID. I was notified that after x amount of seconds, i would be saved into the instance so i left before the counter went 0 (leave instance). If you do the new questline that the Vizier has in City of . Our QA guys are looking into it right now and will do their best to isolate the issue as quicky as possible. My raid team has been extending our Sepulcher lockout for several weeks now and are on an 8/11M extended lockout. We’re back today (Sunday) And we can only enter the raid on Normal 25, Can’t set to heroic 25 if we’re inside it will say You are already locked to The Bastion of Twilight (25 Player I know I can do LFR. Now you create your own group to kill hivemind, get 20 people are start pulling. Thing is the dungeon wasn't over! Now I can't queue for this dungeon as there is a padlock beside it and it says "You are already locked to this instance". Post by EpicDragon Exactly. This allows groups to progress through an instance at their own pace, instead of having to complete all of the content in one reset period You accept the id when you in a raid that already killed a boss and you are then locked to that id. Went back to get the Box but now it says im not in the Instance group and tries to teleport me out. It's an NPC near the raid, by the right of the entrance. Now I can't queue for this dungeon as there is a padlock beside it and it says "You are already locked to this instance". If you are the raid leader and you are locked to a raid ID (with a dead boss), yes, anyone else in your group who is not saved to an instance and enters MC will immediately be saved to your raid ID (anyone saved to a different ID will enter the instance they're saved to so you won't be able to see or interact with them). I’ve downed 3 bosses in normal difficulty this week. The warning message you get when entering a cleared id says you'll be locked to the instance only if you kill a boss. =2318&pageNumber=1 _____ Account and Technical Services Forum Representative If you can't find a resolution to your issue, feel free to contact a Support When you kill at least 1 boss in a heroic dungeon you become locked to it. So if you are receiving a warning that you are about to be locked into the instance that means at least one boss has been killed. Any chance of reseting my ID to fresh one just so I can play? Or am i stuck on not playing for whole week and screwing my team over Came to do Tmog run in Antorus the Burning Throne (Mythic). For example, I go into 10 man Ulduar and we down the first 3 bosses and then stop and our raid ID is 105931, then I can bring anyone into that run that isn't saved to get saved, have any existing members from the run continue but I can't go into someone else's run because you can you not do an old raid on both normal and heroic difficulty? is this a new change or am i crazy? Go to wow r/wow. Exited the Hi, after getting locked on normal 25 man on ICC, and sharing that lock, my other toon cant change difficulty to 25 heroic on ICC. As I was leaving I saw the little box pop up that said “you are not in this instance group and are being teleported” so I know I was removed. I then left the raid, put the raid setting to Normal 10, then back to mythic where it defaulted to ICC Heroic 25. Tried Omnotron for a bit then killed Omnotron on 10man normal. Have tehy chagned it or is it a bug? I can not find anything anywhere. When you kill at least 1 boss in a heroic dungeon you become locked to it. . I knew I had done it once already today. to clear it 3x a week. If you are locked and standing inside the dungeon, other same lock ID people cannot get inside because you are in. The game is meant to count how many times an account enters a dungeon/raid instance. We do an attempt on Raz but wipe, lead tries to fill but can’t, everybody leaves, I hearth out, no bosses have been killed while I When you enter a Mythic raid that already has at least one boss down, you'll see a prompt warning you that you're about to saved to that lockout. When I wanted to get in the Mythic instance with a guild, I keep receiving a « You are already locked to Castle Nathria (Normal) » I can’t get into the instance therefore not participate to the raid, is it a bug? [CATA] Normal/Heroic Raid lockout bug issues - WoW Classic Bug Report Loading What lockout system the instance is set to; If you will get immediately saved or not; How many bosses have been killed already; You will then need to accept or decline being saved to the group's progress. But once you get an ID # for a raid, you can not join another raid of that same dungeon until the hello im having a problem here with the instance lock out i did ZG in classic before i transfered my character to TBC ERA and now i cannot enter ZG the instance was suppose to rest yesterday now when i check my Raid Info it shows the raid ID with the name of the raid but with no Timer or cool down. " "Under no circumstances, should Ulduar lock you to the instance for attempting the first boss without killing it. Thanks. My guild has 2 raid groups and dbm will always tell when the other groups engages/kills/wipes on a boss. Please tell me what to do because this way we never can get CE this tier if we cant raid for another week. So Black Temple only had one mode. We had our MT getting locked out tonight, because of this. What im trying to do is to get back into my same ID lockout to kill Lady Deathwhisper and subsequent bosses. It's not a case of "You get 30 new instances every day at 8am. Finally, afther the disband, I haven't been able to go in again by myself as I always get the same message. So if on Kill 1 you get nothing then that week you will get nothing from that bastard. Alt-F4 out of the game. This means you can’t join people that are locked to a different ID, but you can get people without one to join yours and continue where you left off. Once saved, that's it; you'll always zone into the same partially completed zone, until the weekly reset. 6 Answers. You will be teleported to the nearest graveyard in 60 seconds. My main can get in but my alt who has never touched a raid so far keeps getting the message "You are EDIT: To clarify, im NOT trying to kill Marrowgar twice in the same week or ID. ” We did reclear after the extra time it hapenned and now it happens again. She waited until I was back in town and logged out Post by EpicDragon Exactly. Tried Normal a second time and was locked out. Hey OP, instance lockout is NOT instance specific. So far, no progress. This means you cannot choose it specifically but you could get it again via random heroic. So I’ve been trying to farm older raids for transmog gear recently and I’ve run into a bit of a weird situation. You just can't go join another group to continue Mythic. Just like how a fresh group isn't locked until they kill the first boss, I think it makes sense you shouldn't be locked until you kill a I was curious on peoples thoughts of this, I won't explain the "exploit/bug" due to community rules but also my mixed feelings on the topic. When trying to extend my save of 8/9 amirdrassil and zoning in, I spawned onto fyraak missing and without any prompt my lock changed to 9/9 without me accepting anything. If you get a group together and enter the raid, you would find eranog and council already dead. m. You can do 5 locks in 15-20m in the cases above and then do other stuff in between and lock yourself out of the game before the early afternoon. Wotlk raids are a week (unlocks wednesday) and heroic dungeons reset at 8 the morning after. I think that is usually around 6am game time but I'm not 100% sure on that. If someone with your lock ID clears dungeon, you'll have a Only for heroics. Day2: Attempted to enter the raid with a 1 player roster difference, found out that we cant, struggled to enter the raid with 9 of our previous raid members then got into a different lockout with Magmaw back alive. 2. i tried to join other raid but i couldnt enter because i was locked into the When you kill at least 1 boss in a heroic dungeon you become locked to it. Logged back onto the original character and was also unable to change the raid difficulty. I’m partied with myself (Raid group). Im on the same Dificulty and Size I always do, (25H) but tried to get into the other difficulties already just in case. You also cannot join someone elses mythic ID if you're already locked to one ID. Starting from the first dungeon/raid you enter, when you hit 5 the game locks you out until an hour passes since the first instance you entered. The system is just Your sentence makes zero sense. If neither are the same, you're getting the boot. It says "you are already locked to this instance". World of Warcraft PC . unless anyone in the group went and killed the boss after you left. Edit: I think now I got it ;) You were nowhere near the instance, so the griefers just made a new group and quickly zoned in again. These instances are special areas in the World of Warcraft where your group or raid party is able to However I'm running into a small issue with the API. If you wanted to pick up where you left off after the scheduled instance reset, instead of fighting the same bosses again, you could extend the lock-out using the Raid Info page. Edit : I should precise that this means you can still continue to raid with the group you originally joined. You also can't zone into someone else's lockout while Next week you decide to extend lockout. ” This will Because the group has a dungeon ID and you have a dungeon ID. Post by 678294 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Would be really nice to just be able to pug and raid whenever you have time. " - In ICC, can't change to 25HC . When I entered what was supposed to be a fresh instance, instead it said I entered in to an instance already in progress. I am locked out of HoR and PoS on Heroic in the specific dungeons queue. Even if all you do is join a group that already killed at least 1 boss and you click on "Accept" as you enter the raid, you will be locked, regardless of if you kill a boss yourself. However, you are still limited to 5 per hour. the Mythic Raid Lockout. If you accept: If it's a strict instance-based lockout, you will get saved I had my raid setting to Mythic, entered ICC, killed the first boss, received and achievement for normal ICC 10. Now you both are locked to the 'xyz' version of the raid, with wrathion, skittra and maut dead, even though they were killed previous week. Notify me about new: (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, What is the download size for wow? Tech Support. Always make sure there's a Got another two fresh alts. (If I have the raid setting to mythic, it usually defaults to the hardest difficulty) Now I cannot enter ICC. Had So I was in a Horrific Vision and on my 4th wing about to finish up and BOOM kicked out due to not being in the instance group? I can’t find any information on wowhead or other forums. I receive a message stating: You are You can switch the instance from normal to heroic, but any bosses you've killed will still be dead. The dbm giving you notifications about when bosses are engaged on is just because you are in the same guild and the dbm announces this. You cannot run that instance again until your lockout expires. Strict CHANGE HOW RAID ID WORKS! This is the second group I have had that got to boss 5/7 for BFD in SoD and a player logged out and we cannot finish. How do I get it unlocked so I can queue again? This post Mythic locks you to the group you first did it with. Fly to ICC and enter instance and accept the lockout on 25 normal When you are promoted to leader, kick the dc character and switch to heroic and accept the lockout Kill LK who won't drop invincible Log back in to other character and set up another group and repeat with all your other characters. If you kill a boss you will be saved to this lockout. Progress is tied to a fixed instance ID. Mythic raid ID lockouts make sense, but I don't understand why you have to be locked as soon as you join a group that has killed at least 1 boss. Others in this thread have suggested how to tell Whenever you join a raid instance in progress, a pop-up will appear and detail: What lockout system the instance is set to; If you will get immediately saved or not; How many bosses have been killed already; You will then need to accept or decline being saved to the group’s progress. 21, 2010, 11:05 a. However, whenever I try to join a group who is also four bosses in (The exact same as my lockout). ""my question is: why it was resetted"? You also need to tell people to make sure not to release if they die in the raid once you do have it sorted out, because corpserunning back, they could end up running into the same problem and requiring the group to re-form. Someone from your old pug also decides to extend lockout. No idea why lol If you make the group, you should be able to You are already locked to Zul'Gurub. " Mythic is instance locked. Yesterday, at raid time, I zoned into the raid and Pandaria Remix has entire raid IDs locking you out from raids much like WoW classic; unlike Retail where you are barred from boss loot but can enter anyone’s raid, Remix is back to enter a raid, kill a boss, get locked t I get the message after completing Normal, zoning out, then switching to Heroic: You are ineligible to participate in at least one counter in this instance because you are already locked to an instance in which it has been defeated. I was queueing all ICC dungeons for the last few days and haven't seen this till now. Then ran out, switched to 25 HC and now I am unabel to enter the raid. I zoned into Naxx-25, was presented with a message like “X/15 bosses killed, if a boss is killed you will be locked to instance” or something like that. Two saved people unable to enter (“You are already locked”). that didnt only happen to me to also to number of other players and Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. But you are raid lead. Whenever I tried to zone in I got this message "You are already locked to Icecrown Citadel. ” LFR, Normal, and Heroic have what are known as Loot Lockouts, where if you have killed the boss, you cannot loot it again. Hit level 52, went to do BRD with friends, after 2 BRDs I was locked out of the instance. Now im not sure about yogg if you talked to a keeper before engaging him, id say they should try zoning in a fresh group and see what happens Posting this here, because I submitted a ticket and am not getting a timely response, and I already lost an entire raid night over this issue. Am I just SoL or can blizzard actually do something Yes. You can talk to him and he'll instance you to the raid right at the end with a group of NPC, like a Follower Dungeon. 1 Answer. If you enter an instance that is more progressed than your own and get saved to it, you will be locked to all prior bosses. I think it didn't tell me this like a week or so ago. This isn't true. I can clear a legacy raid one time (for instance, I cleared Icecrown Citadel on regular 25 man this week) but not again afterward. Any tips? When you kill at least 1 boss in a heroic dungeon you become locked to it. You finish a stockade run. If you are already saved to a Mythic Raid you can form your own group of unsaved players, enter the raid first and then have the rest of the team enter Icecrown Citadel - cleared up to Arthas on Normal, listed private group, joined with an alt, entered instance. My raid group went to ICC 25 on Tuesday but didn't kill any bosses due to lag/interface issues. as far as I know it’s supposed to be 5 instances per hour but it’s not consistent between characters. Even if just a lone dude is pugging some raid, dbm will announce it to you if you're in the same guild. so i was in a tmog raid (antorus), the leader kicked me after verbally abusing multiple of us, then he killed some bosses AFTER i was kicked, including argus. 7 hours later (9 AM CST) I was still locked out, please edit your post, this is really really misleading. I needed to leave but she wanted to finish. You get lock to a raid ID which resets every Wednesday. Does anybody know what to do? Do I have to wait until the reset? Thanks in advance. This always happend after killing at least one boss in that ID. You are saying two different things. You'll be warned that you're about to be locked to an instance with X bosses killed. I’m trying to do Normal. Two hours before our raid he went into a fresh MC raid, because his hearthstone was on cooldown (to get ported out after dropping the ID lock: You are locked to an instance ID. When I tried entering armory, the game said that I am already locked into scarlet The Instance Lock Extension feature allows players to continue an instance using a Raid ID that would normally have expired after its periodic reset, or has already expired - in other words, picking up from where they left off before the reset. " Can you do this only ONCE a week for ALL difficulties? I thought I would be able. 2022 08 24 I show how to check all of your raid and dungeon lockouts. Waited a day, did 10N Valthira with a friend on his druid, now we can't change to 25HC for Sindragosa/LK but I can do 10HC. If you want to run with him in the future and give more chances then make sure you both have not done the instance and queue together. You can’t then hop to another group; you do it with the first group or don’t. wow) Many topics on this already posted on this, but timewalking and other instance based activites getting “locked” where you can’t cast spells, hearth out, leave group, etc. 4k gs. Go complain to blizzard for subscription strategies. Even if you do not kill that second boss you are still locked just by entering the raid (you will get a 60s timer to accept getting saved when entering and if you decide no you are sent out). To do so, enter on normal, right click portrait, change raid difficulty to heroic. We verified that they obtained a different ID than ours (the same on both) You are already locked to this instance? Bürntmuffin #1 - April 20, 2011, 10:35 p. 5M subscribers in the wow community. I should be able to join another instance party who are on the same stage of the raid as me. " I was in a raid forming up for ZG. You were locked for that one mode, and anyone joining your group would be locked as well, regardless of who was the leader. I run into some computer issues, so I restart my computer. Loot lock: You cannot recieve loot again until the lockout expires, however you are Title says it all Im trying to make the first push with my guild and I trying to be resourceful went to normal to try and get a weapon from Huntsman and now i cant raid with my guild. If you enter an instance that is more progressed than Suddenly I am unable to queue on RDF for heroics despite my 4. For obvious reasons, I miss the rest of the raid, and my guild #wow #shadowlands #dragonflight Today I want to talk about a change in the game I'd like to see. For the second time in two weeks we getting teleported out of the raid instance. r/wow So i just cleared 13/14 SoO with my friend and i left to keep my instance lockout at 13/14, ID, for example: a boss dying even if you're not present for the kill. No, the boss is dead on that lockout. The problem seems to be people who aren’t smart enough to imagine that you don’t have to complete the instance or be playing the entire time. If a player attempts to enter an instance with a lock extension and will become saved to the instance as a result of entering it, he or she should receive the following message: “You have entered an instance that you will be locked to in <x> seconds” and the option to “Accept” or “Leave Instance. If you can’t play with that group again, you need to You can move from group to group during a week as long as you’re joining instances that don’t have bosses alive you’ve already killed. Did all bosses up to Prof solo 10HC, then did Prof 10N, then the vampires 10HC. So, if you trial for the first guild and the panels show, the second time you kill those bosses, you will not see the panels as you are considered loot locked. Since you theoretically killed Magmaw normal and Omnotron Heroic, you have a heroic raid lock, but you can still join a normal group that has both of these bosses already killed. After the run back to zone back in I find out the ID is cleared and this locked me to the instance. This is a big change and a big deal. The 1 hour begins from the last moment you were inside the instance, or if you reset instances that ID becomes permanently inaccessible, requiring 1 hour to become As a result, I'm now stuck on Eonar. This is because random heroic ignores a "lockout". Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. This is key for me, as when the profile is interrupted or restarted for whatever reason I need it to skip the instances it If you do one wing, you’re locked in that wing until tomorrow. If you try to re-log, you’ll get a “Character with that name already exists bug. Each raid you're saved to gets an ID # attached. I get told: "You are already locked to Antorus, the Burning Throne (Mythic)'" Which makes no sense, as I am able to enter my own lockout, but not anybody elses with the same bosses killed. It's been soloed this way for months and a lot of peopel seem to have the same problem. Can someone explain it more? - What counts as entry? Does entering a dungeon as a ghost to resurrect count as one? - Does it start counting from the entrance, or from the moment you exit the instance? (for example, if you were in a raid for more than a hour, will As stated above, in TBC there wasn't the option yet to switch an instance between 25- and 10- man, and there were no heroic raids yet. Cleared ICC 10N for speed. That new group though will not be able to turn on heroic mode at any point. Is this normal? Is there a game mechanic that I'm not Many topics on this already posted on this, but timewalking and other instance based activites getting “locked” where you can’t cast spells, hearth out, leave group, etc. Patreon: Major hostile areas like dungeons, keeps, and other confined areas can have sub-areas called instances (aka instance(d) dungeons). What do i do? For note, its tellin Mythic works differently from the other difficulties. The duality of the wow player The new Blizzard EULA that you were forced to agree to required you to agree to arbitration out of court - this was done by Roku recently who, soon after, Go to wow r/wow • by Terkan is already locked to a different Heroic instance. Died and couldnt return back in. Alt-F4 out of Now we can’t get in it’s telling us “You are ineligible to participate in at least one encounter in this instance because you are already locked to an instance in which it has been defeated. Normal dungeons - no lockout Specific Heroic dungeons - If you join a raid that already has lock and got in the dungeon, you'll get locked. If you are not joining a raid already in progress there is no reason you should have received that warning. Don’t join another group. We had our MT getting locked out ton You got locked Once you go inside you will be prompted to accept the normal lockout, so yes, change to heroic inside the raid and you will get a loading screen then it will now give you a prompt for the heroic lockout, accept now. Being in group or raid changes nothing. What’s up? Joined a pug AQ20 unaware that the host was already locked 6/6 AQ20. You should get locked to a raid ID upon killing a boss not upon entering the instance. Focused more on WoW Classic, Season of You can run Normal and I believe Heroic as many clears as you want but are loot-locked by boss. Got “instance in progress” warning - didn’t click yes. Then it is pretty clear you get locked to the same instance upon entering. If you cleared a HEROIC dungeon with a group, you now have that ID as a personal ID which means once you get booted or exit the dungeon, you may re-enter afterward with everything cleared since your ID matches the dungeon's group ID. I get "You are ineligible to participate in at least one encounter in this instance because you are already locked to an instance in which it has been defeated. I wish after maybe the 1st month of a patch release they would open mythic raiding without being locked to an instance. Talked the the fish no prob. Whatever bosses you loot, as in when the panels appear on your screen, is a once a week thing. " It's a case of "From the time you enter your first instance, you can enter 29 more within a 24 hour period" Source: I Correct me if I am wrong But I think ive seen some streamers already abusing dungeon RESET mechanics, being able to spam dungeons over and over without killing a boss. Tried zoning in and due to the wpvp outside zoned in with prob 9 dots and died after loading into AQ20. You're locked to that specific instance. Loot lock: You cannot recieve loot again until the lockout expires, however you are free to rerun the instance anyway. The first day the 30 lockout happened, I was spamming mara runs for the exp. Dungeons You cannot because he already did the bosses and had his chance at loot for the week. So long as you do not have any progress within that instance (killing a boss). So I moved on to Skyreach immediately and same thing happened. This is simply a complaint to change it so you can join another group who is in the same progression stage. I saw trash farm groups on my server and noone got locked Got raid locked on this character (alt) for helping main raid summon to BFD??? this has to be a bug right? When I run into BFD the trash is there but says im locked and have a raid ID. And if someone else from your group does it first then you can't do it at all because it will already be cleared I wanted to pug mother so I could get her today, but when I wanted to enter instance it said "You are already locked to Uldir (Mythic)". If other players complete that instance while you are absent, the instance will be empty for you as well, because progress is tied to the instance, and not your character. You should ask the raid leader to link ID lock: You are locked to an instance ID. You are also locked in. If you enter an instance with a different group member who has already been “locked It's not a bug. This makes non-boss mobs farmable over and over. Switching to normal also didn’t work, gave “You are Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. Either way I assumed that meant that as long as a boss isn’t killed I won’t be locked. You can run every raid once a week, but once you start a dungeon, you're locked to that ID # for the week. Today my guild was trying Atramedes (H), the raid was started yesterday (saturday) and we were hoping to finish it today. They can't get into the instance if you're already in it with your group. We returned on Thursday and when it was set to heroic a few of us got saved to a separate ID but without any boss kills. I made a group for Shattered Halls normal. I was unable to find any way to find out if a character is instance locked (for heroic modes/raids). The moment you leave and reset the dungeon, you are marked as 29/30 (23:59 counting down). (self. My main (70) and my alt (27). Rhosaleen Currently you will get locked to raid once you enter it. Heroic dungeons now have no lockout. When I passed through the portal, naturally I got kicked back out. Each dungeon reset has its own 24 hour countdown. Make sure you are on 25 normal when entering ICC Side-note: it is possible to join a new group when you are already saved to a raid, however when you enter the raid you won't see your group since their ID will be different than yours. One formed raid, set to heroic and entered. Its not the same ID as the raid tha In a new instance you will not become locked to it until a boss is killed. Normal dungeons have no lockout, you can run them as much as you want. So dont get locked if youre trying to get the XP from on on the 8th. " I just checked. And assuming same adds. Let me know if this should go in a different sub-forum. I am saved to a lockout I didn't participate in and yet it gives me that warning after forming You can move from group to group during a week as long as you’re joining instances that don’t have bosses alive you’ve already killed. Open that up and on the top right theres a box you can expand that shows all of your lockouts. What is going on here? I haven't really seen to the best of my memory a lock for dungeons, just raids. You only get locked out of an instance if you kill the last boss (or a single boss, i am not sure), so people are spamming SM GY without Post by EpicDragon Exactly. We did bastion of Twilight on Wednesday; First 2 bosses Heroic then council normal then did abunch of attempts on Cho’Gal on heroic and ended the raid night without killing him. You can take your lockout and finished the bosses you didn’t kill or join another group that is doing the bosses you haven’t killed and You can also join a new fresh raid as well and kill the bosses you already killed but you will be locked out of any loot So today I did scarlet monastery graveyard and library with one group. Meaning only people who haven't done it at all, or were in it with you can join. We certainly haven’t pulled or killed any bosses at this point. If you decline, you will be teleported out of the instance. I tried to queue up again for that dungeon, but it says "you are already locked to this instance", does that mean I now need to wait till it resets again? r/wow • HUNTERS, You can tame a Pink Elekk in Blackrock Depths during brewfest. Once on Normal, once on Herioc and once on Mythic. After entering I was just in a group to run Deadmines. I tried to search for this but couldn't find anything concise. from instances all over Azeroth. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked Day1: Entered the raid and eventually killed 10H Magmaw. Once tied to an instance ID, you may not enter any other versions of that raid of that difficulty until your raid lock resets. That moment haunted my dreams. “You are not in this instance’s group. Being locked to one raid instance means you can't just jump in and out between raids as time permits. Once you do that, you become locked to the ID which that boss was killed, until the weekly reset the following week. At this very moment if your raid leader has no ID whatsoever you still get locked to the fresh instance after entering. It's the same because it's essentially an extension of the 5 instances per hour rule. I ran Iron Docks on Mythic, Heroic and Normal once each today. If you are locked, you cannot get in the same dungeon to another lock ID'd person. We're in a group and kill eranog, then I kick you and kill council without you. This will still show raid ids you are not locked to however. Every day a reasonable and potential improvement about the LFG tool is posted I do a little On your social menu there is araid tab. Farming the first boss over and over is something you CAN do but you only get a shot at loot the first go. It's a bit confusing!~~~~~💖 Thank you for watching! 💖• Twitch: https: You don’t get a raid ID when you zone in to a fresh instance, you get a raid ID when the first boss dies. ” Now we can’t get back in please Currently you will get locked to raid once you enter it. I submitted a ticket but obviously no response as of yet. Ran Mythic, Heroic and Normal once each. So you end up in your "old group" raid while they get to enter a fresh instance (or I’m starting to get tired of these seemingly random lockout timers for regular dungeons in classic wow. Macintosh Macintosh PC. Hey, I did all the quests for argent tournament but it says I'm already locked to this instance and I can't queue or even walk in nevermind, not out yet, but idk how to delete so rip Edited: August 14, 2022 Posting Permissions You may not post new threads; You already locked to an instance. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. When I try to log back in, I get dumped into a 2 hour queue (totally forgot about those). When leadership passed to my alt, I attempted to change the raid difficulty but all options were greyed out both before and after kicking the original leader. tjqqbvq ato vzqgk jtchz ghfbw trmmlk jhvnpnqff hqrthrz jtbs lzxer