Tazewell county clerk COURTMONEY (877) 222-4668 www. The marriage must take place in the SAME County in which the license is issued. m Flat Recording Fee – with no additional pages $67. Hobson Search by Category ˅ Other questions should be directed to the appropriate Circuit Clerk's office. Boards and Commissions. If you owe fines and fees on other Tazewell County cases the posted bond will be applied to those cases before a refund will be issued. Designation: Tazewell County Clerk; How can I use the Recorder’s Office? Nearly any question about real estate ownership can be researched in the Recorder’s office. Scroll Up. Phone: (423) 626-3283 Fax: (423) 626-6234. Useful Links. Whether you’re here to conduct business with the Clerk’s office or just here to learn more County Board; County Clerk & Recorder; Courts; Departments D-H. , Suite 203, Pekin, IL 61554 (309) 477-2264 – Fax: (309) 477-2244 Application for Search – BIRTH RECORD Name on Birth Record: First Middle Last Date of Birth: Father’s Full Name: Mother’s Full Maiden Name: Tazewell County Advocates are located on the third floor of the Tazewell County Courthouse. Pekin, IL 61554 309-477-2214 IRAD Depository Illinois State University 2016 Warehouse Rd. For Freedom of Information Act County Clerk. If you wish to inquire about filling out an Order of Protection you may contact an advocate at (309)346-6645. Representatives; Agendas & Minutes; Calendar; County History Tazewell County Clerk; BOYNTON. Land & Property records are kept in the office of the Tazewell County Recorder of Deeds, McKenzie Building, 11 S. on 10 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. PEKIN, Ill. illinoiscourts. The County Court Clerk is an elected official in Claiborne County, Tennessee, serving a four-year term. As a result of this policy, you may see some changes in the amount or content of case information that you are able to see on our Portal website. Hobson: Civil & Criminal Office -2nd Floor, Room 204 Traffic Office – 2nd Floor, Room 206 Jury Commission – 2nd Floor, Room 204 Jury Information The right to a trial by an impartial jury of one’s peers is one of the hallmarks of the American judicial system. , Pekin, IL 61554. com Circuit Clerk [edit | edit source] Address 342 Court Street Pekin, Illinois 61554 Phone: (309) 477 Birth Records in Tazewell County (Illinois) Find key information on getting birth records in Tazewell County, IL. 911; Office Address: County Board Office McKenzie Building 11 S. , Suite 203 Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: (309) 477-2264 Fax: (309) 477-2244 Date Requested: Request Submitted by (circle one): E-Mail U. You can view the daily court docket, complete your jury questionnaire, make payments and much more. Inmate Lookup - Warrants. 102 Pekin, IL 61554. Primary Menu. Publication Date. Weekend Rules. 35 Financing Statements (UCC) – $49. The Nature Conservancy declared the Clinch River Basin to be one of only twenty “Last Great Places” in the Request Submitted to: Tazewell County Clerk’s Office Freedom of Information Officer 11 S. courtmoney. 6 miles The Village Clerk is responsible for maintaining official village records, preparing agendas and minutes for village board meetings, and administering elections. Certified birth records can be requested from the Tazewell County County Clerk or the Illinois Department of Public Health. gov brbrooks@vacourts. ” Anyone may have access to it free of charge. org The Peoria County Advocates can be reached at The following links have the lists of approved mediators and GALs: Approved Mediators Approved Guardian Ad Litems The history of this office dates back to 1827, when Tazewell County was formed out of the eastern portion of Peoria County (some folks here would say it was the better part). gov Designation: Tazewell County Clerk Effective 7-1-01 In compliance with State Statutes, as of July 1, 2002, Recorder’s offices in Illinois can only accept UCC’s that are: Designation: Assistant County Administrator/Finance Director Office Address: 11 S 4th St. Physical. Representatives; Agendas & Minutes; Calendar; County Board; County Clerk & Recorder; Courts; Departments D-H. The clerk's office is located in the Claiborne County Court House in Tazewell, Tennessee. B)Next Please note that Tazewell County Administrative Order 2009-3 authorizes the Circuit Clerk’s Office to apply bond money posted in a case to any outstanding fines or fees owed on other Tazewell County cases. 1a : For reproduction of any document contained in the clerk’s file: A)First page, $2. Where Do I Vote? Early Voting Schedule; 2025 Election Calendar; 2025 Local Election Official Handbook; 2025 Consolidated Sample *** The Administrative Office of Illinois Courts adopted a Remote Access Policy that became effective January 1, 2020. Elections Results; Adoption Information; Attorney Information; Child Support; Children First Program; Compliance Information; Copy Requests; Criminal Division; Divorce Information The Tazewell County Clerk, Recorder’s Office, is the repository for many types of documents. The Tazewell County Clerk charges $5. Phone: 309-477-2214. Place of Publication. 4 th St. Inmate Lookup - Custody. until 4:30 p. The Clerk makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other linked sites. #203 Pekin IL (Permanent Site): WEEKDAYS: Monday through Friday September 26th – October 17th 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM. This should be done even if you have been out of the service for many years. Skip to main content. Tazewell Circuit Court West Main Street, Tazewell, VA. By filling out and submitting Tazewell, TN 37879. Jury Commission. Designation: Tazewell County Clerk County Liquor License Application; Liquor License Ordinace; Raffle License Application Beginning November 12, 2014, Tazewell County Circuit Court is pleased to offer the legal community the ability to electronically file documents for certain civil actions through the If copies are to be made by the Clerk's Office for service, additional fees of $. Administrative Office 309-477-2201; Felony, Court 101 309-478-3872; Criminal Tazewell County Circuit Clerk. Mail Fax In Person Name of Requester: Other Courts Nearby. com Phone: 855-642-2453 If you are requesting copies from cases prior to 1989 or filmed cases, they can be accessed in Room 204 (309) 477-2217. Email: countyclerk@claibornecountytn. gov cbrewster@vacourts. Phone: 276 385-1222 Fax: 276 988-7501 Email: csmoore@vacourts. As a prospective juror, you are a crucial and indispensable part of this process. Beginning January 1, 2020, The Assessment Office hours will be from 8:00 a. Administrative Order Amending the Rules of the Circuit Court of the 10th Judicial Circuit to address e-filing Rules of the Circuit Court of the 10th Judicial Circuit, State of Illinois TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT SELF-REPRESENTED LITIGANT HELP DESK The Self-Represented Litigant Help Desk is a project of the Tenth Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Committee of the Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI). Our mobile application has many features to stay connected with our office and access useful information. Appointed by the Circuit Clerk and under the direct supervision and direction of the Chief Deputy/Department Manager, the Deputy Circuit Clerk is responsible for initiating and maintaining accurate court records and assisting with the collection of fines and Remote proceedings may be requested either in writing or in-person. (Includes Mailing of Notices and IL State Police Fee) If You Have Further Questions or Would Like to Fill Out an Expungment Form Please Visit the Following Website: www. Hobson Search by Category ˅ Tazewell County Clerk's Office. Or, for more information, call our office directly. There is a small fee for copies of any Bond can be completed by coming to the Tazewell County Justice Center and speaking with a Jail Clerk or through Court Money over the phone. 50 per page will be added. 203 Election Division Pekin, Illinois 61554 – 4298 (309) 477-2267 Recorder’s Division (309) 477-2210 BUSINESS UNDER AN ASSUMED NAME GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Tazewell County (Illinois). County Board. County Clerk (Corporate) Format. 1982. State statutes require that these documents be kept forever and that they are stored in a medium that meets standards as set in the Illinois Archival Standards Statutes. 120 McKenzie Building Pekin, Illinois 61554 Phone: 309-477-2237 TAZEWELL COUNTY _____ Temporary sites: Early Voting will be conducted at the following sites . Website Find out how to request birth, death, marriage and civil union records from the Tazewell County Clerk's Office. com Phone: 855-642-2453 The Child Support Division is located on the second floor of the Tazewell County Courthouse in Room 204. If the document is found, an uncertified copy can be issued at no further cost. Hanna City Village Clerk North 1st Street, Hanna City, IL - 11. The Circuit Clerk’s Office does not take direct child support payments. References (Digital Collection) Illinois, county marriages, 1810-1940 VOTE Charity McDaniel Hurst for Tazewell County Clerk of Court! Vote Integrity! I took an Oath and I stand by that Oath. Phone: 309-477-2218. With a focus on professionalism, accountability, and integrity, the Treasurer's Office ensures the safe and proper depositing, recording, investing, and disbursing of county funds, while We encourage you to download the Tazewell County mobile application. Electronic recording (eRecording) results in greater efficiency and better use of existing resources. Jefferson St. 4th Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 203, Pekin, Illinois, 61554, United States Clerk’s Office Tazewell County Clerk / Recorder Election Division (309) 477-2264 John C. This is the case management system for circuit courts in Virginia. Hobson Search by Category ˅ List of County Holidays: 2021 County Holidays & 2022 County Holidays Circuit Clerk – Lincoln C. Skip to content. gov. This is a project with a limited number of courts. The Tazewell County Clerk’s Office determines and schedules sites for early voting. CHAIRPERSON OF DEMOCRAT PARTY IN CLAIBORNE COUNTY. Circuit Court Case Information . Airport Authority; Animal Shelter Board of Directors What forms of payment are accepted by the Circuit Clerk? If paying in person: Cash Credit/debit cards (4% service fee to apply) Money orders/certified checks Personal/company checks By Mail: Personal/company checks Money orders/certified checks By Phone: 1-800-352-9870 – (4% service fee plus $3. Karen Hurst County Clerk. County Government. 309-477-2201; E-filing Certified marriage certificates are issued by the Tazewell County Clerk's office, while noncertified copies of marriage records from 1869 to 1950 can be obtained from the Tazewell County marriage records collection. , Rm. If paying in cash the exact bond amount and fees are needed. We are proud to have been a part of the Eighth Circuit that Abraham Lincoln rode PETITION TO EXPUNGE OR SEAL IN AN EXISTING CASE OR TO FILE A NEW MR CASE: $144. , Suite 203 Pekin, IL 61554; Phone: 309-477-2264; Fax: 309-477-2244; Email FOIA Officer; Request Submitted to: Tazewell County Clerk’s Office Attn: FOIA Officer (Freedom of Information Officer) Freedom of Information Act Request Form; TAZEWELL, TN 37879 423-526-9829 office. KAREN HURST P. Location and mailing via UPS or FedEx: 2 Bill Burnett Circle Union City, TN 38261. , Ste. Term ends August 2026. 3,177 likes · 39 talking about this · 310 were here. , Suite 203 Pekin, IL 61554 B. TAZEWELL COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE: Jail Information. Form and Content of Requests 1. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for data herein. Child Support Questions for: Driver’s License Suspensions Hunting and Fishing Licenses Call 1-800-447-4278 Questions regarding changing employer & Tazewell County Clerk The County Clerk maintains birth, marriage, and death records for Tazewell County. m. See the county holidays, ADA accessibility, and contact details for 2023. Lincoln C. Designation: Tazewell County Clerk Tazewell County Recorder, reminds all veterans that their discharges (DD 214) should be taken to the Recorder’s office and recorded. If you are considering such a proceeding, you should note the following: It is in the best interests of each of the parties to consult attorneys regarding the dissolution of their marriage. , 2nd Fl. The Tazewell County Assessment Office accepts no responsibility for the consequences of the inappropriate use or the interpretation of data. 4th St. Research Services If you are unable to visit us, our volunteers are available to do a wide range of research. Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) PREA Annual Report. Illinois Department of Public Health The Division of Vital Records maintains birth and death records for the state of Illinois. Home; Government. Tazewell County Courthouse Open: 8:30AM - 5:00PM M-F 342 Court Street Pekin, IL 61554. 203 Pekin, Illinois 61554 - 4298 RULES TO OBTAIN A MARRIAGE LICENSE IN TAZEWELL COUNTY 1. Scan the QR Code below or search Tazewell County Circuit Clerk in the Tazewell County Circuit Clerk. 203 Pekin, IL 61554 309-477-2264 – County Clerk 309-477-2210 – Recorder Circuit Clerk Tazewell County Courthouse 342 Court St. Ackerman. * Procedure for Courtroom 302, Effective December 3,2020 The Tazewell County Clerk presents the information on this website as a service to the public. Microfilm 35mm. 00 No Legal Advice, Opinions, Legal Please note that Tazewell County Administrative Order 2009-3 authorizes the Circuit Clerk’s Office to apply bond money posted in a case to any outstanding fines or fees owed on other Tazewell County cases. Tazewell County Clerk & Recorder of Deeds, Pekin, Illinois. Requests may be submitted in any written form that you choose or you can About Claiborne County Clerk. Bonding hours are 24 hours / 7 days a week. Discover some of the employment opportunities offered by the Tazewell County Office. Office of Voter Registration for Tazewell County Voters, Voting, and Elections, General Registrar Tazewell County Clerk/Recorder McKenzie Building 11 S. Charity D. - 4:00 P. Access online applications, forms, maps, Online Court Records Hearings Search Forms Payments Thank you for visiting the website of the Tazewell County Clerk of the Circuit Court. Tazewell County Circuit Clerk. 35 Plats of Survey – $48. Is there any charge? All the information in the Recorder’s office is “public record. Learn more by calling today! Skip to main content. You may also find more information by visiting www. 1 miles The Tazewell Magistrate's Office handles legal matters, issues warrants, conducts preliminary hearings, sets bail, processes paperwork, administers oaths, and solemnizes marriages. Website managed by Tazewell County Information & Technology . See examples of 2024 General Primary Sample Ballots with Tazewell County. Requests are granted at the discretion of the Court. Please contact the County Clerk’s Office at 309-477-2267 for those locations, dates, and times. Traffic Division. Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah. Hobson Search by Category ˅ Tazewell County, Illinois is seeking an experienced, highly motivated and collaborative individual to serve as a Deputy Circuit Clerk. Guide Tazewell County Circuit Clerk. 00 Federal Liens – $11. Ackerman (309) 477-2267 11 South Fourth St. The clerk announced during a mid-morning news conference the new Property Fraud Review And. Bonding. O. 00 for a document search - whether a record is found or not. To avoid the additional fees, copies may be sent via Tazewell County Assessment Office. 00 Certified Copy – $12. Among the documents accepted Please send check or money order payable to TAZEWELL COUNTY CLERK, McKenzie Building, 11 S. Circuit Local Rules prichmond@tazewell-il. Tazewell County Quick Contact Information. The Clerk has tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. Contact us today to learn more. 1 miles. Adoption Information; Attorney Information; Child Support; Children First Program; Compliance Information; Copy Requests; Criminal Division; Divorce Information Other Payment Options Please Use COURTMONEY To Make Payments On Existing Case Fines and Fees. 40 Non-standard Documents – Non-compliance with standardization requirements $79. 50 phone fee to apply) Traffic form# 129202 Criminal form# 129206 Child Other Clerk Offices Nearby. to 4:00 p. The Help Desk is staffed virtually by pro bono attorneys who provide brief advice referrals, and limited scope representation to eligible self-represented The county records in Illinois are typically kept in the following offices: County Clerk keeps birth, marriage and death recordsCounty Recorder keeps land recordsCircuit Court Clerk keeps court and probate records. Box 188 Union City, TN 38281. By proceeding with a property search you are stating that the notice has been read and that you understand and agree with its contents. Phone: 309-478-5699. English. Fax: 309-353-7801. Tazewell County Clerk’s Office Freedom of Information Officer 11 S. Compliance Division. Publisher. Deferred Prosecution; Emergency Management; ETSB (911 Board) Finance Department; GIS Department; The Tazewell County Assessment Office makes every Designation: Tazewell County Clerk; To Submit an Action Report to the County Clerk Click here . gov . Language. We only accept Child Support annual fees. S. Deferred Prosecution; Emergency Management; ETSB (911 Board Tazewell, TN 37879 Phone: (423) 626-3283 Fax: (423) 626-1661 Obion County Clerk: Crystal Crain. Ackerman (309) 477-2264 11 South Fourth St. Per Illinois statute 705ILCS105/27. Marriage counseling services are available to you Designation: Tazewell County Clerk; Office Address: 11 S. Phone: 309-477-2213. If a certified copy is desired, the fee will increase to $15. The Clerk of Court stands in the court room and administers the Oath to others. (WMBD) — Records in Tazewell County will be a bit safe, says County Clerk John Ackerman. For Technical Support, Contact: Permitium Software Email: help@permitium. Electronic Recording or eRecording automates document examination, fee collection, image retention, data processing and eliminates paper. Tazewell County Circuit Court Charity D. As a result of this policy, you may see some changes in the amount or content of case information that you are able Find out where and when to park, access the courthouse, and get court information from the Tazewell County Circuit Clerk. BRUCE STONE 636 WASHINGTON AVENUE HARROGATE, TN 37752 515-306-8488. Salt Lake City, Utah. Payment for copies must be received before or in person at the time of request. State statutes require that all documents recorded by the office be maintained and kept forever, and that they are kept in a medium that is in accordance with the standards set in the Illinois Archival Standards Statutes. gov; Digital Recording All media access to hearings has to go through the approval process. Requests must be made in accordance with the FOIA. 40 Plats (Subdivisions & Condos) – $94. Representatives; Agendas & Minutes; Tazewell County Clerk; 2024 November; 2024 March; 2023 April; 2022 November; 2022 June; 2021 April; 2020 November; 2020 March; 2019 Tazewell County Circuit Court Charity D. Term ends August 2030 COUNTY CLERK. Hobson Search by Category ˅ THE ILLINOIS ADOPTION REGISTRY AND MEDICAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE Members of birth and adoptive families may contact the Department of Public Health and apply for non-identifying or identifying adoption information through the Illinois Adoption Registry and Medical Information Exchange. Morton, IL 61550 County Clerk’s Office 11 S. You can also apply for a business under an assumed name or submit an action report online. Phone: Tazewell County, Virginia The Scenic Gateway to the Heart of the Appalachians. com (Service Fee May Apply) Tazewell County Clerk and Recorder McKenzie Bldg. M. Mailing via USPS P. Hurst, Clerk Phone: (276) 385-1222 Fax: (276) 988-7501 Email: churst@vacourts. Hurst, Clerk 135 Court Street Suite 202 Tazewell, VA 22664. Tazewell County Courts * Effective November 30, 2020, Administrative Order 2020-21 Updated COVID-19 Circuit-wide Operational Plan, including Courthouse Access and Jury Trials. BOYNTON-001 – BOYNTON-DEM-C2; BOYNTON-002 – BOYNTON-NP-C4; BOYNTON-001 – BOYNTON The Tazewell County Treasurer's Office in Pekin, IL is an elected government entity responsible for the efficient management and oversight of county funds. centerforpreventionofabuse. See the precinct maps for Tazewell County on our website. gov 135 Court Street, Suite 202 Tazewell, VA 24651-1071 Hours: 8:00 A. Requests must be made at least 3 business days before the proceeding. The clerk's responsibilities include maintaining court records, issuing marriage licenses, and collecting taxes. Recording times are from 8:00 a. Official Facebook Page for the Tazewell County Clerk & Recorder of Deeds Office The Tazewell County Circuit Clerk's office is now accepting subsequent filings for criminal cases through e-File Illinois for the following case categories: Felony; Misdemeanor; DT; Juvenile Abuse and Neglect; Juvenile Delinquency . County Clerk Links-County Board Minutes - Elections-Freedom of Information - Tax Information - Vital Records - Yearbook - Statement of Economic Interest Form Tazewell County Board Monthly Meeting in Justice Center Community Room - 6:00 PM; County Holiday Schedule . 11 S. Tazewell County nurtures a special position in the majestic Appalachian Mountains of southwest Virginia. Email: recorder@tazewell. The office is located at: McKenzie Building 11 S 4th Street Pekin, Illinois 61544. Ste. This guide links you to official websites for vital records, including birth certificate applications, replacements, and corrections. gov courtadmin@tazewell-il. BOX 173 TAZEWELL, TN 37879 423-626-3283 office. 4th Street, Ste. Find information and services related to elections, vital statistics, recording, taxes, and more from the Tazewell County Clerk and Recorder. Peoria County Clerk Main Street, Peoria, IL - 9. Contact Lori Shelton (Court Administrator)for further instructions. Click here to be directed to the Tenth Judicial Circuit Court Of Illinois website for more information. Designation: Tazewell County Clerk; Tax Buyer Contact Information; Equalized Assessed Valuations and Tax Rates; 2023 Tax Computation Report; 2022 Tax Computation Report; 2021 Tax Computation Report; 2020 Tax Computation Report; 2019 Tax Computation Report; 2018 Tax Computation Report; Adoption Information; Attorney Information; Child Support; Children First Program; Compliance Information; Copy Requests; Criminal Division; Divorce Information General information concerning Simplified Dissolution of Marriage A dissolution of marriage is a serious legal step. Phone & Hours. For more information: Illinois Department of Public Tazewell County Clerk in November 6, 2018 Illinois 2018 General Election Tazewell County Clerk in March 20, 2018 Illinois 2018 Primary Election View your personalized ballot , check your voter registration , make a plan to vote , and research every name and Tazewell County Clerk / Recorder Clerk’s Office John C. 00 John C. There is a small fee. *We recommend that the initial submission of a homestead exemption be completed in person, so that the information may be verified. Detainee Visitation. Vital Statistics Division 309-477-2264; Elections Division 309-477-2267; Recorder 309-477-2210; Courts. The Claiborne County Clerk’s office provides numerous services for the citizens of Claiborne County such as automobile registrations, notary public applications, marriage applications and issuance of business Designation: Tazewell County Clerk; The Recorder’s office is the repository for many types of documents. Peoria County - (309) 672-6000; Tazewell County - (309) 477-2214; Marshall County - (309) 246-6435; Putnam County - (815) 925-7016; Tazewell County Tazewell County Courthouse 342 Court St Rm. 432 Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 309-477-2272 Phone: 309-478-5703 Email the Tazewell County Board Office Tazewell County Circuit Clerk Portal *** The Administrative Office of Illinois Courts adopted a Remote Access Policy that became effective January 1, 2020. Productivity increases by Tazewell County Circuit Clerk. Morton Township 300 W. Illinois State Supreme Court. Find a list of prior election results for Tazewell County on our website! For more information, reach out directly. Farmington City Clerk Designation: Tazewell County Clerk; Enjoy processing documents in minutes. Clerk of the Circuit Court; Commissioner of Accounts; Commissioner of Revenue; Commonwealth’s Attorney; Department of Social Services; Registrar; Schools; Sheriff’s Office. It is important that our citizens know the importance of taking an Oath and the responsibility that comes with that Oath. Tazewell Magistrate Court Court Avenue, Tazewell, VA - 0. Official Facebook Page for the Tazewell County Clerk & Recorder of Deeds Office Tazewell County Circuit Clerk November 1, 2022 Civil Fee Schedule. 00 due when the petition is filed.
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