Darke county court schedule us children's lives, with the following schedule to be used when the parents cannot agree. RULE 53 (A) HOURS OF THE COURT . Darke County Courthouse, Third Floor 504 South Broadway, Suite 7 Greenville, OH 45331. 00 $123. 23 and Friday, Nov. Amenities include locker rooms, restrooms, and water. Friday, Nov. Assistance Toggle Dropdown. us IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, DARKE COUNTY, OHIO parenting time schedule shall continue for eight (8) weeks. $50. 1 TO 9 Miles Over Speed Limit $103. Eviction Complaints must either be filed in person, as Darke County Municipal Court Waiver & Bond Schedule Effective 01. 1 TO 9 MILES OVER SPEED LIMIT $103. 00 $163. Fair Beef Market Show - Cattle Show Arena children's lives, with the following schedule to be used when the parents cannot agree. us. There will be a delay between court filings and judicial action and the posting of such data. 00 Small Claims Complaint (1 or 2 Defendants Ohio Law requires all persons applying for a court-appointed attorney to pay a non-refundable $25. Municipal Court 504 South Broadway Suite 7 Greenville, OH 45331 Phone: (937) 547-7340 Fax: (937) 547-7378. Find the location and calendar for the Business Court. 00 30 Miles Over Speed Limit MUST APPEAR Darke County Courts. to 12 noon and 1:00 p. 1, 2024 - New Year's Day - Closed The Darke County Probate Court computer record information disclosed by the system is current only within the limitations of the Darke County Probate Court data retrieval system. Broadway Street Greenville, Ohio 45331 (937) 547-7335 Monday-Friday; 8:00 a. for the transaction of business from 8:00 A. 10 Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7336 E-Mail: cpike@co. In the Criminal Division, the Court also possesses original jurisdiction to hear all adult felony criminal cases and also presides over the Darke County Grand Jury, which has the power to hand down indictments in criminal Darke County Municipal Court. us 9. Aslinger began his service as judge of Darke County Probate and Juvenile Courts on April 4, 2011, upon appointment by Governor John Kasich. Be advised requests can take 2-3 business days for a reply, please l Meeting Minutes from the Darke County Commissioners. Registration is required for all classes. 2 for inmate information. Darke County’s judicial system includes the following courts: Court of Common Pleas 504 South Broadway Suite 10 Greenville, OH 45331 Phone: (937) 547-7335. Phone: 937-547-7340 Fax: 937-547-7378 Email: cinfo@co. eCourts Counties Only: Find civil and criminal calendars by county and court type. FROM THE DARKE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE Particulars for obtaining a Marriage License should be directed to the Darke County Probate Court at (937) 547-7345. Juvenile/Probate Court 300 Garst Avenue Greenville, OH 45331 Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. 00 10 TO 19 MILES OVER SPEED LIMIT $118. We're conveniently located just a short drive from the 70/75 interchange in Dayton + we're within 100 miles of Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis. The official records are located in the Darke County Probate/Juvenile Court, 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville, Ohio 45331. The information provided on this website is updated regularly. unless otherwise Ordered by the Court. A $142 fee is required at the time of filing. The event features Grand National and Ohio State Championship Kidde Tractor Pulls, a DIY youth birdhouse build, a kids' fishing pond, appearance by Cincinnati Bengals mascot WhoDey (April 1 from 11 a. DARKE COUNTY FAIR: The week of the Darke County Fair shall not be taken as a “vacation” week by either parent, and shall be divided equally between the parties pursuant to the following arrangement, which deviates from the above summer parenting arrangement: a. Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. By acquainting yourself with the calendar, you can better comprehend the timing of cases that may affect you straight or indirectly. By direction of the Judge, the Clerk of Courts has the power to speak for the Court with relation Darke County Fairgrounds Calendar includes all upcoming events and info occurring at the Darke County Fairgrounds throughout the year. Also, this schedule Darke County Fair Office 800 Sweitzer Street Greenville, Ohio 45331. us About Darke Common Pleas Court. The lines are permanent, and portable nets are available. Where can I get information on zoning or the township where I reside? Please contact Zoning Inspector at 937-547-7381 for the appropriate township in question. The Probate Court shall be closed on Saturday,. LOCAL RULES . us Call the Court (based on location being served) Revive Judgment, Show Cause or Contempt (Motion w/proposed Entry). darke. 00 Small Claims Complaint (1 or 2 Defendants Civil actions may be filed in this court if the total amount of damages is $15,000. oh. 00 $138. By direction of the Judge, the Clerk of Courts has the power to speak for the Court with relation Darke County Veterans' Display for Exhibit Items • Midnight - Gates Close SUNDAY, AUGUST 20 • 7:00 AM Gates Open • 8:00 AM Horse Show-Horse Show Arena-Horse Halter 8:00 AM-Contesting won’t start before 5:00 pm • 10:00 AM Great Darke County Fair Community Church Service - Gazebo • 10:00 AM Pee Wee Poultry - Poultry Barn Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. For more information about the Darke County Clerk of Courts, click the link below: Darke County Clerk of Courts. , Monday through Friday, except all legal holidays and as otherwise ordered by the Court. and prepares reports; appears as witness in court when from the darke county commissioners office Click to request . us Mar 5, 2024 · Darke County Court of Common Pleas JASON R. 00 Small Claims Complaint (1 or 2 Defendants The Court has appellate jurisdiction over decisions of some state and local administrative agencies, boards and commissions. Pursuant to House Bill 390, this new process is in accordance with the contract between R 301 Wagner AvenueGreenville, Ohio 45331(937) 548-3777 Facility Hours (Effective January 1, 2024)Monday -Thursday: 5:00 am – 9:00 pm Friday: 5:00 am – 8:00 pmSaturday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pmSunday: Closed Please note: the pool will close 30 minutes before the building closes. Resources for the Darke County Court of Common Pleas as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Darke County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. us Darke County Municipal Court 504 South Broadway, Suite 7 Greenville, OH 45331 Email us: cinfo@co. New Year's Day: Wednesday, January 1st: Resources for the Darke County Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Darke County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. 24 - Thanksgiving - Closed Monday, Dec. The Darke County Common Pleas Court, located in Greenville, Ohio, is a court of general jurisdiction that handles a variety of cases, including criminal felony cases, civil stalking protection orders, civil actions where the amount in controversy exceeds $5,000, and appeals of decisions from certain administrative agencies. Toggle navigation Darke County Probate/Juvenile Court. Please check back. Only local bank checks and cash will be accepted for payment of filing fees, no starter checks or credit/debit cards are accepted. Darke County Clerk of Courts Darke County Courthouse 504 S. 00 30 MILES OVER SPEED LIMIT MUST APPEAR The Darke County Probate/Juvenile Court shall not be liable for losses or damages resulting from errors, omissions, or discrepancies in these records. The Probate Court and its offices shall be open . 00 30 Miles Over Speed Limit MUST APPEAR Sep 14, 2021 · COMMON PLEAS COURT OF DARKE COUNry, OHIO PROBATE DIVISION LOCAL RULES SUPERINTENDENCV HOURS OF THE COURT The probate Court and its Offices shall be open for the to 4:30 0'clock P. 00 or less. , Monday – Friday. CAMPING. LOCAL SUPERINTENDENCY . pdf files of archived meeting minutes. EXAMINATION OF PROBATE FILES, RECORDS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS Darke County Clerk of Courts Darke County Courthouse, Third Floor 504 South Broadway, Suite 7 Greenville, OH 45331 Phone: 937-547-7340. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the Ohio court system. Normal Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 4:30 pm Closed for lunch between 12 pm Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. to 4:30 p. 19 Speed Waiver Schedule 1ST OFFENSE 2ND OFFENSE w/in 12 mos. Phone: 937-548-5044 Fax: 937-548-8286 For more information about the Darke County trial courts, click on the links below Darke County Court of Common Pleas,General Division Civil, Criminal, and Domestic Relations Click here to access the online docket Darke County Court of Common Pleas,Probate and Juvenile DivisionsClick here to access the online docket Darke County Municipal Court Click here to access the online docket Inmate Visiting Hours at the Darke County Jail Darke County Jail ON-SITE VISITATION SCHEDULE. The CarTeen program is conducted by the Ohio State University, Darke County, and Darke County 4-H, with the Ohio State Patrol, Darke County Juvenile Court, and Darke County Traffic Safety Committee cooperating ; Court costs of $144. Courts of Common Pleas in Darke County Jul 10, 2024 · The Great Darke County Fair News & Information including info about upcoming events at the Darke County Fairgrounds. darkecountysheriff. The Darke County Jail in OH houses inmates who are awaiting court dates or serving sentences. Search court case records Dane County Judges Duty Judge Schedule Court Commissioners Judge Archive Courthouse Photos. Darke County Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Jul 10, 2023 · 2023 Darke County Fair King & Queen selected. us Particulars for obtaining a Marriage License should be directed to the Darke County Probate Court at (937) 547-7345. Jurors. us Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. us Visit Website Aug 16, 2024 · Darke County Horseshoe Club Tournament - Horseshoe Court Kids Activity - Alcohol Ink Art - Fine Arts Buidling 6:00 - 8:00 P. eCourts Counties Only: Search Portal for court dates by name, citation number, county, and more. The jail is staffed 24 hours a day. Please include the date you are seeking + your contact information Darke County is located within the Second District Court of Appeals. 00 10 TO 19 Miles Over Speed Limit $118. 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331. Below is a directory of court locations in Darke County. eCourts Portal. Waiver Schedule If you have a non-jailable offense and choose not to come to court, you may pay the fine and court costs listed on the waiver schedule prior to your assigned court date and Darke County Municipal Court 504 South Broadway, Suite 7 Greenville, OH 45331 Email us: cinfo@co. The purpose of this website is to make available public records held by the Clerk of the Court, as well as information regarding the operations of the Court. Please include the date you are seeking + your contact information Group Exercise Class Schedule. This schedule presumes that if the parents have more than one child, the parenting time will be exercised with all children together. A court of law in Darke County, Ohio, handling criminal, traffic, small claims, and probation cases, with an animal shelter and auditor's office. us Office Hours: M-F from 8 am to 4:30 pm (open during lunch) Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. Common types of civil actions are: Evictions, Contracts, Personal Injury and Property Damage. Jason R. us The office of the Clerk of Courts shall be open for the transaction of business from 7:30 a. 1. (937) 548-3777 in Greenville, (937) 526-4488 in Versailles. NOTE: On Options One and Two, children who are. 2 4 days ago · In and Around Darke County, OH Apple Picking Corn Mazes Pumpkin Picking Halloween Events Restaurants Movie Times Car Deals and Guide Real Estate Jobs Classifieds Gas Prices Museums Coffee Spots Parks The Common Pleas Court is a trial court that hears criminal felony cases, all civil cases in which the claim is for more than $15,000 and cases involving title to real estate, such as foreclosures. Darke County Probate/Juvenile Court. Classes run on a monthly schedule (See back cover of program guide or back side of group exercise schedule for the dates) Members may register at any time for any program in the current program guide. You may print this Eviction Complaint Form and take it to the Darke County Municipal Court, 504 South Broadway, Suite 7, Greenville, OH 45331, located on the 3rd floor of the Darke County Courthouse, to file, or complete the form at the court. Darke County Ohio is easy to find and hard to forget. Monnin, Judge Jeanette Walker, Clerk. MEETING MINUTES + OCCASSIONAL UPDATES. The Municipal Court hears cases involving traffic, non-traffic misdemeanors, violations of municipal ordinances, evictions, and civil claims that are $15,000 or less. Darke County Municipal Court | Ohio Legal Help The Great Darke County Fair o r p d t s S e o n 9 4 9 i 2 s l f 1 3 i 7 l i 0 1 a t M u t c 5 9 9 A 1 9 : t t g 9 2 1 u 2 7 t 9 P 0 1 3 2 3 · Shared with Public Come play pickleball at Darke County YMCA Greenville in Greenville, OH! There are 2 indoor concrete courts. Julie L. Phone: 937-548-5044 Fax: 937-548-8286 Darke County Municipal Court Waiver & Bond Schedule Effective 03. Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 Email: commonpleas@co. Court of Appeals Calendar of Oral Arguments Call the Court (based on location being served) Revive Judgment, Show Cause or Contempt (Motion w/proposed Entry). 00 application fee (whether you are approved or denied). In the Criminal Division, the Court also possesses original jurisdiction to hear all adult felony criminal cases and also presides over the Darke County Grand Jury, which has the power to hand down indictments in criminal Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. org Summary Under general direction, patrols designated area of the county to maintain order and enforce laws and ordinances; investigates complaints, accidents, crime reports, etc. Cindy Pike Clerk of Courts 504 South Broadway – Ste. The parents may change the schedule upon mutual agreement if in the best interests of the children. Jr. PROBATE DIVISION . Check pool schedule for opening time. Judge Aslinger grew up in Darke County and graduated from Greenville High School. 00 Small Claims Complaint (1 or 2 Defendants The Darke County Sheriff's Home & Sports Expo celebrates its 59th event at The Great Darke County Fairgrounds. Also, this schedule Darke County Common Pleas Court. DC Commissioners NEWS. 24. Feb 14, 2025 · Darke County Court Calendar Ohio – County court calendars offer important information about upcoming court hearings, trials, and legal proceedings in your area. ASLINGER, JUDGE Probate / Juvenile Division Parents are encouraged to create an equitable, written parenting time schedule that fits their circumstances and their children-s lix es, with the following minimum schedule to be used when the parents cannot agree. Hours (Effective January 1, 2025) Monday – Wednesday: 5:30 am – 8:00 pm Job Type: Full Time Education Level: High School Diploma or GED Career Level: Entry How to Apply: In person or download application at www. Business Court Calendars. us For more information about the Darke County trial courts, click on the links below Darke County Court of Common Pleas,General Division Civil, Criminal, and Domestic Relations Click here to access the online docket Darke County Court of Common Pleas,Probate and Juvenile DivisionsClick here to access the online docket Darke County Municipal Court Click here to access the online docket REAL ESTATE SALES Effective July 1st 2022, the Darke County Sheriff's Office will conduct the sale of all real estate subject to foreclosure online through the "Official Foreclosure Auction Site" operated by Realauction. Feb 21, 2023 · Commissioners Office Holiday Schedule. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. Darke County Common Pleas Court – Access the official website for the Darke County Common Pleas Court to view forms and important contact information. View Current Fees > For further information you may contact the records department at the number listed below or by e-mail. 144 views. Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Darke County, OH? Quickly access information about 4 Courts near you! Call the Court (based on location being served) Revive Judgment, Show Cause or Contempt (Motion w/proposed Entry). To visit the Darke County Clerk of Court's online docket, click the link below Jul 10, 2023 · Darke County Fair Office 800 Sweitzer Street Greenville, Ohio 45331. , Monday — Friday, The Probatc Court shall bc closed on Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays. 5185 County Home Road Greenville, OH 45331 937-548-2020 ext. Appeals from the Southern District go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 6th Dec 20, 2024 · My County Link 345 Martin Street Greenville, OH 45331 Office: 937-315-6135 Jan 5, 2016 · COMMON PLEAS COURT OF DARKE COUNTY, OHIO . Common Pleas Courts also contain Domestic Relations divisions that hear cases involving divorce, dissolution, annulment, legal separation, spousal support, parental rights, and children. ) and more! Below are the pool schedules for both Darke County YMCA facilities. M. CALENDAR. and prepares reports; appears as witness in court when Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. us The Court has appellate jurisdiction over decisions of some state and local administrative agencies, boards and commissions. to 4:30 o’clock P. us Feb 1, 2024 · Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. Call 937-548-2020 ext. There is a Court of Common Pleas in each of Ohio’s 88 counties. us 21 Court jobs available in Darke County, OH on Indeed. There is a charge for copies. The United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio has jurisdiction in Darke County. com. Registration may take place in person, online, or by phone with payment. Apply to Liaison, Legal Secretary, Maintenance Director and more! Jason R. The people of Darke County are served by a Court of Common Pleas and Municipal Court. . 10 - Veterans Day - Closed Thursday, Nov. He earned a degree in Business Administration from Bowling Green State University, and then later graduated from the University of Toledo College of Law. FACILITY RENTAL. 08. If you do not see a current schedule, please give us a call and we are happy to answer any questions about the schedule. The delay could be at least twenty-four hours, and may be longer. Welcome to the Darke County Municipal Court website. 758 Hickey Avenue Versailles, Ohio 45380 (937) 526-4488. us Darke County Municipal Court Waiver & Bond Schedule Effective 4. The office of the Clerk of Courts shall be open for the transaction of business from 7:30 a. 12 Speed Waiver Schedule ST1 OFFENSE 2ND OFFENSE w/in 12 mos. Aslinger began his service as judge of Darke County Probate and Juvenile Courts on April 4, 2011. Online Court Resources. 00 20 TO 29 MILES OVER SPEED LIMIT $143. m. Search the Clark County Municipal Court hearing schedule and docket results by case type, date, time, and judge. The purpose of these rules is to define local practices and procedures of this Court consistent with the Rules of Superintendence for Courts of Common Pleas, the Rules of Civil Procedure, the Rules of Criminal Procedure, and other rules as may be Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. Versailles facility. Jul 10, 2008 · * In Addition to scheduled weekend visitation “Includes scheduled weekend visitation. Great for a weekend get away or a memorable day trip! Visit Darke County Ohio It's FREE TIL 3 and BTO Concert Day! It's a great day to visit The Great Darke County Fair! #greatdarkecountyfair #fairfun #dcfair2024 #countyfair #dcfairfreetil3day #dcfairBTOconcertday Darke County Municipal Court 504 South Broadway, Suite 7 Greenville, OH 45331 Email us: cinfo@co. Click to request . 00 to be paid to the Court Darke Co Common Pleas Court 504 South Broadway Second Floor Courthouse Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 937-547-7325 Fax: 937-547-7323 commonpleas@co. 00 30 Miles Over Speed Limit MUST APPEAR Commissioners' Office Holiday Schedule. Darke County Municipal Court Waiver & Bond Schedule Effective 03. RULE RULE . twelve or older may choose to have the following flexibility pertaining to visitation, provided there is 45 days advance notice: (a) Spring visitation may be relinquished or may consist of either Option One or Two. Copies of reports may be obtained Monday thru Friday 8AM to 4PM. 2023 Darke County Fair Court. Weekly schedules will be posted soon. us Court of Darke County, Ohio, effective January 1, 2015. to 1 p. Home; 2025 Holiday Schedule. 25 - Christmas Day - Closed Monday, Jan. Judge Aslinger was elected to a new term on November 6, 2012. In Ohio, the Common Pleas Court is divided into five subject-matter divisions; three of these divisions are delegated to the General Division in Darke County. B. Child Development Center HoursMonday – Friday: 5:30 […] Job Type: Full Time Education Level: High School Diploma or GED Career Level: Entry How to Apply: In person or download application at www. Purpose. 00 20 TO 29 Miles Over Speed Limit $143.
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