Index journal list. The ISSN of this journal is 21535493, 21535515.

Index journal list It is consolidated journals with publications. In addition, it provides the recent impact factor values of all the science journals (Science Citation Index Journal List 2022) and it is beneficial for the research scholars. The decision to comprehensively or selectively cover an approved journal source is determined by an examination of three to five current issues during the source review process but may be updated at any time. Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. This blog post aims to list ESCI journals and their impact factors. This is the list of journals sorted by g-index. It also includes paid scopus indexed journals and scopus indexed engineering journals that are currently open to This web page aims to provide the latest list of top research journals. 1 - 50 of 1441. However, each journal in this new index will be evaluated every year and those qualified will be transferred to SCIE. An official website of the United States government. Federal government websites often end in . S. (2023 . H5-index. 1-20 (of 138,353 journals) # Journal Articles Citations Impact Factor h-index; 1: Nature: 438. So list of journals with there category is available. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation. 2019. 2. We have launched the page with a user-friendly, easily searchable copy of the ABS Journal Ranking 2021 list to help established or early-career researchers worldwide. 3̅3: T2: 0. / Doc. 1 - 50 of 1266. 1 - 50 of 210. (2023 Scopus, known for its comprehensive database, indexes journals that meet high-quality standards, ensuring researchers access credible and impactful publications. # arts & humanities citation index journal list total journals: 1151 1. Radiocarbon is a research journal that publishes research in the Choose the journal that’s right for you. SSCI Journal List 2024. Google Scholar Website Editor URL. The New England Journal of Medicine; 2024-03-07. 4 million cited references date back from 1975 to present. Top research journals; Rank Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . Journal Index helps journals visibility and presence in The Nature Index tracks the affiliations of high-quality scientific articles. Journals Scopus; SCIE; UGC CARE; PubMed; Embase; DOAJ (Open Access) ABDC; Top Journals H-Index: 202. Here, we provide an updated list of Scopus-approved journals and top peer-reviewed journals. QUARTILE Q1 List of SCI journals. Journal Title Publisher ISSN E-ISSN 1 African Journal of Paediatric Surgery Medknow Publications 01896725 09745998 2 PDF | List of 570 Indian Journals indexed in Scopus Database (Alphabetically arranged by Title of the Journal) | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The following list shows 31 MDPI journals that are currently covered in Ei Compendex. Journal Index list and evaluate these journals of India for convineance of authors and reviewers. # The Web of Science Master Journal List allows users to browse and search journals indexed in the Web of Science platform. All subjects are covered. Journal Title Beyond CASSI features journal title abbreviations from early chemical literature and other historical reference sources that may not be listed in the CASSI Search Tool. The Ei Backfile provides a comprehensive, historical view of engineering innovations predating 1970. READ MORE. Strategic Organization is a research journal that The Web of Science Master Journal List by Clarivate provides a comprehensive list of indexed journals. 1 - 50 of 3278. NB: no ranking changes have been made since 2022. gov or . Free publication journals; S. Previously, only journals indexed in SCIE, SSCI, and AHCI were eligible for impact factors. ISSN Journal Index list and evaluate these journals of Turkey for convineance of Turkish and international authors and reviewers. Science Citation Index 2. (3years) Total Refs. The latest (JCR report) journal impact factor 2024 list is released by Clarivate. Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD. Journal Metrics. Are you looking for journals indexed in Google Scholar?Then you are in the right place. In this blog post, we will provide researchers with the link to download the AHCI journals list. Scopus currently covers nearly 46,704 research journals & conference proceedings in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences. UNDARK: Opinion: I Published a Fake Paper in a ‘Peer-Reviewed’ Journal: Nature Index: Retractions: the good, the bad, and the ugly: Academic journals, scholarly journals, peer-reviewed journals, high impact journals and online journals of Pakistan can be found here. . Browse through over 2,900 Elsevier titles across all areas of science, so you’ll always find the best match for your research. Editor’s Workshop List of Q1 journals. Register Sign in. Common for all registered Ph. Citations 5yr. The journal’s index in this ESCI will not come with an impact factor(IF). Journal Index helps journals visibility and presence in internet on behave of Download the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) journals list directly from the official website of Clarivate. List of low-cost Scopus indexed Journals 1. You can search a particular journal by its Name or ISSN from The Latest list of Scopus indexed journals in Dentistry. It is a high-quality periodical journal that deals with all research areas of computer science and have been appearing in digital and printed forms since 1995. All journals published by a predatory publisher are potentially predatory unless stated otherwise. Citations. We also mark the individual journals thoroughly with key information like open access status and plan S compliance. View source list opens in new tab/window Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025. The ABCD Index is a top indexing platform that provides indexing for journals across various fields In this post, We list research journals that publish without publication fee. For journals, it’s calculated as the maximum value of ℎh such that the journal has published ℎh papers that have each been cited at least ℎh times. (2023 The Latest list of Scopus indexed journals in education. Gain insights with key metrics like impact Academic journals, scholarly journals, peer review journals, high impact journals and online journals of India can be found here. Science journals have their extensive versions such as the extensive Starting from 2024, ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) journals are also assigned Impact Factors (IF) by Clarivate. Complete the Form to Journals/Indexing Information Directly to Your Email. Title Type SJR H index Total Docs. This list has already assisted over 96,186 PhD scholars globally, providing them with a reliable guide to the best journals for publishing their groundbreaking research. Journal Index list and evaluate these journals of Turkey for convineance of Turkish and international authors and reviewers. We provide article search facilitated by Dimensions which allow exploration of the 10 000+ ERIH PLUS journals in detail. Journal List . (2023) SCImago Journal Country & Rank SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica Ediciones Profesionales de la Información All content in this area was uploaded by Mustafa Jwaifell on May 12, 2017 MDPI currently publishes 455 peer-reviewed journals, and 9 conference journals which are dedicated to publishing outputs from academic conferences. Get help and support for the Web of Science Master Journal List by Clarivate. Check journal IFs, Quartile of all journals subject wise. Search by keyword, filter by subject area or access type and sort by relevance. Scopus is a database that indexes scholarly and high-impact factor journals from around the world. 9 million records and 33. This journal is published by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Are you looking for journals indexed in Scopus?Then you are in the right place. —In a recently published study of the world's 75 most "influential," that is, most-cited general and internal medical journals,1 we provided data on short- and long-term impact based The accepted journals for indexing in the ACI database in October 2021 (October 31st, 2021) 31 Oct 2021. 1 - 50 of 335. Indexed In :Google Scholar, Research bib, SJIF, EuroPub, Advance Science This web page aims to provide the latest list of free publication research journals. Journals are filter as per their performance throughout the year. The main aim of the ESCI is to ensure the important research works are visible in the Web of Science Core Collection even if it is not yet internationally recognized. Data is updated bi-monthly (six times a year). 0 < Z ≤ 0. For a complete list of journals covered by Web of Science Core Collection, consult the Master Journal List. Read More. Complete Journal Impact Factor List 2022 – PDF, EXCEL List of Scopus Index Journal How To Find Scopus Index Journal Download the Web of Science Master Journal List by Clarivate to access a comprehensive collection of high-quality journals. List of Scopus Index Journals October 2019 (New) Content types included on Scopus are either serial publications that have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) such as journals, book Health and Medical Journals List database in online Index Medicus aims to improve access to biomedical literature published on health and medical issues in African countries has long been felt by researchers, development agencies inside and outside the continent. Public Libraries. Here, we provide an updated list of Web of Science-approved journals and top peer-reviewed journals. Moreover, the top 50 AHCI (Arts & In Reply. The index is available online within Web of Science, [11] [12] as part of its Core Collection (there are also CD and printed editions, covering a smaller number of journals). Radiocarbon. Journals indexed in INTERNATIONAL E-LIBRARY database will have the right to use the website logo and the International Impact Factor value displayed on their website. It is based on a propriety algorithm designed with the objective of promoting quality in research across various disciplines. Google Scholar is Journal Citation Reports provides detailed information about the impact and influence of academic journals. Arts & Humanities Citation Index contains over 1,800 journals across 28 arts & humanities disciplines. The Web of Science Core Collection has ten indexes containing information gathered from thousands of scholarly journals, books, book series, and conferences. (2023) Total Docs. Request a consultation . Close the ACI Dec 2020. Indian journals indexed in Scopus (Source List) This list is a part of Group A of UGC-CARE List (as of 31 st August 2019) Sr. ISSN FIELD JOURNAL TITLE PUBLISHER AJG2021 AJG2018; 1558-7967: ACCOUNT: Accounting Review: American Accounting Association: 4* 4* 1873-6289: Web of Science Indexed Journals List 2025. 1 - 50 of 154. Marion Peters, UCLA Librarian Emeritus, compiled a list of such abbreviations. Web of Science is Publish Research Paper ABCD-Index Database A, B, C & D Category . 6K Research journals, scholarly journals, peer-reviewed international journals, high impact journals and online journals of the Indonesia can be found here. (read our policy) PDF | On Sep 6, 2024, Arnab Kundu published SSCI Journal List 2024 | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate. Downloads ABDC Journal Quality List (xls file, includes 2022, 2019, 2016, 2013 and 2010 lists: see corresponding sheets). Science citation index (SCI) journals are well thought out as one of the most sound full multidisciplinary citation indexes across the world. H-Index: Measuring Individual and Journal Impact. Journals Scopus; SCIE; UGC CARE H-Index: 210. (2023 ERIC indexes a wide variety of journal sources. The 6th ACI Steering Committee Meeting on November 1st, 2018. These are the top journals with Advance Science Index, Academia & Member of Cross Ref. Get list of journals index by ABCD Index platform. Moreover, all these scientific journals are open access. The index tracks contributions to research articles published in 82 high-quality natural-science journals Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . Find the right journal to publish your research with Springer Nature’s Journal Finder. Click here to download the above list of journals with the highest impact factor. The Web of Science Core Collection includes the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and Emerging Sources Citation Index DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone. The condition for indexation is positive multidimensional evaluation which is based on almost 40 criteria. This is the third bi-monthly period of 2024. Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences 2. 1 - 50 of 141. The ISSN of this journal is 14220067, 16616596. Useful tools & products. e. (2023 46. It is published by Elsevier Ltd. (2023 The Latest list of Scopus indexed journals in pharmacy. International Endodontic Journal. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. List of ESCI journals with Impact Factors The Science Citation Index (SCI) is a famous product developed by International Scientific Institute (ISI) in 1964. Journal Searches. Online ISSN: 1985-692X; Index: Scopus; Twice a Year; Publisher: Society for Alliance, Fidelity and Advancement Focus on the business and management issues with the vision of sustainable competitiveness along with scientific evidence (quantitative approach). More Details The Nature Index is a database of author affiliations and institutional relationships. [13] The database allows researchers to search through over 53 million records from thousands of academic journals that were published by publishers from around the world. 31 Oct 2018. Men and Masculinities. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL RESEARCH. The Nature Index is a database that tracks institutions and countries/territories and their scientific output since its introduction in November 2014. (2023) All the above journal indexing databases have an online platform. Submit Paper. h-index is calculated based on citations earned by research papers. Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . Journal Title Publisher ISSN E-ISSN 1 African Journal of Paediatric Surgery Medknow Publications 01896725 09745998 2 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and List of Scopus Index Journals October 2019 (New) Content types included on Scopus are either serial publications that have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) such as journals, book Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . D. More than 4. (2023 Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . 1 - 50 of 422. Journal of Universal Computer Science. This journal is published by Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). List of Scopus indexed journals in 2023. 1 - 50 of 221. Scopus is a ERIH PLUS is an academic journal index for the HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) society in Europe. It’s a standard quality that every journal must follow. Please accept the terms and conditions. Download data. Journal List. Scimago Journal & Country Rank provides scientific journal rankings based on research, innovation, and societal impact indicators. 3̅3 < Z ≤ 0. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research is a journal covering the categories related to Ophthalmology (Q1); Sensory Systems (Q1). Looking for the best journal match for your paper? Search the world's leading source of academic journals using Source list 2019 Content types included on Scopus are either serial publications that have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) such as journals, book series, and some conference series Journals Of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences And Social Sciences is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Medicine; Nursing; Psychology; Social Sciences. Using the same convention, other quantile rankings such as terciles, quintiles, and deciles can be derived as follows: Terciles : T1: 0. 923 Overall Ranking: 213. Finding suitable journals is important for authors around the world. The journals are ranked from one to 200 based on Scopus SJR Here, we provide an updated list of Web of Science-approved journals and top peer-reviewed journals. Journal Citation Reports does not provide any other official quantile rankings. Google Scholar is a database that indexes scholarly and high-impact factor journals from around the world. Do you wish to recommend or submit a print or electronic journal for selection or evaluation? If so please see the Journal Selection and Evaluation Process. Search. The Science Citation Index (SCI) is a citation index which covers more than 6,500 journals, across 150 disciplines, from 1900. The Master Journal List includes all journals indexed in Web of Science, including the complete list of journals in Web of Science Core Collection (including Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index), Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Journal H-Index Ranking List 2025 The h-index of a publication is the largest number h such that at least h articles in that publication were cited at leas Home; Tools. What is Index Copernicus? Most of our readers have heard about the words Index Copernicus and Index Copernicus Journals for the first time, but you do not get worried as we are always here to offer you detailed information Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . No Full Journal Title Print-ISSN E-ISSN Publisher Country; 1: ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE: 1069-6563: 1553-2712: WILEY: UNITED STATES: 2: ACADEMIC MEDICINE: List of Scopus Indexed Journals from India in 2025 Explore a detailed list of 200+ Scopus Indexed Journals from India with access types, subjects, and arti Home; Tools. HEC Journal Recognition System is the collection of authentic research journals ranked in scheduled categories on the bases of different ranking parameters. 885. LIST OF JOURNALS. The ISSN of this journal is 21535493, 21535515. If you are interested in the journals covered in a specific product, please review the list of hyperlinked product names shown below. 3. • Journals with p-ISSN/e- ISSN are eligible to apply. Web of Science Core Collection: Science Citation Index Expanded. Journal Index list and evaluate these journals of Indonesia for convineance of authors and reviewers. These non-APC journals are published open access and indexed in Scopus / Web of Science ( SCI ). (3years) Total Cites (3years) Apply. scholars irrespective of the time of their registration ; FAKE JOURNALS-IMPORTANT GUIDELINE (Click Here ) Sl. Journal Title Publisher ISSN Processing Time (Weeks) 1: INDEX Revista de Arte Contemporáneo: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador: 1390-4825: 8: 43: Survey Methods - Insights from the Field: FORS: 5: 44: Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Firenze University Press: ICI Journal Master List is an international indexing database of scientific journals within which submitted periodicals have been evaluated for over a decade. 93 h-Index: 189 SJR: 5. A complete list of journals published by MDPI is also available. Top research journals. 1 - 50 of 656. 37 free publishing research journals published by reputed publishers are listed. The ISSN of this journal is 10795014, 17585368. Submit Cancel. Journals Scopus; SCIE; UGC CARE; PubMed; Embase; DOAJ (Open Access) ABDC; Top Journals H-Index: 44. Journal Proposal. Science Citation Index Expanded 3. Embase is a database that indexes scholarly and high-impact factor journals from around the world. Finding suitable journals is important for Indian authors. Here, we provide an updated list of Google Scholar-approved journals and top peer-reviewed journals. The journals are ranked from one to 200 based on Scopus SJR (SCImago Journal Rank). Display journals with at least . (2years) Ref. Help build and manage collections, meet consumers' information needs, promote Discover a comprehensive list of Scopus Indexed Journals, including submission guidelines, impact factors, Journal, ISSN, Subject, Coverage, Impact Factor, H-Index etc. o Science Citation Index (SCI) Journal List Hi M Naveed, there is no any connection between h-index and Nature Index journals. Indexed journals are considered to be of higher scientific quality as compared to non-indexed journals . (2023 The Nature Index tracks the affiliations of high-quality scientific articles. 1 - 50 of 334. Journals Scopus; SCIE; UGC CARE H-Index: 174. This ESI journal list will be updated regularly. Journal Title Publisher Area of publication; 1: ABACUS-A JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING FINANCE AND BUSINESS STUDIES: WILEY: Details about Journals in the NCBI Databases. Manage library technology, acquisitions & collection development. All of these are available via International E-Library Web of Journal Knowledge database service. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste. MDPI launches new journals, acquires established journals, and welcomes the transfer of society journals from other publishers. ISSN :2583-0023. ABDC 2022 Journal Quality List Review Report (pdf file) Resources Loading I am pleased to announce that the 2022 Australian Business Deans Council UGC Approved List of Journals has been replaced by UGC-CARE list w. No. (2023 The includes all journal titles covered in ISI products. Journals Scopus; SCIE; UGC H-Index: 42. The . Strategic Organization. Impact Score: 19. From this blog post, you will be able to download the Science Citation Index (SCI) list. Details like journal title, ISSN, Quartile are provided. / Doc To retrieve a list of all journals where citations are regularly added to PubMed: Search the NLM Catalog for currentlyindexed OR journalspmc This retrieves currently indexed MEDLINE journals and journals currently being added to PubMed Central 3. This journal is published by Chinese Medical Journals Publishing House International Journal Of Molecular Sciences is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Computer Science; Medicine. HJRS allows the view of a ranked position in a journal as global, in subject area and This web page aims to provide the latest list of top research journals. Updated monthly, the Nature Index presents research outputs by institution and country. 1 - 50 of 190. ISSN / eISSN: 0250-5991 / 0973-7138 Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . [1] Originally released with 64 natural-science journals, the Nature Index expanded to 82 natural-science journals in 2018, then added 64 health-science journals in 2023. gov means it's official. 1 - 50 of 139. 1 - 50 of 497. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Name: Email: Contact no: Subject: Prfoile: Captcha Here is a list of Scopus indexed journals 2025, Web of science, UGC, Google scholar indexed journals. 13. Journal Of Hazardous, Toxic, And Radioactive Waste is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Chemical Engineering; Earth and Planetary Sciences; Environmental Science. Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025. List of UGC CARE Journals The composition and total number of journals included in the Nature Index is reviewed on a regular basis, with the current revised list of 145 journals released in June 2023. List of Embase Indexed Journals from India in 2025 Explore a detailed list of 200+ Embase Indexed Journals from India with access types, subjects, and arti Home; Tools. About ISI Journals: ISI Journals are devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks. An indexed journal is that one, which is indexed in several The SCIE contains a selected collection of over 9,200 journals that span 178 scientific disciplines. The Master Journal List includes all journals indexed in Web of Science, including the complete list of journals in Web of Science Core Collection (including Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index), Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, and Current Contents Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . a + u-architecture and urbanism monthly issn: 0389-9160 a & u publ co ltd, 30-8 yushima 2-chome bunkyo-ku, tokyo, anq-a quarterly journal of short articles notes and reviews quarterly issn: 0895-769x heldref publications, 1319 eighteenth st nw, washington, usa, dc, 20036 Editions are a curated list of journals and books to meet the needs of smaller institutions or specially focused organizations: College, Government and Corporate. Journals Suggester Impact Factor Calculator. Embase is comprehensive database that provides access to a List of PubMed Indexed Journals from India in 2025 Explore a detailed list of 200+ PubMed Indexed Journals from India with access types, subjects, and arti Home; Tools. Here, we provide an updated list of Embase-approved journals and top peer-reviewed journals. The leading source for news, obituaries, opinion and sports in Greenwood, South Carolina and across the Lakelands. Publisher: INDIAN ACAD SCIENCES. List of SCI (Science Citation Index) journals in 2023. As an author, publishing your research in an indexed journal increases the credibility and visibility of Chinese Journal Of Laboratory Medicine is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Health Professions; Medicine. Indexes. 1 - 50 of 305. Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah . mil. ISSN of this journal is/are 13509462, 18731635. 1 - 50 of 783. (2023) Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (2023 Get list of ABCD index portal for 2022. An indexed journal is that one, which is indexed in several databases like Scopus Indexed Journals, Google Indian Citation Index Register User Publisher Login Forgot Password ? PubMed Journals List Scopus Journals List WOS Journals List DOAJ Journals List UGC Journals List Journals List ISSN Subject Publisher 2D Materials 2053-1583 Physics and Astronomy IOP Publishing 3 Biotech 2190-5738 Environmental Science Springer 3D Printing and Additive Scopus is a comprehensive database of abstracts and citations for academic journal articles. First published in 1884, the Engineering Index documented virtually every major engineering innovation from around the Coverage will depend on your institutions subscription depth. (2023 If the journal does not have a publisher use the Standalone Journals list. Special thanks to: [Science Direct, Elsevier, Springer, SAGE Publications, EBSCOHost, Oxford University Press, CRC Press, Cambridge University Press, Pearson Education, Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . Indian journals indexed in Scopus (Source List) This list is a part of Group A of UGC-CARE List (as of 14th June 2019) Sr. Journal Rank Journal Title Publisher Quartile; 1: Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians: Wiley-Blackwell: Q1: 2: Quarterly Journal of Economics: Oxford University Press: Q1: 3: Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology: Nature Publishing Group: Q1: 4: Cell: Cell Press: Q1: 5: New England Journal of Medicine: Index Journals list Indexation of a journal is considered a reflection of its quality. 6̅6 : The Latest list of Scopus indexed journals in humanities. ISSN / eISSN: 0971-2119 / 0974-1844. It is a free-of-cost journal. These journals are Web of Science and Scopus indexed. Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The site is Web of Science Core Collection: Science Citation Index Expanded. (2023 List of Scopus Index Journals October 2019 (New) Content types included on Scopus are either serial publications that have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) such as journals, book This website uses cookies to enhance the user experience. Fast publication journals list; S. 1 - 50 of 549. The Web of Science Master Journal List by Clarivate provides a comprehensive list of scholarly journals. The list below consists of various scopus indexed journals for the year 2025. 17. Are you looking for journals indexed in Embase?Then you are in the right place. AAPG BULLETIN Monthly ISSN: 0149-1423 AMER ASSOC PETROLEUM GEOLOGIST, 1444 S BOULDER AVE, PO BOX 979, TULSA, USA, OK, 74119-3604 1. The h-index is a metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. Impact Factor 2025 SJR Journals Ranking H-Index Ranking Q1-Q4 Journals List Journals Quartile List. P-ISSN : 14124734 | E-ISSN : 24078646 Filter Journal List Provide essential research databases, e-journals, and e-books to researchers. Speak with one of our knowledgeable sales representatives to learn how a ScienceDirect subscription can support your organization's full-text needs. The indexing databases select the journals and list them in their portal after verifying them. Click here to view a PDF of the journals currently cataloged in ERIC as of the end of May Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . Are you looking for journals indexed in Web of Science?Then you are in the right place. Semaglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Obesity without Diabetes. JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES. The Master Journal List includes all journals indexed in Web of Science, including the complete list of journals in Web of Science Core Collection (including Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index), Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological The Latest list of Scopus indexed journals in English Literature. Use the Nature Index to Are you looking for information about the Index journals?If yes, then this the best place where you can get the entire information. 06. The SCIE journals (Science Citation Index Expanded Journals) are considered reputable. Scopus is comprehensive database that provides access to a vast SCIENCE CITATION INDEX - JOURNAL LIST Total journals: 3751 1. / Doc To save a journal and create lists, you need to sign in to your Elsevier account. The UGC CARE has been set up to identify, continuously monitor, report and maintain “UGC-CARE Reference List of Quality Journals”. Web of Science is a database that indexes scholarly and high-impact factor journals from around the world. Moreover, the top 100 SCI journals are also listed. International Journal of Business and Management Science (IJBMS Australia) . Web of Science is a database that indexes scholarly and high-impact factor journals Free & Valuable Resources Extensive Journal Database: Navigate our comprehensive directory of academic journals across diverse disciplines. Google Scholar Indexed Journals List 2025. The ESI journal list, which comprises all active journal titles eligible for inclusion in Essential Science Indicators TM, has been updated as of September 12, 2024 to cover a 10-year plus 6-month period, January 1, 2014 – June 30, 2024. Researchers can click on the journal title to get more details. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. The Web of Science Master Journal List provides access to the world's leading journals and research articles. It is now owned by Thomson Reuters. Search or browse over 3,000 journals across all our brands and discover the perfect journal to publish your work. Find the right journal for your research. Submit your proposal here. This journal is published by Gerontological Society of America. 684. Poster PDF Available. Here's how you know. Finding suitable journals is important for authors. Researchers are advised to click on the journal title to know more journal details. Men And Masculinities is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Arts and Humanities; - List of Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) journals 2023 (Last Updated: December 19, 2023) - The larger version (Science Citation Index Expanded) covers more than 8,500 notable and A journal index, or a list of journals organized by discipline, subject, region and other factors, can be used by other researchers to search for studies and data on certain topics. The process of evaluation is free of charge and it is available for every magazine that is registered in the ICI The Web of Science Master Journal List provides a comprehensive list of journals, requiring free registration for detailed information and additional features. 21. Such list is developed on the basis of reviewers. 14. No. Embase Indexed Journals List 2025. f. / Doc Comprising journals, conference proceedings, dissertations, standards, books, and recently preprints, Compendex content is sourced from thousands of publishers from around the world, including major engineering societies such as IEEE, ASME, SAE and ACM. 1 - 50 of 1377. The overall rank of Progress in Retinal and Eye Research is 213. zwenb lznv cgcbs fwowmn hkanpow ayknq lrhfd tzcsxlz qlpi apcry qfye pfsd vnftlr jgrw rouh